Watch this: Bigfoot Is From a Land Called Lemuria? (Where Giant Lemurs Come From), Michael's Rant On Ketchum

It was suggested in an October 30th 1955 edition of the San Francisco Examiner (oldest known reference to the word "Bigfoot" in the media, thanks to Daniel Perez of The Bigfoot Times), that the American "Bigfoot" may be a highly developed survivor of that lost continent of Lemuria. Scholars theorized that this ancient land, located in the Indian Ocean, purported sunk beneath the sea over 12,000 years ago.

This lost-continent theory was used to explain the isolation of lemurs on Madagascar while related fossils were spread across Africa and South-East Asia. Author Madame Blavatsky claimed Lemuria as a pre-Atlantis source of Ancient Wisdom. She "revealed" that the Lemurians had four armed egg-laying hermaphrodites with a third eye.

Last week, Bigfoot DNA expert Dr. Melba Ketchum revealed that Bigfoot is part lemur part human. Could the lost land of Lemuria explain this connection?

In the following video, Michael Merchant gives us an update on the Lemur theory:


  1. First! Stay firsty my friends.

    1. who actually told this guy he is funny?Dude your trying way to hard and the guy above me truly is the most fascinating poster in the world

    2. Dude, like man, you're (NOT YOUR) trying too Study up some grammar son. You'RE playing with Bigfooters nowl.

    3. Should be a bumper sticker.

    4. Just like shooting youR self in the foot.

    5. your rite I will Study up some grammar son as soon as I find me a book

    6. Book learnin is gud fer grammer.

    7. Took a little longer for Michaela to create his latest hoax video here, didn't it. His more recent ones were all put out faster, because he had access to things like the Russian meteor footage. Not here, he didn't see the Lemur bit coming and had to use his own brain for a change to come up with a response. I'm telling you, that guy is a phony as they come in this unofficial cover-up official denial game by authorities.

    8. Shitload of butthurt footers today. Don't cry guys, there will be another hoax coming along...

    9. 2:19 Instead of your usual nonsense about conspiracies and MIA, tell us exactly which parts of SWP's video you consider to be a hoax and why. You do your side no favor any time you spout off like this.

    10. Its a merchant video...always hoaxish. And kinda gay. Her videos make me wanna cut my ears off and i don't even watch them. Nothing original about them. She is a bottom feeder

    11. that was pretty damn good... don't care what you tards think.

    12. 4:01, thought it was stated clearly enough how the ridiculing of Ketchum and others by SWP is not only anti Bigfoot but comes across as a tactic of hiding the truth and a desire not to get to the bottom of this mystery. If Bigfoot's not what she says then what is it? Where are SWP's serious suggestions to what this species is then? Sure as heck's no ape we've proven that by this study and by logic long before that, so why is SWP so reluctant and what is his proposal.

    13. The study has proved nothing you idiot! It's only proved how easy it is to get gullible people to hand over their cash. Her science is bogus and only the dumbest of conspiracy tards refuse to accept that she is liar who basically set out to exploit and defraud Bigfooters.

    14. It's proven everything idiot, you're just closeminded and part of the mainstream science denial/cover-up.

  2. I'm FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa for me! I am first, FIRST I SAY!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cooking up some Crow for Ketchum.

    1. Look... Lemuria does not exist. The term was coined by people as a name for a HYPOTHETICAL lost continent that could be used to explain why there were lemurs found on the coast of Africa and South America. They thought there may have been some island in the ocean that now sank. This was before we understood Continental Drift. So people please.... no more talk of Lemuria, it is a rejected hypothesis not a genuine legendary lost land!

  4. Speaking of Crow, where is that crow recipe?


  5. Rick dyer drives a corvette and shot a bigfoot behind a home depot.He truly is the worlds best bigfoot tracker...end of story

    1. He also has a perfect size 12 Taterhole.
      I should know!!!!!It's FABULOUUUSSS!!!!!

      End of story!!!

  6. Replies
    1. Working hard on hoax # 3. I am waiting with baited breath...NOT!

    2. Snowy's a bigger hoaxer than Ricky, no doubt about that.

    3. Three time serial hoaxer Rick Dyer? You're an idiot to compare Merchant to that piece of filth. Or you're Rick. Or worst, one of his fan boys.

  7. Do rubber Bigfoots have souls?

    1. Then Dyer is a murderer. That poor rubber monkey.

    2. Don't worry, they always bounce back.

    3. Not the one's with red hair damn ginger rubber bigfoots. (matilda!?)

  8. Someone should ask Rick. Master tracking my ass. A blind hamster could track a rubber monkey. And they'd be way less annoying.

  9. Ouch. The bell tolls for Ketchum.

    1. ^ In serious denial and cover-up mode.

    2. No denial, just moving on to protecting the forest people.

    3. What do you suppose the Forest People Protection Society staff will be paying themselves for their beautiful efforts?

  10. This is a great rant you can almost see the disgust he has for the big fat liar

    1. Disgust for her wasting all of our time.

    2. By now I think we are all disgusted with Ketchum.

    3. I'm disgusted with her. Have been for some time.

    4. You haven't seen a recent photo.

    5. Wasting your time, scum? Who asked you to bother, you're commenting because you're a troll. Ketchum found the goods but mainstream science got cold feet when they heard what it was, that should tell you they're actually basing their science on belief themselves rather than scientific facts since they refused to believe this.

    6. Of course that is it. The real scientists are covering up the facts with their belief? Did you even take the time to read your own post?

    7. 2:24 Make Melba release the raw data and prove us all wrong.

    8. just keep paying Melba toast... she will love you long time.

