Sorry Dr. Ketchum: DNA Won't Do It, We Need A Body

Editor’s Note: Jonathan Poulsen is a cryptozoologist with a mere four years experience. But what he lacks in time he has made up for in progress.

I don't intend to come off as bitter, but here are a few of my thoughts: After several years, the publication of the long awaited Ketchum DNA study is said to be right around the corner. Some enthusiasts are acting as if the paper will be the final word on the subject, and are cooking up an excessive amount of crow for the cynical naysayers that have made it their duty to denounce and discredit purported sasquatch evidence and the investigators themselves, even if it means they have to fabricate and concoct bogus stories to assist them in the debunking process.

Unfortunately, the bigfoot community still has a good wait ahead of them before this mystery (which has been described as the single greatest scientific discovery of all time) is unraveled, simply because DNA, though tangible, isn't quite enough to identify and confirm this species. Numerous instances of hair samples being recovered in the field and brought back for analysis have occurred.

On October 12th, 1992, self proclaimed bigfoot hunters Daryl Owen and Scott Herriott managed to capture what could be the first blobsquatch ever recorded. Following their alleged confrontation in the northern California wilds, they gathered and collected strands of hair and sent them off to Dr. Sterling Brunell who concluded it was from the human/gorilla/chimpanzee group, yet had distinguishable qualities from each of these.

If DNA is able to prove the existence of the sasquatch, shouldn't that have sealed the deal 20 years ago? Year after year hair and occasional fecal samples found all over North America are analyzed and determined to be "unknown primate", and all science (and the general public for that matter) has done is shove it under the rug along with other forms of evidence, such as footprint casts. Sightings and films have failed to make any significant impact in terms of discovery, now it seems like the same applies to DNA.

The final remaining option is a type specimen, and in order to obtain a type specimen, one must be either killed or captured alive, and although hundreds of these accounts exist, the bodies have suspiciously never been recovered. This won't come cheap, in order to locate and recover a sasquatch a full-fledged expedition involving elaborate plans and sophisticated technology would have to take place, costing millions of dollars. Usually in these types of situations, government agencies fund the research.

Since both the U.S. and Canada's government view the sasquatch as a mythical fairy tale that no one takes seriously, the discovery of this species will in all probability not see the light of day.


  1. DNA would do perfectly fine IF such a creature existed and you had DNA from it.

    Fact is you cant prove a mythical creature using DNA from humans.

    1. Id like to hear Mulder try to argue against that!!

    2. Simple: you can't prove Bigfoots don't exist.

    3. A footer will tell you that a body is not needed, but yeah, any fool knows a body is needed.

    4. and when a body is found, analyzed, autopsied, unless albert einstein comes back from the dead to claim its real, itll be called a hoax too. Squatchers cant win this one, no way. I live in western NY. Go minto adirondacks and ask locals how many fishers theyve seen in their lives....Not many...a fisher is an extremely elusive large weasel type animal. Granted, it aint 8 ft and 500 lbs but.....

    5. Oh I'll bring it ! Want some !!!

    6. Dance-off! Only way to solve this.

    7. Ok Dance off it is! I pick the song!

    8. I'm still waiting on "DAISEY" When is the doc coming out?!?

    9. This is the most badly written term paper ever.

    10. Why is a body needed? No way. The problem isn't that we need a body, the problem is that mainstream science refuse to go any further with it when they hear what it's about. That's the stone wall Dr. Ketchum suddenly met after other scientists had gotten the same results she did, just shows they will not accept this no matter what because the reality of Bigfoot disrupts their old academic views sadly confirming we're dealing with a cover-up no matter what. You could take a body anywhere but the crowd or journalists you'd show it to wouldn't be big enough not to look the fool in the ensuing ridicule, those hell bent on keeping it a secret would grab it and you'd never hear of it again. Your witnesses are now part of the myth. So you couldn't even win this with a body, you could show it to Dr. Meldrum and even have video he too would be ridiculed afterwards as he's already the Bigfoot guy to the public. I'm sorry, but DNA IS the way to do this and Ketchum knows this but her peers won't play ball even with proof.

  2. Replies
    1. A valiant effort, but you were bested. Bested by a firsting non believer at that.

    2. ^ Needs to review the rules. You have to say "first"...

    3. I was first once and it has made all the difference.

    4. I belong to the 'purest' school of firsting. We discount all firsts that are not actually first, and place our emphasis on firsts that are demonstratively first. In The Western Tradition, we aspire toward perfection, reaching ever closer to the divine, knowing we can never get there, but attempting all the same.

    5. I just wanna win...and I don't care how...

    6. Quit your job, press f5 all day, and eventually your goal will be realized.

    7. God king, you are wise, I give you that. I've been first many times over the years and I've tasted the sweet nectar of its's bounty. But I now see I didn't really understand what it meant... I feel so ashamed.

