Dr. Bryan Sykes "Is No Longer a Doubter or a Skeptic"

Image credit: Bigfootology.com

We don't know what exactly happened up in the north Cascades of Washington State, but it has changed Dr. Bryan Sykes, who's now planning another visit to America next month. According to Bigfootology's Rhettman Mullis, the famous professor of Human Genetics from the University of Oxford has changed his views on Bigfoot and has gone from a skeptic to a complete believer.

Did he see a Bigfoot? Did Bigfoot throw a rock in his direction? Did he cast a giant footprint? We're not sure what happened to the doctor (who is now an official member of Bigfootology) from England, but we're glad that he is open to the possibility of a North American ape species. On Thursday, Bigfootology's Rhettman Mullis posted this statement on Facebook about Dr. Sykes' visit:

One of the handful of people that I arranged for him to meet was a donor, Lori Simmons, who is also now an official member to Bigfootology along with her fiancé Adam Davies. She took us up to her dad's old area and that is where it happened in the north Cascades of Washington State.

It has been an extremely busy last two weeks with me and my family being on the road with Dr. Bryan Sykes and his wife, Uhla, and we will have some amazing news in the near future coming out. Brace yourself. Many great things came out of this trip. I, and Bigfootology are to blame for Dr. Sykes' project slowing down. Lab tests are being done on schedule and in batches as he has lab technicians working for him while he travels. We have been out meeting some of the Bigfoot community, getting out into the field, and collecting more samples. He still plans on concluding this project before the end of this year and now Bigfootology has access to the only international wildlife forensic lab that can analyze everything from hair to body parts, fingerprints and more, and we have spent some time there and have learned a lot that we will be passing on to the Bigfoot community. This lab is also now helping as a backup lab for the DNA project, and there is no one higher to go in the world than Sykes and now this forensic lab. Bigfootology is the gateway for testing artifacts from the field but we will not overwhelm them and we will extensively document any materials sent to us to pass on to this lab. It will have to pass through scrutiny in order to have it approved so that value resources and time are not wasted.

Dr. Bryan Sykes will be returning in a month and we plan on doing more of the same, including getting in some fishing. Dr. Sykes and I are on a first-name basis now and we feel like we are all a part of each other's family, that has how successful this time together has been.

I am also taking this moment to let you all know that we have new official Team Bigfootology members: Lori Simmons, Adam Davies, Sam Cagey of the Lummi, Brenda Harris of the Navajo, Moses Rivas and Selena of the Navajo, Justin Smeja and Bart Cutino. Welcome aboard all.

Finally, Dr. Sykes will be writing about what has happened while we were in the field last Sunday with Lori Simmons. What I can say at this point is Dr. Sykes is no longer a doubter or skeptic. Something happen to us that has crossed him over into the world of Bigfoot believer. Thanks to Lori Simmons and her "Big Guy", as well as the many Team Bigfootology members who showed Dr. Sykes that believers with stories are credible and genuine people.
Click here to check out Bigfootology's Facebook Page to view all the photographs from the trip.


  1. Noon shootout, all week.

  2. First.

    I dont approve of this 1 thing.

    It's nothing but intellectual dishonesty.

    1. What do youo expect from somebody who won't shut up about a mediocre pop band?

    2. First is the worst!!!!
      Second is the best!!!
      Third is the one with the hairy bigfoot chest!!!

    3. When I go to their Site, I whistle to announce my presence, and I think of it like ringing the doorbell. We just do our thing and I assume they do theirs and what happens happens, or not. The times we've gone deep into the woods (2x) where they are presumed to be, I wood knock how many we are as a courtesy. I have only had my camera with me the second time (which was pitch black night) and the third time because it was middle of the day and I was taking pix of the kids playing on our long picnic afternoon. I don't take pix of the foliage hoping to spot them - there's no point, it's too dense and I'd never see anything anyway. Maybe some day, but not now and for a good while I'd imagine. Maybe when the leaves have fallen and there's less cover? Sometimes I have left food and sometimes not. The last time, I put the basket up high on a tree branch but have not been back to check it. If my kid is with me (daytime only and only when other people are around), I keep my eye on him closely. He heard the last 2 wood knocks/3 rocks thrown clearly, so he is now paying attention when I tell him to do things, hahaha, it's no longer "mom's thing" - he's now aware and somewhat interested. WE are kinda hit and miss on getting up there because I usually don't have gas to make the drive, and I won't go alone anymore. I just want to be a nice house guest in their home territory, i guess that's my current goal. That, and becoming more comfortable - them with me and me with them.