    9. She said it herself, once the peers knew what it was they shut up. There's mainstream science for you, they first commented to her that she'd found a new species then turned around when they heard.

    10. I hope you are some crazy troll because if you really believe that Melba actually achieved anything you are beyond help. She's exploited all you nutcase conspiracy idiots into believing that her study isn't a load of dung by telling you the big bad science mafia is after her, seriously? How stupid and paranoid are you morons?

  11. Can following bigfoot researchers make one mentally ill? I was just wondering cause I'm starting to feel a bit crazy as of late.

    1. Yes, yes it can. Eat 2 heaping platefuls of boiled crow and cal me in the morning.

    2. Where is my crow recipe?

    3. Look all up in your taterhole and you will find all the crow you desire.

  12. "I don't know WHAT she has...but it's not a real animal" ROFL Pure gold.

  13. I've been missing a good rant.

  14. That was Snowwalkers best video yet I think maybe an oscar is in it for him. I really enjoyed that.

    I'm also with him..I believe that folks really see something strange but, we still need a body.

    1. He made a good point about cryptozoology, too...

    2. Not enough skeptics and too many mindless believers.

    3. Hell has froze over. Snowwalker made 2 points in one video.

    4. Not his biggest fan, but this was a great video. Truth hurts? Deal with it.

    5. bigfootery doen't require the truth, just pay $30 and you will see...

  15. It's probably a bear, or a turkey.

  16. І am sure this aгtіcle has touched аll thе іnternet users, its really reallу good piece of ωriting on building up new web ѕite.

    1. This article touched me "down there" and then raped "my wife"

    2. Stop touching yourself!

    3. I like those ω , they look like beωbs. ω ω ω ω ω

  17. Ahhhh...Yes, Lemuria...right next door to Unicorica and Chuprakabrikstan. I love when a story comes together. Makes me feel kinda when I used to climb the rope in Gym Class.

  18. Michael, nobody is smarter than you...

    1. What about Bobby Fischer? I think he may have been just as smart as Michael. Too bad he's dead.

      Who's Michael?

    2. The red stuff you put on fries? You know Taters? Taters and Ketchum.

    3. you only get Ketchum once a month for 5 days... but it goes well with taters

  19. Sunken continent, mysterious migration. Half panda, half lemur, half zebra & half squid. It all makes sense. Dr. Ketchum is a genius.

    1. She must be. To take 4/2 and get 1.

    2. That's what happens, when you ignore those messy rules.

    3. Ignoring the rules was suppose to speed things up. Why in hell did it take 6 years? I thought B.S. would have composted down into dirt by now.

  20. The word today kids is "Hybrid". Do you know what a "Hybrid" is? Of course not. So listen carefully to the good Dr. Hybrid is a fancy term you use to confuse people. It helps if you use a modifying term like DNA. Lets do it together. The Hybrid DNA is novel. See how easy that was? Tomorrow's word is NDA.

    1. It's when a lemur bangs a cave woman and leaves her sore. 9 months later you get a Squatch!

  21. why do footers hate merchant? because he calls out the BS and the footers dont like that, they like to hide behind the BFF rules undisturbed by those meanie scientists.

    keep up the good work merchant, the only true researcher in the community.

    1. He's definitely not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. I'm way more of a Douche Nozzle than this guy.

    2. Because he's a fucking lying idiot? Yep.

    3. He is a type of people.

    4. BFF doesn't like fish eating bush


    5. Only a footer could like Micky.

    6. He is annoying as Fuck. Hold your nose shut while you talk to people and see if you get punched in the face. I bet you will. Annoying as Fuck. And because he is either in front of a computer or camera when he isn't behind his boy toy Jared.

  22. Lemuria was visited by several of my comic book heroes, when I read Marvel comics as a kid. I was educated by Marvel/DC comics growing now I BELIEVE in bigfoot.

    1. Mainstream science doesn't, but they're mainstream so what could we expect except the status quo from them.

  23. A lot of times when I go camping, my balls will start to tingle. I used to not think much about it. Now, I'm pretty sure it's because a Squatch is in the vicinity. If that's the case, I wish he'd stop teasing me. Nobody likes a TeaseSquatch.

  24. Ok folks quick quiz to test how much of a footer you are. For each statement that is true give yourself 5 points:

    1. You are a member of the BFF.

    2. You paid for ketchums paper.

    3. You paid for premium membership on BFF.

    If you scored 5 or more you are officially a footer.

  25. Looks like Munns has turned from bleever to skeptic, because he has seen the truth and there is more money to be made that way. First he exposes the matilda wookie fraud and soon he will be revealing the patty suit.

    Pwnage is due. And pwnage shall be recieved.

    Just another day of footers looking dumb.

  26. Replies
    1. do you put the lid on or leave it open?

    2. Depends if I'm hungry or not.

    3. what is your poop to jar ratio?

    4. If I had Taco Bell or McDonalds the night before it's 1:1.But otherwise 2:1.

    5. what size containers are you working with?

    6. 32oz Miracle Whip jars.
      Bigger the hole the better.

    7. Do you charge $35 to look at it?

  27. anyone else use to make up sightings and post them on bfro?

    1. The same dorks that tried to submit a story to Penthouse haha.

  28. Have you ever used your peepee as crab bait and as soon as the crab pinches down on it you start to think that maybe it wasn't a great idea?

  29. Robert Lindsay wants to see that Sharon Hill chick "humiliated"! :)

  30. Michelle My Bell
    He knows all about Lemurs becuase like the primate he spends all his time either jacking off or throwing his own shit at anybody that comes by.
    Squatch Nuts

  31. that idoubtit chick is cute...magical mystery monkeys are not

  32. double helix foot...HAHAHAHA

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