    8. Good news: I don't have a job-I'm half way there already. Thanks!

    9. Mayor, we live in barbarous times. The decay of our culture should be apparent to all, and we forsee a long period of darkness ahead. The rot is so ubiquitous, that even the noble game of firsting has been contaminated. We here, at the 'purist' firsting school, much like the monks during the dark ages, try to preserve what we can of Western culture and thought, in the hope that one day, there will be a new dawn, a new age of enlightenment. We support ALL firsting, of course, but some of the new schools, like the 'Bitchez in da Hood' school of firsting has made us realize that something must be done to protect the ancient rites.

    10. ^ You one me over. I will strive to improve myself and live up to a noble tradition. No more bottom feeding, cheesy(sorry Mayor) "nobody else claimed it" firsts...

    11. My first improvement will be in spelling..s/b "won me over". Lol That is bad! I have First on the brain...

  3. Im a cryptolinguist.

    Yep that is a badass title for a badass mofo.

    Come see my talks, give me your money.

    1. I'm a cryptosandwichartist. Gimme some money.

  4. Replies
    1. Too slow loser! Not even freaking close! I weep for you.

  5. Melba has made things to where we now need a body. This is her fuck up. She got greedy with wallys money and didnt get the samples tested properly.

    The blood of the forest people will be on the hands of melba ketchum

    1. Don't you mean the blood of the filthy apes?

      They ain't people, rube.

    2. Yeee haaaw! Its open season! Here in Washington there is no limit on Bigfoot! Open for hunting 24/7... Big or small, kill'em all! Wack'em and Stack'em!!! If you see one, shoot it, you then don't have to go to work the next day, your a millionair!!!!

    3. Of course they're people!

      I happen to know a ton of people who are 9 feet tall, 600 pounds,covered in hair and live in the woods year round without benefit of clothing, footwear, fire, or permanent shelter.

      What about that doesn't sound human?

    4. You buy the fuel I will provide the truck and manpower to get it to the news station.

  6. Little Johnny the High School Cryptozoologist ! LoL

  7. 5:02 did mean that you are taking your fist out of your ass cause ur done fuckin yourself first?

    1. ^ Did not get the "Children read This Blog" memo...There is no 5:02, man.

    2. that's great you got em good! I hate the fisting firsters

    3. Barbarism! You, sir, are a firsting philistine.

    4. I'm not honest, but you're interesting.

  8. If other scientists confirm the Ketchum data and especially if Sykes confirms human-like dna, then its "game over". Government and scientists will scurry to get on the bandwagon. The full identification may never happen in our lifetime without a body...but the world will Know that it exists. The other evidence together with the dna will change everyone with a logical brain. Only the skeptic with a heavy emotional belief in the non-existence will continue...kind of like the flat-landers.

    1. 'Heavy emotional belief in the non-existence' chides fella who bleeves in non-existent 10 foot tall forest monkey.

    2. Just as long as we know one exist, would do the trick! We can then start hunting them in ernest. If you see one shoot the damn thing, preferably in the head, its the stopping shot and easier to drag to the truck. If there are two of them shoot both of them, there is no limit!!! I would highly recomend double OO' buck for the shot gun in the tent... You know, when they come to fuck with you during the night, touching your tent and shit like that. Its a race for the early retirement check!!!

    3. Think of it as America's Most Wanted. #1 most wanted! Reward... Name your price!!!!

    4. IF...if...if.......iiif...........iiiiiiif.

    5. Heavy emotional denial and cover-up at 5:45.

  9. This is what happens when children are brought up to believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Once those are all disproved, it's time to move on to the adult version of the fairy tale, bigfoot.

    1. ^^ Closest Bigfoot believer butt hurt by Ketchum not proving him wrong.

    2. Obvious Mulder is Obvious^

    3. I disagree. When kids realize Santa and co are just their parents they intuitively understand the "hoaxing' was an act of love. They appreciate the efforts to create a happy childhood. This can only benefit their psyche..

    4. So what you are saying is that deep down the bleevers actually love the hoaxers as they provide warm memories of childhood. That's why so many of them were willing to give Freezer Boy another chance. Can he go for three? That's the question.

    5. Well, actually I was saying my kids know I'm Santa and have the good sense to leave the room and play video games when I grab the clicker and tune into Finding Bigfoot. But what you say is true too...

    6. I'm with you I can't believe people say uhh maybe he does have one. I hope he has a body ill wait till he unveils it and hold my comments till then. Instead of what they should've said screw him he's full of s**t and a hoaxer. He is an all around s**ty individual all together. With no conscience

    7. Anon 5:07 never enjoyed his childhood! His parents were assholes who never let him believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny! He was the stupid kid in first grade who would run around ruining it by saying Santa wasn't real! What an Ass! Why do you lump Bigfoot in with Santa? Knowbody has DNA on Santa . There is no real pictures , footprints, adult sightings, poop, and history of him . Santa is a great thing for kids and they eventually grow out of it. Kiss of you Moron!

