This Guy Claims He Shot Bigfoot And Has Cold Hard Proof

Justin Smeja was recently sent this video from a guy named Johnny Bigfoot who claims he has a Bigfoot body in his freezer. He calls Justin, "Bear Boy", and says Justin has nothing on him. Watch below:


  1. I know how this one ends...what a piece of crap yet millions of idiots will jump on the bandwagon.

    Proof shown? Of course not...

    1. ^Comes here 24/7 to read about Bigfoot.

    2. you're such an idiot, that was spoof comedy routine

    3. stop impersonating me moron, you are an embarrassment to skeptics everywhere.

    4. LMFAO!!!!!! This video is funny as hell!!!!!! I back this one and approve it's content. LMAO!!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. I completely accept and support your personal beliefs and don't feel the pressing need to prove you wrong.

    2. Ya know it's actually possible to go up to the top of Pike's Peak where you can view the curvature of the earth. I've done it and it really is pretty obvious.

    3. I nailed Mulder's mom on top of Pike's Peak.

      Really laid down a trackway.

    4. Legend has it that a young Columbus would watch the ships sail into the horizon and he could see the mast disappear as the bow rose up. This is only possible, he knew, if the ship was moving on the surface of a sphere!

  3. First.... I'm on a roll now.

    I AM sasquatch

    1. What ever happen to Joe & his boyfriend Stan????

    2. Me # 6,685,599 way past you first person dude!

  4. First is the worse, second is the best!! Haha

    1. and that's one demerit for being a nine year old.

    2. ACHTUNG!


  5. That was pretty funny...I like the bit about the kids being sick of eating bigfoot all the time! This guy probably hangs out here...Whats up, dude?!

  6. Guy doesn't know how to cook pork chops thats for sure!

  7. Sick of this nonsense. I'm very interested in bigfoot, I came here a while ago in the hopes that it woulld have alot to contribute, I know this is a humor post, but this site has contributed absolutely nothing except fake after fake after fake. Allowing itself to be taken in when I'm looking for something real. Something interesting. This site does not have a critical eye and just posts anything. I'm unliking your facebook page. This site has been nothing but a waste of my time.

    1. cha ching! Shawn Evidence is a hit whore, making $$$ from every post no matter how idiotic. After the Smeja-Bear debacle, Ketchums fall apart science expirement and debunking of PGF, even he knows Bigfoot is utter bullshit. His last hope is Ro Sahebi selling his film for a cut of 25$, that will be purchased by Mulder from BFF.

      As a believer, the jokes on YOU

    2. I don’t think I need to do a digital exam to know what’s up your ass. Shall we schedule a stick-ectomy for next Friday?

      -a proctologist

    3. Oh, so sorry, 8:11!!!

      Haven't you heard?

      Those who bleeve in invisible bicycles are disqualified from this debate.

      So sorry.

      Those who call others retards while ignorantly strutting their asses saying that thesis and hypothesis are not synonyms are disqualified.

      Those who bleeve those genius hoaxers are carving dermal ridges are . . . you guessed it! Yes! Disqualified.

      Those exhibiting severe cases of PGF-itis (uncontrollabe skull and cervical jerkings away from the direction of the PGF) have been eliminated from the list! Didn't you get the memo?

      Oh, I suppose you are late to the dance as usual.

      In fact, all skeptards have been removed from this particular debate.

      So sorry.

      No skeptards allowed today.

      Tard on, skeptard! Tard on baby!!!

    4. *yawn*

      Anon 8:31,

      We’ve been over this you retard. You are attacking yet another straw man. If you’re going to employ sophistry you could at least try using DIFFERENT fallacies instead of repeating the same thing over and over like an inbred moron.
      You should also try suicide.

    5. *yawn*..*stretch*....Sophists...blah blah...straw man....fallacy...yukkity, etc...pointless drivel.

    6. Invisible bikes do not exist, therefore the subject in the Sells, mean the MK video cannot be riding one. Now the position of the arms and movement of the legs resemble that of a human on a bike, but people don't move like that when they walk or run(which they would be doing since invisible bikes don't exist).
      Therefore, the video shows a bipedal creature that is not human and can only be what is commonly referred to as a bigfoot.

