Dr. Jeff Meldrum Makes The Case For Bigfoot

Jeff Meldrum is a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University. For years, he has been making the case for the existence of a North American ape. In the following interview with KPLU.org, Meldrum talks about his frustration with other professors refusing to even talk about the subject of Bigfoot:

"This is a natural history book! We're simply asking a biological question: Is there a species of primate behind the legend of Sasquatch? And I think, based on the evidence, the answer is yes" - Dr. Jeff Meldrum

[via KPLU.org]


  1. Replies
    1. WAHOOOOO!!!! I love you hula hoop girl!

    2. You are on your game. That is the fastest I've ever gotten on the nooner, but not fast enough.

      Take a bow.

  2. Replies
    1. Also, let there be disappointment.

    2. It is better to FIRST and have lost, then to slam your penis in the hatch of a '76 Chevy Chevette.

  3. BTW- Meldrum is a retard. Dyer with a degree.

    1. I got a degree off the internet too

    2. Dyer with a degree? Explain how Meldrum is a retard? Go ahead. Explain yourself bitch.

    3. I'll second that ! Give some reasoning on why Meldrum is a retard? Let's see -- You who sits home all day on your computer with no job or Meldrum who works for a university, holds a degree, in the field of research , and spends hundreds of hours in the field- - Ahh I'm going with Meldrum. Sounds like you're the Tard anon 9:04.

    4. I can explain how PROKILL = PROLAPSE

      Its real simple; dick-in-butt.

  4. No real scientist would declare bigfoot to be real based on zero evidence.

    1. LOL thats pathetic commenting on you own post

    2. ^deluded enough to believe in magic monkeys and deluded enough to think that there is only 1 "skeptic" here

    3. Zero evidence! I think you just summed it all up in a nutshell.

    4. If I say I agree with zero evidence being enough to dismiss any hope in the existence of bigfoot, is someone going to accuse us of being the same troll?

    5. No, but if you three morons don't understand the difference between Evidence and Proof. There is no hope for you.

      We have a minimum intelligence limit on this site and you have not met the critirea.

      You are banned!

    6. In the scientific community, proof is determined by evidence you ignorant dolt. You sir, just failed to meet your own critirea.

    7. 9:04- Either simplifies the whole topic down because simple is all his brain can process, or is just completely ignorant on the topic.

    8. Or just maybe, he simplifies it because he has yet to have someone to engage in an intelligent debate on the subject and he's frustrated by the amount of people who say they believe but throw insults around rather than attempt to provide a solid argument.

    9. Technically, the proof is the argument connecting the evidence to the cause of said evidence. In the case at hand the evidence is footprints, anecdotes etc and the cause is "bigfoots existence" or "there is an enduring myth perpetuated by hoaxing, mis-ids, wishful thinking etc.."
      Slam-dunk evidence is that for which the argument or proof is superfluous; for example
      a body. For things like that we just call the evidence itself "proof"...

    10. Anon 10:43 you post insults every day on here and close minded crap like " Bigfoot doesnt exist"! Who the Hell would debate you? What is there to debate ? All you Do is hurl crap at every single person on here then turn around and accuse everybody else? What a dipshit! I make insults to you just to annoy you, but if you want a conversation or debate bring it on-or shut your pussy face up!

    11. He probably couldn't handle a debate because he obviously hasn't looked at any of the facts.

    12. No,he's right,theres nothing beyond circumstantial evidence to back up the existance of bigfoot at this time

    13. I found turkey tracks around my pond at 5:30 this morning. I didn't see any turkeys. Something made that track. Would you consider a track to be "evidence?"

    14. Argueing with simpletons becomes counterproductive and frustrating. It is easy for a greasy faced, fat bellied anonymous to bad mouth a man like Meldrum because ol' zit face makes fun and bad mouths everyone. I am sure he believe Sykes is an idiot who purchased his degree at Spencer's Gifts too. Oh well, what ever helps you to get aroused so you can find you one inch weiner through all the fat rolls in order to tug at it for awhile...