    8. Why do I lump bigfoot with Santa? Because most sane adults know neither one exist.

      Geeze, it's scary how mad you got over this whole idea. You've definitely convinced me that you believe in the magic monkey.

    9. Newsflash BE - nobody's taking your trolled anti BF agenda blog seriously.

  10. Uncharted territory. There are no papers naming a species from the dna alone. Hell, there is a March 2011 paper on PLOS describing long sequences from lemur monkeys and they still were not sure which genus they belonged to. DNA is a triumph of technology and bio-chemistry of monumental use to forensics. Not a triumph of zoology and taxonomy. Not yet, anyway.

    1. ^ I should say, "The ability to extract and read dna is a .."

    2. Very true DNA doesn't mean anything without something to match it I watched a show the other day and it said that this one crop circle showed an encoding almost the same as Carl Sagan had sent into space that said they have three strand DNA as opposed to the double helix and the funny thing is that represented the DNA exactly like Melba had found were it went double helix to single to give it thre strands instead of the third strand incorporated into the double

    3. This was Melba's plan from the beginning. Scam as many bleevers as she can because she knows there never will be a body to contradict her findings. I do think she's a little surprised how many of them didn't fall for her charade.

    4. I think Hairy Banana's eyes may be beginning to open, but only a wee bit.

    5. Anon 5:51 are you a complete Idiot? What do you know? Nothing ! The diarrhea coming out of your mouth is pathetic!

    6. Right, you believe in a magic monkey and I'm the idiot.

    7. ^Moron ! How many times do u post a day faggot? You love Bigfoot freak !

    8. So true, these government freaks are here daily trying to convince people bigfoots don't exist yet they're accomplishing the exact opposite by it. Gotta cherish that fact.

  11. From here out, everyone that sees a foot should shoot it.

    1. Then you'll kill a redneck in a bulky coat and Wranglers.

    2. So be it, he should have been wearing bright orange in his backyard... His problem... Ooops not a bigfoot, move on to the next backyard.

    3. Then you'll kill a squirrel swinging on a tree limb.

    4. Seriously, it's only a matter of time before someone shoots one of these hoaxers in a gorilla suit.

  12. Hahahaha oh you naive footers.

    When are you going to realise these beings are beyond our technology? These beings exist in another dimension.

    First ape, now human. BOTH WRONG.

    These are interdimensional beings possibly the descendants of the nephilim. The DNA is "out of this world" so to speak. I think Ketchum knows it but her hand was forced to remove Nephilim talk from her paper.

    Time will tell.

    These beings will reveal themselves on their terms only.

    1. What if we offer them Sasfooty's head?

    2. That's a pretty creepy thing to say.

    3. Yeah, if I had the ability to travel through dimensions, I'd spend my time stomping around the woods throwing rocks at people and stealing zagnut bars

    4. And people wonder whay there's so much official resistance from both mainstream science and authorities in cahoots that this should get out, this is essentially an unknown alien species possibly not of this earth thus for health or social stability sake it's their job to cover it up. Sad but true, for whatever reason we're not supposed to know about the ETs just yet.

  13. I disagree In my opinion the dna paper did prove it ..Its all in the opinion of the person if the paper proved it or not .

    1. Of course you do. Psst hey, I have a bigfoot turd stowed away in a shoe box under my bed. You want to buy it?

    2. Wouldn't that be a problem? I was under the impression facts were objective realities..

  14. I think Daryl Owen and Scott Herriott have some of the best footage. you can make out some details but its not too clear to determine what it is. it has a creepy vibe to it that reveals mans fear of the unknown.

  15. Footers need to stop monkeying around and produce a live specmen. Can you footers do that? We're not asking you to part the Red Sea . Simply catch one of these creatures that number well into the 50 thousands running amuck in the wilderness.

    1. Whenever I get close to one, it just departs into an unknown dimension or hops onto a low flying UFO.

    2. Lol; You do realize a whole bunch of people are now simplifying a fraction with 50,000 in the numerator and the square mileage of North America in the denominator...

    3. ^^Do you realize bigfoot doesn't exist?

    4. ^
      You obviously don't or you wouldn't be here posting about it douche.

    5. Well, 6:37, I'll say it's not looking good. Leonard Nimoy sounded like he thought so. I'll reserve final judgement till he comments during the 35th Anniversary Special Edition of In Search of Bigfoot.

    6. Do you ever get out in the woods grognard? Yeah, I think not with your naked JREFer dick btw your legs covered in Dorito crumbs after wanking to porn.

