Well, Isn't This An Interesting Turn Of Events [Musky Allen / Dyer]

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by J.M. Bailey, author of "Eve: A Journey Of Discovery". Follow her on Facebook or visit her website, ironmountainridge.com.

This guy looks a little peeved, don't you think? I wonder why.

Flashback to 2008 - two guys claim to have a dead bigfoot in a freezer. Made CNN, lots of others. Turns out BOGUS. A really, really bad hoax...laughably bad, and Bigfooting is never the same. One of the "players" ends up running helter-skelter with "tracking" thereafter. Laughed at and scorned, he becomes angry and petulant, hell bent on teaching the community a lesson. Yikes. Scary, huh?

Forward to early fall, 2012. A video surfaces showing a purported bigfoot out a tent mesh window. It's showcased, analyzed and predictably torn apart. But, it *looked* promising...until...it's known who shot the footage. RED FLAD - it's none other than R. Dyer, aka Freezer Boy.

And, there's a BODY. The collective shiver went up the spine of many a bigfooter when that was "released"...er, leaked? Whichever.

Normally, I wouldn't give this P.O.S the time of day. But, I want to present some theories here because there is a certain rabidity that bigfooters are known for and it's out of the ballpark right now.

We all know the history: Minnow Films is making a documentary about "Of Monsters and Men" or similar which will show the world the underbelly and sometimes sordid aspect of cryptid hunters. Freezer Boy being one of them. It's my interpretation from this information that the film will show how utterly, completely and undeniably obsessed bigfooters can be. So much so that they will do ANYTHING for their cause. In this case, it's the lesson he needs desperately to teach us. Because no one, NO ONE will outdo ole' RD. We are the stupid ones, not him.......... I'll leave his character assassination alone. It's a dead horse.

Oh, and he'll make a few bucks too.

Then along comes the penultimate skeptic who gets to "view" the purported body located in - wait for it - LAS VEGAS. He comes back swearing up and down "IT'S REAL, IT'S REAL" but that's all he can say. Nothing to show, no pictures. Nothing.

It's on fire now and the community is raging, demanding, calling names and hurling threats and accusations with a fervor never seen before. What's really happening here? I'll tell you what I think...... So, let's say there is a "body" and the big name skeptic saw it. What IF (and I will lay out a theory here):

  • 1 - the film company offered to "make" a body
  • 2 - someone paid for them to do it and shit yeah, does it look real as hell. They've got special effects people and loads of talent along with them
  • 3 - they will "unveil" it in a movie out on say, April 1st and it will be a big hit. That is, if no one exposes it for what it really is beforehand
  • 4 - they, along with FB (collective acronym for Freezer Boy AND FB/FB, et al) make some serious dough along with MORE infamy
  • 5 - more people get to "view" the body and come away perplexed and confused but no one gets to bring away anything other than their "opinion"
  • 5 - the rest of the bigfoot world is left to kneel down in awe, run like hell, vomit, find a new hobby or go try and solve it once and for all ourselves (AGAIN and forever) and it goes on and on and on
  • 6 - we keep chasing our tails until *a* DNA paper "comes out" and it starts anew

All the time the big guy is alternately shaking his head and laughing his ass off while he peeks at us here and there and maybe, just maybe throws us a REAL bone from time to time.

But not one we can analyze..................

And not this, thankfully. It will be much more realistic. :)


  1. Will this movie be on Pay Per View??? Where can I buy?

    1. Somebody said it was accepted for showing at the SXSW Festival in Austin in early March. Indie producers vie for those spots hoping to find a distributor to finance taking it to theaters. This turd won't be picked up, so expect DVD sales by April.