    15. Perhaps if there wasn't so much mud slinging, "taterhole" language, "your mom" and "anal" jokes, or so many vague inside jokes on this page, then people like me, who come here to find out more about bigfoot, would take you all more seriously... How about if, just for a day, we try to post intelligent comments about the actual topic? Whadduya say, kids?

  5. Replies
    1. No i don't want to wake up its my nappy time

  6. Do you footers even realise how much food it would take to maintain a 9 foot ape? In north america? Winter time? And manage to do that while remaining undetected by the most technologically advanced species on this planet. Delusion is an understatement.

    1. True dat. Nor do they understand how many there would have to be to sustain an entire population that has survived to date. So many that they COULD NOT remain undetected.

    2. Bigfoot is a Lycan. He only appears dependant on the phase of the moon and the stock price of the New England Confectionery Company (Necco), manufacturers of the Zagnut candy bar.

    3. Let the idiots believe in what they want to.

    4. Nor do i understand why you guys keep comin on this site with your empty comments so someone can reply with an equally empty comment such as "I like turtles" so its hard to determine who is the most dimwitted LMFAO

    5. No one has responded to the original comment because there is no argument against that. Fact of the matter is there is no magic monkey man.

    6. I have his book, have received replies to emails, etc. judging from his answers to my questions, I believe he is willing to go out of his way to avoid looking at serious problems with the evidence. I was once a dyed in the wool believer. I found plenty of the evidence to be very persuasive. Not so much anymore. You will not find problems with evidence in the Bigfoot literature and documentaries, as the goal is to present a case supporting Bigfoot. A truly balanced look at the subject leaves plenty of cause for doubt.

    7. No one responded to the original post because it was the focus of the last article. Those interested read it and informed themselves and aren't interested in wasting their time trying to educate you

    8. It's already been determined by primatologists that a small number of sasquatches (<2,000) could easily survive on the food available in the Pacific Northwest.

    9. That is fine. Moreover, we know from the recent study of the Cross River Apes that a breeding pop as low as 200 is viable.
      The problem is, almost every advocate is claiming they are all over the country and people see them often. Ridiculous....

    10. Yeah, that is ridiculous. The only places where bigfoot exist is the area between northern California and British Columbia.

    11. Yes, we footers realize this. Probably roughly about the same amount of food needed to keep a grizzly, moose, elk, etc. alive. Oh, wait...they are make believe too. There isn't enough food in the woods to feed the thousands of them. My bad

    12. I have his book, and several others. The book presents both sides of the argument and dispells many of the hair brained claims with factual science. You must be reading a different book than Legend Meets Science.

  7. Is it moral to sell known hoaxed tracks?

  8. Jeff Meldrum is the epitome of woo meister. He shames his credentials when it comes to the subject of bigfoot and blindly goes forward without learning.

    A true real life troll. The man needs to rediscover intellectual honesty, and do some public speaking about it. Without that, he's just a disgrace and that is why other professors refuse to engage him. He's a snake oil sales man that is not interested in the truth. Only in how he can make the truth fit with bigfoot ideology.

    1. Naw i think he could say it better

    2. Look at Meldrum's critical thinking skills: he believes a 14 year old boy in upstate NY was led by an angel to golden plates containing the history of jesus' visitation to the Americas.

    3. Meldrum is a Mormon? What?

    4. Grover Krantz also had a Mormon background.

    5. Nu uh. These guys are atheistic evolutionists.

    6. Their religion is not relevant. The problem with Meldrum is he does not openly disavow the ubiquitous theory and put forth a possible scenario like Krantz did.
      Seems like he tells us what he thinks we want to hear. Skunk Apes? Sure, why not...

