Watch: The Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching [Free Documentary]

Greg Newkirk of Who Forted? Magazine promised that on Valentines Day, his movie, "The Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching (2011)" would be free (for a limited time). Here it is everybody. Happy Valentines Day!


In the summer of 2006, two bigfoot hunters led a group of curious, young paranormal investigators into the hills of southern New York on a quest for evidence of the legendary beast.

Shot completely on consumer level equipment with a budget under $50, this documentary follows Tim Holmes of the Southern Tier Bigfoot Watch and Becky Sawyer of Searching for Bigfoot Inc. as they trek deep into Connecticut Hill, a location rife with reports of mysterious monster sightings and unexplained events.

Although initially skeptical of Tim's wild stories and unnerved by Becky's militant commands, things get weird after bizarre encounter in the pines, and the group is forced to reassess their beliefs regarding the existence of Bigfoot.

Often funny, sometimes creepy, but always entertaining, 'The Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching' is a film that asks, what means more in the end: the destination or the journey; the evidence or the legend?

Like the film? Let us know!



  1. I want more Melba laughs, come on people...


    2. The "science" speaks for itself.

  2. Tim Holmes is an inspiration to all "footers"
    THE definitive bigfoot hunter/researcher.
    He would make a fantastic habituator

    1. As I was leaving the woods, I perceived a mournful, keening wail that could only be sasquatch farts...

  3. looks like you guys were right all along.

  4. no offence but eh.... is tim a little slow or something?

    1. oh ok I thought it was just me... but I guess tim is a lil bit retarded... ps. I watched it stoned so I was like "what...the...fuck... is wrong with this guy!?!?!?" I thought it was just me but nah I guess everyone noticed

  5. Free for a limited time only? But the first words on the documentary state this film will never be for sale. Anyway, thanks for posting this vid. I'm so tired of the Ketchum-Dyers-Smeja and what-not topics on this site lately

    1. Yeah it sucks when bullshit blows up in your face.
      Had MKs science been legit, I doubt you'd have any problem hearing about it for months on end.

      The footer MO is fairly easy to figure out.

      What's difficult to understand is what kind of crazy you people are.

  6. LMAO!
    "you ever pass out in the woods?"
    "You didnt wake up with you pants around your ankles did you?"


  7. Does anyone have any idea when Melba is going to enter her sequences in GenBank?

    This is one thing she hasn't done yet and it's kind of important when claiming to have new DNA.

  8. I could do with a little less of that kid sneering at the camera every few moments. He doesn't do a very good job of playing the tiresome schtick of ""this is a joke and you and me, audience, are in on it"" while goofy music plays in the background. It's insulting to the two people who were nice enough to take them out there, and it makes him look like a dick.

    1. Uh WRONG. It was funny. And pretty much sheds light on the reality of what footers are actually like. It's no wonder no one has found proof of Bigfoot.

      Hence "documentary" not "mockumentary"

      The kids were the only sane ones in the movie. GOOD JOB Fellas!

  9. No, no, no. These people have it all wrong! They are not legitimate bigfooters. Giving stuff away for free???

    These people are going to ruin everything. All the work that Melba Toast, Freezer Boy, Bear Meat Smeja, Moneymaker and his BFRO a-holes, Biscardi, Patterson & Gilmin, Ed Smith and his little girl Daisy and of course Team Tazer is all in vain. You got to charge people for this nonsense! There's no free shit in bigfooting!

    Quick - someone set up a Paypal link before it's too late!

  10. ^^Don't worry about those pesky little details. If Ketchum says she doesn't need to do it, who are we to argue?


  11. I like it, I was grinning the whole way through, good job.

  12. After discussing it, over at BFF, We have come to the conclusion that Dr Ketchum's manuscript is legitimate and she has proven Bigfoot to be 100% real.

    1. I've been so depressed, all day, but this is wonderful news.

    2. I guess I can climb down off of the ledge now.

  13. 'we didnt know what to do when we caught them'. i do post iton the internet as mllions of us would love to see such a thing. youcaught nothing.just kids running about the fiorest allowing their imaginations get he better of hem,eithr thator its ouright hoaxed shit.probably latter

  14. why did they never take a camra for all these 'attacks'.idiots me thinks. she is so sexy',ie you r the only female i havent got a restrainin order against

  15. guess tim dont get much sex , he is a freaky fucker


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