Genuine Bigfoot Hair From Mt. Hood Oregon For Sale On Ebay

If you're going to sell something and say it's from Bigfoot, you better have a good story to go along with it. An Ebay seller is currently selling Bigfoot hair they found stuck on a fence post on their mother-in-law's property. The story of how they got it is pretty interesting, which makes the starting bid of $1 (2 bids so far) even more enticing.

In august of 2012, my mother in law told me that she had seen a 'bigfoot creature' on her property and she needed help getting it to leave. I thought for sure she had been mistaken, so i went there to check out the situation. She said that she heard screams coming from the woods after dark, and that some of the rabbits she kept in pens had gone missing. I told her that i would stay and keep watch for her, but i really didn't expect anything. I would go there around sunset & stay til between 11pm and 12am. I saw and heard nothing. This went on for a few nights until i told her that i thought she had nothing to worry about. The morning after the first night that i didn't stay i got a call at work. My mother in law frantically told me that she had gone out to the rabbit pen around dawn and spotted 'one of those bigfoots' taking her last two rabbits. When she angrily yelled at it, she said it looked shocked to see her & in two steps was out of the yard, clearing an old barbed wire fence 'as if it wasn't there'. I went out to her property that afternoon and looked around. There were no clear footprints, but you could see where something heavy had trampled the grass through part of her yard, over the fence & to the tree line. I found a tuft of jet black hair stuck to the fence and took it. I was not really interested in bigfoot up to that point, but seeing the evidence & hearing the story first hand made me a believer. I now spend as much time as i can searching the woods around her property. I have heard the screams and wood knockings, but i have yet to see one. My mother in law describes the one she saw as 'more than seven feet tall' and looked like 'a really ugly person, kind of like a caveman covered in black fur'. Since i can only go by her story, i can only offer this hair as coming from a bigfoot b/c she told me thats what is. I hope you enjoy your sample, she has since installed security lights. This is for #2 of 100.

[via Ebay]


  1. Replies
    1. That was my first first. It's overrated.

    2. Fuck Mayor McCheese, how can he exist with a burger for a head? Where is the brain?

      Bah. Wendy shits on him anyways.

    3. I got feelings too you know? You sumbitch!

    4. yeah im with you anon 4:42, FuCk the mayor!

    5. This is ugly. The winner is dissing the fine art of firsting and the Mayor is getting trolled. Shawn, children read this blog! Clean it up!

    6. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  2. I'm reminded of the South Park episode where Scott Tenerman sells his pubes to Cartman.

    1. Wanna taste your tears of unfathomable sadness.

    2. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  3. Ill wait till Ketchum confirms this as real first, thanks.

    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  4. Replies
    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. probably came from noblesavage's wife's mustache

    1. Go crawl back to the JREF you basement lurker

    2. I like it here! you bleevers are just too much fun!

    3. Welcome back hill billy keep up the good work

    4. @Hillbilly. Wow, just wow.

  7. I'm 99 44/100% certain this is NOT authentic

    1. But it says it is Genuine Certified bigfoot hair. And it is on the internet where no one can lie. How much more proof do you want? He has a hundred samples too.

    2. They're coming from Smelba's ass crack. They'll be around FOREVER.

    3. @Hillbilly. Wow, just wow.

    4. Stank Ape here.I'm Hill Billies alter ego that Believes in Bigfoot.

      I'm so confused.........

      Does anyone have any Xanax?

    5. So you're saying there's a chance.

    6. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  8. Some of my pubes are really long and fine, I could probably pass them off as Squatch hair.

    1. It'd prolly yer gf's nipple hair. Ugh, disgusting gyppo.

    2. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  9. Somebody should buy this and have it analyzed, not DNA sequencing, just have an expert (if you know one) look at it microscopically, then tell us what it actually is.

    That would be hilarious.

    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  10. Its actually my pubes that this person is selling. Man my vagina iches!

    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  11. 3/3- George Knapp has just announced that David Paulides will be on his Coast to Coast Program on March 17 for the entire four hours discussing his "Missing 411" books. David has stated that there will be a major announcement during the show!! Mark your calendars!!