    7. Mormons believe in lots of pussy,thats a god I can get behind,and not in a homo way

    8. Religion is never discussed in any books with scientific data. The original commentar claims Meldrum is a "snake oil sales man". It is obvious that you make uninformed comments without bothering to check his claims. Remove bigfoot from the equation and look at the evidence he presents. It is sound evidence that has been proven and the techniques for gathering the evidence have been proven and accepted by the scientific community and criminal courts. Problem is, fools like yourself have no idea what you are talking about. When you hear the term Bigfoot or Sasquatch you immediatly blurt out with names and false, ignorant claims.

    9. @7:10

      The ignorant one making claims about bigfoot is Meldrum. He thinks they are real. He thinks the Freeman tracks are real (because he cast them?) He thinks the Wallace stomper tracks are real. (BCM) He thinks the elk lay that was labeled skookum cast was an imprint of a bigfoot ass. Despite contrary opinion here, the guy is obviously oblivious. He needs to have his credentials yanked. Doesn't deserve them. As he continues to sell fake bigfoot casts and talk total bullshit at conventions.

      He presents nothing other than hogwash. Got Monkey? All I see is fools, cons, and pros. (in footing)

  9. I saw bigfoot on a hoveround.

    1. Did Your hoveround get you where you wanted to go?.....mine does... :)

  10. All of these posts were written by the same person! The Moron! Village Idiot! Everybody knows sasquatch live in tunnels like the Viet Cong!

    1. So what you're suggesting is that you have written all of these posts? Well said

    2. Everyone except Ho Chi Minh. He would have made them hump supplies through Cambodia...

    3. You mean Elmer Fudd: "Oh du huwuh."

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  12. Hi you retards! Hi you loser nerds!
    you better find a girlfriend instead of masturbating here in public!!

    1. Stop watching me masterbate

    2. While you're here and my pants are down, will you lick my balls?

  13. Meldrum wants to put thermal cameras on his Falcon spaceship so he can show the world more blurry blobs of nothing.

    1. So you think that plan WOULDN'T work?

      You guys just have no imagination.


    2. Plan B is to hire the A-Team.

      If anyone can find a BF it's certainly Hannibal and the guys.


  14. I'm having a hard time finding an explanation for a lot of what Meldrum says.

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  16. Magic monkeys running all around America strolling along roadsides, peering into people's windows, strolling along bluff creek yet remaining completely undetected by anyone trying to get evidence of it. Yep that's a mythical creature for you. Loads of liars making up stories and people seeing bears.

    1. Let the idiots believe what they want to believe.

    2. Black hole^^^^^^^, believes in nothing.

      Irrelavent to an understanding of the Phenomenon.

      5000 years of these lies.

      Tracks that would take 900 pounds to fake found at 7000 feet. No roads.

      Apperantly, they are majic, Demonic really!

      They have you filled with hate you nasty, antagonistic, POS!

    3. Yes 9:56, it's almost as crazy as the skeptards believing panda bears are swinging free and easy throughout the forests of North America as the Aussie biology podcast so expertly proclaimed Ketchum's DNA samples revealed.

      Skeptards lapped that one up like starving kittens gulping milk.

    4. How dare you mock Dr. Crazypants!

  17. You know, I started out as a bigfoot skeptic back in the 1970s while still a kid. I thought the odds of this creature existing were pretty slim.

    Then I had my revelation - another 35 years of nothing.

    That convinced me.

    1. I would agree but then soneone would accuse us of being the same troll.

    2. 10:13 you admit you're a troll then.


    3. Why don't you two fat Pieces of shit go start a "I know that bigfoot dosen't exist blog!"

      This country was founded on the principles that people could have "beliefs" without persecution!!!!!!

      You fuckwads that don't believe have the "right" to believe what you want and even express the opinion! But what you do here is nothing but pure COWARD bullying of a site. We all know what you thought yesterday, today, and tomorrow. There is no-one here that will ever learn another damn thing from you------- nothing------ I don't believe. What an absolute waist of a life.

