Breaking: Blogger RacerX Reveals Motives Behind Founders of FB/FB and Rick Dyer Hoax

What is the real motivation behind FB/FB's involvement with the Rick Dyer hoax? Does anyone know? A blogger who's been following this story from the very beginning thinks he knows the reason and reveals that there is a powerful marketing machine fueling the hoax that will never die.

In the following blog post, RacerX  hold nothing back and dumps everything he knows. Here's the link:


  1. Replies
    1. Really Mayor? Do you have to gloat and make the rest of us face our own failures? Do you have to call us bitches? You just remember its lonley at the top. There is a price to pay and those who you thought were your freinds, well let's just say everybody wants to be a star and they don't care whose coat tales they ride to get there. Keep yourself humble my freind and you will be alright.

  2. I just finished dropping a big rick and wiping my dyer.

  3. Oh wow, yet ANOTHER Dyer story featuring the fat Canadian guy:Racer X.

    Funny ho this crap pops up on Shawn Lack-of-Evidences blog right after Racer X got exposed for the fat bastard that he is.

    So those keeping score:
    Team Tazer featuring Racist Merchant/Fat Bastard Racer X/Fired Walmart Mall Cop Kulls/Justin Bear meat boy/and Shawn Lack-of-Evidence


    Dyer and FB/FB

    And the hilarious part is Dyer and FB/FB are STILL in the lead as every time another member gets exposed by Dyer, these guys band together to cook up some failed expose on the "great hoax of Dyer" and how we all need to be on their bandwagon that what THEY SAY IT IS, is what it is.

    Sorry but cut the shit Shawn:
    You run this shitty blog for cash, and you supported a hoax in Justin Bear-meat and you pushed it as far as you could to generate traffic. It has failed so now it's on to more traffic generating with Dyer's body story.
    But because Dyer exposed your buddies like that racist Merchant(just couldn't delete everything off youtube could ya prick) and that FIRED former mall cop at Walmart who lied to everyone including tv producers, that he has a background in "LAW ENFORCEMENT for over 10 years" Mr. Steve Detective Kulls, you push crap story after crap story about how Dyer is hoaxing and FB/FB is hoaxing too etc etc etc.

    FACE IT: NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT DYER..... it won't change the FACTS that Merchant is a RACIST, Kulls is a liar and hoaxer, and your support and ASSOCIATION with Justin Bear meat boy is WELL DOCUMENTED.

    Expose all you want, make that cash and spread your bullshit, but it still won't change that anything you say about Dyer, you are just the same.

    Does anyone remember poor Shawn crying to us all about Dyer is out to get me???? Dyer is after me???

    The only question remains, is that who is more full of shit, Tazer/Kulls/you or Dyer because NONE OF YOU have contributed shit to this field.

    Bring on the dick and gay jokes now folks...defend your Queen Shawn!

    1. Lol. Above is Fbfb trying to put out the fire they started. The dyer hoax is over lol

    2. Yo FBFB! Tell your boy Rick to show us the monkey!

    3. HA! Somebody is stressed out!! It looks good on Dyer and his clowns.....bring out the clowns, it's OVER for FB/FBlogsquatch. Take your money, and Go Away.....

    4. That is BS and you know it. Unlike FB/FB Shawn discloses any relationships with people whose material he posts. He said he likes Justin and he friggin joined TT. What more do you want?
      Now, is Musky Allen the pitcher or catcher, you queer....

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Post written by Musky Allen. Sorry I forgot to sign the above post.

    7. Wow, someone is a bit upset. Kulls is now a hoaxer? Please

    8. At least this guy who runs this board doesn't claim to have a body but refuses to show it.

      You are either trying to sucker really dumb people for money or you are one of those really dumb people who believes this crap.

    9. Not defending Shawn at all.
      But I do love me some Dick Ryder size 12 Taterhole.Fabuloussss!!!

    10. hehehe cool anon 9:10 cool :)

    11. RacerX must be on to something since FB/FB and Team RD busted out their only friend who could type coherently to try and save their sinking ship.

