Rick Dyer's Alleged New Film "Shooting Bigfoot" Is Associated With Biscardi? [WTF?!]

Alright. I'm starting to get real tired of beating a dead horse. Really. I'm sick of seeing Rick Dyer's face on my blog and I know many of you are feeling to same way too (Sorry!). Everyone should know by now that Dyer's latest "Bigfoot in a freezer" Part 2 stunt is another hoax, right? If you're still not convince, head over to Steve Kulls' website to read up on the connection between Rick Dyer's false claim about a Bigfoot filmed previously called "Of Monsters and Men". Its name has been changed to "Shooting Bigfoot" and it has Tom Biscardi's name all over it. LOL! LMAO! asldfjsaldf;lj.. Ouch, my side hurts. Side cramps.

Sigh... I think this is my last post on this Dyer business. I'm tired of banging my head on the wall asking why some people are risking their reputation on this Bigfoot body in Las Vegas claim. Really, people? Are you really that gullible? Don't answer that. I know some people really ARE that gullible. Do you know what the opposite of gullible is? If you don't know, go google it and learn to be more "opposite of gullible".

Here's a screen capture of the article that links "Of Monsters and Men" (the film Dyer is supposedly in) to Tom Biscardi, one of the men responsible for the Bigfoot-In-a-Freezer hoax of 2008. You should really visit Steve's site for the full breakdown of this latest hoax attempt by Mr. Rick Dyer, the 2008/2013 Bigfoot hoaxer. Click here to check out Steve's blog on this latest development.

One more thing. Rick Dyer doesn't even believe in Bigfoot. Check out his podcast where he says Bigfoot is a scam. A guy named Larry was recently banned for exposing this podcast by Dyer on the Facebook Find Bigfoot page. Sigh... To be more dramatic: This is what FBFB don't want you to know!

Listen to internet radio with BIGFOOT IS A SCAM on Blog Talk Radio
[Update] Here's a break down of Dyer's Tent video and the "Bigfoot" that he allegedly shot by Phil Poling:


  1. why don't you stop winging like a little bitch and wait to see if it all pans out...as if anyone will trust the guy ever again if it turns out to be a hoax.

    1. ummmm, and people should trust him this time right? Remember 2008?
      Don't be naive.

    2. It's a hoax. Wait for what to pan out? It's a hoax.

    3. FB FB promotets the new dyer hoax...you guys promoted the Justin Smeja/Ketchum hoax. Bigfoot is nevere real, and belief always blows up in your face. The PGF is fake, Carl Olinselots sighting in N Cal was a mistake, and Finding Bigfoot is the top of the game, squeezing wealth from gullible believers.

      Have fun with Bigfoot boys....its gotta start hurting sometime......

    4. Bigfoot is bullshit you need to join the forums there are some seriously delusional bleevers over there that need to be told what's what.

    5. Believers cant see logic or reason in the real world around them. Arguing with them is like telling a Pentecostal preacher you question the validity of the bible....no matter how hard you try they wont ever listen.

      Besides, why would anyone want to lose this wonderful source of entertainment? Footers are my favorite victims, so blindly gullible and clueless, waiting for pricks like Dyer and Uncle Pussy Allen up there to embarass them again and again....sorta like a 40 year old prostitute on a busy NYC street.

    6. There's only one thing that's real about Bigfoot...DRAMA!

    7. BiBS great Sopranos reference that fat bastard does look like uncle Pussy!! Maybe Dyer will take him "fishing" after all this blows up LOL?

    8. Preach on BIBS!!! You only speak the truth. I applaud you. Keep up the good fight. I think the most of us SKEPTARDS are leaving this sight in droves now. Big Jim and Jay peace out and I wish you two the best. You two are OK in my book.


    9. Anon 1:02 is exactly the kind of douchebag who hurts this field. He's a moron's moron. A degenerate turd who has not one iota of rational thought processes in that peanut brain of his.

    10. Erik, you should hang around a bit longer. At least until the latest Dyer Ketchum news pans out. Should take a week at most. ;)

      I really do wish more skeptics would admit it is possible for bigfoot to exist. Then focus on helping weed through all the junk. Then figure out if what is left is bigfoot or just unknown. They don't need to think bigfoot exists, just it is possible.