    4. ^^^^^ use paragraphs Hemmingway

  3. Replies
    1. They've gotten to Sykes Travis- we're counting on you to take him out!

    2. I'll let him have a go at it.... If he looks like he's starting toward being Ketchum-level full of shit, I'll take him out.

  4. Replies
    1. Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a bigfootologist!

  5. What the hell is going on? Now we are picking sides? I mean I know there are groups but this is getting ridiculous. They don't care about Sasquatch existing, they are just wanting a slice of money pie. The only one who I think is not out for the money but has already profited from it is bobo. His passion is gone squatchin! That's his motto. He loves it and could care less about the money. Cliff barackman is the same way, he loves it too. And Moneymaker is moneymaker, always looking for a buck. So Bobo and Cliff are my faves.

    1. You insensitive lout! Shawn is probably crying his eyes out!

    2. Enoch prefers M K Davies. He really is the best one!

    3. Looks like Rhett has positioned himself as the gatekeeper. Climbing to the top of the dung heap.

  6. Here we go again! Sykes will pull a magic monkey out of his butt and the footers will ascend into the heavens! Forget all that other crap about Ketchum, Dyer, Davis, Meldrum and those homeless fellers down by the tracks. THIS is the REAL DEAL. Specail thanks to Lori Battleship Simmons and the Janitor Guy!

    1. Omg here we go again!!! This was the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT with the disclaimer, WAIT and see. If you damn freaks actually had/have something just come clean and stop with the game playing. Put up or just shut the F up!!!

      Does FBFB, Dyck Ryder, and Musky Ass Allen sound familure? Skeptic turnned believer, big announcement with no proof to back up anything. Maybe they will give Sykes the FOOTER of the year award!!! But wait the MIB took our evidence.

      The UK has been watching our footards closely and want a piece of the action!!!

    2. Dont diss Meldrum, he is still the most respected in this field.

    3. I've come to realize that Meldrum, cool a figure as he is granted, is probably no more than the guy mainstream science have there to talk about this and stall it for as long as he did successfully with endless words about thousands of giant gorillalike apes in America, when sense should tell anybody that this theory just simply cannot be true. The odds are terribly against it as is the evidence instead suggesting a hominin.

  7. Smeja joins BF club. Isn't he the guy that (maybe) killed one?

    1. Supposedly he killed one and wounded another. He's taken 4 polygraphs and passed 3 and failed one. Ro sahebi believes him 100% and randles too.while others are skeptical

    2. Smeja is an American hero.

    3. smeja = redneck truck window hunter. killed a creature from his truck without tags - says he felt threatened (in his truck at distance). then chased it down and shot a youth. if that's a hero, you are one sicko.

  8. It's strange that Sykes now involves himself with the likes of Cutino and Smeja, that's not a good sign. Surely if he's serious about this now, there's no way around having a look at the Ketchum data sometime which is the good rock solid real deal. Wouldn't hurt him to have a look since those of us really-really serious about this subject, know for a fact the Sasquatch species is basically another human of unknown origin on the male side. That's what all future findings must show because we now know it to be so and the Native Amerticans always knew it to be so, everything's there to study if he wants to. I suggest he contacts her or NABS if he's seriously interested.

    1. Sykes is interested in the samples only. He'll be a 'show me the data' kind of guy. I don't reckon he'll be posting about horsehair braiding any time soon.


    2. How about "show me a body," show me a clear clean video, show me a photo. How about something that isn't MK Davis blurry.... Anything?.... That's what I thought. Just another Footer club, you go guys!

    3. NABS already proved bigfoot as far as I'm concered. Read the books on the NABS website. Its all there!

    4. True the Ketchum study did prove it conslusively and effectively, but we still need science in general to take it seriously and if Sykes would then who would argue with that. It would certainly be disappointing if he has no comments or opinions on it, it's the same field after all and not butterflies we're discussing here.

  9. Just you wait now, just WAIT. And wait and wait and wait. One day, there will be PROOF. We won't say when. Just one day. Be patient! Why is everyone so impatient? It's BIGFOOT for christ's sake.