      Oh, and FYI 9:10 anon idiot, of course Shawn runs this blog for money, he has said so himself. It doesn't mean that he hasn't come to really like the people and the stories within the community. Ask anybody and they will tell you how Shawn has helped them out.

  4. Nobody cares about the Musky Dick hoax anymore, we all know that's bullshit. There's a new rumour going around now that Jill is a hoax! Please say it's not so Jill... Are you really a 52 year old man? I'm pretty sure that would be a deal breaker for me.

    1. Good rule of thumb: Anyone posting here as a woman with a hot looking photo is actually a fat, hairy, gross looking man in his 50's.

    2. Yes she/it/he the hermaphrodite tranny is a dude. I knew by the third day when it said the line of that one old dude. Someone said something and it said I resemble that remark. The line the old dude used to say. So unfortunately mayor I'm sorry it's sad but true. And apparently he's a pederass as he kept following jay around. Giving him inspirational feedback comments. Kinda creepy actually.

    3. I see... Oh well, back to Puerto Rican hookers for me.

    4. yes Mayor, you should know better. Or maybe she has better things to do? Maybe she comes here once a week. Not multiple times a day like the rest of us.

    5. Keep the faith Mayor.


  5. Looks to me like someone is declaring, "GOTCHA!"

  6. heh, prepare for retaliation from Dyer and fb/fb, racer X.

    You know they will be planning "shock and awe".

    Are you not afraid of Dick Ryders Wrath!?!? Foss Hogg, Musky Allen, Dick Ryder, wtf? Where do these people come from? Nutbags, all of em.

    1. You can tell the venom went up to 11 in Racer X's blog after he was outed. It's interesting that he didn't immediately admit his identity, and tried initially to give the impression that Dyer was wrong.

    2. Yes its amazing that His Venom went up.
      Poor Randy I mean SasNation I mean Racer X.
      He is acting like a 3 year old who is in love with Rick Dryer.
      Yea Randy did try to deny who he was.LOL

      Oh and for you saps who think I am John well i guess if you can believe a person who Hides who hey are like Racer X you will believe anything.

    3. What a delusional man, uh I meant woman.So you use your mouth as a V jayjay.?So you can somehow rationalize in your little PEEPEE Brain that you want everyone to think you're a woman.


      WHO LOVES YOU BABY.......


      Why tell lies?

      I know John,it's going to be OK.
      Keep thinking you really are a woman and maybe,just maybe your PEEPEE will turn into a V JAYJAY.That way you can get some STANK finger.

    4. Now that is PHUNNY!!!^^^^

    5. Skyla did you know that RacerX prefers Miss Sasquatch?

    6. Who is Skyla? Is she hot?

  7. Honestly after reading it, it doesn't really reveal anything. There is some speculation right now, but not anything of substance.

    1. honestly, nowadays there is nothing but (cheap) speculation on this blog. What a pity, Shawn, you started so promising all those years ago...:-)))

  8. So basically Team Tazer supports an internet stalker like RANDY/RACERX/ SasquaiNation. But Isn't it funny that the blog here didn't post Racers huge outing of himself after he was caught lying about several things. Like that he was really Randy.

    All the people who praise him obviously need to realise this man has an obsession with Rick Dryer.
    He has created several blogs at least 2 of them devoted to Rick Dryer and 1 was taken down. Pretty sure he has another one and several more names he uses. This man has some Mental Issues. Lets not forget his failed Webforum were Stank Ape was with him.
    He is bordering on Internet Stalking and Harrasment. Randy I suggest you read the laws in Canada about this crap you are doing. You are digging your self deeper and deeper each time you keep your obsession up. Eventually you will do this to the wrong person and they will come after you legally with the police. I hope your out of work now because I am sure your work will love to see what your doing especially if you make armor for the movies.

    1. Cathiee 'John Presron' Mccmillian!!!!!!!^^^

      Sick man wanna be a woman...........