  2. It's not really fun anymore.....

    1. If there was an actual monster monkey man, it would be lots of fun, but alas, there isn't.

    2. Holy Manimal Mindbender, Batman!

  3. The guy that runs a Bigfoot blog is calling people gullible. Ironic.

    1. See??? Ban this guy! ^^^ It'd take care of 90 percent of the troll problem on this board.

  4. Funny how Shawn and this drama filled blog constantly cheer leads for Steve Kulls yet isn't that the same guy who said he was in "law enforcement for 10+ years" and then Dyer exposed him that he was just a mall security guard LMAO.

    And you guys use this guy,Steve Kulls, to parade your BS against Dyer???
    And you want us to believe a mall security guard over Dyer??
    I guess now that bear meat boy Justin blew up in your face your now trying to divert all attention away from that hoax into another story hoping the Bigfoot community will have forgotten about the Justin garbage you spewed all over the place.

    So we are to forget Kulls lied about being a security guard and forget the hoax you and Justin tried to pull on us all and believe you NOW about Dyer right??

    1. 100% Dyer camp here. Who fucking cares what Kulls was, the fact remains Freezer Boy Dryers hoax has pretty much fallen flat on its face. What is totally pathetic is FBFB propping the Dyer up and still maintaining this is all true. Proof that all the shit bags have been involved from the beginning.

    2. My biggest concern is the overwhelming obsessive nature of Bigfooting, why , for some of us, does it become such a big thing? Is it because we are on the brink of a huge discovery? Is it like connecting with a long lost relative on this lonely planet?
      Or is it something that is caused by the Sasquatch themselves, like we are tuning into their channel?

    3. I don't get the Bigfoot channel on my TV.
      I need to call my cable provider and find out why.

  5. And let us not forget that Shawn Evidence ISN'T your real name so why attack Musky over the use of his name??

    What about that 'I'll never mention Dyer again' or I'll shut my blog down/hand it over crap, yet you go after FB/FB for their statement on Dyer's story??

    Notice a pattern here....usually the most guilty are the ones to divert attention and attempt to blame and call out others.

    Feeling guilty Shawn?? Mad because Dyer's story got the spotlight from Bear meat boy?? Mad that FB/FB won't join with you in Tazer's little girl scout group so now you gotta try and ruin their small fame?

    The only things your blog is known for is the silly-ass comments area of every story and the crap that fills it, Team Tazers nutsack, and the Justin "i shot Bigfoot" hoax that you tried so hard to give credibility too.

    But hey, it's your blog...you keep raking it that dough here and filling these idiots here with more of the "HEY LOOK A NEW STORY ON DYER,THE GUY I HATE TO TALK ABOUT BUT CAN'T STOP BECAUSE HE STOLE ALL MY SPOTLIGHT AND IS BUDDIES WITH FB/FB WHO WON'T JOIN ME WITH TEAM TAZER AND BE IN THE COOL CROWD"

    And PLEASE, do keep using Kulls to back your every assumption because your only shooting yourself in the ass here by promoting that liar and former mall cop.

    1. Guess Dyer decided to give his two cents as an anon for a change! That's right freezer boy when it goes wrong just try your hardest to deflect that animosity towards some one else like Shawn or Justin. Sour grapes cos your latest hoax isn't working out for you? At least Shawn saved you the hassle of hiring a PI last year by choosing to reveal his identity himself! Look on the bright side you've lost no credibility because you had none to loose and you can just give it up now and go back to punching pregnant women or whatever you do in your spare time. I don't remember anyone not being cautious about Smeja's story even the Tazer guy's and no one claimed 100% that the "steak" was from Sasquatch but Ketchum so direct that hate her way a little too. Oh, Justin passed a polygraph which is in no way genuine proof of his story but I don't see you offering to do the same thing, do you think you'd pass?

    2. ha ha ha FB/FB is part of the "cool" crowd??!! Wow.

    3. I doubt that was Dyer himself posting -- there weren't enough misspellings and nonsequiturs. Someone with at least a third grade education wrote the post and that fact alone eliminates Dyer from consideration.

    4. Maybe his mom typed it for him?

    5. the nerds are angry my friends

    6. Sorry guys thats not Dyer. Dyer can't spell that good.

    7. Looks like Freezer Boy the sequel, has started letting his kids proof read his posts now!

  6. Although it looks like Dyer is once again full of it I wouldn't dwell too much on the Biscardi connection think because both of them are such attention seekers they were willing to appear in a low budget BBC doc and were easy to find. If the film makers weren't huge Bigfoot geeks a quick search on Wiki or Google would cough up their names and with Biscardi being a Vegas promoter he wouldn't be hard to find. Think it's a doc about the people who chase Sasquatch and with that comes the hoaxers too. I'm still gonna watch it out of interest but Dyer shooting a real Bigfoot? No way

    1. Why are the brits so queer for bigfoot?

    2. Cos it's a fun fairytale. There's a new season on BBC 4 of Storyville docs which this movie was part of (I think?) so us Limeys might get to watch it soon?

