Listen: Park Rangers Possibly Covering Up Myakka Skunk Ape Investigation, Gives Bigfoot Investigators Tickets

In this video Michael Merchant lands an exclusive interview with Stacy Brown Jr. and gets the breaking news on the Myakka Skunk Ape investigation. More information was obtained during this interview that strongly points towards a government cover-up. According to Stacy, during their 4 hour investigation everyone in the town, except park rangers, met them with open arms and about 12 witnesses stepped forward to tell their stories. Stacy and his team received a ticket after they ignored warnings that they would be cited if they were not gone by sunset.

Witness video:


  1. Replies
    1. The plot thickens. Hopefully, one of the governments conspirators will become a whistle blower. Offer them some like whores....

    2. They won't become whistle-blowers because they value their careers and the safety of themselves and their families. Their lives could easily be ruined if they told what was going on. That's the common threat in situations like this, and no one is willing to break the silence except on their deathbeds when nothing more can be done to them (see also: Roswell and other UFO coverups, for example.)


    3. In case you didn't notice, Anon 8:15 is a consumer of government cover-up conspiracy books and theories. He wants you to keep the faith that widespread government conspiracies happen all around you all the time.

      But is Anon 8:15 just a naive and paranoid plebeian consumer of conspiracy talk, or does Anon 8:15 write conspiracy books and web sites himself?

      If he's a producer of conspiracy fictions, then Anon 8:15 needs to cultivate a consumer market of naive and paranoid folks who will believe that same old government conspiracy bullshit.

      REALITY CHECK: The park ranger told Fasano and Brown they better be out of that area before sundown, because that's the rule. The ranger was gracious enough to give those guys a clear warning about the day-use-only rule, while those guys had plenty of time to adjust their plans for the rest of daylight hours.

      Undoubtedly, Fasano and Brown figured it would make for a compelling news story if they were to get arrested, or ejected, or ticketed, etc., by a park ranger (a "gubmint" agent)... so they can could tell everyone they've been targeted by a government conspiracy and cover-up ...

      Are Fasano and Brown both attention-mongering enough to do something like that? You bet they are - both of them. They knew exactly what would happen, and they looked forward to a hyped media story afterword.

      Don't fall for it.

    4. Errata: I meant Anon 8:51 not Anon 8:15 (who doesn't exist).

    5. Well said 11:03. A conspiracy to cover-up the existence of bigfoots would require too many layers close to ordinary civilian life. Rangers, office workers, sanitation crews...ugh...I feel silly responding to it.

      There are people with real problems. Healthy people feeding into their paranoia are acting irresponsibly. For the most part I find cryptozoolgy interesting and fun, but the conspiracy theories are a turn-off....

    6. LOL The rambling guy at 11:03 got the time wrong but knows only too well the conspiracy poster is correct. A cover-up wouldn't require a lot plain old threats and denial do the job usually. Lots of people wonder why Bigfoot would be covered up, it must be either human or alien why the government wants it unrevealed with the assistance of park rangers same with the UFO subject. Most smart people especially if you've witnessed it yourself know these things exist the real question is why must it be covered up. To keep thinking it's an ape is merely to keep the mystery going and less logical folks can have their cryptozoology hobby. So is it because the public i deemed too daft to handle it, or is there a health risk in interacting with an alien species we're being sheltered from or is it simply the wish of these other species complied.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, I think they are on the verge of a huge discovery.

    2. I think they are on the right track, but nothing will come of it, as usual.

  3. (clive squashy) - a wise old indian chief once told me about the time he entered a sasquatch cave without wood- knocking first. ...To his surprise there sat bigfoot with a stack of muscle magazines beside him.

    Said he only read the articles.

  4. When proof comes I will first all over your dead skeptic bodies.

    1. Until then we will continue firsting all over your face.

    2. Don't be silly. The skeptics won't be here if proof comes out. That would mean being mature and admitting they were wrong to those they treated badly all these years. They aren't mentally or emotionally secure enough to do that, they just like being bullies while they can.

    3. When there's solid proof, i'll be the first to offer free blowjobs as an apology.



    1. Thanks all capitals guy and same to you!

      ERIN GO BRA-LESS!!.. lol..

  6. Some decent follow-up by Stacey and Tim Fasano.

    I'm going to start giving Mr Fasano our favourite taxi driving, skunk ape investigator some slack.

    Good work folks.


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  8. I live near there (St.Pete,Fl.) and if your not at a designated camp or park and try running around you better be Rich & famous cause its gonna cost you $$. Not a good place to go footing...forget about it.

  9. I can sleep well knowing that Stacy Brown Jr. is on the job.

    1. I don't even know who that is.

    2. You know, that redneck Floridian footer who faked some crappy thermal a while back. He is super credible.

    3. Yeah, who the h*@l is Stacy Brown Jr.? What are his credentials? Is he overweight? Does he were a plaid flannel shirt and a baseball cap? If so, he's a footer who lives in his parents's basement.

  10. Its well know (I live in this area) that there are apes of some kind in this area, have benn sightings for years. Orang's and Large ass Chimps. They "will" (the Chimps) kill you in a bad way. The park rangers know this.

    1. Devil monkeys. Just a couple of years ago science FINALLY recognized a six foot tall species of chimp in Africa. They will tear you limb from limb

    2. People want these to be a kind of sasquatch, but you know, if there were some kind of dangerous ape on the loose I suspect they would not want that known, either, at least not unless they were able to do something about it. It would make certain agencies look bad and might open them up to legal action.