      Brilliant! Bikes cannot be invisible, therefore bigfoots exist!!!

    7. ^^^^
      Who are you attempting to insult?

    8. Not insulting anyone; I don't insult other posters. Just goofing off. The invisible bike remark above reminded me of an old MK video that got lots of comments awhile back....

    9. I was actually talking to Anon 8:58. Guess I should have typed faster.

    10. Ron Jeremy was an inspiration to all footers, because he demonstrated that a fat, smelly, disgusting slob with excessive body fair could get laid.

      By the way, what do invisible bicycles have to do with bigfoot?

    11. There’s a video (can’t remember which one) of which some skeptic allegedly said that the subject (supposedly a magic ape) is just a bicyclist. Upon hearing this news the guy who posted at 8:31 promptly had a stroke. When he was released from the hospital the new and more brain damaged poster at 8:31 (who formerly called himself the USEFULL IDIOT ALERT SYSTEM) began claiming that all skeptics believe the video in question was of a bicyclist. At this point it is unclear if any skeptic ever actually said that, but the poster at 8:31 has chosen to pretend that every skeptic said that hence the straw man fallacy.

      -the more you know

    12. Thank you for the clarification.



  8. This is why I go to FB/FB ! They don't show Crap like this !

    1. At least here it isn't claimed to be real! FB/FB would have shown this as being authentic on 60 points.

  9. That was a pretty damn funny video.


  10. I think the word is spreading that if you want to hoax someone online, Shawn is the guy to contact.

    1. yes, because (rumour has it) he only has an interest in "hits" to this website. He went to the Sierra kills location and fell ASLEEP while at the location the first night! During an alleged encounter (to top it off)... WTF?!

      Wouldn't most people be too excited, or interested in the area to sleep that night?




  11. The guy fills a jar full of country-style ribs and sure enough it's enough to get on Shawn's bigfoot blog.

    And now he wants us to believe the Smeja Sierra Kill film they are about to hoist upon us is real. Give me a fucking break. I think he'll post or release anything as long as there's a chance it will make him some money on the gullible bigfooters. Pretty pathetic.

  12. uh huh huh huh huh he said meat

  13. What a shame, teaching his kids to LIE and HOAX. That is just pork. And it wasn't funny at all.

    1. While I don’t like people teaching children to lie, hoax, or believe in magic apes I’m pretty sure that the video was patently absurd so that would make it a comedy not a hoax.

    2. to red for pork, must be horse.. that's it, I bet the kids didn't really lie, the horses name was BIGFOOT.

  14. Word on the street is Mulder's trying to rustle himself up a posse. This should be good.

    Tomorrow I'm buying a popcorn maker.

    1. For what purpose is Mulder going to "rustle himself up a posse"?

    2. One can only imagine what brilliant brainstorm the geniuses at the Tarpits have dreamed up. The generals in Hitler's bunker were less zany than these BFFers.

    3. @anon 10:04

      Not sure the exact purpose, but I'm calling bullshit and shenanigans before it gets off the ground.

      agreed@anon 10:09

      Yes, it must be quite the think tank they have going on over there.

    4. A little birdie told me that "Operation Mulder's Vengeance" goes into effect tomorrow morning.

    5. Tweet! Tweet! Mulder's a homo!

      -a little birdie

    6. Mulder's going to bleeve us all to death.

    7. Quoting Mulder from the Tarpits: "I'll be shutting that place down."

    8. Oh man is this going to be precious.

  15. What is he doing baking a cake? Why do all these hicks never clean their fucken houses even when on film? And why do they all look like they don't bath?

  16. what the hell is this blog about? I'm a first timer, and I was under the impression bigfoot info, video's of sightings, and real evidence, if it exists, would be posted here. What a frigin joke. This is an ignorant excuse for a few people to argue about and throw insults at each other. thanks but no thanks. This clown needs to call his blog BIGIGNORANT IDIOT BLOG, and leave out the FOOT in his ass. good luck.