  16. Hunting and killing a sasquatch won't take millions of dollars but it would take tens of thousands and the will to do it. I live on vancouver island and have seen the footprints - other hunters have seen the footprints - if you have the money I have the will and skill to kill it.

    1. Someone give this guy some money!

    2. I hope somebody kills all those damn monsters, but what do you think can take a sasquatch down??? those things are massive

    3. I'll send you a box of bullets. What more do you need?

    4. Massive in a mythical sense.

    5. I need someone or a group who will pay the expenses plus a fee for the kill. I have the experience, the rifle, ammunition, military training on two continents and the will to kill the beast so real evidence can be brought forward.


    6. I love this guy. I wish I had a spare stack of C-notes...

    7. Buddy I'd settle for one of you footers to produce a clear video. Shouldn't be too difficult in such a highly populated bigfoot area.

    8. In 2 weeks this gun-toting loon will say he's got one in the box and the footers will get strung along again.

    9. I'm not a footer. I don't search for sasquatch or bigfoot - i hunt - and pictures and video and DNA is not good enough for doubters, skeptics and scientists. A body is the only way now.


    10. What footers have been strung along? If you read the comments on this blog, most of the footers disbelieve most of what's presented here.

      Which particular Kool-Aid are you drinking today?

    11. A fee for the kill? Dude you will be famous , the money will pour in. You willing to spread the wealth to those that contribute ?

    12. I believe the eventually owner of the body could make a lot of cash from it - I want fee for service and kill. The person or group which funds the hunt can have the body and sell it to the highest bidder - by the piece or whole body.


    13. Kudos for trying to leach money off these footers. I wish you well in your quest to kill the magic monkey.

    14. exactly!! don't want to share any of the proceeds with you leppers. Just kill one! There isn't one state in the nation that has any regulations on killing a bigfoot. OPEN season 24/7! Damn, all ya would have to do is cut off some pieces and send them in to Universities along with a few quality photos... and name your price!!!

    15. What kind of numbers are we looking at for your service. Can you provide up front proof bigfoot is in the area you plan to hunt?

    16. Somebody needs to come get these bigfoots off my property. I used to leave cracked corn out for them and they'd graze with the turkeys, but this shit's gotten out of hand. They've taken to beating on my door, begging for food, like a bunch of homeless people. Somebody come kill these bastards.

    17. I would want at least $50,000.00 to kill it - money for time and expenses as well - I have a picture of a large footprint in the snow and other hunters have seen large tracks in earth and mud. Something is there and it's not an eight foot tall homeless person living in the rainforest and running around in barefeet.


    18. Just get an HD camera and the Bigfoots will immediately depart to a hidden dimension.

    19. You willing to guarantee a kill?

    20. What?! Now I gotta buy this guy a teleporter or something. This always happens: unforeseen expenses blow up the budget..

    21. I sincerely believe that one or more of these animals can be located and killed in two to three months of full-time hunting.I'm not talking about pulling some Finding Bigfoot BS where they go out for a night or two, make a lot of noise, goof around with a film crew and come up empty or run away when they hear a noise.

      I'm talking a military night patrol in areas where the locals insist this animal lives, feeds and lives. I'm talking about getting results or I wouldn't post on here, give my e-mail and give you up front details.

      Pictures and video will be called fake - a body is indeed required. Can I guarantee it? There are no guarantees in life but I'm willing to take considering personal risks to life, limb and reputation to bring this animal down.


    22. I also think a milatary stye hunt, such as lerp tatics is the way to go. I'm surprised more footers have not seriously used this method. I know not the average person can do this, but there must be some ex- military folks into bigfooting that have these skill sets.

    23. This guy values his neck. For $50k he'll get you the head, the tail--the whole damn squatch.

    24. ^ Awesome jaws reference! Robert Shaw stole that show for sure...

    25. This wd guy is obvious a troll or he's extremely naive, in any case a major wanker seemingly clueless. Too many idiots have thought this is an animal yet animals don't walk on two feet with humanlike faces we're the only primate doing so, us and the squatch, so that latest wanker hunter would likely get killed himself in revenge attacks or by sheer fear alone and by the sound of it nobody would miss him. These are most likely a race of giant people or they're aliens, either way their existence is covered up by authorities already which also means this latest jerk will get shit, even with a kill it'll be murder of a hominin which biologically is human and he'd only become part of the legend and lore with nothing to show for it but a broken spirit when science and authorites are already cooperating.

    26. You're coming on here and being anonymous and hurling insults at someone you've never met - using words like troll & wanker - all while being a anon coward. Man up or shut!