  2. im waiting to see how all this pans out personally. why do you feel the need to attack the Musky Story? are you not just as curious? if you are, mud slinging, before anything as been confirmed, Hoax or otherwise, is not productive. Maybe the Big Fella isn't throwing us any bones but i have sneaky suspicion your throwing a lot of sour grapes. :-)

    1. ye thats a fair point! 'our grapes' is partly what i detected in his blog. fistly i was pleased he was calling the guy a POS,its time we call these guys what they are if they aregoing to blatantly take the piss out of people with such ridiculas claims. maybe,and i know its a million-1 chqnc, a POS like dyerr may be the person to find a BF

      personally i dont belive there are ape giants walking around north Americ nad elswhere in their thousands and weve failed to capture and "proof" of these giants whilst they are supposedly in our back yards, camp sites and forsets frelly strolling aout in hat patty style 'couldnt give dam to move at any great speed' walk.

      its all one big myth and one that's kept alive by people with a vested in interest. ts the same with the Scottish tourist industry who release nessie pics once a year. as if a plesasaur is still swimming about[in fact like bf,there are thusands of eyewitnessses, pics,so its true,huh?],which like bf,would have to live in a familygoup.

      againcan somebody point to the evidence thatmakes u all believe so much. i ge called a troll evry other week for asking the same question. is there some evidence that ive missed?

    2. Fair Point, Im on the fence regarding Giants Apes in North America or any where else. I would love it to be true though. As for Nessie, that ones a complete myth in my opinion, been there twice and it does have atmosphere but no way could it support a family of dinosaurs with them being stopped every day! Even though that area of Scotland is Beautiful and It looks like Wilderness, People are everywhere, from Inverness all the way down to Fort Agustus and it would be impossible for it to go undetected for long. BigFoot Country, However is Vast and maybe....Just Maybe!

    3. 4:22:00- 'i ge called a troll evry other week for asking the same question. is there some evidence that ive missed?'

      Jesus, man! Your stuff is hard to read! Somewhere in there may be a good point, too.

  3. She hit the nail on the head. Most of us feel exactly this way. Bigfooting has become a huge joke. It went from shows like Monster Quest, Unsolved Mysteries, and such to "reality" tv with Finding Bigfoot. Three seasons of the same show. People play drinking games to it, it has become so scorned.

    But with all the attention Finding Bigfoot got, others crawled out from under their rocks seeking the limelight too. So now we get more crap to wade through.

    While the entire time we get no solid proof of anything. Just strung along until the next press release or leak.

    1. But that is the media's fault not the serious researchers, this topic ain't dying just because the media boys one day decide they've had enough fun with it.

    2. You are right it is not the serious researcher's fault. It is the fault of everyone who puts up blobsquatch pics and vids. The hoaxer making the tracks. And those who must be in the limelight and be known as an "expert".

  4. I love how Shawn & crew waited until it went from the ridiculous to the totally ridiculous before attacking the story. It was obvious since the very beginning that this story was total bullshit like all other bigfoot reports, but they went totally silent for over almost a week. Now that it's obvious to even the hardcore believers that it's a hoax, they start reporting on it.

    I guess Team Tazer/Smeja cheerleaders were worried that this kill hoax was going to steal the thunder of their kill hoax. So they remained silent to let it play out. Brace yourself for the Smeja onslaught once this dies down.

    1. After that imbroglio occurred with Shawn and Dyer a few months ago, Shawn must have vowed never again to promote anything related to Dyer. Shawn obviously knew that this latest fiasco was all a hoax and part of some viral movie campaign, but since it has started to unravel, I'm sure that he can't help throwing in some pot shots as a form of schadenfreude.

    2. The tent clip's not the only mistaken video those FB/FB guys put in their book, it's full of fakes apart from a small handful of legit encounters.

  5. More rumors and speculation... But that's ok it's press :)

    1. Hey Rick, how come your not using Shawn's avatar aymore?

    2. Hey Elmer (Dyer) Fudd! Go chase a WABBIT!

    3. Hey Dyer...how's the skinned bear body that you added other features to through taxidermy or model making?

    4. Why won't musky Allen I.... Tel us his real name or background?

    5. Hey Freezer Boy... Tricks are for kids

    6. Hi Rick,hows your mouth feeling?

    7. Hey, hey.... Cat shit jay...

  6. Something smells musky around here. oh yeah, it's Dyer's B.S !
    Bravo J.M !

  7. I don't care for Dyer, but he didn't cause all the nut job footers to become completely insane. I suppose Dyer is doing a valuable service to show just how mentally diseased the footer crowd really is. Reading some of the comments on the Dyer thread at the BFF was both uproariously funny and strangely disturbing. It's a bizarre cult mentality that attracts some absolute lunatics.

