Bangor Maine Bigfoot Breakdown

Here's a new break down by Michael Merchant taking a look at a remarkable footage from Bangor, Maine of a Bigfoot engaged in never before seen behavior. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. Turd....... The video that is

    2. No body. No bigfoot. Years and years no body no bigfoot. Nothing to prove of a bigfoot anywhere. People lie. People lie real good. A body of a bigfoot will be the only proof (alive or dead) same as any unknown animal. Science needs a body.Period.

  2. Fool, you squandered your chance to FIRST!!!.

  3. please, at least just limit to possible real blobs...I am not coming back now till Dyer produces a body!

  4. are you sure that's not a turkey?

  5. You should check out Michaels You tube interview with the guy in Maine who was going fishing with his buddies and saw a very large Samsquanch standing by the trail. Thats one of the best accounts ever. Couldnt stop thinking about that one for days!

  6. I WANT TO BE FIRST SO BAD! I live in the UK I just come on here to try and be first...why wont you selfish ppl let me be first for once.

    1. Because you're from the UK.

    2. And you people smell...bad. Water can be your friend

    3. Hell they're surrounded by it they should know that

    4. You tell em' "Fairy Withnopeenie".

    5. We already saved your bucktoothed fog breathing asses from total
      inhalation in two world wars. Now you are on here crying and calling us selfish.
      Tell that to the families that lost loved ones on D-Day and during
      the ass kicking of Germany that followed. You are a disgrace to your
      country, Great Britain = oxymoron.
      I should come over there and beat your stupid ass into the ground.
      Oh, and by the way, your queen is a peasant whore and all her offspring
      are inbred, buttfucking mental defectives.

    6. You Mad Bro?
      Were is our you Mad Bro guy?
      I will cover you until you get back from vacation
      Squatch Nuts

    7. Yeah all our Royal family are freeloading inbreds and also German and no you helped win two World Wars that's the bit you guys keep forgetting, helped not done entirely on your own but you helped us like the other Allies. Yes it was much appreciated and a lot of American men lost their lives but here in the UK and the rest of war torn Europe many men, women and children also lost their lives as Henry Ford's best friend and a top IBM purchaser (he used their punch card systems to keep track of all the people he was killing in the concentration camps) and trainer of top American jet propulsion scientists (you know those guys your government saved from war crimes trails as they used the inmates from the consentration camps as crash test dummies and other g force experiments etc) Adolf Hitler was routinely bombing their towns and cities. I think we've repaid some of this debt by blindly following you into two illegal wars in Afganistan and Iraq resulting in not only the death of British soldiers, massive military overspending and the London bombings (which reminds me thank you for supporting the IRA and selling them so many guns over the years it was always a treat to see them blow up innocent people in our shopping centres and tube stations) but also a massive surge in Islamic militarism around the world. I'd personally like to thank the CIA for completely destabilising pretty much the entire of the Middle East you know by getting rid of DEMOCRATICALLY elected leaders and replacing them with despots like Sadamn Hussein all because America likes cheap oil and likes to use a disproportionate amount of the world's resources. I'd also like to thank you for destabilising the world ecconmy in 2008 which was fantastic and we in Europe would love to thank you for helping some of us into recession and bankruptcy.
      I'd better stop thanking you so much as Guantanamo Bay is still open (you know where you keep people with out trail and indulge in a bit of water boarding) there are many secret CIA torture houses open in Africa and of course not being an American citizen I might get a visit from a friendly drone. By the way those people who fought in those wars were members of the greatest generation, those who stood up against tyranny and facism, those who fought the good fight and made the ultimate sacrifice so the world wasn't enslaved by real evil. Those men were real heroes and would be spinning in their graves if they knew that arrogant, ignorant and mouthy little shits like you were rude enough to expect us Europeans to owe you our gratitude for what those men saw as doing their duty even the ones who had no rights at home (the Afro-Americans) or the ones who's families were imprisoned in camps (the Japanese Americans). Do yourself a favour and read some history and learn a little about the rest of the world.

