Breakdown: Girl Observes 11 ft Tall Bigfoot Stalking Her Family

Last year, a girl and her family while camping out in Washington state, reportedly observed a huge 11 ft Bigfoot watching her family from the edge of the forest. She could hardly contain herself when she described her sighting on camera. The follow up video is enhanced and discussed by Michael Merchant, a biologist. Michael believes it to be a valid sighting.

Original video:


  1. Replies
    1. Mr. McChunks thought you got Impeached or something.

    2. You're right Chewy, I apologize to everybody for acting like a bitch. Wow, this girl just got in my head, it's crazy.

    3. Just give her your quarter pounder before I give her my Big Mac...

    4. Hate to break it to you, but she has been seen with Ronald clowning around...

    5. She really digs the Long dong silver cheesey dick dodgers, but she doesn't dodge well.

    6. Keep it on the road McDickCheese.

    7. Why are the feet of the superimposed Bigfoot at the persons waist? Nice Try!

    8. Hi Chewy - my big, strong Wookie. Your right, it IS mating season and I'm ovulating.
      Everyone has seen the film of my backside but I'm saving the frontside . . the FULL frontal just for you. Jill could never pleasure you the way I could (although Rictor might give me a run for the money). How does the Golden Corral sound for our first date?


      P.S. You DO like bluebery bagels don't you? It's kind of important.

    9. My Dearest Matilda,
      It has always been you my love...I don't care about the DNA...our love supersedes science....Jill was just a one night stand...she never understood my needs like you...xoxo

  2. Dammit Michael I want to hate you but after your breakdown videos and outlines you are making me LMFAO! I like it, that's good sh*t man, good sh*t.

    1. Digging the drawing. lol When you lack photos, draw them in.

  3. Clearly its valid without any pictures, video, or any other form of legitimate evidence other than a "story" by a woman we know nothing about. Thank god for just one more piece of critical proof of the majestic monkey. Why was an entire year wasted without notice of this gem??

    1. We know she has terrible grammar, that her IQ is under 90, that she's some kind of mongrel and that she's a bit of a minger.

    2. yaeh but she gots some tig ole bitties on her

  4. Sawer a bear... again, is that just Maine slang or are your parents British.

  5. Mr. Ken, why do so many people like you, with some outdoor life experience but no Sasquatch investigatory or field research in your resume, give no credibility to the BFRO and the very popular TV series. Just curious, could it be a hint of jealousy?

    1. (Ken).. Are you sure you have the right feller? I like the show, and the crew too. I Think most people who actually hunt and do it in the wilderness would agree, that howling and wood knocking isn't a good way to get close to something that doesn't want to be seen. All I'm saying is, great TV, not great hunting or stalking. Just my very humble opinion based on my own hunting success nothing more. Making a TV show requires more than just hunting skill for sure. They've made allot of people think about the subject, My family loves the show.

    2. Come on brother Ken, you were challenged. Lay some country smack down on that anon. The show sucks ass and you are correct to call it a joke. Don't back down brother Ken, rise up and face the fools. BIGFOOT is BULLSHIT. I want to see the episode where Renea Beats down Money Scraper and Bow Bow.

  6. girls with that size breast do not lie about size,
    they have no reason to :)

  7. Saw is used in the singular form as in: I saw Bigfoot. Seen is a past participle and needs an auxiliary or helper verb. As in : I have seen Bigfoot. It always needs to be accompanied by has, have or had. People who use I seen by and large irritate me to no end. I think they should be smacked around with a wet sausage. I have seen the red marks on his face from being smacked with a wet sausage. Not I seen his red marks... And this video is obviously a hoax because Asian people do not go camping. When have you ever seen an Asian person camping? I never seen an Asian person camping..

    1. Right. You never saw no such thing. And if memory serves, I remember a whole mess of Asians camping everywhere in the 30s and 40s.

    2. Petrez find this very useful. God bless USA Citizen for clarification of seen and saw.

    3. Dude, they are hispanic. Our hispanic brothers invented camping. They even came into the U.S. by hiking and camping across the desert, and they did it without food or water. The PNW is like an oasis, compared to where they came from. I'll bet that they didn't even bother to bring sleeping bags or a tent. They probably just cleared out a smooth area on the ground next to the fire. They are hard core campers.

  8. Petrez believe girl may be make believe things. Foolish. Blog friends think this possible expaination? God Bless USA Citizens.

    1. Welcome to America Petrez! I see you have already mastered our language! Congratulations you sound as if you have lived here your whole life! And I'm not even remotely joking because that's what a majority of us sound like!

    2. He spells better than Dick Ryder that's for sure.

      But then again that's not saying much.

    3. Betcha he can't shoot as well, and that's saying allot rump rooter.

  9. Petrez Love Great USA country. Wish some time to visit. Petrez thank all blog friends for good congratulations about modest english capabilities. Petrez have joke for blog friends.

    Question: what is difference between Mr Rick Dyer and Lamb Chop

    Answer: Lamd Chop sing money make world go round. Mr Dyer sing monkey make world go round.

    God bless USA and all citizens who sail within her.