    27. And you're talking about aliens? Seriously?


  17. I respect the point that you are making Jonathan. But science, especially in the area of extreme possibilities, does not work in 'slam dunks'. Cumulative weight of evidence is the way a very conservative field moves forward. I've looked at the Ketchum study and found it compelling. I've passed it by a few colleagues. Unanimously they have found it to be comprehensive in approach (only finding fault with contextual issues). No one, including myself, will go on record with this. The silence from the scientific community is telling. Yes, there will be a few such as Sykes who are late in their careers and established enough to move out of the shadows on this one (and this will be the way forward - cumulative interest as the subject becomes a legitimate area of scientific study). Strictly, no body is needed.

    1. Yes, I'm sure thst all of your supposed "colleagues" found the study quite compelling. Particularly when they learned that a good portion of the samples were submitted by insane habituators who claim to have bigfoot living in their back yards. And I'm sure they loved the part of the paper that discussed the Solutrean theory. And there is no doubt that they were greatly persuaded by Melba's assertion that her findings will challenge the theory of evolution.

      I have to admit that it is interesting to read the gall of unabashed zealots who will lie without conscience to attempt to further an unscientific belief system.

    2. Harry, maybe its the way you phrased it but it sounds like you are complaining no one will back her while telling us you yourself wont, well, back her.

    3. " The silence from the scientific community is telling", telling me that this woman's paper is on the level of a high school term paper. Who are you trying to fool...some future footers maybe?

    4. In response, the point that I was making was not bemoaning the lack of comment / support from the academic community. I was just pointing out the conservative nature of the 'industry'. Many in the biological sciences field simply do not care enough about the sasquatch question (or at least not enough to risk that precious application for research funding). Others, that might have an interest, are well aware of the implications of commenting (call it bystander apathy). Least of all, imagine the flow of noxious emails from spotty teenagers with an axe to grind. So the point that I was making was that the sasquatch mystery will be solved in a piecemeal manner, over time - in parallel to the subject gaining increased credibility within academic circles.

      One person above commented on the source of samples coming from insane habituators. Bit of a generalisation, anyway, DNA analysis can be validly performed on samples provided by the sane, the insane, the half sane or the man on the moon. It is the sample that is important, the source is a contextual issue.

      Yes, the Solutrean hypothesis is not entirely credible at this point (but I would not dismiss it out of hand). Ketchum's results do not rely on this hypothesis being valid. Her reference to this issue is appropriate speculation regarding offering an explanation. Her primary results are not speculative in nature (discussion and making sense of them is).

      Lastly, 'challenges to the theory of evolution' happen quite a bit (it is after all an evolving science - pun intended)check out the International Journal of Organic Evolution, for instance - lots of articles that challenge or refine existing theory

    5. Thanks for the clarification Harry. Now I would point out the source and provenance of the samples is very important. How does one know 3 samples, for example, claimed to come from 3 widely separated individuals really did?

    6. This Harry's correct, DNA is the only way to do it ethically for a modern society this isn't a banana republic or third world nation after all. Or is it maybe so. He's also correct there's no will in mainstream science to accept this new species unfortunately but I happen to know it's under protest and pressure, they're being forced by unofficial sections of US government/military. People like to joke how come it's this important, I only know that it is.

  18. Gee, what have I been saying for years? Does not take a degree or a title to know this. Glad someone with one has stepped up though.

    1. But fat Jim, you've been praising Ketchum's paper since SHE published it and acted as though it was enough. You are a failure.
      For punishment you must stand naked, looking at yourself in the mirror, for ten minutes.
      Sorry your punishment is so harsh, but your crime is much worse.

    2. I have not been praising it, I have said the dna data is there test it. Go look through all the posts. If the paper stands up she will have proven it to me. While looking through my posts you will see I said pretty much the exact things this blog post said.

      You will not see any post saying the paper is perfect by me. Only it is out, looks good to me and several others let's see the videos.

      My punishment is fine. I am comfortable with my body 100%. Been fat a long time. I have been and am still losing weight so I can take some pressure off my spine and hip. I never understood why people think calling me fat bugs me. Why would it? I have most of what I want and more than most others even. I would rather be a fat ass all my life over a dumb ass all the time.

    3. Yep, fat Jim Bob has been sucking Smelba's toes ever since she released her self-promoted craptastic paper citing the likes of Gilgamesh and Daniel Boone.

      Don't backpedal now Jim Bob....