    They made a bleever out of Sykes? Hokey shit and it's all HOAXES.



    1. Wait until you hear it directly from him. ALL footers are liars.

    2. ^^ Two geeks having oral sex.

  10. Sykes just woke up and smelled the coffee. He's just doing this for publicity and money. He doesn't believe in bigfoot. Everybody is starting to get rich and by him not believing he's missing out on money pie so he now says he's a believer to get his hands on money pie. He's smart by doing this. With the sucsess of finding bigfoot, conspiracy files, and so on, he wants some money honey too!

    1. Ha. Because there's so much money in Bigfoot, right? Sheesh.

    2. I doubt his goal is money, he is a smart guy and if money were his goal, he wouldn't have to depend on trickery to get it.

    3. We'd all be very rich if we could cash in lame comments like the money/book excuse. lol

  11. I will believe it when I hear the words come from Sykes month.

    1. So you don't think that's him in the pictures but a double and Mullis is just writing stuff for the fun of it ? I think Sykes has witnessed the vastness of the PNW wilderness realizing you could have armies of dinosaurs in there so why not an elusive race of undiscovered intelligent hominins, same for the Caucasus or Tibet for that matter.

  12. Having Smeja on his team has dropped the Sykes study to the level of the Ketchum hoax. Sykes and his study are done. It will be out soon...

    Meanwhile his Oxford peers have accused him of exploiting the science of genetics for financial gain in an article written by the UK's Telegraph.

    Where have we heard this story before.

    1. "I saw this brown thing...like a bear, or a man in a suit....and than it started walking towards us with it's arms in the air, I mean, this thing was White...like a coyote!"

      - Justin "I'm a douche bag, what can I say?" Smeja.

    2. I saw this brown thing, big as ever doin circles right in front of me. It went around and around until it simply disappeared.

      I didn't think it would ever fit down the drain

  13. I remember watching all the posters get to be first. So one day I tried and tried. And finally, at about 11 o'clock at night, I saw a post appear and I jumped on it. And I was first. And I said, " Is that all there is to being first?"

    Is that all there is?
    Is that all there is?
    If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing
    Let's break out the booze and have a ball
    If that's all there is

  14. Back on form Rush! Nice one.


  15. "Dr. Bryan Sykes will be returning in a month and we plan on doing more of the same, including getting in some fishing. Dr. Sykes and I are on a first-name basis now and we feel like we are all a part of each other's family, that has how successful this time together has been."
    *blank stare*...and I like turtles, bfd.

    but seriously, hopefully you can make more money off this than you can recycling cans.

    1. "Dr. Sykes and I are on a first name basis now... That's why I just referred to him as Dr. Sykes. Are you impressed yet? Huh? Huh?"

    2. Thats his name,Dr. sykes Sykes

    3. Ah and so now the black project ridicule scheme hits upon Sykes for dabbling too seriously in US national affairs, is that it?

  16. Good thing they put Sykes name with an arrow pointing to him, I thought that was Dr. John Hammond. Da na na na naaa, da na na na naaa, da na naa, na naaa, na naaaaaaaaa.

  17. So, the article's conclusion is that Sykes may or may not have changed his mind, according to someone and we're not sure why but it's big.

    Good work! Two Appletinis, please!

  18. Try not to use food as a tool,instead trying using rock stacking. Something different that other animals are not capable of eating. It is real easy to fall into this trap and believe that they are getting your food when in fact that they are not the only creatures out there that are intrested in a free meal. If you ask them to knock they will respond with a knock at least the ones that i have dealt with in Michigan have. Everyone of them are different and may react differently depending on the area.Not one is the same just like us as people we all have character so do they. Some like us people and some do not some can tolerate us and some would rather not and the one's who do not. Well stay far away from us .They know and i mean they know us,whether you like it or not they found you and it is up to you to accept.

  19. I knew Adam Davies was banging her

  20. It is funny how people come up in here and start reading people's minds, like he's just in it for the money and etc. They get one article and start assuming things. For me it's always a wait and see and I'm waiting to hear what changed his mind.

    1. This is just a blog nowadays for people to come on a spew out their hate and ignorance. If there were moderators it wouldnt be so much of an issue, and if everyone had to have a name and not be anon's running their mouths like a bunch of kids we could have real conversations and talk about things pertaining to the article, not bashing anyone that is mentioned in it.

