Want to meet Cliff Barackman in real life? Here are the details

Finding Bigfoot co-host Cliff Barackman has been invited by the Gifford Pinchot National Forest office to be a guest speaker at their monthly gathering called "Volcano Views and Brews" to talk about Bigfoot and Bigfoot related stuff such as the London Oregon casts.

If you're going to be in Washington on February 12th (in Vancouver) or February 14th (in Longview), you may want to check out Cliff's website www.northamericanbigfoot.com for more information.

So, what's special about London tracks? Watch this video:


  1. First Squatches

    Good morning ladies

    1. Yeah him and Bobo are like the cool uncles you'd want to hang out with who aren't as lame as your parents!

    2. Yup. They would be like my cool cousins because I am there age

    3. I wonder do BF "choose" people who are less excitable types--more laid back, relaxed, less prone to drama? People with more courage than sense? More fun? More attuned to detail, to nature, to their senses? I don't know, but am cogitating on it.

    4. You are kidding right? These guys are pathetic idiots, soon everyone will catch on to the fact that bigfoot is nothing but a joke played on the public. Cliff and company MUST know after all of their so-called "investigations" that Sasquatch isnt and cant be real....except in the mind of flaky schizos who watch their pathetic show.

      Keep up the howling Cliffy, youve got maybe on more season. efore they pull the plug.

      Scary part? Guy is a notable TV star and still cant get laid.....

    5. ^^Everyone already knows that Bigfoot doesn't exist. There are only a handful of nutjobs that believe in the magic monkey.

      The veteran nutjobs are constantly recruiting new nutjobs to offset the nutjobs that figure out that Bigfoot is fake.

    6. I'm really wondering about these anonymous trolls who so desperately try to deceive people into thinking the bigfoot thing is a big deception ... as if the bigfoot researchers have gone around the continent and persuaded thousands of people to pretend to be eyewitnesses, and completely fabricate their encounter stories.

      I do think these trolls (1 or 2 in particular) are Bible thumpers who feel very threatened. The existence of bigfoots isn't the threat. Rather, people realizing that bigfoots actually exist is the big threat to these religious deceivers. It seems they feel that people will realize that God and Jesus and Heaven and Hell do not exist as they come to realize that bigfoots do exist.

      Plenty of people have been pushing religious mythology (deceptions) their whole lives -- God, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, etc.
      Don't think for a moment that there aren't people out there who obsessively fear what might happen to their own place in the community if people no longer feared God and no longer bought in to Christian mythology. I do think at least one of those people writes things like:

      "Bigfoot is BSWednesday, February 6, 2013 at 4:35:00 AM PST

      You are kidding right? These guys are pathetic idiots, soon everyone will catch on to the fact that bigfoot is nothing but a joke played on the public."

      I think the person who wrote that knows it isn't a joke being played on the public. I think he's a religious zealot who wants people to believe that it's a joke being played on the public.

      Consider this and remember this: Religious preachers are the real deceivers in this society. There is no reason to fear God or eternal damnation for not believing it God. That is all a manipulation ... by the same type of people who write troll comments on this blog: persistent deceivers.

    7. The magical mystery monkey is coming to take you away...

    8. Would you like to make a donation to my Bigfoot gifting basket?

    9. No worries about the 12yo. Non-bleevers. I think they are kind of funny and at least they aren't getting into trouble. I know they should be outside playing ball or something But not all children are capable of physical activity

    10. Bigfoots can breath under water. They have lungs AND gills.

    11. Yes Bigfoot was nailed on a cross for me, and when Smeja shot him he turned into a bear and rose again after 3 days. Clueless believers, "trolls" are only intelligent people here to make fun of this psychotic belief in that for which there is no evidence....a lot of topics are that, including religion, god, evolution and Bigfoot. But keep believing while we have fun at your expense.

    12. That's what I keep trying to tell everyone, Bigfoot died for our sins. You will have eternal life, if you believe.

    13. I suspect there are several hundred bigfoot just in my county. Including a magnificent creature almost 14 feet tall.

    14. I think the majority of people on here that are sceptics also don't believe in God either, the arguments I've had with crazies on here are the religious Bible thumping Bigfooters! Think that you are way off the mark with that pro God anti-Sasquatch argument as the people who question things and don't blindly believe in something unproven by science or anykind of logic are the atheists. Bigfoot doesn't mean squat to religion it survived Darwin, DNA and the Hadron collider it will survive Sasquatch. Hate to tell you but in most of the Western world (Europe etc) Christianity doesn't mean much anymore it's only the Catholic countries and the Americas where it's such a big part of people's lives.

    15. Sasquatch accelerate particles with their minds. When they're not digging the shitty diapers out of that dude's garbage.