    1. Major announcement? Coast to Coast "major" announcement? If there ever was an oxy-mother-fuckin-moron it is this.

      LMFAO, mainstream science is laughing french-like at her and her self-promoted farce.

      C2C is ALL that is LEFT.

      Paulides is a joke.

      Missing 411 is NOTHING but cherry picked stories to meet an agenda.

    2. And what better platform for the kooky.

    3. The major announcement will be that another Golden Corral is set to open Muskogee, Oklahoma.

    4. Wow! Thanks for the heads up on the C2C show anon, I will check that out for sure! David Paulides is one of my favourite's for sure.
      I believe in bigfoot's existence and I don't care what anyone else says, I can AND WILL do whatever I want, so there!

    5. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  12. Whether youre a bleever or a you think the Sykes study will be the final answer on if the big guys exist or not?

    1. Sykes won't find anything because there is nothing to find. Bleevers will still bleeve and the fun myth will roll on its merry way.

    2. Yes, Sykes will deliver the death knell to all that was known as Bigfoot. Mark it down, Sykes "killed" Bigfoot.

      There will still be degenerate ass-hats gullible enough to continue though. Idiocy has ZERO limitations and footards fit the profile wonderfully.

    3. The obsessed JREF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Sykes a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at its finest.

    4. Oh God I'm in hysterics that the questioner asked the "skeptards" to answer, and they replied. Jesus this is good. "Yes, why, we are skeptards, and thoroughly skeptarded! How may we help you?"

      Good God this is great stuff. They are so developmentally challenged they walk blithely into every obvious trap unknowingly, blowing horns and singing songs!

      They have stumbled into every single obvious verbal trap in the comments on this blog. God damn and look at them "moufing off" that the others are retarded!

      6:22 and maybe 5:51 sure sound like Bigfoot is BS/Sharon Hill. Ha ha, good stuff.



      Ha ha this is great!

    5. ^^^^^ Are you gay? Because you seem like a lonely gay boy.....

    6. Yeah, I agree, You would need to be lonely closet gay to follow something you hate/don't believe, as much as that guy (8:33) obviously does

    7. Of course not. If he finds nothing, it simply means the samples included in his study were from known animals. In that case is there even going to be a paper? I mean, journal articles are supposed to announce original findings, methods or ideas. So, I'm betting that if his research is published in a peer-reviewed journal then it will announce results that will give cryptozoology a boost...

    8. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  13. TMZ is reporting that next week's FB will have an unusual bigfoot bait- a menstruating Ranae tied to a post wearing nothing but nippl;e clamps and a ball gag.

    1. Nice! I'm really into hardcore lesbo bondage lately.

    2. Now I will pay to see that!!!!!!

    3. Wait!!!! Hold everything, that's a woman?

    4. Cliff B. has an unfortunate encounter with a group of Hell's Angels while dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. You will probably never eat a bagette aagain as long as you live.

    5. I watched this movie the other day, A biker ordered a shot of Whiskey with a used tampon in it...and of course, he drank it

      (it was a bigfoot movie by the way)
      Anyone else seen it?

    6. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

    7. I thought they were squatchin with Justin bieber! That's a girl!?

  14. Replies
    1. Do you wipe your bum? And if so, do you also put the toilet paper (or whatever you use) in the jar as well? I tried the poop in the jar thing, but this is where I ran into issues.

    2. Poop in a jar guy is an American hero.

    3. Call me crazy but whenever I picture him pooping in a jar he is always in the middle of a field.

    4. Poop in a jar for sale on eBay, come one come all, hurry hurry, get it while its hot!!

    5. I keep my jar in a poop.

    6. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

    7. Poop in the jar guy has a bigfoot dna sample? Did he eat a bigfoot steak? I hope he labels his jars. This could be it...

  15. Replies
    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  16. this will make nice moustache for Tontar !

    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  17. They are a type of people.

    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

      And they are a type of fucking lemur.