    1. Here's a hint: Bigfoot's not real and a lemonparty doesn't look like it sounds.

    2. Welcome to Bigfooting! By the way, do you really think your fooling anybody with your "first timer" bullshit? There is a forum here for those who are better than us "trolls" and can't take a joke. That is if your not already on there.


  18. Finally somthing us believers can hang our hat on and all you guys want to do is beat a brother down.
    Let's see how this plays out! I think he might have had some Horse Cock mixed in becuase you can't even chew that stuff.
    MK break the meat down

    Squatch Nuts

  19. if your confident it's not real, what were you looking for when you came to this site? I'm not sure, that's why I'm looking. Meldrum's pretty serious kinda guy, is he nuts? Are all those who claim to have sightings ignorant or hoaxers? I'm not ready to call thousands of people that I know nothing about, Ignorant, lier, blind, and overall insane. That is why I'm looking and asking questions, so if you already know the answer, why are you here?

    1. But you are ready to call thousands of biologists stupid out of retarded jealousy. Go kill yourself you degenerate.

    2. Anon 10:37 I was thinking about talking on this site might eventuality work itself into a blowjob!
      I believe but this ain't it Bitch
      Squatch Nuts


    I once met a sceptard,
    I looked at him hard,
    He was carrying a book,
    The title, 'Science', look!

    He was sure he knew all,
    And in his immense gall
    Called the rest of us dunce
    And not even once

    Did he look at himself.
    Stature of an elf
    Trying to be giant,
    With gait compliant.

    His ignorance was such
    That he didn't know much,
    Though he carried his tome,
    'Science', under his arm,

    And strutted this way and that,
    To impress, tipping his hat
    To ladies in street
    He prayed he would meet.

    Unfortunate sceptard
    From him ladies did run
    And in lunatic's ward
    They suggested, 'have fun!'

    Poor little sceptard,
    With claims of science,
    Said 'Look on this card!'
    Diploma! defiance!

    'I am educated!
    No, really, I am smart!
    I have emulated
    Science with all my heart!

    There is no bigfoot,
    No Sasquatch exists!
    Believers are moot!
    You must believe this!

    There is no bigfoot,
    No Sasquatch exists,
    For there is no boot
    To fit feet such as this!'

    The sceptard danced,
    The sceptard sang,
    The sceptard pranced
    Around and sang:

    'Ooh bigfoot no more
    Shall darken my door!
    And Sasquatch, that myth
    Is naught but untruth!'

    Sang unruly sceptard,
    Solitary in cell,
    Though lines not of a bard,
    Inmate insistant still.

    The sceptard danced,
    The sceptard sang,
    The sceptard pranced
    Around and sang:

    'Ooh bigfoot no more
    Shall darken my door!
    And Sasquatch, that myth
    Is naught but untruth!'

    The End

    Note to gentle reader:

    Since at least one of our obnoxious sceptards is 'a girl', you must alter the above appropriately.

    Be prepared for future installments in our saga of the sceptards.

    Thank you for visiting the Bigfoot Evidence Blog.

    May God go with you, and all of us.

    1. Hey Thomas the reamer,

      Ya got a little something on your chin there ya faggot.

    2. @Thomas the Rimmer:

      In the woods once a sasquatch named Enos
      Asked Mulder, "has anyone seen us?"
      Mulder said with unease,
      We're alone 'mongst these trees,
      Then bigfoot touched Mulder's penis.

  21. Of course you that this means war.

    1. It must have been Mulder's opening salvo.

    2. Best intro since Shockmaster lost his helmut.

    3. That's not fair! Nature Boy placed a 2x4 on the floor knowing damn well I can't lift my foot more than 1 inch! Bulldog was in on it too!

  22. Listen you ignorant lowlife, whats wrong are so much of a pussy, a real question to you that you can't answer makes your lil pubic hair stand up and your lil claws come out. speak for yourself, up until now I haven't spoken of these thousands of biologist your carrying such a burden for. I'm not disagreeing with them, I like to find things out for myself. SO many people we should be able to trust on much more important issues, seem to tell phibs on occasion. So by asking questions for myself I've somehow made your lil ass hairs stand up for YOUR THOUSANDS OF BIOLOGIST THAT I'M SURE YOU BEING THE SCHOLAR YOU ARE, know so well. Just calm down barney, and if you want me dead, bring your lil bullet, and you come and do the job, Face to face, chicken shit. Get your shit right before you pick a fight, I bet you took alot of ass kicking as a child, OH that was yesterday.

