Watch this: Dr. Jeff Meldrum Talks About Justin Smeja, David Paulides, Ketchum Panda Theory, Mid Tarsal Break, and New Field Guide (Part 3)

In part 3 of After Hours with Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Rictor, Tammy, and Steve Alcorn continue their epic interview with the good doctor. Questions are answered on the Justin Smeja's DNA sample, Paulides paranormal theories, Dr. Ketchum's Panda statement, and Bigfoot's mid tarsal break. Dr. Meldrum's new field guide, is discussed in depth as well. This is the third part of probably 4.


  1. Replies
    1. Things are gonna turn around now for old squatch master 3000, I can feel it

    2. (Ken).. Glad I got my first before Rush and Harry got going, you two guys way to quick for old country boy Ken. Especially after a day of filling feeders and checking trail cams. Great pics, No Sasquatch, got a Lion(Cougar) on film.

    3. Ken, do you want to come work for me? I own and operate a 10,000 acre free range hunting ranch in southern Ohio, I could always use a good hand like you... We fill feeders here every day but it's wild bird feeders and big gravity fed Whitetail deer feeders. I spent most of the day cutting down and bucking up 60+ ft. maples. Junk trees.

    4. (Ken).. well Rush ole friend, it so happens, I might be looking for such a place to go braek some of my boredom with the same country. I had an offer to help manage a hunting farm/ranch in texas or arizona last month. I thought it was a little far from home. But Ohio, I already hunt there every other year, just outside Cinc and Goeshen. I lived in Meadowdale and Xenia too, so I know the terr a little Rush. I'd sure love a visit, maybe a sasquatch trek, lol. I have some friends tell me Ohio is the best sasquatching around.

    5. Ken, check out the Seraphim Ranch ( We are planning big things for the future. I think I might have just given myself up, maybe not...

    6. Nice spread. One of these days I will have the same. Tired of suburbs and want to go home. Saw just shy of 1k acres near my hometown for $270k. No buildings but there is timber. Need to see what it borders and might have to check it out.

    7. Thanks Jim Jr, the website is obviously still under construction. Sounds like you have a good opportunity with that property. I am in the timber business, if you want some west coast contacts, I could assist you. I was helping my crew clean out a lot of junk maples today to help the white and red oaks grow. It's the perfect time of year to do it. I will also add my property has two documented BFRO reported sightings on and within three miles of it's borders.

    8. Yeah I saw stuff is still being added. But what is up already is nice. Looks like some wall bucks come off it and you are almost the center of some book bucks too. A few years of good management, mild winters and feed and you will have a good shot at the book.

      The property I am looking at is actually back in NY. Property here in WA is way too high. Too many idiots from CA snatched up everthing they could and now want their money back. In about five or so years it should be cheaper here.

      The timber aspect would be for building the log home. I want to design and build my retirement house. I would be clearing the junk oaks and keeping the maples. ;) I am from suger bush country so maples are worshipped. At least suger maples. But all maples can be tapped. But in your case the deer like the acorns. Good mast.

      The sightings are an added bonus. If they ever prove bigfoot real you can set up a habituation area and guide for them too. Photos only. I am really burnt out here in WA. Too much bad around and I really need a change. That Alaska stuff looks good too. Get a nice little chunk near the salt and forest. Spend the rest of my life eating fresh crab, shrimp, halibut, cod, sea bass, lingcod, smoked salmon and then caribou, moose along with deer and elk? All right off my front or back porch? Hell yeah, sign me up.

    9. (Ken)..Damn Big Jim, You have those mind entering powers like sasquatch brother. You have completely read my mind and dream of a perfect retirement friend. Brother I sure wish it for you my friend . Seriously, does my old heart good to hear about a good person enjoying all that we've been blessed to have on this planet while leaving the best parts like intended by nature. That is part of my Native American belief brothers, you go on and grab you that dream BIG JIM, just allow me a visit friend. Rush I think I might know of your property in Ohio, you gave a good clue brother.

    10. Jim, by junk maples I meant dead, half dead, or they've had a huge branch break off. Around here there are plenty of tapped Maples and they produce some damn good syrup. Ken, then you know how to contact me if you wish.

  2. What an exciting time to be a footer!

  3. None of you fuckers are living the dream.

    You've never pooped in a jar or chased muskey allen outta your taterhole patches at night.

    Most of you don't couldn't give two hoots and a holler between a Mucklegrunt and a Muckraker. Bleeve me yungins, there's a difference.


    1. Bah, they're in bed with Team Tazer and this blog is very likely a government funded stunt to ridicule. Look how TT constantly mock Ketchum because she revealed the truth these ape mythers don't want to hear, when every normal person would be elated and thrilled, but not these guys oh no they mock on orders. And Meldrum, poor old guy, he must be dead tired of talking about this ape nonsense by now when good sense should tell him he's on the wrong track. He's either part of the cover-up with his neverending primate dance of which he still has his fans (Jay) or he's simply being used by these gigantic amateurs.

  4. if he shaved his mustache would Meldrum lose his power?

  5. Since Shawn is to CHICKEN SHIT to post this from Robert Lindsay I will:


    No contamination in Ketchum DNA findings. There is some little-known evidence that there is no contamination in her samples: Ketchum tested the Bigfoot nuDNA for several human genes, the names of which you can find in the manuscript. MC1R (human/Neanderthal red-hair color gene) showed up in the Bigfoot nuDNA as did the human antigen gene TAP1 (most of the time) and the jaw muscle gene MYH16 (which when present showed only a human profile rather than an ape one).

    Not discussed in the manuscript are the tests Ketchum did for the TYR gene, which is associated with skin pigmentation, and the HAR1 gene, which is a “human accelerated region” associated with human neurological development. The human skin color gene TYR and human brain gene HAR1 were not found in Bigfoot nuDNA. Now that in and of itself is very interesting.

    If the samples really were just bear or coyote or bobcat smeared with human contamination, all of the human genes should show up all over the place. The peer-reviewers for Ketchum’s manuscript only wanted positive, not negative, results included for gene tests, so the TYR and HAR1 data are not discussed in the manuscript. However, you can see the remnants of it in the Supplemental Data 12 appendix. The bottom line is the Bigfoot nuDNA is missing some important human genes that should be there if the nuDNA were in fact simply contaminated with human DNA.

    Furthermore, if the samples were simply bears, coyotes or whatever with no human contamination present, the human genes listed above would not be there at all.

    The conclusion is that the “contamination” meme bandied about is simply a red herring. Ketchum’s DNA results, whatever they were and whatever they mean, were simply not a result of contamination in any way, shape or form. Critics really need to get over the contamination BS.

    1. Melba is a fraud. The thing you need to get OVER is the your own gullibility.

      Her project is done tits up. She is a fraud.


    2. ^ Geek in denial and sad a woman solved it, glad though mainstream science will stick to their government ordered status quo guns.

    3. Tammy-What are you referring to? I have personally been privy to watching each of Mr. Paulides' MUFON presentations, NEVER, repeat NEVER has he promoted a theory or supported a paranormal angle regarding bigfoot. Mr. Paulides has spoken about various theories that others have promoted but you are 110% wrong that he has EVER promoted any theory along the paranormal line. Tammy, get your facts straight before you align a researcher with your own personal beliefs!!!! Mr. Paulides is probably the most grounded and rational researcher in the field, get it right Tammy!!!!


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