    1. ... Dyer is doing a valuable service...

      Like feces that puts off a warning odor. Sure, I can see that.

    2. 12:52 is seriously in total denial of reality.

    3. I agree with this 100% That is the reality of the situation. There is a civil war of sorts within BF related media.

      The BFF is fomenting that kind of thinking. They have a nice little mushroom garden growing there now.

      "At least, that's how mine are. They seem to get a real kick out of making me look insane."

      I would offer that it is the statements made without proper proof in regards to BF that make such individuals look insane.

      Paranormal Bigfoots "is" insanity.


  8. That's my picture of an bigfoot on top!:-)

  9. The film will show a real sasquatch folks - you better believe it.

  10. I wish all the personal attacks within the BF community would stop. You guys seem so jealous of each other, and are acting like a bunch of little kids!

    Why not stick to the "evidence"?

    1. If they just stuck to the evidence and didn't perpetuate stories from habitual hoaxers like Dyer and Fasano, they'd have nothing to post.

    2. Of course they are acting like little kids. You have to have a mind of a child to believe that a 8ft hairy apeman inhabits your backyard and only comes out at night.

  11. Ugh me perpetrate hoax and uhg, me show dead Bigfoot in freezer, uhg, me hoax you again.
    NOT!!!!!!! Freezer Boy and Musky Crotch can go FV<K themselves!!!!!

    1. lets send Jim Lebus out to hunt down Dyer and Musty , and BEAT thier ass with his staff .

    2. ^^^ Best Dyer hoax comment HAHAHA!

  12. Ok doesn't Wally hersom live on the outskirts of Vegas? This is the guy with millions of bucks that supposedly bought some Bf parts off of smeja and is an avid bf collector with bones skulls and even a clear picture blown up of bf hung on his wall. So Dyer says the body is in or near Vegas? Hersom would be the man to have it cuz he lives there. He has is own unpenetrable fortress with his own lab to conduct such a study on Bigfoot. I think he is a major player here. Cuz what I have heard is he has the most credible evidence and is not worried about coming forth cuz he is rich and has everything squatch in his mansion.plus he is tight with Derek randles. He doesn't care cuz he is an avid fan of bigfoot. Anybody heard of this Wally hersom guy? Let me know!

    1. Dyer said the "body" was a 4 hour drive from Vegas.

    2. Four hrs from Vegas will leave u in los Angeles,Ca... I can drive it in 31/2.. if I really haul ass to get my gamble on.

  13. Stop, stop

    Every time I see the name Dyer I have a visceral experience vomit like, Like I need to take a shower ...

    Isn't he the one that did the Team Tazer Porn Redirect.

    Anyway doesn't matter


  14. JM is the HOTTEST chick in bigfooting! <3

  15. It's nice to see people coming out and calling this for what it is, a hoax.
    BTW, Minnow Films is not listed in the line up for SXSW Festival. Maybe Tribeca?
    Freezer Boy said the film would be at one of those film festivals.

    1. Yup Racer X is right I've looked through all the documentaries and movies listed to be shown at the SWSX festival and it's not listed. This doesn't surprise me but to be fair all this SWSX stuff came from an anon poster earlier in the week, tell me if I'm wrong but don't think RD or any of his band of hoaxers has mentioned it? Plus the doc is also already been produced by the BBC for Storyville on BBC4 and if it had something I would have thought that BBC and Minnow would have already sold it in the US.
      As for the film company making a Bigfoot body to show Musky I really don't think so. The company makes fly on the wall impartial documentaries (bit like the Office if it was real lol) and docs about interesting people and incidents, they are not supposed to insert themselves into the doc just film what's happening. I think they're probably using Dyer to show the other side of Cryptozoology, the hoaxing attention seekers as opposed to the guys who go out into the woods every weekend and have their own blogs etc. if there is a body then Dyer made it but my bet is that Musky is as full of shit as Rick and besides who is this Musky guy? They might even still be following Dyer now drumming up publicity on here lol!