    1. The reply button dude. You need to learn to use the reply button or whoever the fuck you’re talking to won't see your post.

    2. You mad Anon 11:04?
      I’m thinking maybe you really are new here giving the way you can’t use a reply button and the way you whine pathetically like a bitch.
      Now listen here you subhuman scum; you’re a footer. If you’re here and you’re not a skeptic then you’re a footer. If a warzone comes to you then that sucks, but that’s not what happened. YOU came to a warzone so YOU picked your enemies.
      You had your right to believe what you want, but you decided to come here where the footers proselyte and attack biologists. Now you’re bitching like a sniveling coward because you’re getting treated like anti-intellectual retard you are. You’re like a gangbanger who runs with the pack but then claims to be innocent because he just stood and watched and laughed while his buddies beat and old man to death. If you run with bullies then you are a bully dickhead.
      Now I, having a zoology degree, take offense when people say that I’m a sheep or closed-minded so when a dickhead like you comes here and decides to attempt to tear down MY science because you are too fucking stupid and lazy to actually become educated then I’m going to insult you for being an asshole.
      If you can’t take the heat the get out of the kitchen and if you can’t take your punishment then don’t be a footer. Now fuck off and kill yourself.

    3. Judging from the numerous misspellings and grammar errors in your comment, I'm assuming that you were not required to take too many English courses to earn that Zoology degree from whatever third rate state college you attended.

    4. Engineers possess some of the poorest English skills I've ever read. Why not the same for Biologists?

    5. Well at least you have the balls of a chipmonk. Your intellectually stimulating words surely came from you advanced education. Zoology, wow, you got me there.We just learn to build shit in our colleges of engineering. I must admit, my degree was changed from English and communication twice, so I'm not even a real top notch engineer. I get by. The CORPS OF ENGINEERS did offer us the chance to obtain such degrees, but I used my vacation to fish. Really needed that Zoology degree. And I'm afraid your knowledge about people who get tough when they have superior numbers and weapons,is much greater than mine, we don't have any gangs where I'm from. Like you said I'm a Hill billy, we use gang members and thieves for fertilizer, they won't stay for some reason. I am new to your amazing world, and I'm afraid I have offended you. I had no idea that your boy friend was a biologist, or that by asking questions it somehow challenged his ability to know everything. I truly didn't mean to do that. And I know now that you are the king of your lil hill, even though it's not really a hill at all, it's a bump on your head, they have surgeries for that you know. but the point I must call you lil ass on is the kill myself statement. I don't plan on that, so if you want it to happen, crawl you ass out from under moma's skirt, come and see me. I'll teach you how to attempt to look a man eye to eye, instead of your usual eye to balls manner you've grown so accustomed to. ps thanks for the welcome, I've sat here laughing at your higher intellect and worked up a good shit, I'll name it pussy, after you. one more thing stop eating mom's tampons, amonia poisoning could be your problem all together, oh and I do have a trailor, I keep my tools and your momma in it. Now have at it, I'll be waiting for you, but for now, I'm through with you..

    6. Relax guys

      Don't let some 12 yo kid jack you up

      Mid Michigan calling

    7. your the first person I've seen on here with something sane to say, thanks, good Idea.

    8. Some of you need to find a responsible adult to make sure your taking your medications everyday. Going off your psych meds could result in you hurting yourself or others.

    9. Reasonable Adult, well that's not something you can find just everywhere friend. I ask a question about something I have an interest in, and that I honestly know little about, and somehow trashed thousands of biologist,that I didn't even mention, plus got the wrath of a smug lil smart ass that apparently is convinced that he knows everything. But that knowledge is so powerful, one can't question it, it's against the law of the site. I didn't know this special unspoken limit, and I ask the questions and opened that door. I also wasn't aware that I couldn't fight back, so I just really did the unthinkable and spoke harshly to the all powerful all knowing Mr wizard. Forgive me for not knowing. thanks for your understanding and patients, really.