    8. You let the mouthy little swine off the hook too easily, my English friend. Americans have learned most of their history from self-worshiping Hollywood films, designed for selling tickets. Americans traditionally don't feel comfortable with documentaries.
      They also don't like to talk much (because they're unaware) of the cowardice an inordinate number of them exhibited during the assault at Normandy. Paratrooper pilots are documented as having been so frightened of the enemy's guns that they turned back early, dropping their doomed compatriots right over enemy lines where they were summarily shot from below. The pilots didn't cross over enemy lines as ordered and then recross to return to base. They knew that their chances of survival were better by taking the 'shortcut'. They were correct but many braver men died. These are the men who survived to live long lives and, sadly, reproduce.
      This situation was echoed by the pilots of the landing boats. Their cowardice lead many of them to drop the ramp too far from shore, again in an effort to increase their own odds for survival. And again the men suffered, hundreds drowning under the weight of their own gear, never to fire a single round at the enemy. This disgusting behavior was observed in no other allied armed forces and is one of the many reasons that Americans are so widely detested the world over.
      Is it any wonder that movie-style history is more attractive than the real thing.

    9. I think the main reason they're detested the world over is because they gave GW Bush two terms although only the second was legal lol

    10. Thank you for following me my envy monster now get your head so far out of my @ss you can smell my breath

    11. And let your mommy know I'm still thinking of her in my spare time

    12. I think the queer Euro fucks can suck a cock, like their Mom does.

    13. We should nuke!

    14. Anon 1:19 you obviously have absolutely no clue or knowledge about D-day. It's not even worth the time or effort it would take to post the counter arguments against your misinformed, misinterpreted historical account of that day. Nuke England? They are our closest allie noblesse oblige.

  7. Alrighty, goodnight and have a nice life. I'm done.

  8. I hate how this guy speaks. His voice is annoying as a snasquatch.

    1. He's the Mr. Rogers of Bigfooting and may have got caught banging horses.

    2. I thought it was goats?

      Could be both? Who says he's single animal type guy?

    3. He is a type of Beastieologist and Chickens seem to be his specialty.
      Squatch Nuts

    4. NO KIDDING! Merchant is nauseating! I think he really likes the sound of his own voice! He should play back one of his recordings (this one is perfect!) ...and hear what we have to hear!

    5. Listen carefully. You do NOT HAVE TO LISTEN. Bigfoot isn't the only one with a brain worm, you must be suffering too.

  9. Brain damaged hoaxer is more like it.

    So obviously a human. No one with an ounce of discernment would fall for this.

    1. (Ken)..I got a new Grand Daughter, and that is a old feller in the video, so all is good. No bigfoot though.

    2. Congrats Ken buddy, Hope all is good with the MOM and child friend. Yep nothing here tonight.

    3. Congratulations to you and your family, Ken. Hope Mom and baby are home and doing great....

    4. That's awesome news, Ken!

    5. (Ken).. Thanks guys, Mom is doing great, Baby Allysa Hope weighed 7-11 and has a nice head full of black hair and big feet, Just like her Papaw. They both did great and I can't wait to spoil her.. Be back a little later, somebody get into a good one about ole sasquatch and remember me,LOL. Good to see you on H B brother..

    6. Hey brother Ken, is this your first? Congrats friend, you have brought this blog some needed class. But your an Idiot for bleeving in Bigfoot, country ass clown.

    7. Congratulations Sir Ken. Your an ignorant magic monkey worshiping idiot, but best wishes to you and your family. From one respectful skeptic and friend.

    8. Yeah I had a few papers to write for astronomy class my neice is middle named hope to congrats grandpa I'm just teasing

    9. You are a kind of Dumbass aren't you?

    10. His stupidity ooozes out like Gravy

    11. Only for you my little ho don't be mad because you can't afford college tell grandma I said hi my silver cougar

    12. Oh by the way wash the nut out of your gym sock "girlfriend" and get upstairs and do the dishes before my other girlfriend "your mom" cuts off your Internet

    13. And stop following me before I call girlfriend 1 " your grandma" and have her give you a spanking

    14. And dry your eyes no one likes a cry baby

    15. Ken, congrats on the grandbaby. Time for you to spoil her.

  10. These videos are getting cheaper.
    Crap videos only get analyzed for the ad revenue.
    No wonder ppl don't the squatch seriously.
    Ppl do it for the money. That's why every other week there's an announcement of "brand new proof" and never a legitimate "here it is" no bs build up.

  11. The proof that bigfoot is real is only if he could do what I did.... I held my fart in so hard and so long, it came out of my penis hole!

    1. That's funny, Anon 3:44
      Can you do that procedure on video next time and I will slow it down then stabilize and I will break it down and tell you how you pulled that off. Note-New show Freakshow is always looking for new acts , they may want to talk to you.
      Squatch Nuts

    2. Better check your facts Moneymaker. It has been well documented by the janitorial crew over at Bigfoot Ballyhoo that mature male squatches have a prehensile penis.