      Shawn ------- if your an American, you will end this hi-jacking of your site by this couple F'ing cowards.

      Shawn ------- if your a good business man, you'll pull the pug on these assholes. When the faithfull quit coming, the doors may as well close. Greed is the root of all evil! You started this to answer a QUESTION?

      If all the people with the answers leave, What are you doing this for????

    4. Hey, dude, how's that militia thing working out for you?

    5. Leon, three words: grammar, spelling, syntax.

    6. Never mind my grammer and spellng you NAZI. why you trying to change the subject? Cause I'm right and you know it!

    7. @10:50, Wouldn't know, never been in a militia! How is the Commy thing working out for you you stupid fucking Libtard!

    8. But, Leon- this blog invites us to consider the evidence and draw our own conclusions. It's not called " Bigfoot Believers". You are demanding we share your opinion. Does everybody have to believe the same thing?

    9. Leon Heard A Coyote and Shit HIs PantsMonday, April 29, 2013 at 1:45:00 PM PDT

      I examined the evidence and my conclusion is Leon W should lick my balls....

    10. I for one find the lack of moderation refreshing, even though I'm a bigfoot witness and I guess technically a "bleever" and disagree with most of what the trolls say, and also most of what the "bleevers" say.

      I'm not sure what being an American has to do with this blog, but it seems to me that this blog is an excellent demonstration of free speech.
      People can talk about bigfoot, post the news, post recipes, talk about poop storage in jars, and have no repercussions.
      They have the freedom to speak. And as an American, you also have the right to fuck off and not come here if you don't like it.

    11. Well, as an American, we are indeemed with these rights to be free of harassment.

      It also means I can tell you to fuck off Travis. Hey, what is that photo anyway? Looks like a balled guy sitting in a pile of hourse manure?

      As a business stratigist, it will be the doom of the site.

    12. You can tell me to fuck off! It's fine! And if I don't want to hear it, I can stay away from this site.

      I assume the risk of being told to fuck off by coming here.

    13. travis sir I don't respect many bleevers but I respect you, good job sir

    14. Thank you sir. A lot of bleevers (Ketchum, FB/FB, etc) don't deserve anyone's respect.

    15. Leon chases the barking spider,believe it

    16. If this site represents anything about America is that 70% of you guys are unbelievably stupid and childish !! And that's directed at the troll because as far as I can see that's all that's left on this crap site !! Ha imagine wasting your time on a site you don't believe the topic. I just can't get my head around it. Enjoying your firsting, name calling and retarded comments while the rest of the civilized world goes about having a life !

    17. Yeah man. The skeptards on here need to go lose themselves on some other site.

    18. 35 years? Give it another 5 years like me.


  18. My taterhole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.

  19. Not one bit of scientific evidence. Sorry, that means that it does not exist.

    1. Witnesses are Evidence, not PROOF you Idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Footprints, hair, etc,etc dumbass!

    2. So dumb-asses are evidence?

    3. OK, your parents asked me to come here today because...well, they’re a little concerned. And you know what? They should be. Because I’ve sat where you’re sitting and I know right where your headed, and it isn’t pretty.

      I’ll start by telling a little story. There was this guy who was a little curious about Bigfoot. Nothing wrong with that, it’s natural. It starts innocently enough with a little casual research on the Internet. To his amazement he finds a whole world he never knew existed. He’s excited and wants to learn more. He shells out $30 for a “Bigfoot DNA Study” by some Doctor Crazypants. He starts sneaking out at night to leave blueberry bagels in his backyard. Soon he’s hanging out on the habituation forum on BFF and saying things like “Yeah, Robert Lindsay really is a fine journalist.”

      But that’s not the end. He hasn’t hit bottom yet. You want to know what bottom looks like? It’s when you wake up one morning, to find you’re living with a family of Bigfoot, in a van, down by the river.