    2. I guess that is not surprising. You have to wonder, with all his lying, does Dyer even know what the truth is still? He'll start loosing touch with reality and soon, if he hasn't already.

      Next stop, sociopathville.

    3. Anonymous 6:31- Rick Dyer specifically said SXSW and Tribeca in his own words and on his own radio show.
      A painful part of my job is to listen to those shows. I would have to dig a bit to find the show itself, but I know what I heard.
      Rick just can't keep track of what he says.

    4. Racer X, unlike you I'm not forced to listen to Dyer's radio show so thanks for putting me straight as I'm very lucky to not have had to sit through his shit! I feel your pain buddy :) I still think I'm right and that if the film makers had something legit they would have sold the US rights already (as the UK rights belong to BBC) and if it was what Dyer says then they wouldn't have to pimp it on the festival circuit. If a BBC documentary crew really captured this Bigfoot footage I can't imagine them sitting on it either, it would have been reported by their news media by now or a tabloid would have leaked something already. I think they're just filming freezer boy hoax again, maybe it'll get shown on BBC America ?

    5. You bring up a very valid point. Now get this one, and don't have food or drink in your mouth.
      Dyer said he's talked to the big networks but he doesn't want the story to come out just yet. A media blackout because Dyer requested it? I hope nobody is buying that line.
      I should clarify. It's not my "job", as in I get paid to do this. It is a task I have taken on for the betterment of the Bigfooting community. A public service would be a better term for me to use. I do it for free.

    6. Didn't he call a press conference last year about it? I think something as big as this would still get reported and there would be other people involved like people in fish and game, cops etc. The more people involved the more likely that some one would run to the press, hell in this economy that tabloid money would be very tempting indeed! I don't see how Dyer could call the shots on a documentary made about him as I'm sure he'll have agreed to them filming everything and that the film makers will be allowed to use any footage of him they like. Think that's how it normally works with the film makers probably agreeing to use what they have to present him in a fair way (good luck there guys) he certainly has no say in the final cut of what they show. Think in reality what we'll get is a kind of anatomy of a hoax seeing how Dyer has worked all this and a look at what kind of person would do this! I think if he had shot a Bigfoot on camera if anyone wanted to keep it on the downlow it would be the documentary makers but legally I'd think they'd have to report the shooting and someone would have leaked it by now so total bs!

    7. Rick said Texas Parks and Wildlife were not called because it's none of their business.
      I emailed TPWD and they basically told me that Bigfoot don't exist and it's all a myth. Which "special" agency did Rick call? None, he made it up. That's my opinion.
      Bexar County Sheriff told me to call San Antonio Police, which I have not done.
      The lack of any law enforcement being notified by anyone is suspect.

  16. I am not going to buy anything from RD.

    1. Don't worry nobody but the most retarded loser would ever give it a thought.

  17. This is so stupid . i know nothing of this nonsense but what i do know is Bigfoot is real. i hv seen it. i understand why everyone dnt trust and truthfully i wldnt either . this is why ppl dnt believe in Bigfoot . its just one of those, i guess u would hv had to been there done tht.
    but believe me he is real .

  18. I agree with J.M. Bailey 100%.

  19. The irony is that Bigfoot is real, and Musky Allen isn't. Yes, everytime I too say the name Rick Dyer, some acidic vomit automatically surges into the back of my mouth. But for the weekly hoaxes by known hoaxers, and the litany of nobodies seeking to be somebody overnight, Bigfootery would be dead in the water right now. Since the Ketchum's study is not getting a fair shake, the Oxford study is not talking, and the field is flooded with naive, attention seeking newbies, with no field experience, no clue of what they are dealing with, and do not understand that there are certain limitations to science that prevent their acceptance of supernatural beings that can exist in other dimensions.