    2. That should be AKA John Preston..
      Sock Puppet.

  9. No body of bigfoot or good film or pictures or proof of any kind.

  10. New here. I been looking for proof of bigfoot and haven't seen any since blob squatch PG film (could be man in suit, to blurry to tell) I think after hundreds of years (at least since 1608 pilgrims came) we'eed have at least one body?

    Me thinks its all a myth that keeps peoples pockets full of beer money or KFC food etc..

    1. "'ME' thinks its all a myth that keeps peoples pockets full of beer money or KFC food etc.."

      Whatever happened to saying "'I' think its all a myth that keeps peoples pockets full of beer money or KFC food etc.."

      Still talks like an 8 year old.

    2. Saying you think we'd have a body by now just shows you already have an idea in your mind what bigfoot is. That's a mistake.

    3. In response to New Here:

      You my boy, are a liar. You are a paid scoftic who is here to plant seeds of doubt about the truth. Why don't you go tell some lies to your kids about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Maybe they will buy into your sociopathic presentation techniques, because we sure as heck are not.

  11. It really doesnt matter who he is...he believes in bigfoot and would like to bring some sense of creditbility to the stage.It is clear FB has an agenda to make cash and that is fine go ahead do it..the fact is if they are behind a curtain and are pushing the dyer hoax (knowingly)thats where everyone in here will put their backs up..Look the fact is the Dyer Hype machine is to FN stupid the more he talks the more he trips up and to anyone with false hope they will just keep following and believing..even though he is the best bigfoot tracker in the world,drives a corvette and shot a bigfoot behind a dairy queen

  12. How can anyone seriously want to follow the rants of a total psycho like RacerX?? I mean Dyer is somewhat manic but RacerX..he's like completely deranged and dangerous with it.

    What is the world coming to!

    1. But I liked him better when he was SasquaiNation. What happened? Why is everyone saying he is psycho? Aren't we all? We follow bigfoot drama.

  13. What JON FOSS AND JIM LARRANAGA are doing, is a business technique similar to vertical product integration, where they control the suppliers, the regulation agencies, as well as the distribution network.

    In this hoax, the suppliers are the people who put together the hoaxed film and the meager costume. That would be DYER, FOSS and LARRANAGA.

    The regulation agencies are the people who attempted to legitimize the product. The product being the hoaxed video of a Bigfoot and the dead body associated with the video. The regulation agencies here are JON FOSS, JIM LARRANAGA, AS WELL AS ALLEN ISSLEB (MUSKY ALLEN). They all schemed together to give authenticity to the hoaxed film and hoaxed dead body. FOSS and LARRANAGA also attempted to interject themselves as REFEREES.

    The distribution network is the internet. Obviously FB/FB has been attempting to establish themselves for quite some time, as some kind of authority on identifying Bigfoot in videos. Unfortunately, they made many blunders that were so obvious that a 2 year old would cry foul. So FB/FB Bigfoot authentication abilities were self proclaimed and entirely fraudulent.

    They also needed a playmaker/CEO. That would appear to be JIM LARRANAGA, who is an experienced author. It takes some kind of imagination and many years in preplanning, in order to attempt to pull this off.

    This scam reminds me of Joe Beelart writing a book about a bigfoot massacre, many years before MK Davis claimed that a Bigfoot massacre took place, when he clearly fabricated all his evidence through photo color manipulation, and later through photo contract manipulation. MK Davis essentially traded his respect in the community, to be associated with a fraud. People only do stupid things like that for money. Lots of money.

    Which would mean that JON FOSS, JIM LARRANAGA, RICK DYER AND ALLEN ISSLEB, are also being paid lots of money to not only attempt to pull this scam off, but to pull it off simultaneously with the Bigfood DNA study being released. Their scam would naturally then serve to discredit the DNA study, even though no DNA was involved in their scam.

  14. Cathiee McMillan wants to jack this monster cock. Yeah baby, jerk it baby jerk it!

    1. Hey Guido,Cathiee is a man named John Preston.He's nothing but a SOCKPUPPET.But hey,whatever floats your boat.

    2. Mmmmmmm, sockpuppets!!!


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