      That’s enough for today. We’ll talk again soon.

  20. Rage issues. Hmmm..
    Sure wish Melba would do something goofy--its been a little slow of late.


    1. Robin Lynne Forestpeople: Make a offer on the films. All reasonable offers will be considered.
      about an hour ago

    2. They want that cash to organize their Protection group so they can raise more money? Uh huh.

  21. What's the main difference between Jeff Meldrum and Melba Ketchum?

    1. Hmmm...I don't know. What?

    2. I hear they both have the same size penis, though.

    3. Ketchum knows her paper has April Fools references in it.

    4. Ketchum's online journal has more science than Meldrum's online journal.

  22. Meldrum has a lab but doesn't pretend to use it.
    Ketchum doesn't have a lab but pretends to use it.

  23. Read his book. Great trace evidence, but no REAL convincing evidence. Around a 90% probability that it doesn't exist.

  24. Dr. Meldrum seems to believe that the creature in the Patterson footage more than likely shows an actual sasquatch. I heard Dr. Meldrum say on TV that the Patterson footage shouldn't just be dismissed as a man in a suit. He said to do so is to diminish the significance of it.

    45 years later, the PGF hinges on one thing. Is Bob Gimlin lying when he tells the story behind the PGF at bigfoot conferences and in interviews?

    1. Bob.H passed a lie detector test, but so did Patterson.

    2. Yes, the whole bigfoot industry rests on the validity of Gimlin's story. If Gimlin is telling the truth, then bigfoot exists. If he is lying through his teeth, then bigfoot likely does not exist.

    3. gimlin trolls the community hard at conferences

      "yes sir roger and I danged were the only ones there dat day yes siree"

    4. So, Gimlin is lying?

      I do have to say that if I had to pick between Bob Heironimus and Bob Gimlin as to which one seems to be more truthful when they each tell their PGF story, I'd pick Gimlin as coming across as more truthful. Heironimus sometimes seems like he could benefit from some acting lessons. However, that does not mean that Hieronimus is in fact lying. For what it's worth, Hieronimus did pass a lie detector test on a television show, and Gimlin has not consented to take a lie detector test.

      Good liars can even fool their own mothers. So, how well one tells a story can't be used as a criteria for truthfulness. Seemingly respectable people are some of the world's greatest cons.

      I do agree that, if Gimlin is lying ("trolling the community hard") and it can be proven somehow, then the multi-million dollar bigfoot industry would likely collapse along with the PGF.

    5. multimillion dollar?? how do you figure?

    6. Finding Bigfoot alone has drawn more than a million dollars for Animal Planet let alone the many conferences, books, DVDs, etc. that make money. Yes, bigfoot is a multi-million dollar a year industry.

    7. Oh bigfoot definitely makes money. Even small timers get in on the act. On Ebay, for over 60 bucks each, you can buy Gimlin autographed photos of a frame taken from the Patterson footage. You can also buy the same picture except with a Bob Hieronimus autograph, no kidding. The Heironomus autographs also go for over 60 bucks.

    8. $60? Some Gimlin autographs go for hundreds.

      How do you think people like Biscardi are able to travel around towing a bigfoot trailer doing "research" while you go to your job? From bigfoot suckers who buy his BS hoaxed crap.

      Bigfoot is big business. No doubt about it.

    9. The low budget 70s drive-in theater classic The Legend of Boggy Creek has made over 20 million dollars.

      Bigfoot makes money. That's why bigfoot is still around.

    10. Mary Ann from Gilgans Island was in the sequl to Legend of Boggy Creek.

    11. @3:25

      "yes sir roger and I danged were the only ones there dat day yes siree"

      Gimlin is very careful about what he says. He and Patterson were the only ones there THAT day. (he 20th) But the film was made well before that.

    12. ^ Bingo. Weasel words from a weasel...

    13. How do you know that the film was made before October 20, 1967?


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