Tonight on Monsters and Mysteries in America, Sheepsquatch Attack!

Tonight on Monsters and Mysteries in America, they will be talking to witnesses who have encountered the Sheepsquatch of Appalachia. It starts at 10pm (Check your local listings). Watch this preview clip:

Monsters and Mysteries in America

The dark hallows and dense forests of Appalachia harbor strange mysteries. Local residents will recount their encounters with the terrifying Sheepsquatch, the dark winged-creature, Mothman, and aliens from space.


  1. Replies
    1. Damn your delicious cheesy beefy head Mayor!


    2. Bearking here. One night I was outside smoking a cigarette, and I got attacked by a squatch crotch. After it sat on my face and I got to sniff it, I instantly fell in love! Please don't tell my wife!

  2. I still don't get that channel

    1. The channel is called DEST short for Destination America.

    2. Its a minor channel owned by Discovery Inc. It used to be Planet Green according to Wiki. Maybe your cable provider neglected to change the name...

  3. It let out a blood curdling BAAAAA BAAAA

  4. I have been there and residents themselves are a strange mystery. Appalachia people are good people they are just a few beers short of a six pack. Wouldn't be surprised if I thought my pa was a sheepsquatch that's why I shot him was a legitimate self defense. Deliverance is alive and well in those parts.

    1. The south will rise again to get Cheetos and another beer.

    2. Bearking here. I live in west Virginia and I know these people are half-man half-squatch. I know this cuz my wife is one hairy bitch with size 18 feet. She turns me on when she doesn't bathe for a couple weeks. Mmmmm... ripe!!!

  5. You mean I was supposed to watch this?

    1. Don't be ridiculous. Of course you don't have to watch it. You don't even need to read the titles just start posting.

  6. The is the show that the Justin Smeja hoax is going to be on. For those of you who are new, it's the one hoax ok to believe in around here.

    1. Iks that the same hoax that Tlyer Huggins and Melissa Horey are continuing to perpetuate, between telephone calls with Justin Smegma?

    2. Tazer Approved! Well, they are friends with the guy so they choose to believe him....

  7. So easy. Since bigfoot does not exist (take anthropology 101) its a person always. Its just a circus of fakes for 60 years.


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