    16. Yup, them Squatches sure are cleever

    17. They're super-duper human and they even got angel DNA.

    18. I believe in the magic monkey

    19. I am very excited about Rick Dyer's claim to have a Bigfoot body. Lots of important Bigfooters say it's true.

    20. Oh it's real alright, I've seen the body.


    21. Anyone get the feeling that some of these anons are Dyer hyping up his latest hoax?

    22. Sasfooty believes it so you know it's got to be the real deal.

    23. There are NO bigfoot experts!!

  2. I would much rather hear the details of how to run into Matt Moneymaker in a dunk tank at a local carnival in real life!

    1. He is attracted to good weed and cock, or is it coke? and large smelly men with names like Santas reindeer-Bobo.

    2. I want a shot. Where do I pay?

  3. They learn about people by watching them and reading their thoughts, but it's not always quick.

    1. mind rape. or slow mind rape sessions

    2. Lesson # 69

      You can't rape the willing

    3. Bigfoots know your thoughts before you think them.

    4. Well if that's the case they would run away from me

  4. Cliff is the sexy one.....right?

    1. He's the one that's like five feet tall and speaks to everyone as if they're in the third grade.

    2. if you are a lesbian you mean Ranae

    3. FACT-Bobo has sired over 100 children from women he met at town hall meetings.

    4. So his "Gone Squatching" hat has a double meaning

    5. Anon 9:18- The some fucking funny ass shit!! FACT

  5. Meet them, shit, why? they couldn't find shit in an outhouse. I went to Ga to a real bigfoot sighting location, last week. We actually found more real compelling stuff in the first three hours than they did in a week with the whole damn town helping, or hurting, depends on how you look at it. and we didn't see one , or hear one. But we did find a huge trail that ran unbroken for over two miles and into a large foothill mtn range. these people just hoop and hollar and run around on their lil walkie talkie's all night.Meet them, what the hell for?they have alll but convinced me that bigfoot isn,t hear anymore, if he ever was.

    1. ^^Expert Bigfoot researcher^^

    2. compared to what is on the shows, I can and prove my tracking, hunting, and outdoor skills,as well as something they haven't even figured into the hunt. The ability to keep quiet and stalk. So in comparison to that, call me whatever, but I would say many, many,people could give them some much needed pointers.What have they found in all this hyped hunting? To prove or disprove, the truth lies at the end of ONE fresh set of prints associated with a sighting from an honest source. Day old tracks are still good in most terrain, and in this world it's easy to check out someones integrity. IT is all at the end of the trail. Truth or fiction. these people are not going to get that far, to much hard work in that. Can you imagine them tracking up and down hills day and night, keeping quiet. that's not a show it's for real.

    3. How red is your neck, Jethro?

    4. well I guess to some of you sissy little city boys, it's a little scarlet. my knowledge will feed me, yours taught you to yell at mom. I bet you think all meat comes from a can too. Hey mom it's jr birthday, he's 30 and hungry. feed him mom, he wants to go out and play.

    5. leave Cliff and Bobo alone, that's the best comedy on tv. we love them.

  6. Henry May got zapped by infrasound!!!!

  7. Trolls have no life and are all jealous of Cliff, he's has more knowledge then all of these HS kids will ever know, thankfully he doesn't read this crappy website...

    1. yea, Cliff's a good guy stuck with clowns in a freak show

    2. Renea's ok too, but mighty mouse and blowbo, that's a clown match made in heaven.

    3. They aren't like raccoons!! They don't get used to us & immediately start trusting everybody that throws them dog food.

    4. why not? what if their hungry and they like me?


      -ALL CAPS

  8. I'd rather smoke a doob with Bobo, Cliff seems like such a weenie.

    1. Don't know rush he plays a mean guitar could be cool to listen to whilst smoking and eating Cheetos

  9. They were all excited that the prints were of a family of bigfoot but some suspected that the smaller ones were of normal humans and not a baby & momma. The big tracks aren't that great either and there have been longer trackways found over the decades despite their claim. Nothing special about the London tracks. People just looking for their fame and boasting finds they didn't even themselves make.

    1. all true to you anon 8:00 you hit it on the head. all looking and cooking up stuff to get a little fame anyway they can. sad, and ignorant.

    2. Are you talking about becoming part of their family unit, or sharing the same location, like the family of Bigfoot that reside behine my house ?

    3. Behind your house of course, that's where you keep the garden and the still right.

    4. No he keeps that "behine" his house.


      -ALL CAPS

  10. OMG OmG!!! A chance to meet Cliff?Umm where do I start..Do I ask him about his ambiguous er uh..No wait I will ask him about uh...Why the fu** would I want to meet him...Oh right to get me a date with Rennee..see,i`m not so dumb!

    1. Yea, that big hot lantern jawed chick turns me on too.

    2. Not Bo BO you jerk, the ugly one, That super long tall wild cat Renea. She's the bomb.I'd like a shot at changing her sexual orientation while on a bigfoot hunt. We could do some squealing and log beating you know what I mean.

