New Footage: Myakka Skunk Ape, Multiple Witnesses

This footage was taken in Florida near Myakka State Park Rd. using an iPhone4S. Though the footage unzoomed and pixelated, a figure can cearly be seen walking in the distance. YouTube mopower08 says the creature looked like it was hiding in the grass waiting to pounce on a deer.

This is real footage my son and I took in Myakka March 2, 2013. We had iphones with us only. You will see actual still shots of this thing. The only editing we did to these pictures was to lighten them up some. At one point you hear us talk of two, it was deer out there hiding in the tall grass. Maybe what it was after. To see it on video pause around 2:03-2:08. You can see it in the middle at the thin tan line of grass just under the tree line. Also here you will see the deer to the left a little closer in. They seem to appear several times then lay back down.

This latest video from Florida is impressive and it will be interesting to see a breakdown on it. Phil?


  1. First. I'd like to thank my parents, the academy...

    1. Very gay video, like almost as gay as Steven Fagfart & his buddies


    3. Steven Streufert, the whiniest bitch in bigfooting.

    4. That he is that he is but Mikey gives him a run for his money

    5. The problem with these Bigfoot Awards Ceremonies is no one thanks God anymore.

    6. So where are the images/photos from the lady with the huge telephoto lens on her camera? She's the one people should be talking to. Anyone think to get her info while on site? Sheesh!

    7. It's Streufart, now get it right or pay the price!

  2. I didn't think it was a squatch until I heard that creepy clown music. Now I'm convinced

  3. They should have talked to the lady taking pics with the DSLR camera and the long lense. I bet she got some decent pics.

    1. They did talk but apparently she did not want to share.

    2. Prokill is right. If anyone has a good pic of the creature it is her, and I hope she puts her's out. Certainly looks huge. Every now and then someone gets something interesting and this may be one, maybe.

  4. utter nonsense. just because 4 cars stop doest validate it it. all itt validates isthere are 2 figures,2hich we can only say are blobs. if BF;s behaved like this IE there would be no mystery.IE walk about field in daylite allwoing peope to walk up to them.

    2 bears,3 tureys, 2 people taken the piss etc take your pick. either one shows nothing byt dumb americans. they are probably all fiends.

    1. Clearly you do not know the rules, 4 cars and above confirms bigfoot on all points, get with the program.

    2. "Shows nothing byt dumb americans"

      Here, let me help you.

      It's "shows nothing but dumb Americans"

      You do know that proper punctuation and proper grammar, should really be used when calling other people dumb, right? That way, you wouldn't seem like such an idiot.

    3. Silly. Proper punctuation = You only needed one comma in your last sentence.

  5. Replies
    1. Your a turkey? Thought you were an assclown. Wow miss identification on my part.

    2. Definitely a squatch... -Bobo

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  7. Either a large leaf or tiny monster lemur.

  8. Skeptics. No Job. No Life. Still Trollin'.

    1. Bleevers. No monkey. No brain. Still retarded.

    2. People with jobs think these things really exist?! Wow, sounds like working makes you stupid. I"ll never do it!! BTW, don't forget to pay your taxes...need my SS and unemployment checks..thanks bro...

  9. (Ken).. There are many, many cams out there now that make much better vids. why doesn't anyone ever have one when looking for the creature. (I've spent 40plus years strolling in the woods and never seen even a track) Surely one of these people know someone that has one. If I had seen a sasquatch, I'd have one all the time.

    1. Would you be able to distinguish it from all the other mysteries out there if you saw it brother Ken?

    2. ken we are not dealing with 'normal' people here! these guys belive 810ft 1000pd apemen are walking about the US in their thiusands.small details like evidence and hving a decent camera to prove it doesnt matter.they are knowers.

      only in america

  10. Same 'ol same 'ol. Nothing you have nothing!!!

  11. They walked out there, why didn't they look for footprints.

    1. (Ken) .. Not a lot of sign left in grasses unless path or trail.

  12. Wheres the beef? Shoot the damn thing.

    1. Dyer Did already, calm down already.

    2. Dyer is incapable of shooting HIMSELF in the foot.

    3. Oh I think he did that already.

    4. ^^^^^^ best comeback of the year !!!!

  13. Double fail here. Bleevin in the 'foot and using apple products.

  14. These bigfoot are all over the USA and Canada and there's never been a clear picture, Proof of no such thing as bigfoot.

    1. There are good videos and photos but you cry fake and photoshop on everything you little bitch!

    2. The Gov has many videos and pictures, even bodies I suspect. But you people wouldn't believe it it you were eaten buy one, you'd probably scream bear as you slid down his gullet. Keep scoffing, keep ridiculing, the laugh will be on you before it's over.