    3. You people are gaga over ghosts too, what's up with that?

      Maybe you should all start believing in something real, like, oh I don't know, a DENTIST!

    4. We do believe in dentists that's just a load of bs that you Americans made up years ago and pretty much all the ghost interest comes from US tv shows on tv over here. Plus we've gotta hell of a lot of history over here for ghost stories to originate from, by the way the joke about us is that we've got bad teeth and stuffy attitudes whereas the American stereotype is stupid, ignorant, loud and obnoxious :)

    5. I'm addressing our limey friends

  7. Holy crap, I just figured everything out? Here is the real story.

    Smeja did shoot two bigfoot in CA. The adult ran off and did not die. It was badly wounded though. Justen and his driver freaked when they saw the baby biggie die. Buy unknown to all, Dyer was in the area doing a scouting trip for an upcoming expedition. He heard the shots and waited a bit before going to check them out.

    Once he got there he found the dead biggie and heard the other one trying to help the adult. Dyer went over and helped the adult. Which was the daddy. Because it was so injured, he loaded it in bigfoot tracker and took it to a vet for treatment. That vet was Ketchum.

    She said she would help Dyer out but wanted all tissue samples to write a paper on bigfoot. Dyer agreed but said he wanted to do the movie portion of biggest science break through ever. She agreed.

    Well, as the bigfoot was too big to stay with Ketchum, Dyer took it to secret location. Meanwhile, the other young bigfoot stayed behind to tell Mama biggie what happened and help bury the other. When mama found the dead biggie a bear was eating it. Mama flipped out and smashed bear to pieces. Then took remains of dead bigfoot and buried them.

    While this went on, Smeja came to realize he should probably go back and get proof of his claim and told others what happened. So they went back to spot and found what they thought was the young bigfoot's tissue.
    Hearing the story, Ketchum offered to test samples to show two different but related bigfoot. Unknowing that it was really bear.

    As the daddy bigfoot finally recovered enough to go home, Dyer and the film crew decided to film the return. But what they didn't plan on was when daddy was recooping, he ate a bad pork rib. When they got back to release him they set up camp and waited while he called to his wife bigfoot.

    She heard his calls and was amazed he still lived! But since he was gone almost two years, she hooked up with another male bigfoot. Seeing this, the daddy bigfoot flipped out and because his brain was messed up from the bad rib, he tried killing everyone.

    Out of self defense, Dyer had to put him down. When everyone calmed down, mama biggie said take body and get rid of it. The film company spun it and here is the truth of everything.

    1. Now be careful, Big Jim. Next thing you know, Robert "jobless socialist" Lindsay will be publishing your story as gospel and calling you an "inside source" and saying he got the big scoop!

    2. If you werent such a typical believer Big Jim, that would be a great story. As it is youve proven yourself over and over again to be one of the biggest typical believers here......

    3. I was tired of hearing the same stories so I spiced them up a bit, dumped them in a big kettle, stirred well and BAM! Bigfoot chili. I think I did pretty well incorperating them. If RL wants to use it he can. We saw it here first.

      BFisBS, what has me being a believer have to do with it not being a great story? I have always maintained there is a possibility of bigfoot existing. I have shown time and again it is POSSIBLE. I also am more than willing to shoot down a blobsquatch, porcupine, pony, and tree stumps as bigfoot.

      Seems to me someone who is willing to see BOTH sides of a subject is using more of their brain than someone who blindly follows only one side. I look at everything I can and have only been wrong once, the Elbe tracks. Which by the way still have yet to be shown as a fake, only stated as fake by people covering their ass when someone claimed them. But turned out that person was lying too. So I will accept being wrong on them. Since they were also my first tracks ever and fooled many so called experts too, I am in good company for a rookie.

      Other than that I call a duck a duck, a cow a cow, and a pony a pony. I support my claims with links, pics, science. Which is more than you have ever done. I have even tried getting you to pony up some support on your side. Still waiting.

      Which is what we believers have gotten very good at.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hey will reply soon, just wait and see!