    3. Dude, if she is gay I don't think you'll change her mind judging by your fantastic comment above of course you could try what you normally do and get her drunk and slip her a few roofies

    4. Dood now why did you go and let the cat out of the bag? you have done that trick before and now your planning to scam on her first aren't you? I got you figured so watch out. But seriously she's enough women for the both of us, me first....

  11. how did they do at the comedy awards? Did mighty mouse get anything? he's my hero. Renea likes girls I heard, no hard evidence though. Bobo gave up a lucrative career as a rodeo clown, I sure hope he made the right decision. Maybe next year guys.

    1. Rodeo clown? In his dreams. I thought he was a commercial fisherman, one of the shittiest jobs on the planet.

  12. This is a story? What about Musky Allen purportedly viewing the Dyer bigfoot in Las Vegas last night?

  13. Will Cliff talk about how he, Noll, Randles,Powell and others got hoaxed by stomper prints at Elbe?

    1. Nobody got hoaxed. They all had it figured out rather quickly. Powell published about why it was a hoax on Thomsquatch.com.

    2. Define "quickly". A normal person would have looked at them and walked away. It was that obvious.

  14. BFFers are going all crazy over another Embargoed Journal article set for release on Friday.

    Those fools will never give up. They will keep on being disappointed over and over and over until they finally realize that Melba's work will NEVER be published in a US Journal.

    On Dec 10th Melba claimed it would be weeks and not months before it would be released. How is that all working out for you people?

    Ketchum will be releasing her work in an online for profit format.

    Just wait and see.

    - The Knower

    1. Knower is correct.

      Some folks stumbled upon the construction of her pay per view website. It was taken down rather quickly. This is exactly how it's going to play out.

    2. I'm sick of all the bullshit, so one more month for me. If the people that are doing the claiming do not put something big and real on the table in a month or less, I'm done with the whole pile of bullshit for good. I really came into this with an open mind, and hopes in the thing being possible. This has been a joke telling a lie telling another joke. So where's the beef Ketchum? now or never, I know a lot of people who have said to hell with them already, and loosing more each day. Come clean or get out.

    3. Pay per view for the greatest scientific discovery of the century. Somethings wrong with that picture. Maybe no science, all freak show. If it's real, it'll come to all with no charge. The followers have already paid with blood, and waited patiently while taking tons of abuse..Nocharge for the truth.

    4. Don't you fools know, I done left town.
      The fat lady ain't gonna sing.

      Vulva Scratchum

    5. I can dig it, she's outta time and excuses so asta lavista baby..

    6. adios muchachos.

      Melvis has left the building.

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  16. If Ketchum and all the others claiming to have good solid evidence, PROOF in their own words, don't put it out right away, she should probably leave the country. All these believers have taken so much abuse while standing by waiting for what's been sworn to exist, she and all others names will be mudd across this land. Tom Biscardi will be Moses compared to them, if they don't bring it, quickly. The fires are burning, and the people are fuming. I hope for thier sake they have the goods to show. It'll be bad blood if not.. BRING IT NOW.. NO MORE BULLSHIT AND TALK FROM MELBA AND THE GANG...People, good people have stood up and by you while taking ridicule and punishment long enough. End it now, one way or the other..

    1. It's over dumbshit, there ain't no Bigfoots.

      Vulva Scratchum

    2. Oh but what if your wrong? wouldn't you love to be the one who proved his existence? YOU CLOSET FOOTER. come clean, footers can see right through you and your insults. Come home son, momma's big hairy arms await your arrival.

    3. Footer @ 11:39,

      You know you're the scum of the earth when the worst insult you can sling is to call someone exactly what you are...a footer.

  17. Everyone, we are all missing the point here. Cliff is actually not going to be talking ANYTHING about bigfoot at all!?!? He will be spending at least 2 hours in front of a mirror showing us all how he does his AMAZING hair. Afterwards he will be signing autographed combs.

  18. I know Renea is a dorky lesbian, but DAMN I would love too knock the bottom out of that. Her face maybe not so good, but her body is tight! Those longs ass legs and all…

    1. I bet she has a pretty little pink unmolested Taterhole on her also. Dicks getting hard over a 6'3" dike.

  19. I'd be much more interested in going to the Lakeland Valley monthly PTA brunch to meet 87 year old Adel Smithstone who has been proudly serving hot lunches to the students for 63 years, and sniff her naked backside ...

    do I want to meet Cliff Barackman? ... LOL, dude. He hasn't done anything yet. Except film himself failing to find what he's looking for every week.

    1. Renea, Renea all the way. No slack in that rack,or those cheeks of rose red. and those killer legs, WOW, she can bigfoot hunt, squeal, and log thump all she want's baby.

    2. I'd let her thump my log if she wanted too.

    3. What, the fuck, is the matter with you people?

  20. Holy shit! I'm exhausted from laughing so hard.


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