    10. Ehh fuckem dude you can say whatever you'd like we are all here to listen and learn from one and other it apparently hurts their sensibilities but who cares there are others of us happy to help

    11. yea, thanks for the help. I was beginning to wonder if anybody real was on this site, or if they were all loony tunes. anyway, I'm not sure about the subject, both sides have good points, scientist, biologists, and serious people who have very different opinions about it. I will just keep asking questions until I'm convinced one way or the other. I'd like to come away with respect for both.

  23. Fuckerty cunt yeah fuckerty fuck off yeah cunty cunt bitch bla ruff woof knack knack woo woo woo

    1. You seem to be a bit more vulgar than usual.

    2. That wasn't me man. That's the bff's rebuttal.

  24. Replies
    1. Yeah man piss in pants spew rot vomit bla bla

    2. Satire and/or good humour lost on most Amerikans

    3. Amerikans yeah cunt piss bitch fuck yeah rufff woot knick

    4. Throw in something like "Git 'er done" or "You know you're a redneck if . . ." and you'll have the Americans screaming with laughter.

    5. ^^ This smells like Kerchak.

    6. Smell gay cum pig bitch fuck cunt woo wept nah yeah pig shit donger

    7. Keep it up. There's no warning levels here. No bigfoot either.

    8. You are right. Shawn will just ban your ass.


    1. His tater hole hasn't been penetrated in a while.

    2. I hear you Caps. The JREF and BFF guys have quit posting on each others forums(there is not much left to say) and have chosen Shawn's comments section as the location for a rumble. Funny shit...

    3. I agree Caps. The blog has been taken over by either a bunch of kids or adults who never grew up. When I first started coming to this site it was because I was interested in the topic of Bigfoot and wanted to learn more. All I have learned here is what happens when a bunch of uneducated losers with over weening egos get together to see who can throw out the best insult or have the biggest aha moment.

  26. This guy is about as believable as Smeja.

  27. He is a fuckin trailor trash hillbilly mother fucker.

  28. This has to be the best video I have ever seen on here. It is FUCKING HILARIOUS!!

    1. That has to be a horse cock he's chewing on. Boy he's loving every bite and every inch it appears. It's finger licking good, and it'l tickle your innards, His new slogan. How the hell do you make that shit with a straight face?

    2. I though it was funny too, 3:24....

  29. Need Phil to break this shit down

  30. I am new,to both the bigfoot interest, as well as this site, and I am truly seeking some info about the subject. I have never really thought much about this, and I've spent many years hunting and prowling the woods without a glimpse of an animal that I couldn't ident. Now a friend from GA tells me he saw one and sends me a video taken from a police car. He sent me to a site where I found Meldrum and some other scientist and biologist talking about the bigfoot,sasquatch whatever you want to call it, and I'm interested in both sides. I've tried to ask questions, but somehow all I've gotten is a fight, or a bunch of ignorant slack thrown at me. I'd love to have both sides make their points without the name calling, just the facts as each sees them. I'm serious, how can a person find out info from real people without getting into this raging bullshit? I'm neither believer or skeptic 100% at this point, and I'm truly interested in some real info. what is out there as far as real info for and against right now?

    1. bigfoot dont exist, you can take that to the bank

    2. I've never seen a Bigfoot either but I have no problem believing an unidentified animal may live in the many sq. miles of wooded area in the u.s. and Canada so really it's up to you to decide how you feel they are givin you problems because no one here has ever been in between on what they believe

    3. thank you Mr Bandini, for your answer and most of all for your maturity and enlightenment. I'm very happy to find at least one person that thinks before they speak. When a person starts believing that they know it all, and nothing beyond what they themselves have seen or experienced is even possible they are in trouble. I def don't know about the bigfoot, but I'm going to try to investigate. I have a reported sighting to check out, I look forward to it. thanks again sir.