    3. What a coincidence I held my fart for so long it turned into a Pussy fart.
      I have proof it caused A brain fart also.
      Melba Ketchup

  12. Another blob squatch. Another blantant fake..Just run within 100 feet of the damn thing and record. this is obviously a man in a costume. Where do people get these costumes? local halloween shop? What is even more disturbing is the amount of trouble folks go to when making these videos. all the makeup and monkeysuit nonsense? Wow....

    1. I used to have a friend when I was a kid who would cut up stuffed animals and make goofy clothes he was a hippy

  13. Replies
    1. Did you shit or did zeef ? Now I am having trouble believing your story.
      This is no story telling site.
      Squatch N

  14. Great! Another comedy tour de force by Michael Merchant.

    See, he's funny because, despite what he says, he means the opposite-- right?
    You see what he's doing there? The brain damage comments are just an incredibly clever way of saying the whole thing may not actually be real.
    Boy, it just gets better and better; day after day after day after day after...

    1. ^ keeps idiots like you coming back day after day after day....,

    2. Just because someone comes here, it doesn't mean they are on board with the Merchant money and fame train. Evey once in a while there will be something different.

    3. Hey there's money and fame in crappy you tube videos and to think I am back in school boy I must be wasting my time

    4. Uncle Phil Poling has taken over the TTBF YouTube view count leaderboard, with his Russell Crowe UFO breakdown beating out Ro's "I Shot Bigfoot".

    5. And his Crowe breakdown was brilliant, wish he would talk less though.

  15. Totally a hoax, human scale shoulder width and leg lift. Looks like planet of the apes.

  16. just a guy in a tight fitting suit............he needs to take bigfoot acting lessons.

  17. I could not resist commenting. Perfectly written!

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    1. Amazing spam! Sure got me!

      Go to my website now- I suck on butts

    2. What happened to- Big Black Butts?

  18. I like how for a over full minutes he sarcastically mocks the video...and that at the end he actually comes out and says he's being sarcastic (because NO ONE could tell).

    Yet the realization that he actually spent his own free time on this nonsense is somehow not equally embarrassing?


    1. You spent yours watching it, so...

      what was the unusual behavior? Existing?

    2. I think Merchant thinks it's real.

    3. The difference is...I didn't waste my time breaking this garbage down and have the audacity to clown the people who made it as if it wasn't a complete joke to begin with.

    4. Don't waste our time bitching. Stop watching. Is there a disconnected between your pea brain and your fingers? STOP CLICKING PLAY. Stupid.

  19. Ivan Marx let limpy out of the grave to make an appaearance. ZombieLimpy has appeared!

  20. I think this is the Bigfoot that is in the breakdown.

    This is as PHUNNY as it gets people.

    Watch this and you will be a BELIEVER!!!

    Here is Part 2.

  21. This video is so wrong but that's what makes it so right. I vote real.


  23. Bobo is my hero, I would like to Zeef in his ear...... Then por Bobo,s happy mayo all over Moneymakers tits!

    1. I vote Zeef to be the word flavor of the month!

      I just Zeefd in my pants just thinking about it.
      Squatch Nuts

  24. Bigfoot wears pants and wade boots--They are smart.

  25. I'm gonna pull the best hoax of the century, I'm gonna run around in the woods with a Bobo suit on, pretending to be Matt moneymaker, while screaming "there's a squach in these pants!" ...... Run past a few trail cams and campers, while my squach drips from my butt crack.

  26. Michael merchant kids are probably sarcastically retarded. He only cares about being a personality in bigfootery not discovering bigfoot.

  27. 4those who think its funny ,i can inly guess u r kids and haent seen his daily breakdowns.which are witess, scarcastic prick.of course he hsnt got footage'fied study wotk of his own for us to brek down.all this stoned throwbck does is pick out he worst hoaxes,an i presume,think he is entertainig us with funny breakdowns of the,m

    to me they are chidlish,churlish,witless drivel. the only funy thing is why i pres play.i gues its in the hope he hasnt snoked afganistans finest,too much,today,and is funny! that has NEVER happened and wont. his brain is evidently mush because of it.witless prick

    he is a 70's hippy who hass lived of welfare for decades and sees footery as a way to gain some kind og notiriaty.
    dick,ignore and he might move i=onto ghosts etc...and leave footery to thse woho care not take the piss or do nothing to educate us or even be funny about it!

    1. You must be a fan to spend so much time on this dialog. I subbed his channel on your recommendation alone. ;p

  28. I think that video is of a fisherman of some sort with multiple lines in the water.

  29. I really wish he would thank us for his time

  30. Guy setting his elver nets after partaking of too much Allen's coffee brandy.


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