    2. Listen to Smeja's story...
      You don't have to be a mind reader.

      It's black and white.

      Or if you prefer...brown and white. Zing!

    3. Exactly. People running this blog suck.

    4. the people running the blog don't suck; the blog is what it is. its not like new info is flying over the boards everyday. hate speach, poop jokes and alter egos are to be expected.

    5. Requiring people to sign in and being able to curb the immature behavior is what makes forums and other blogs better though. The idea that people behave like civilized folks is nice.

      I am not hating on this site, its great. There isnt news flying in everyday your right.

      Its the people posting that get to you, and then when the people running feed into that stuff its just annoying, your creating a worse place for all of us by doing it.

      Smeja is a liar, clear as day, but if you posted under a name you would probably make a little more elaborate or discursive posts about whatever the subject matter is because you would care about who is saying that idiotic comment about poop or melba or what have you.

    6. if you had a sign in system then you would need a crickets chirping sound track to go along with the lack of activity. i think fast and free is best. the price of that is that it seems like most of the posters are 16 yr. old dudes. sometimes its like being at a table full of nerds in a high school cafeteria.

    7. There are its pros and cons your right. I dont know the solution, but I get annoyed coming on and seeing a thread and starting to read through the comments and see that nobody even read the article its just FIRST! game for a few dozen posters and then them chit chatting, and then MAYBE I find someone who posted something worth talking about. Even then, you get overflowed with people making jokes that are rarely funny in the middle of seriousness because only a handful are mature enough to have real debates or discourse on the matter.

    8. "Requiring people to sign in and being able to curb the immature behavior is what makes forums and other blogs better though."

      Yeah ok. Whatever you say Mulder,um I mean DWA, whoops sorry Charles Bronson. If that is your real name.

    9. rumferlife..ed nolan,so what,who cares?Friday, March 22, 2013 at 1:05:00 PM PDT

      Thanks president bronson,we'll do everything just the serious way you like,have you tried BFF?Rush Rules

  21. I like to use those Victor rat traps. Smear some LSD laced peanut butter on them then light a few roman candles you're in for one helluv a show.

  22. here's a fantastical scenario to consider. just suppose smeja actually did shoot a mother and her infant that day. he doesn't retrieve the bodies so it's safe to assume the family group of the creatures did. now the family group has a clear picture of what is going on here with these little, bald, shithead killers (us). what are they to think? now fast forward to some hypothetical unsuspecting hikers or campers that happen to put themselves in the vacinity of this family group. what is the possibility of the family group tearing them to pieces or bashing their little bodies against a tree. if the creatures are anything like us they will get down to business and take care of these little monsters (us) when they get the opportunity. i wonder if past interactions of a grim sort may explain disappearances or mysterious deaths in wilderness areas. we have to accept responsibility for our effects on this highly intelligent species. which bring us back to mr. smeja. this son of a bitch may have caused a future situation where some poor, wrong place at the wrong time person or persons will pay with their lives. that's why i hope to hell this guy is a big liar. being a liar is better for his karma than actually killing one or any of these beings. give the sasquatch credit for knowing who the real monster is. you reap what you sow as they used to say.

    1. Probably not, because if they are as intelligent as you and I are assuming, then they know doing that will only bring more bald killers midgets from the outside to hunt and kill more of them.

      They know out there one on one we stand no chance, but if we destroyed their habitats completely they would either leave the area completely or die out and be killed off.

      I am looking at this as if a real war between the two evolved big time.

    2. sometimes rage and passion trump logic and reason especially when family members are lost. we don't know them well enough to guess their reactions that is why being responsible for our actions is so important.

    3. Im sure our technology gets their attention though. They know what we create is powerful and scary to them, they would throw rocks and branches at loggers in the early days from reports. As if to say, "hey this is our forest stop it! you have your land and we have ours"

      They are constantly hiding from us, that is an important factor in it. They know what could happen if they all walked around like people in broad day light stopping at publix for a chicken. Who would hire an 8ft tall hairy ape man at their sports authority? Nobody! I dont know how I got here but I am having fun imagining all this.

      Also, what kind of car would a Sas drive? F350?