    2. They are a type of nothing and you'll like it.

  18. My cat eats Chinese food. It's so cute, he eats the fried rice and his eyes get squinty. Lmfao.

    1. I would like to see how he holds the chop sticks.

    2. Haha. No he just eats it with his mouth! Then he falls asleep in a pair of my dirty shorts. Eww gross!

    3. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  19. Slow in the bigfoot world, yawn... Will some body please shoot one of these monkeys and drive it in a live local news station.

    1. You're going to be waiting for a long long time.

      Somewhere around eternity, can you hold out?

      Serioauly, turn the corner man. They don't exist. Just come to grips and laugh at all the footards telling magical stories of: mind rape, paranormal abilities, Bigfoot flying UFO's, horse hair braiding, self promoted papers, Daniel Boone, Sloths and Humans breeding.

      Its so much better over on the other side.

    2. Don't forget the Epic of Gilgamesh and Chewbacca masks.

    3. And don't forget the skeptards bleeving wholeheartedly in invisible bicycles, hoaxers carving dermal ridges into false feet, that Ketchum broke into her own lab and hijacked her own computer servers in order to blame it on some other entity, and that pandas are roaming wildly and violently throughout North American forests.

      It's pot and kettle folks.

    4. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  20. Are the Islanders playing tonight?

    1. That's good- Montreal just played a great game against the Bruins last night

    2. Hi mayor. I think everyone is playing for second behind the Blackhawks this year. They are playing like beasts.

    3. Jill, why is the name "Toews" pronounced "Taves"?

    4. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

    5. Jill, are you single? I would really like you to be. If you want to go out look me up. Take care baby!
      Jeff Teagle

  21. Replies
    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  22. I bet Herb is bidding on that baggy of Squatch hair.

    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  23. That BS report from Ky or OH was just that BS, no news from anywhere tnight, have a good one folks, from Ken in Tenn, gnight.

    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  24. On an endearing note, everyone's favorite batshit crazy asshat Sasfooty is taking pictures of her own poop and posting it online.

    1. is it in a jar?

      (you were all thinking it) :-p

    2. Habituators are not nessesarily out for discovery or having to prove to scoffers or impatient hunters that Bigfoot exsists. The interaction with Sasquatch is a wonderous relationship of discovery between the parties involved only; kind of like an invitation only get togeather. Trust is established after many, many interactions and is hard earned and can be revoked at anytime that established boundaries are comprimised. The value is not in letting the world in on your intimate relationship with BF but the growing understanding of that relationship in itself and relized as that relationship grows.
      Let me just say, discovery will come in due time and IMHO should not be rushed for personal gain or glory. Any motive that deals with protection should be ONLY for the benifit of the Sasquatch and science can wait. The Sasquatch need zero protection from the habituators who have their motives inline with what benifits their relationship with Sasquatch and nothing else should matter. The relationship is paramont and guarded. Futhermore the insistance of the pro-kill camp with their "put up or shut up" attitude is enough to any true habituator to see the danger and red flags. Enough said; the relationship is paramont and proving anything is a brek in trust which has no chance of a habituator falling for.

    3. In other words "I have made a nice excuse for why I can make grandiose claims and present ZERO EVIDENCE"


    4. Nah, its not even a nice excuse. Its a display of Looney Toons. Some people are just straight up fruit cakes and even fruit cakes need friends, whether they're real life friends (in person) or Internet friends it makes no difference to them, because they're "somebody" to someone somewhere and they don't care if the person or person(s) who believe them are as bat shit crazy as they are.

    5. F*ck, I never imagined so-called habituators were that "looney tunes", and to quote: "bat shit crazy"......all this time you were right, some need professional help

    6. ^
      You're a big fat doody head.

    7. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

    8. I saw all the posts here goofing on that thread and decided to check it out. 2 scrolls in, I was greeted by Safooty's steaming turd. Thanks a lot guys...

  25. Last night's episode of Finding Bigfoot is on's like the gift that keeps on giving.

    1. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  26. The obsessed BFF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Munns a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

  27. Slap some dingle berries on that and it would look straight up like my wife's bhole hair.

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