Listen to: Squatch Talk Live Uncensored With Special Guest Justin Smeja, 9:30PM PST (Update: Archived)

Jaime A. will have a very special guest on his show tonight and you do not want to miss it! Tune into Squatch Talk Live Uncensored tonight at 9:30PM PST to listen to Justin Smeja talk about Bigfoot and what he knows about the creatures he shot in the Sierras.

Here's the link:

[Update] The show has been archived. Listen below:

Listen to internet radio with Squatch Talk Live Uncensored on Blog Talk Radio

"On this episode of Squatch Talk Live uncensored we have special guest Justin Smeja we talk about the outlandish claims made by a certain cat veterinarian Jeffrey Kelly joins the show and we have a discussion on a theory about how to catch or at least track the whereabouts of a skunk ape in Florida we talk about the documentary coming in the future from Ro and what's next for Justin in the Bigfoot world." - Jaime A.


  1. Replies
    1. Notice how I even took xtra time to "spike the ball". My life will never be the same....

    2. Easy there Firstie Alley. It's lonely on top.

  2. Conclusion of Live Radio Talk: MORE HOT AIR. NOT BIGFOOT.

  3. Smeja will be on a postage stamp one day for his heroics.

  4. How can someone kill something that doesn't exist? I don't understand you people.

  5. Smeja actually looks like a handsome young man in this photo. Wtf happened? Now he looks like Zack Galifnakis with down syndrome.

  6. Why does Justin like to kill lemurs?

  7. Why is he bent over in that picture ?

    1. He's getting ready to throw a bag of puppies overboard.

    2. ahmm yeah, that explains why he shot bigfoot

  8. I myself am done with Smeja, Dyer, and Todd Standding. I won't waste time on ay of the known hoaxers out ther. I don't see why anyone would give them the time of day.

    If there is something to this bigfoot thing. Why not just eliminate the Idiots as we go along? Wasting time on known hoaxers will not get us anywhere.

    I'm sure there are a few researchers that we can follow (updates on) that haven't been proved to be jerks and hoaxers. Lets not give known hoaxers the stage any more.

  9. Via

    Possible explanation for anomalous Ketchum and Smeja/Cutino results for the Bigfoot steak from the Sierra Kills. The results indicate that the submissions were from two different objects, not a single object. Cutino/Smeja’s results ended up with MtDNA haplotypes A and T2, and Ketchum’s MtDNA results indicate haplotype H1A for Sample 26 (the Sierra Kills Bigfoot steak). Apparently these were two completely different objects being tested. I have no explanation for the anomalous results or why there were two objects when there was said to be only two pieces of a single object.


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