  19. Wooshhhup (sound of huge suck of air) Warning: rant coming. OK! If Mr. Foot & Friends are discovered..has anyone really thought about what it could freaking mean in terms of possible impacts to our both public/private lands and our (over-reactive) society? First, can you begin to imagine the amount of habitat that would need to be protected for such an animal of such a size and potential range? You think the Spotted Owl and ESA listing hurt the NW Logging industry? Imagine what the discovery of bipedal unknown and possibly endangered hominin/feral human could do to any industry that operates in the woods. There could be a loud cry to close off vast new acreage for the 'forest people'! If I worked in the woods or owned a timber/logging company, I'd be highly motivated to shoot/remove any Sasquatch/Bigfoot I'd see as a way to protect my livelihood and the livelihood of thousands whose jobs depend on some form of harvest from both privately held and public US forest lands. And, if I was the US Forest service, I'd go to any lengths to keep the discovery of such a creature secret. With the discovery of such a creature, thousands would pour into the woods, guns in hands to find, shoot or just protect themselves from large hungry/hairy creatures that sneak around in the dark, steal food and occasionally may even steal people or God forbid a child?! Once confirmed, some might say that these creatures, if mostly human, are living on state or federal lands for free, in essence, squatting (not squatching)on land for which they pay no rent and no taxes on and in some areas even compete with hunters for prize game. Some might even come to view them as large stinky hairy hippies living in the woods, screaming all night and probably responsible for those weed patches we keep running into. I'm just saying, has anyone really thought this through. To me, their possible discovery means major problems and their almost instant demise. Really folks, name one large wild mammal that has benefited from our tender care?? If they're very lucky, they end up as some form of managed population, held to numbers we deem acceptable and should we actually discover a creature like Bigfoot/Sasquatch, they too will be culled, managed, kept to acceptable numbers, or to make everyone feel better in our national parks and public lands, just make them disappear. To sum up: we discover Bigfoot, major problems and controversy ensue, and they are extinct in ten years. OK, I'm done. Sorry if you actually took the time to read this. I try not to come back but this site is like crack!? Piece.

    1. This tactic of predicting all the horrible things that will happen if bigfoot is found and claiming that is why they are not found is tiresome. You can't know what will happen in this highly complex socio-economic system with a gazzillion variable until it freaking happens. Go get a God damn video!

  20. The writer says: "even if it means they [skeptics] have to fabricate and concoct bogus stories to assist them in the debunking process."

    That's it exactly.

    Some skeptics and skeptards are hoaxers.

    While calling others liars and hoaxers, they are creating lies and hoaxes in order to enable them to accuse others of lying and hoaxing.

    It's the oldest trick in the book and typical of these people.

    For they are the skeptards.

    We don't call them skeptards for nothing, you know.

    1. I would agree...but I think MOST hoaxers aren't actually skeptics looking to call others liars. I think they are either a) looking for attention or to make a profit or b) just sick in the head.

      Like that old guy who ran around the woods with fake footprints...he never told anyone but his wife...and he got off on that.

      But I would agree there probably are some sicko skeptics out there that do that....just not the majority

    2. Fake footprints that strap to one shoes = the birth of all this nonsense. Couldn't been pulled off with a 3" footprint straped to ones shoes. Just wouldn't work as well. Though a small 3" footprint might be more believable..... Plus little foot doesn't sound as cool.

    3. ^ Sure. There are those who would do anything to show some long held position is correct. That includes de-bunkers bent on proving fake videos, prints or whatever can fool people.

  21. Yeah..what Harry said. Ditto.

  22. Meh...A body would be great but what the Bigfoot community really needs are better video cameras and supporters with more common sense.

    Allegedly these creatures are all over NA, breeding, hunting, talking to one another, raiding pig pens, throwing rocks at people and cabins, crossing roads...where are the goods?

    Forget the body, where are the other films that rival the PGF? They're blobs or from hoaxers...or inconclusive.

    you slap down 5-6 videos that simply blow your mind (from credible sources) and no one is going to care about a body. There has NEVER had a body and it doesn't seem to deter fact, seems like Bigfoot's popularity is on the rise.

    You want funding...get a good quality video.

    1. PGF started a craze that hasn't stopped...imagine what a PGF 2.0 would do?

      Imagine what 2 of them would do? or 3?

      Funding out the anus

    2. We don't need no stinking body.

      Video will do just fine, right?

    3. Times are different 6:14. A PGF type hoax is not possible in light of a large community of skeptics and believers knocking heads at the speed of light. Back then, the community was a dozen or so guys wrought vulnerable to hoaxing by a decade of failure...

    4. obviously people will question any video...

      but if you had a crap ton of it, and it looked really good (like one would think if you ever watched a Finding Bigfoot episode) would garnish a lot of attention. Enough to get the necessary funds IMO to prove there is nothing out there but a bunch of bears and hoaxers.

      I think an omission that they NEED a body is actually a cop out by the "believers"...basically, "we're not going to kill one and we can't trap one alive, so don't ever expect an answer".

      Just too bad that's the wrong answer....

    5. Maybe we will see a really good hoax soon that will get some attention. That's more likely than the real thing for sure...

  23. Are you JREF chimps going to storm Dr. Sykes office with torches if he finds Bigfoot DNA ?

    I see longtime footer and pretend academic Saskeptic has already called him a heretic for even entertaining the idea of using his expertise to at least try to find the truth.

    1. Sykes will not find bigfoot DNA. You can bank on it. He will put to rest what were claimed to be the very best in the world samples of bigfoot DNA claims.