  9. I bet when Patterson created the PGF hoax he could never dream that 50 years later the sub culture he created would be the circus show it is today.

    1. The bigfoot community is full of hoaxers and con wo/men. Just to name a few like Patterson, Biscardi, Dyer, Smeja, Cliff Crook, Matt Moneymaker, Derek Randles, Melissa Hovey, Autumn Williams, Ray Wallace, Todd Standing, Chris Noel, the skunk ape hoaxer guy. Did I leave anyone out?

    2. Yeah, you left a slew of them out.

    3. Yes you left out the Hoaxing GROUP the MABRC!

      That's a nest full of hoaxers and trash.

    4. Everyone that has a video, photo, audio recording, track cast, hair sample of a bigfoot is a hoaxer.

      Everyone that speaks at bigfoot conferences, writes a book about bigfoot, has bigfoot expeditions, has a website or blog about bigfoot is a con wo/man.

      Everyone that has seen a bigfoot is a liar.

    5. Patty the mother must be proud of her bastard son

  10. This guy Shawn here who runs this site is friends with a guy who claims he shot a Sasquatch? You have to be kidding! Wow....whatever

    1. the more drama, the more clicks. That's the game people. It's like tv wrestling, fight in the ring, get a beer and a smegja steak after. I hear they even exchange wives to the best story of the day. Go Shaun, Rick's wife is a hot little senorita. Your on top today so far, keep it up and it's tamalies and hot sauce tonight.

    2. Yea, but Rick put the smack down on everybody last night, even Meldrum's slow talking sleepy ass. I could'nt believe nobody from anyone elses camp did'nt call in and give him some shit. He begged for Shaun to call for two days now. but the next day it comes by way of personal blog. If Shaun calls him and smokes his ass I'll believe Shauns right about him and his body,HOAX, if not, Rick killed bigfoot and everyone of these guys no it, and are terrified of the consequences. That's why no calls to directly confront him on his claims. Meldrum's full of shit about the emails to, he showed them last night. So whats up haters?

    3. Hello Rick, How's your morning going bro?

    4. Well, Anon5:30(RICK DYER) that's alot of words for you, and some are even spelled correctly, figured out that spell check I see. It is great to here your account of your show last night, kin off a next day play by play. Show a REAL BIGFOOT BODY RIGHT NOW and all drama ends doesn't it. Coward behind the screen.

    5. yeah,he's begging people to call and give him attention,starve the beast

  11. Penis! Vagina! Bigfoot! Sasquatch! Cough! Cough! Bullshit!/

    1. No,penis and vagina are real and can be seen frolicing together

  12. Lets just stick to "Bigfoot Evidence" and leave all the circus stuff alone. This site can fly or die on this subject. If you want it to fly, stick to "real possible bigfoot sightings, past, present and future".

    Its what works.

    1. Yes blob squatches and such, the good old days, that's what we need. That bullshit that you could never figure out, it just keeps on giving right M K?


  13. Apparently Minnow Films were awarded £250,000 to make the film which is not bad for financing your trips to India, Indonesia and the States and interviewing a few eccentrics with maybe an accolade and award at the end, whatever the spin of this film is I think it won't be good for the people it portrays unless any publicity is good publicity of course.
    I have heard that half decent BF footage is worth $5000 and interviews $6000 so maybe hoaxing is good business afterall and to hell with a reputation.

    1. You got to be shitting about that kinda cash, seriously? Damn I'm buying a frigging monkey suit.


    2. Seriously, the £250,000 is legit and just search for cryptozoology Penn and Teller, assuming they are not BSing of course.

  14. Replies
    1. It could be over if they ignore it. We don't need to waste time on this sort of crap. There are many interesting reports on "bigfoot" that can and need to be looked at. Lets check them out.

  15. Ddddon't throw the uh baby out with the uh uh uh the bathwater.

  16. I'm working on a new project. It will be a resource that will allow anyone to have their own Bigfoot sighting. It will be called,
    The Bigfoot Encounter Story Generator.

    The project is nearing completion and should be available online, soon.

    After the sites release, I'm expecting a dramatic increase of BFRO reports.

    1. I think you've been beaten to the punch buddy, every site on the net is doing just that.

  17. Hey everybody. Rethink this. Remember, Shawn's buddy, Robert Lindsay, has "inside sources" saying Rick Dyer has a dead bigfoot.

    Of course, his "inside sources" are people gaming him and making a fool out of him.