    4. Good post by Frugal Excersiser and Charlie Bronson, although I disagree about Smeja being a liar especially since it was one of his tissue samples that Ketchum did entire genome on along with J C Johnson pipe blood and Stan Courney's blood sample although I find what he did, if true, reprehensible at best, but what is done is done. What Bigfoot is Blurry talks about is logical, however what ANON 1109 says seems to fit the pattern. There is something either inbred or learned in these creatures which prevents them from just wholesale killing of humans and it is why we have not wiped them off the map like we have done to every other hominid race.

      As for Bryan Sykes, I do not believe in coincidences. I think he has found some things in his testing that has brought him to the PNW (as opposed to just coming here for a simple vacation) to try and learn more about the creatures whos DNA he is now studying. Also this is why his study has gone far past the December release date as originally planed. Do not be surprised if there is a documentary to be incorporated into his study, and I think this road he is on is going far beyond what he originally thought it would be.
      All written is just my opinion.


    5. the proximity to humans may have something to do with the way sasquatch evolved and adapted. humans may have driven them to be nocturnal. darkness is one of the realms we cannot master without technology. the sasquatch found the night to be a safe option. also their shyness is an adaptation which would minimize contact with us, thus maximizing survival. these special and unique qualities mixed with sheer intelligence could provide a survival strategy that would allow them to be here among us today. they are the one hominid (and homo sapien has overlapped with several) that has managed to survive in spite of us. the native american was undoubtably much easier to coexist with than we are so i'm guessing a future of great peril for the sasquatch. unless of course we kill ourselves off.

      p.s. peterbuilt or kenworth, F350 would be piffle

    6. I think a lot of what we know about them, or really what little we know about them, is all they allow us to know. There is a lot more to these species than what we can just guess. Look at the crazy capabilities of humans, the minds of these guys is probably just as powerful. They can see why not to do certain things because it either immediatley or will in the future endanger them as a WHOLE. They know if we go looking eventually were gonna hone in as a group on a much smaller amount of them, and they will be extinct. They see us destroy forests and ruin habitats daily. We are a major threat to them, as a whole.

      Whether or not smeja is a liar is still to be determined I suppose. But his story about how he got the sample was ridiculous, going back a month later and finding a piece of something and hoping its Bigfoot. Then with that the Melba controversy, is she full of it or not? So his credibility is hard to judge at this point. Hopefully This new testing with the boots helps, but is unlikely it will yield real conclusive results. The bear factor being mixed in didnt help the situation. Sykes seems to have his head on strait, well see how it goes.

      I would say they would drive around in an f650, camo in color.

    7. Theres really no cons to pants,why can't the genius forest people at least figure that out?

    8. smeja seems like the kind of dope (i grew up around these guys) who has the blood of almost every animal in the forest on his boots. testing his boot will be a nightmare for the lab. just all kinds of dna, everything from bacteria to walmart shoppers. dubious at best. sykes probably was set to meet as many people as possible and smartly disregarded the smears of the blogosphere. meet smeja? why not. just gather samples and let them speak for themselves.
      its just that many of us (i know i do) want the smeja story to be completely false. i grew up around people who constantly violated game laws. i'm guessing smeja is one of these types, after all he supposedly shot something and he wasn't even sure of what it was! i don't know why he came forward with this story because either way he looks horrible.

    9. well with no pants you can just pee anywhere, which must be nice.

    10. I yield to your superior argument,my dogs agree

  23. Give it up, Sykes. It's utter bullshit. Fantasy. Better off looking for leprechauns.

    1. No chance it's too late for that song now, no matter what they are more precisely as a species they will be officially discovered sooner or later.

    2. You should probably give up on being a skeptard, the species exists and when people like this say "i had an experience and now i believe" guess what? Its because THEY HAD AN EXPERIENCE AND NOW THEY BELIEVE!

      Your not going to change anything by saying its fantasy or bullshit, if you dont believe then great WHY ARE YOU HERE???

  24. Rhett's desperate attempts at impressing his "lessers" in the bigfoot community are slightly nauseating. Pompous, much? Speak a little louder, Rhett. We can't hear you over the sound of you tooting your own horn.

    1. Can't... Get... Up... Stuck... Under... All... The... Dropped... Names...

  25. what is the point of this self appointed shit. who cares if some nom,ark doctor now believes. The FACT is no one can believe.unless youve seen the thing standing infront of you,there is no evidence

    so this utterly piointless post is dumb. somebody wants to see there name in the spotlight[of sorts]

  26. NABS already proved bigfoot as far as I'm concered. Read the books on the NABS website. Its all there!

    1. Very true yes, but it would seem that for soem reason it sits more comfortably with US authorities that a famous doctor like Sykes helps to discover this species scientifically rather than the Texas woman who already did.