    1. Seriously? If Bigfoot is real it's an animal not some interdimentional supernatural creature for Christ sake! Ketchum not getting a fair shake? Probably because it looks like her science isn't correct or her findings are suspect and no one will publish her paper. Sykes isn't talking because unlike Ketchum he's a proffesional and doesn't leak to secure some 15 mins of fame and if Meldrum is correct he has barely started to test samples. Like I've said before on other threads if Bigfoot has DNA it is a normal creature not paranormal, plus if Ketchum is right and it's as close to man to be considered human than definately not supernatural in any way. Believers can't have it both ways it's monkey in which case it can't be supernatural or magic monkey in which case it's bs for sure. Or of course it's neither and total baloney. With all this dimension supernatural crapola you guys really do sound totally crazy especially when you babble about science being limited and can not accept it etc. it can not accept it because it's bullshit pseudo science that's only real to gullible people who believe first and incapable of rational thought.

    2. Anonymous 12:59, You should either should lay off your meds or get back on them. From what I can glean from your verbal diarrhea, you do not have one iota of field experience. Bigfoot is not only paranormal, it can be very easily proven that they are paranormal. Although their mitochondrial DNA was human, the nuclear DNA was from some previously publicly unknown hominin. I say publicly because the FEDS know everything there is to know about them. They just aren't talking. Ketchum's is correct. It looks like Bart Cutino got hoaxed by the Canadian lab, and now he won't send Ketchum a piece of his sample so that the BFRO does not get made to look like a fool again. MM is Bart's boss. What MM wants, MM gets. And MM wants Ketchum to look like a fool so that she is not a threat to MM's position as the news media goto man. Believers do not even count in the world of Squatchery. If you are not a knower, then you are stuck in the peanut gallery, hucking empty shells. And it's 4th dimension crapola to you, thankyou very much. You had better clean up your act soon because if anybody controls whether you end up in heaven or hell, it would be a Bigfoot. I think that you ought to have yourself buried in one of those silvery suits that they wear at the steel smelter, if you get my drift.

    3. I won't need that suit, I'm an atheist and you are seriously nuts

    4. Trent U hoaxed Bart and Tyler? You're absolutely a nutcase.

      Bart is not only in BFRO but AIBR, his own Sierras group and several more, MM is not his boss just because he's longtime BFRO and I certainly ddon't believe Moneymaker is following the Sierras events like some of you forest nuts assume. It's called a diversion and smoke screen to protect Ketchum and it will come crashing eventually. I've got a whole new respect for Bart pursuing and then releasing those results. we should praise when researchers do the right things not make up laughable conspiracy theories my god

  20. All the footers can go fuck themselfs, hoaxers are real. Bigfoot is not real.

    The MABRC , freezer boy et al are lying sacks of shit and will always be lying sacks of shit.

    The MABRC is belly up, they just haven't admitted it to themselfs yet. Freezer boy has been caught in his third or forth hoax . Just another day in the delusional BF community.

  21. What if this is just an amazingly awesome promo for an upcoming movie? Using the hysteria in the BF world to push a film about the paranoia and fervor in the BF world?

  22. I think Wally hersom has the body. Dyer is not stupid, he's actually really intelligent. He has a 50% ownership of it and Derek randles has 25 along with wallys 25%. I'm sure Dyer has already pocketed a mill off this guy. Randles works for hersom and they are credible. They don't exploit their Bigfoot research or their studies or searches for Bigfoot. They don't brag they hold all of it in for the preservation for Sasquatches. Cuz they are avid fans of bigfootery.unlike Dyer who is out for self fame.

    1. Oh yes the ultimate excuse, the preservation of Sasquatch. Seriously? Do you really belive in this crap? They're not revealing evidence of this elusive animal because they want to protect it or is it because it's all just crap and they ain't got jack?

  23. Here is another point of view, why would he do this twice? The 1st time shame on him, but I do think there is no way in hell he would want to drag his name into a hoax again.
    IMO I think time will tell that he has a bigfoot, and many people will duck for cover when it comes out.

  24. this guy is seriously bi polar and needs to take his meds, in his mind maybe he caught bigoot but in REALITY he is juat a loser and has to lie to get attention... to much BS and hiding if i had a body believe me the world would know...

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