Michael Breaks Down a Jogging/Foraging White Bigfoot Video

Here is Michael Merchant's breakdown of the White Bigfoot video M.K. Davis recently released. Is the "Bigfoot" jogging, or is it foraging? No one knows. The footage is stabilized, magnified, slowed, still shots enhanced and examined in this breakdown. Is it a Bigfoot or chimp wearing stolen t-shirts? You decide!


  1. I'm well aware of that hack-job "review" (most of which consists of giggling and snickering).  Consider the source (both the blog AND the video source), their biases, and the lack of any work-product showing how the conclusion was arrived at.

    Idoubtit is not to be taken seriously, nor is this "review".

    1. @ the pantywaste @ 4:49

      You had a chance to be both Mulder and First.

      You fucked up twice.

      Pwned like Mulder in the dark.

    2. Shawn recently announced that it is not necessary for a poster to claim the honor to be deemed first. So Mulder was indeed first and you fake Mulder have been totally disgraced.

    3. Any one can see the T-shirt its wearing says I'm with stupid on the front and I would like to cram a turkey up Merchants Fart Box
      Squatch Nuts

  2. First. Stay firsty my friends.

    1. Anyone using that tired old phrase is automatically disqualified from being first in perpetuity.

  3. This is no longer BE! Its Team Tazers website!!!!! I've been Duped!

    1. I guess you could say you are tazed and confused.

  4. Since when have giggles become a review? If you don't think it's good then JUST DON'T SHOW IT!!!

  5. M.K.Davis... Seriously, enough is enough with these Mike Sells Hoax Videos please!!!!!

  6. Team Gazer rides again.

  7. WELCOME to TEAM TAZERs NEW WEB SITE! Giggles and sarcasm is welcome along with FOX like news reporting to bring you non balanced and slanted opinions!

  8. Apparently Robin Forest People admitted today that she was the sock puppet Casey Mullins from whom Melba purchased the science journal that became De Novo and which published her crap study. Anyone who purchased the paper should now sue for misrepresentation.

    1. Will that get them their dignity back?

    2. If you payed for the paper you deserve nothing except being removed from the gene pool.

    3. ^^Hey, tell that to Mulder, Southern Yahoo, DWA, and Sasfooty. Oh wait, never mind.

    4. Can you give me any reference for that statement? if it can be verified, it is extremely important, because it shows a well thought out long running plan to form then "sell" a journal, under the cover of "had to to keep peer review"

    5. You fools. Cass Mullins is a friend on Ketchum's Facebook page.

      They aren't the same person. Cass Mullins specialty is window installation. No doubt a major player in the community.

  9. I need to see more yellow arrows and red outlines to decipher the video still.

    1. I need an arrow pointing to the puddle of blood, showing evidence of a bigfoot massacre.

  10. That's not a squatch, it's a baboons ghost sent from the andromeda galaxy to teach mankind to love again. My boy duke is licensed man in black, tells me all kinds of ill shit

  11. They are a type of people. But mostly they are a type of lemur. But mostly they are one hundred percent labrador retriever.

    You don't bleeve me? Then get me a labrador and I'll retrieve it.

    They are not our friends. That's why I piss on my doorknobs every night.

    1. That's very intersting :)

      I'll post a gif I made, of you, pissing on a doorknob, later, when I have time :)

      My friend Brianne Gosselin says she saw a bigfoot back in the 70s. She still has the Kool Aid recipe.

      I'll post my contact info later, when I have time :)

  12. Conclusion of this video: NOT BIGFOOT.

  13. Replies
    1. ^^^ Shirley Temple seems to be a little upset.

  14. another wtty ,edgy, insightful breakdown. absalotely hilarious. Hejust wont take the easy opion breakdown.rspec[approved]

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