  27. I'm gonna lol if they hoaxed Sykes and he falls for it.

    1. Not too likely. We'll have David Attenborough involved too very soon I think, he already suspects the Yetis could be real. This is one of the last larger biological frontiers/taboos above sea level left we have on the planet, you'd be a fool not to want involvement in this hominin/lost brother/missing link search. Witnessed by thousands worldwide, time to prove them real.

    2. Hey come on it's Sir David Attenborough you know.

  28. It is possible(though unlikely) that Sykes tested some purported Yeti samples and found something interesting. Certainly, that would make him more open to the idea of Bigfoot. That, or he is getting ready to push a book....

    1. they are saying he had experience in the field that changed his thoughts on everything.

    2. Maybe he had himself what is now known as a Bindernagel. Would make a good movie title too, The Bindernagel Experience.

    3. the only worthy event would be a close up personal witness. anything less should not be persuasive to him.

    4. DNA doesn't lie and Sykes knows that, which is why the Ketchum study's the real thing and this he knows too undoubtedly.

  29. I agree with the food theory. It is impossible to say a bigfoot took it unless you put a trail cam and caught one. There is the videos MK Davis puts out that has a few of them with buckets up like 7 ft in the air with food in them that they say bigfoots come and take. But those videos are very poor quality, same ones as the whitey and fence climber I believe.

    Rock stacks are something completely out of the ordinary, so to see those in response to something would be pretty cool. When I was in Michigan I heard one at night on the lake but who knows how far away it could have been up at the top of the state at a friends cabin. I think Michigan is a hotspot from what people report.

  30. He also said that no one has gone missing that has carried a transponder and a gun together. It is hard to wrap my mind around what is going on. It may be several things and nothing would surprise me. When he originally started this project my initial thoughts were mostly Bigfoot related, but boy have I changed my mind now.


  31. If i find your traps sir, well.... godam you for using penut butter, hate getting that stuff outta my beard. On a related note, i have been spraying various liquid cultures for the higher altitude psilocybes in squatchy areas of the wenatchee ntl forest, primarily the p.serbica, hope the big furry folks get into some of those, get some thermal footage of a squatch dry humping a stump.

  32. Theres people who grow things in the woods that don't like other people talking about it,little 411 for you guys to think about

  33. You all realize if a bigfoot wanted to, he could kill a hunter with his bare hands, and take his gun. Guess what? He can use a gun because he has the same hands as a human! Stop underestimating them and thinking they need to steal children and people, maybe it has happened but all those disappearances are just that, a disappearance!

  34. This begs the question if Sykes has not found something anomalous in his samples then why is he in the PNW in the first place,something has piqued his interest, if all the test data had come back known animals he would have published and cried bullshit so what is it ?

  35. I like Dave Paulides' books and interviews. I'm very intrigued about what he has to say regarding the Native American experience and then with the disappearances. What confuses me is it seems like anyone who expresses an opinion as to who or what they believe it could be makes Dave mad. If you say it's explainable or could be human or animals or exposure or a fall he get's mad. If you say it might be Bigfoot he gets really mad. I know he never says what he thinks it might be in the books, but since he wrote 2 Bigfoot books and started the NABS it's understandable that people may think he is alluding to Bigfoot or that they simply are thinking that way. What is it he wants us to say it may be that won't piss him off? UFOs maybe? But he doesn't seem to want to talk about that too much either. I just don't get why he gets all pissy with people when they speculate or if they think he is referring to Bigfoot. He wants us to read his mind? I really respect his work--he has done tremendous research. I guess it's sort of like the extremely effective and competent physician who has a terrible bedside manner. I just don't get him sometimes. I think he is hyper sensitive to criticism perhaps, and I can understand why. If you look into BF, you get ridiculed by non-believers and you get hate from the various factions or "teams" of BF researchers. You can't win for losing in the BF community. He mentions how it's so full of hatred, and he's right. But still he will just get so irritated if he even thinks you said something critical or if you speculate about the wrong thing. He's kind of hard to figure at times.

  36. Smeja probably showed him the Juvie body he's been hiding

  37. So is Smeja full of shit or what?


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