Dr. Jeff Meldrum Is In Reno, NV -- Go See Him!

For those of you near Reno, this afternoon, Bigfoot expert Dr. Jeff Meldrum of Idaho State University will be giving a short lecture and demonstrate footprint casting at the Wilbur D. May Museum. Here are the details if you're interested:

When: Noon today.
Where: Wilbur D. May Museum at Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St.
Cost: $5 or $20 for a series pass. Casting demonstration free with exhibit admission.
Details: 775-785-5961 or www.maycenter.com.
When: Now through June 2; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays-Saturdays; noon to 4 p.m. Sundays
Cost: $9 adults, $8 children and seniors, $6 for groups of 15 or more
On the web: See a video from "Creatures" at RGJ.com/videos


 [via www.rgj.com]


  1. Replies
    1. At this moment M. moneymaker is performing cunnilungus on Ranae.

    2. He is? Don't tell me Bobo is teabagging Cliff!

    3. March madness is heating up tbags! Get in on the action.

    4. Stay cool on that stool Mayor.

    5. Thanks gorgeous! Aww, I feel like I'm talking to a dog now.

    6. Hey he is a very good and well behaved dog. Thurman just drools some, ok a lot, ok all the time. Plus now you can be the sexiest firster again

    7. Bearking here. Meldrum is my gay father. And mccheese has stinkypoo!

  2. why is this guy selling known hoaxed tracks?

  3. Yeah, he's supposed to be getting my books that I ordered from him this weekend, then autographing them and shipping them to me. Pretty excited about it, I got Legend Meets Science and the newer Field Guide coming from him this week. I'm happier than hell to read them...and who wouldn't want autographed copies???

    1. Who wouldn't want autographed copies? Anybody with a brain. The guy is smart enough to know BFs don't exist, he's just milking a little extra cash from bozos who believe in fairy tales.

    2. Who ended up winning the Meldrum field guide for the caption contest?

    3. One is not impressed with Meldrum and his autographed copies BS.


    4. For the record, I posted the comment at 12:05 and I'm a skeptic. I actually don't believe Bigfoot exists. While the castings and overall sightings from thousands are indeed intriguing, those are overshadowed by the hoaxes and total bullshit so called researchers.

      Meldrum is a smart guy and that's the reason I wanted to read on what he has to say about the subject. That doesn't mean that I will agree with every conclusion he makes or every hypothesis he declares. I'm not a dumb ass myself, so I can come to my own decisions.

      Honestly, as far as Bigfoot goes, to this date, the most intriguing piece of possible evidence is the footage filmed in Georgia where the kid yells: "hey Bigfoot!"

      I truly believe everything else is total horseshit. That being said, that doesn't mean I accept the footage from Georgia as legit, it's just too far away to make a determination IMO but at the same time pretty intriguing. Honestly, I have no idea why that footage doesn't get more play/airtime on the t.v shows and Internet.

  4. That's terrible, made me laugh though. ;-)

  5. I don't wanna see Meldrum, I wanna see that fuckin' monkey.

  6. Bigfoot is BS hasn't been here lately because she got a job.

    She got a job as a Huffington Post blogger.

    Right out of the gate in her first "article" she claims there is no bigfoot. This is her life's ambition: to be able to say in a national newspaper "there is no bigfoot." Yes, and that statement is in the face of the evidence in the PGF. Another skeptard avoiding, ignoring, and positively fleeing from evidence.

    Yipee for her.

    She has toned herself down for this job; you won't find the all-caps F*&%$!!! and so on which you will find on her I Doubt It blog (while she chastises others for being rude!).

    In any case, we should all go over and call her out on her activities here as "Bigfoot is BS." I wonder if the Post will "approve" our comments? If controversy jacks up sales, then the Post should welcome our most controversial comments, right gentlemen?

    Somehow I doubt it will work out that way! Critical comments will be blocked.

    It's too bad a skeptard rather than a skeptic got this job. Skeptards are extremists and dismissed. They aren't skeptical. They have gone all the way through skepticism and out the other side and stumbled into gullibility.

    Too bad. Uck, ugh, yuck.

    You can take a look here:


    Let's all go and blow her cover. Hello, Bigfoot is BS!!!

  7. Please ask Dr Meldrum why he continues to endorse such claimed bigfoot evidence such as: the BCM tracks that were associated with the Wallace stompers. Also, the "skookum cast" which represents an elk lay.

    Why Dr Meldrum? Do you think we are fools? Or are you just that fucking stupid?

    1. I don't think he's going to answer.

    2. Yeah grow some and go and ask him instead of chewing on brick here.

    3. ^^^ I would not pay a dime to see his speech, much less to travel and speak to him. I'd rather him be an honest chap, but it seems he's more interested in selling bigfoot.

  8. Meldrun is Dyer with a degree. I ouldn't cross the street to see him.


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