      A fatal blow to bigfootology essentially. Footers will still pine and moan about how evidence is out there, and how science won't look. It won't matter, but it will prove once and for all that ALL bigfoot claims are bullshit. They always will be.

    2. Yet you're obsessed with Bigfoot you simpleton. You don't have children do you ? I hope not.

    3. Footers are scared to death of what Sykes won't find.

      Before Ketchum, you barely heard mention of him, but now, he's all up in their face and they don't have a choice but say that he will find something.

    4. The JREF buttplugs are scared to death of what he might find.

    5. There is no basis for even thinking purported bigfoot samples are in the study. Its open(no ndas-lol) and Jeff Meldrum was assisting with the screening of samples -yet we have not heard a word.
      The study will be about the yeti and the samples will be from European collections. Maybe he'll find primate dna in those and all hell will break loose. That would be fun...

    6. I'm terrified. Someone please prepare my anus.

    7. I'm a bigfooter and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Sykes won't find anything, he might have and not say. I know the beings are real so to me personally it doesn't matter that much, his study's just one of several and we already know how once mainstream science are told what the DNA is they quickly back out, he'll probably do the same since he's part of the elite. We need brave people like Ketchum ready to challenge the old Darwin cult, Sykes may not be that guy or he could of course simply have samples not good enough that's possible too but skeptards don't like the real world very much.

  24. He's a legitimate, respected scientist, so he will pwn you footers. Bank it.

    1. If you think Saskeptic is a real college professor who spends his day posting about a mythical creature, then you're a dumbass.

    2. Sykes. Oxford. Pwning you. Bank it.

    3. Then why are the JREF chimps already saying Sykes lost his mind when he has no results yet ?

    4. The footers are freakin' cuz they know their magic monkey man myth is about to die.

    5. I don't know who they are but I'm guessing they feel it is beneath a serious scholar to waste time entertaining the notion that BFs exist.

    6. ^
      So you would agree that Saskeptic is pretending to have a PHD like Parnassus lied about all of his professions ?

    7. @7:03
      You're dealing with mealy mouthed intellectually dishonest JREF footers. Integrity and honesty is discouraged over there.

    8. Randi will treat himself to a buckshot sandwich if BF is ever accepted by science.

    9. The skeptard liars are all up in despair now Ketchum's proven the species no magic ape but a living hominin, so all their flooding excuses run wild here.

  25. Is all this little Johnny talking to himself ? Go PoP a Zit or put in a Hot Pocket and search Internet Porn that's more your speed.


  26. Ah, but, we have species like the Ivory-bill Woodpecker that were suppose to be extinct, where there's (accepted) evidence now that they are indeed not. What's not to take a search study for one rare, possibly extinct but scientifically accepted/acceptable animal maybe/possibly/potentially/rumored to be occupying area X that just so coincidentally happens to also be rumored to be occupied by a certain large bipedal cryptid that for the sake of the study will not be named?
    It's shady, but, hey, you went looking for scientifically accepted animal X on research grant Y and oops, look at that, we accidentally killed a bigfoot that we may as well report on since, um, we're here and have a body.
    Wallets and purses might actually open to save the North American poison dart salamander (totally made up) that could cure things and stuff like old age, or stupidity.
    Get some legitimate research funding for a legitimate cause, pay it lip service and bag some hairy strange.

    1. Nice to see you here. Good points you make (as usual) rr

    2. Druscilla - So where did you read of accepted evidence of an Ivory-billed? You must not have been keeping up since the possible sighting in AR several years ago as it is now considered most likely extinct in North America and the sighting was a misidentification (like bears for bigfoot).

      Bad analogy anyway. Bigfoot never existed as there is absolutely no evidence. The Ivory-billed did exist and we have both film footage and stuffed specimens from some of the last of the species.

    3. Druscilla, there's a big difference between a bird and megafauna like Bigfoot. Moreover, your comparison is inapposite. The ivory-billed woodpecker definitely existed at one time; the issue is whether it still exists. Conversely, there is no proof that Bigfoot ever existed.

  27. The PGF suit is just waiting for Munns to view it. He really should get off his ass and get to Yakima.

    I've seen it. Many people close to Al have seen it. It's the real deal.

    1. ^
      One of the few dumbasses who bleeve that lying piece of shit Kitakze found the suit.

    2. I saw the shoulder pad when MK posted his hi-def version...

    3. Bill is in no hurry to solve the PGF mystery. There is a lot more milking in order first. I predict he will NEVER visit DeAtley based on that alone.

    4. There's no Patty suit because she's real, dorkies.


    1. Inevitable skeptard response to a body on a slab:

      'bodies can be faked, just like DNA!'

      You guys from JREF are whistling past the graveyard. It's all over but the crying. And there's going to be a lot of crying.