    4. Your welcome good sir I never checked on any sightings I've lived in Chicago my whole life the only interesting thing here is how they've crammed so many of us in such a small area that more people haven't become disillusioned

    5. I've been there, I couldn't make it long with all those people. I'm blessed to live in a heavily wooded area at the cumberland mtn basin. neighbors are scarce and quiet. I'm going to north GA mtns where a friend had a sighting, and an officer got something on his dash cam running across the road. we have friends that own around 600 acres to look around for something different. It will be an experience to remember for sure. I'll post to you any good info or pics if we get some. Thanks again for your hospitality towards the newcomer. I won't forget it.

    6. how can a person find out info from real people without getting into this raging bullshit?

      Experience - take the bad with the good and keep a healthy sense or humour

    7. Cool keep me posted my man I'll be glad to hear it if you need anything just post I'm usually here talkin shit or lurkin in the shadows have fun

    8. YOU the man,I'm going next week.Bad weather put us on hold. The place we are going is about 2 miles from the BFRO's GA show site. the owners of the two farms wouldn't give them permission to bring the big crowd across their farms. the Cops dash cam video was shot a quarter mile away, my buddy's sighting was on one of the farms, who knows man. The place is real nice, wooded plus fields and some pasture, lots of deer and small game. It's a great place to hunt all other game, and the BFRO wanted to go there. I'm not sure what to look for as far as good habitat goes for a bigfoot, but hey if it's good for everything else, why not the foot? we will see. thanks for your time man.

    9. i'm not quite sure what to look for either but like you said just like in hunting and humans you need a good plentiful food source and definately a watering hole nearby so as not to have to travel far to drink especially if they don't make drinking vessels but yeah keep me posted if anything click my name and hit the tag me thing

    10. you got it man will do, I know all the fawna and flora that we can digest, great apes about the same so I've got a start, the thing is, if we f ind a track, I'll find where it ends ya know.That's what I do, and why he wants my help so be looking talk again my friend.

  31. this guy puts the "duche" in duche bag...........

    1. and you suck the duche from duche bag, you suck a lot actually. I've heard of you, clap cheaks, did you ever get that scorching case of herpies under control yet? I know you got fumigated for the crabs, how did that go?you need to slow down a little man. let some of those parasites die off, oh, that's you, sorry.. suck worm.

    2. ACHTUNG!


      We have ways of making you spell correctly.

    3. sorry, it's a subject i'm not an expert on..Douche. thanks for the correction. no need to send out the troops, I'll remember.

  32. In about the year 2007 some Website had a video of human baby soap in China and then the Chinese goberment took the site down.

  33. Is it normal for your dick to grow sideburns? I started trimming some hairs that were growing on the sides of the shaft when I was 14 and now that I'm 18 its like my dick is sporting full grown "chops".

    I have to trim it up every 2 weeks or they get too noticeable. Am I seriously screwed for life?

  34. damn these posts are gettin' way too long...please limit your diatribes to four sentences and under from now on

  35. This website and Shawn have actually hurt the BF world and its cause. He's actually made it into more of a joke by posting complete crap on this website. I have a feeling at one time Shawn was very passionate and serious about BF and its community. I find it very ironic that he's actually damaged it the way he has. Shawn, I think its time to save face and change your ways.

    1. Give me a break most of the people in the world never even heard of this blog get a grip to seriously believe a single blog hurt your cause means your cause sucked to begin with

      Ps I actually believe there may be a Bigfoot

  36. I can verify that this man did shoot a Sasquatch. Actually they should be called Homo sapiens ketchumii, and therefore that man and his kids are cannibals. Seriously people, lighten up, I actually laughed at this :).

  37. wow! People get a grip. This video I'm sure was meant as a joke especially if you watched the guys other videos. Why not put it up on this blog? It's funny. Just because this is a bigfoot evidence blog does not mean the blogger has to be serious 100% of the time and has no sense of humor. He thought it was funny so he posted it. Have you never heard of sarcasm? Lighten up folks, we made it through the Mayan apocalypse lol! Just FYI: that last remark was sarcasm

  38. this video was hilarious ... I can't believe people thought this could be real. But of course...

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