    3. Devil Monkeys - LOL. Where's the reference for that?

    4. Knowing that great apes can be extremely dangerous due to their physical strengths if they attack a person, is actually the best indication we have that Sasquatch is not an ape. Sorry bedtime poopers no Gigantos for you only in your dreams. Were these mere apes obviously any responsible authority organ would warn its own citizens meaning you can disregard that species option, no ape hair or bone's ever been found in America anyway it's just stalling tactic covering the actual truth.

  11. So now an interesting video and photo is taking on a life of its own, somewhat reminiscent of the phoenix lights of 1997, although on a much smaller scale. A park ranger says they apprehended the hoaxer and told him to move on. According to Stacy Brown that hoaxer would have to be in the range of eight feet tall and capable of a 15 inch size track and stride length in the neighborhood of 4 feet. If I were you Stacy, I would say to the ranger(s), in a very polite way, that they could put this all to rest now by producing that hoaxer, let him put on his costume and go out to the exact spot and recreate his hoax. My guess is there is no hoaxer and the ranger is lying, just my opinion, and I can only guess about the motives.

    Good work Stacy and I look forward to your witness interviews and other evidence you will bring forth. I know it is considerable expense to travel this far and I for one appreciate your effort.


    1. Good theory. So the ranger has knowledge of some type of large wild and potentially dangerous animal in the area but then decides to keep it to himself and lie about it, knowing people will undoubtedly want to go back to the area.

      It couldn't possibly be that he was telling the truth and there was just some kid in a monkey suit trying to hoax people. That would make too much sense.

    2. Yes, the hoaxer should be made known and possibly interviewed. Anything less means he may not exist at all...

      The idea that it is a hoaxer in a suit approaching wild deer and causing the reaction it did in witnesses, one of which had a telephoto lens on her camera, makes little sense. Especially when we know with reasonably certainty that SOMETHING sasquatch-like is out there and has been for as long as people have been around to see them and report what they saw.

      Sometimes the "logical explanations" for these things make less sense than the idea that it was sasquatch!

    3. Just my opinion but when they did the recreation I think they are alot closer to the tree line than the BF's in the video, who seem closer in the field

    4. You'd have to be mad to go out in some cheap suit risking getting shot with more than cameras and knowing these real things are out there. Come to think of it, in that situation you probably deserve to get shot if you're that dumb.

  12. Go Stacey, Go! Wonderful follow are definitely on to something here! Keep going. Just be careful, too much Fasano in your research could kill your credibility.

  13. Stacey and his hoaxer team should have been put in jail!

  14. The idiots over at the BFF have run out of things to argue about.

    As if the back and forth between bigfoot being real or imaginary, some taterhole decided to introduce the concept of a middle ground.

    Now the usual retards are arguing if a middle ground exists.

    1. My science hat is bigger than yours.

    2. Please ignore my brother DW. He is almost thirty and has never passed his driver's license exam. He can't even ride a bike!

    3. I have a candidate. Skeptics acknowledge bigfoot exits. Why not? Flaccus voce( breath from voice). Advocates concede there will NEVER be undisputed video or photos from a reputable source, a body , parts of bodies or fossils. After 55 years of nothing, NEVER is not much of a reach....

    4. MB 7:12. Use thour real name

      Masterbate 7:12

    5. @ nonarhaic hominin

      In order for this to work, you have to refer to yourself as NAH. I'll continue to be DWA.

      We have to take turns being WSA. I call Mon, Wed, and Fri on that.

  15. R.I. is still squatchier.

  16. Love that cast! Shouldn't be hard to catch a biped that has potato pancakes for feet!

  17. Yes - dem gubment folks don't want a bunch of f*cking morons down there traipsing through the woods where they're bound to get hurt (then sue the gubment from their own stupidity).

    Merchant and Fasano are now teaming up to solve this?? LMAO Jeezus, the fun never stops.

    1. The blind leading the blind...

    2. Team MF

      Just had to throw it out there


  18. Where is the woman who had the telephoto lens??

    1. The Gubment murdered her to keep Bigfoot safe

    2. Anon 9:49 has also been silenced

      Nothing to see here


    3. If we don't ever hear from her they probably got to her first.

  19. Myakka Park is a secluded state park that is 58 miles square miles. it's a fraction of the size of lake Okeechobee. It's not near the Appalachian mountain range and it's surrounded by human civilization. There is even a road running right through it. If Bigfoot is in there....Matt Moneymaker could find it...

    Speaking of which, MM has been surprisingly quiet about this video. I would assume the Cow Skull fiasco still has him laying low?

  20. So people got tickets for being in a state park when they weren't supposed to be there and that's proof of a cover up? Like that the "park rangers didn't meet then with open arms". Could it be that they were working, and are trying to make sure stupid people running around in the woods hollering aren't bothering the normal people using the park?

    1. I assume the tickets are for being out there after the park winter hours which this time of year are 8 to 5 pm, and can not fault rangers for giving tickets - just doing their job. I also seriously doubt any cover up and rangers are probably as dumb founded about the incident as everyone else. I only hope they let these guys investigate all they want within the rules and most likely they will.


  21. Wow, first the mysterious cow skull, then the deer squatch, now a government cover-up. Exciting times for squatchers folks

  22. Being cited after being warned to leave an area of land (not sure if Gov't owned or private) does not sound like a conspiracy. It sounds more like they don't want a bunch of wackos beating the bushes and shooting other people in the grass.


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