    2. There is a body on a slab somewhere? Let me guess....Florida!! Fasano's been awfully quiet...

    3. He's on a diet it's affecting his ability to speak.

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  30. Sorry Jonathan Poulsen, you don't get to decide for us, what "we need". In the future, please avoid thinking out loud. Trust me on that one. And one more thing, you appear to not have the first clue as to how the U.S. and Canadian governments view Sasquatch. The fact that you wrote this article without researching even that, tells me that you are desperately seeking attention like so many other contributors in this asylum.


    1. hey buddy, I didn't write the title. also, seeing as how several well-known investigators have personally sought government funded research, but to no avail, I think we have a good idea of the Canadian government's views on the sasquatch phenomenon. another thing, posting articles obout bigfoot on the internet is probably the worst way to get attention. thanks bro!

  31. Oh! There he goes! Two of 'em!

  32. 7:46 Thanks for sharing. That was one of the most insightful articles I've read yet on this subject. At least it offered a plausible explanation. Personally I'm done with all the childish "first", "skeptard", "footer" nonsense. Plus, some of the articles and videos that are posted on here and given serious discussion are Youtube material at best. I am seriously expecting to see one of those drunk guy in a monkey suit, drinking beer, driving a truck and flipping everyone off videos posted on here along with serious discussion on if it is real or a hoax. Last, there is all the discussions on here about "credibility". Seriously this blog has no credibility and neither do any of you who post garbage on this site. I’m out. You children have fun playing in the sandbox. I’m sure you want be able to resist the urge to keep throwing sand in each other faces.

  33. Sykes is going to absolute shred the assholes of footers with his death knell!!! The end is near. Bleeb dat!

    Looney Toons!!!

    1. Newsflash, tarts; bigfooters never believed he'll find much when we already know now via Ketchum's work. The elite with the power covers up, same old dance sadly.

  34. 1st blobsquatch in 1992!?!? Are you kidding me Jonathan? Jon Erik Beckjord both invented and perfected blobsquatches in the 70's, well before you were even born. I'll bet that you think that your generation discovered Bigfoot, too. What are your feelings about the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus? Are they inventions or your generation as well? Jonathan, you claim that you have made up for your lack of experience, with your progress. What progress? I am not seeing it here nor anywhere else on the internet. Merely owning a computer and posting your opinions on the internet, without any admitted nor demonstrated Bigfoot experience, is one giant mistake on your part. Then you trump that mistake by going after Dr. Ketchum on a public forum, who is not here to defend herself. Who do you think that you are, Matt Moneymaker? You broke the unwritten rules in that you failed to contribute something of signficance, before you attempted to throw your opinions around. You claim that you have been looking for Bigfoot for 4 years, yet you still only believe that they are real. If you haven't figured out for a certain fact by now that they are real, then you should take up another pursuit. Simply reading several Bigfoot books, does not qualify you to judge Dr. Ketchum, nor anybody else for that matter.

    1. hmmm, you raise a good point there buddy. i am personally inviting you to take my place on this blog bro since you claim to know more than me about this subject. on one condition though, you have to use your real name, anonymity lends no credibility to your thoughts.

  35. So what you going to do when Dyer releases the body to the public? April is not that distant. This Sunday the truth will be told by Derek Randeles and he won't be that easy to discredit like Christopher Noel was.

    1. Randles is willing to bleeve HARD.

    2. Who are these bias geeks hating Ketchum what's the point of hating her and the study when it's discovery we all want so it must be the RESULT of it you don't like.

  36. Jonathan, Again you have no clue on what conclusion to draw from lack of governmental funding or interest. Neither the Canadians nor the US Government is interested in funding Bigfoot studies, because they already know everything that there is to know about the subject matter. Which is completely opposite to your wild ass guesses. The Canadian Mounties for instance, are also not interested in adversely affecting tourism, by it becoming known that there are Sasquatch running all over Canada. Your "myth" hypothesis, could not be further from the truth. Furthermore, neither government is interested in upsetting their citizens, so they don't talk about it. Lastly, there is a lot of money spent by researchers, so the governments are not interested in ending that pastime, nor revealing what they know so that they are not putting anybody out of business. Had the governments revealed how the story ends, you wouldn't be here attempting to make a name for yourself by attempting to take out a professional who has actually contributed significantly to solving the mystery. Sorry, I didn't catch how you have contributed to solving the mystery. Reading books written by someone else and voicing opinions on the internet, is not solving any mystery.

    1. Are you trying to suggest a government cover-up conspiracy? Oh boy, here we go again......

    2. There most certainly is, for the mere fact that we'd found an ape by now were it that. So it's not, what is it then, it's either hominin or alien and both would be enough for them to cover it up for social (including protecting religion) or security reasons.

  37. okay, cool. but what professional am I trying to take out buddy? not quite sure what you're getting at here.


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