    1. Thank you Anonymous blog USA great nation friend. Petrez hope people find USA cultural joke humour. God Bless USA

  10. The footer purists will never by into an 11 foot monkey. They want their foot to be 7-8 feet period. Apparently there is some boundary of believability that even the most ludicrous believer dare not cross.
    How tall was gigantopithicus?

    1. So you're saying you believe Bigfoots can be 11 foot tall ?

    2. They've reported them larger then that.

    3. 15 foot is the tallest record on the internet. But they can shape shift into any height that they want to be.

    4. 11 ft is unrealisttic but somewhere around 10 ft 6 is highly likely.


    5. I don't know, can you tell how tall an animal is from a tooth.

  11. screw the video, tell that chick to show us her tits

    1. That's not a chick, that's a hermaphrodite posing as a chick posing for a chick posing as a guy posing as a sasquatch posing as Gigantopithicus. Are you all frigging blind.

    2. She won't becuase they look like PGF s

    3. (Ken)..WOW, Now there's a break down for you. Bad Dreams.

    4. oh yea, hairy teets, they keep you warm at night, and you can floss with them in the morning. Hide those lady shavers, Neanderthal is back. Yea back hair too. I detest female pattern baldness, it's unnatural and not what GOD intended.

  12. Replies
    1. Did Muskey the Alien say the tits on Dyer's body were shaven?

    2. No, but there was a landing strip on the crotch area.

    3. Did it look like a 1ft putting green?

  13. "Michael Merchant, a biologist" does that mean he had a biology class in high school? He is just a smartelic wanna be comedian. Before he was snow walker prime he sang about Jesus on a stick. He is just trying to be a internet personality. Just an old hairy weirdo.

  14. This made me zeef and some cheese leaked out, I cheefed

  15. Michael, I am sorry to break the bad news to you. Although paradoilia could be blamed for your comedic highlighting of many possible but not likely Bigfoot in close proximity to the man, I guarantee you that had they had the right equipment for detecting Bigfoot hiding in the 4th dimension, that they would have discovered at least that number that you described and more. There is still a lot for you to learn, young grasshopper.

    1. Warning to readers: Although scientists make no secret that they have some documentation and/or theories for up to 11 dimensions, this is not common knowledge amoung semi-illiterate rednecks that empty their sinuses off the front porch of their single wide. Consequently, you will likely bear witness here to some extremely immature and anti-social behavior that enables the perpetrators to get through the day, without being overwhelmed by the feeling that they are ill equipped to deal with a 21st century society, aka, completely ignorant. Not that there is anything wrong with being completely ignorant.

    2. Some people find difficult accepting other ways to understand the ways of this world and what lies within.This difficulty is proportional to thier ignorance...2013 the year of the smallfoot..!

  16. THE 4TH DIMENSION!!!! BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I JUST ZEEFED INTO MYSELF!!!! Hey, isn't that sorta 4th dimensional zeefing.... Mmmm... I'm onto something... I may find bigfoot!!!

  17. michael merchant. wtf is tis guy doing now. if he is not dissing some crap film of a BF he is saying thisis a legit wtiness. a 11foot 1000pd creaure would take some hiding and if it is willing to stand out in the open to campers then it would be spotted all the time. shit if a bear came anywhere near where i was on my camping trips i was aware of it straight away. If a 11ft creature stood there,i KNOW i would take my cell out and snapaway. she didnt seem the typeto have froze in shock. A creatue that size would leave some mes everywhere it would be like king kong trees would be broken ,hair samples everwhere etc,,,as it moved throug that heavily wooded area

    utter nonsensne. im glad mechant kept up hisdumb way of talking.Its like your crazy uncle trying to be hip with the youngsters at family get togthers.cringe! 4 some reason im guessing some people like him as he keeps posting,every day,so people must like what he does

    it seems pointless to me. tearing apart an obvious hoax in a witless,sarcastic way is dumb to me. almost as dumb as me watchig and complaining about it all the time.does my head in though

  18. crazy ,so we are caiming there is a 10 ft squatch itting 10ft fromtheguy and he isnt aware ofit.all the repots ive read say they sr=tink.cant be that bad as he didnt look in the direction of a BF feet away!

    merchant doesnt care as it keeps him in his limelight . not that some obscure video on a bigfoot site is limelite

  19. if she saw a 11ft monster n the woods next to where her kids are playing. i think she might show a bit more fea at how close they are to the same area.

    yet she swears on their life she is telling the truth. doesnt really carry much weight when we then see her allow her kids to run about where this massive creature was!.lol

    this is just another crazy looking for their 15mins

  20. Someone hand these fuckin wetbacks mops and some leaf blowers!

    Anyone ever camped in a site after fuckers like these leave? Bullshit mexican trash everywhere! Dirty fucks!

  21. I once saw a 29 foot sasquatch in the bushes the color of a lemur with spots.
    I was sure it was not a bear or turkey because it confirmed on all points. Coned head, cupped fists, splayed duck like feet.
    It was a squatch alright.

  22. This is Spyders13 forgive me for not spelling that well english is my second language and yea im mexican and my girl is Filipino. I love america god bless this country can we all just get along.


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