  15. I was there. Rick realy killed one with reddish hair. their is more that you haven't heard. the bigfoot was drugged, the ribs and fat meat was laced with something strong. the thing couldn't keep on it's feet, it fell into the camera guy. Rick almost shot them both. Rick new it was coming back from hunger, it had eating there for 3 years, rick had the dumbster removed. Lots of more pics but they were bout or taken by film co people. we were asked in a mean way to stay, but rick started feeding everybody to make it right, he a nice guy realy. I know he is having some sadness about what he did. this thing is huge 8feet tall 800pounds hand as big as a plate feet 16 inches long. we all saw it but sworn to silence for money. Too old guys got video as the thing ran past them then stopped a few days before, rick has offered them 10,000 to keep it off the air. this thing was pitiful and realy not a threat to any body in the had come to the same place probably 200 times and no one was ever bothered at all. lots of security people have been looking for the other video, bu the old guys are not coming out of hiding yet. soon this will all come out. the old guys are wanting to talk and I think Rick will help and protect them now. You wil see all will believe the story before the end of the month. Rick is trying to make money now and the film people to. the thing is already dead, so they can;t keep it quiet much longer and those other videos are not blurry either, the thing was only about 5 feet away and then it turned and looked back. cant deny this when you see it.

    1. Release the body = instant millionaire.

      Hide information because of some crappy film festival = hoax.

    2. The money will come no matter when released. Don't believe you know everything, use your head, this is how merchandising works. advertise until public is in a frenzy, then explode into view and all is forgotten and forgiven. That's when the crow is served and digested best.

    3. Oh is that how it works I don't see people in a frenzy maybe they should wait longer

    4. You better watch your tiny mouth you dick head, you have insulted me for the last time. I have found a way to materialize inside your head. Now what are you thinking you asswipe? you better get it right or there goes the old mmemories ass plumber. say it say it!!

    5. Oh threats from a keyboard I'm shivering you are scaring me


  16. I will now be changing gears and moving onto missing people and our associated research.
    Fourteen months ago we started down the path of collecting more cases and developing the identification of more clusters. Readers from throughout the world wrote letters to inform us about similar cases in their area and supporting the idea this is a widespread issue. We have had eight different prominent and thought provoking theories presented to us about what may be happening to these missing people. Several of the letters were dozens of pages long, well constructed and thought provoking. Many of the thoughts and ideas we’ve never heard about and pushed us into more reading, studying the concepts and learning about things we never imagined. It’s unimportant at this point to publicly state what these people said as it just detracts from the story behind the missing people. If we started to present everyone’s theory, the theory becomes the story, not the missing person and the facts behind their disappearance. The families and friends of the missing are due the ultimate in respect and dignity and they need more press about their loved ones disappearance, let’s respect that.

    During the summer of 2012 I made a presentation to the National Association of Search and Rescue professionals ( at Harvey’s Resort in Lake Tahoe. This is one of the largest Search and Rescue Conferences in the world. I was one of the conference speakers and presented the findings behind “Missing 411.” At the end of the presentation, there were dozens of searchers that wanted to discuss what they had experienced. The scenarios continue to replicate themselves and are just as baffling to the professionals in the field as they are to us in our homes.

    As I stated earlier, it’s difficult for anyone to understand the facts behind each of the “Missing 411” books if you haven’t read them. It’s difficult to have a conversation about the books if you haven’t read and digested the facts. The books are a straight-forward depiction of a segment of missing people and how their stories are related. There will be and there always have been a segment of the public that for whatever reason does not want you to read the books. Either they believe they can alter your perception and convince you not to buy or borrow the books, but factually, they don’t want you to read them. I have never personally met anyone who has read the books that wasn’t dumbfounded by the stories and what they meant to them. Their awareness of the outdoors is changed forever and the subsequent experience will be different. Every family that takes children into the outdoors should read the books.

    On Sunday, March 17 I will again be on “Coast to Coast AM” with George Knapp for another four-hour session, here is a highlight from one of my other appearances:

    This upcoming session with George is going to cover new missing cases, my new book and go into areas never previously discussed. March 17 will be the formal release of “Missing 411-North America and Beyond.” Please do not look for the book anywhere prior to that date, but it will be released in conjunction with the show and will be released through our website.

    Buy a book and open your mind.

    David Paulides

    1. No thanks.

      Theres no monkey. How about YOU open your mind for a second.

      Big announcements are made by mainstream media, not some wacko internet paranormal radio show that has about 20 listeners.

    2. "Indeed this radio show is called Coast to Coast by it is really a Seven Seas and five continent endeavor with listeners literally around the globe and it is not uncommon for callers to call in from Singapore, Japan, Australia or Guam. Coast to Coast has 13 million listeners with open minds willing to discuss Gods, Religion, Aliens, Agnostic Beliefs and even friendly witches."
      Source and further information:

      Read more: How many people listen to Coast to Coast talk radio? | Answerbag

    3. Already read Grim Fairy tales. Why would I waste my time on your dribble?

    4. David, are you and Melba still an item???

    5. I think David ment to say buy a book and open your wallet.

    6. Mainstream media is a for-profit business. Accuracy is not the goal; ratings is the goal. Money. Income. They are a business.

      Is there some reason you would believe mainstream media?

    7. Oh shit...if you stumble upon a prostitute that overdosed on heroin, don't bother with any dna testing: my friend was partying with her... :(

  17. Bust a cap in it!!! come on we need some proof where are the good folks over at the TBRC!!?? Bust A CAP!!!!!

    1. Ima round up a couple of pipe swingin niggas and go medieval on bigfoots monkey ass.

  18. Do you realize, The entire mainstream media is owned and operated by about three families now? You will be fed a steady diet of what they alone want you to swallow. Think of the news in that perspective next time you question what is and is not being published and rejected. Ridicule is a commonly used tool for the stories that escape somehow into the light and the public's ear. Everyone knows this to be true. Open your mind just a bit.

  19. There is a lady seen early in the video with a telephoto lens taking pictures. We need to find her and see her pics.

    1. Sally here,

      That was me! But, I had left my lens cap on!

      Damn! oh well its time for brunch!!

    2. I hope this is a troll job.



    This is a post I found on BFF about Dick Ryder's tent rib video. The OP was long winded and full of shit and assumptions, so I edited it to include only the words in allcaps.

    I think it reads much better this way.

  21. (ken).. well it makes much better sense now. You are a master at deduction as well as communications. I think they all need your skills, mine too brother.

  22. Apparenty the two subjects shown in this video, did not get the memo regarding their preferred public behavior shall be to remain elusive.

  23. So if you added up all of the zombies in all of the zombie movies ever made, would that number be larger or smaller than all of the bigfoot hoaxes???

    1. You should ask Bill Munns. He was fired from a zombie movie.

      He still includes it on his resume, though.

    2. Well, before "Dawn of the Dead" in '78 I'd say hoaxes. After "Dawn" introduced the zombie apocalypse, the number of zombies took the lead. Not by much though....

  24. Lets see if you bleevers can refute the following statement using logic and reason:

    Bigfoot don't exist.

    1. PGF. Study it. Study stabilized footage, entire footage, complete footage until END. Traps, spinal erectors, muscle mass vibration in thigh. It doesn't matter if the film is five or 100 years old. It is what it is.

      Wipe the goo out of your eyes first. That might help you.

      Then, spend the next year recreating the film subect and the film per 1967 tools.

      Then show us your results.

      Maybe you can do better than Pepsi Cola Bottler Bob Hilarious stumbling around in that jerky stop-motion joke of a video.

      The skeptards' failure to reproduce the subject or the film for 45 years is their biggest problem. Crying fake has to be supported by evidence that the subject and film can be faked.

      So far, there has been nothing but 100% failure by the skeptards from this quarter.

    2. Nice try mulder but using a known hoax to support your argument is a massive fail. You fail to understand that we don't need to recreate the film to prove its false. YOU need to provide the monkey. As you footers have failed miserably to do that in 50 years it proves for a fact there's no monkey. Learn what burden of proof is and how the scientific method works and then maybe you have a chance to save any further mental retardation from occurring.

    3. brown blob of splotch quatch. and blurry slop.

    4. How can that guy(9:56) completely ignore the doubt the back story casts on the film? He probably has a bigfoot site or business. No one can be that silly...

  25. The elusive Skunk Ape of Florida..Where's Tim F.when I need him. If you need help here we will make skunk ape history and the non believers will be at our mercy..I live just down the road from Myaka Park and know this location good..Lets catch this creature once and for all to see us give it some soap and deoderant and change it's name to the Florida Fun Ape..

  26. Doesnt even rise to the level of "blob" squatch. Dot squat h?

  27. Need to get the images from the woman with the telephoto lens.

  28. this looks promising because we have many witnesses who saw it and some took photos. I'd be interested to see that ones that lady took with her telephoto lens. The only issue i would have is i wish they would have got more closer. This is either real or someone hoaxed a bunch of people along that road . They do seem very convincing in the way they were talking. The music wasn't needed though

  29. brown blob of splotch quatch. and blurry slop.

  30. What a shit video. Its worthless on all fronts. Proves ZERO.

  31. Another Stacey Brown JR. hoax!

  32. ok im a troll etc blah blah

    im actualy not.i just dont get why thi is a story. stacy brown ,tim fasano,really! nobody else suspicious

    a pic od=f a guy supposedly being told to leave the park dressed in a ghillie suit.hmmmm. i wonder,could this be a hoax or did a bigfoot walk into a field in mid day and parade about for the assmbled audience

    dumb and as always shouldnt be given space on this ste for people to makes footery more of a laughing stock

    u guys do what u want though. im just a troll

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