    Only in the world of bigfootery could chumps like RL and Dyer be getting so much attention.

    1. BOY HOWDY, you said a mouthful there, and it's all true.

    2. Quit bitchin, do you know how boring life would be without a little drama? Zombie land. are you a zombie? if not jion the fight. Be a Dyer spyer,or a Shaun pawn.

    3. ^LOL^

      Dyer Spyer or Shaun pawn. Thanks for the giggle.

      I'm trying to come up with something that rhymes with robert, but I'm drawing a blank.

  18. I'm done, I'm out. I'm removing this site from my bookmarks. It's all shit. Bigfoot is crap.

    1. I understand where you're coming from. I'm a "believer", but this site will test even the staunchest of believers. In the city of Bigfootville, bigfootevidence and Robert Lindsay's so-called "blog" have got to be the sewers.

    2. You know 2013 is rolling along here,not the year of the bigfoot I guess

  19. Ken: working and missed all the comments, did Shaun speak about Dyer baiting him on the you tube show? I was interested in what his comments about Ricks attempts to call all his doubters into a conference call to answer their charges against him. what has Shaun said about it if anything?

  20. I used to be interested in Bigfoot and I truly believe that there is "something" out there. However will all of the backwoods small town wannabe famous jackasses running around with their fantastic stories, blurry pictures and video, I just turn it off. I will watch the story on CNN when someone actually has some credible evidence. Done with all you "footers" and your BS. See ya!!

    1. Yes, there definitely is something out there. The problem is that the 'something' is either a bear, a stump, CGI or a guy in a monkey suit.

    2. I'm with you also Harry. This whole deal with "Bigfoot" is nothing but a scam. Always have and always will be. Peace out MOTHER(The rest is censored by Shawn Evidence)'s.

    3. I'll stay,I refuse to go back to polotics

    4. Politics,whatever,I'm staying

  21. Hey Rick, Go on video and swear on the family Bible on the souls of your wife and kids that you aren't lying, and that you DID shoot a once real, living, breathing, Sasquatch, and that you are in possesion of that creature's corpse. Swear on their souls on a real Bible and I will tell everyone anywhere that Rick Dyer IS NOT LYING!

    1. Who cares what he swears on you think it means squat to Dyer? Just show the damn body if it's real!

  22. Lets wait for the film. When FB/FB comes back and says they saw it and touched it will it make a difference? They are Bigfoot nerds and think very scientific. Are they going to be called hoaxer still?
    I fell for the 2008 hoax because i know there is a bigfoot and on will be killed or captured one day. Why not now? Just because it Rick Dyer?

  23. WTF!!! Shawn you can't say that!

  24. wtf!!! Shawn you need Ricks Face in your blog!!! so you can hace alot of hits!!!!

  25. If I were a film company wanting to get rich off of a known bigfoot scammer I wouldn't clue him into the fact that he was about to get scammed by a guy in a expensive bigfoot suit and also become their money making poster boy as a true believer.
    Also, if I were a film company from a country where firearms weren't prevalent on bigfoot hunts, I also wouldn't have the film crew test out cameras angles and best poses on the suit so close to where an avowed "must kill bigfoot" hunter was sleeping. That would possibly lead to having to construct some kind of elaborate coverup where the hunter has to be let in on the coverup at some point and then, participating in it, eventually admit it was a hoax to cover his butt.
    That is if I were going to ever own a film company that did that kind of expose.

    If something like someone claiming to shoot a bigfoot and hiding the body ever did happen, I'm sure someone would immediately have the police investigate since the claimant might have shot someone in a bigfoot suit and is attempting to hide the evidence. Surely some quick thinking individual would at least notify the health department that there may be a bio-hazard until the remains location are revealed and assessed by an authority vested in public health safety. Especially if it actually was a closely related species to human beings. Someone could get a nasty case of sasqua-pox!
    Naturally, since none of what I have proposed has happened, I call B.S. on the whole thing!

  26. Can't help thinking that all this bigfoot mythology is nothing more than the equivalent of grown men believing in fairies in the bottom of the garden.

  27. It is truly awesome, to own a summer home, that is a log cabin, 40 miles up into the Smoky Mountains. I knew a Science Teacher who had such a home. I wonder if he ever heard any rock throwing on the roof?

    (I mean actual rock throwing, no honey combs falling from the massive 135 ft. tree canopy)

    That was 1984, I think those people, who have homes like that, in Smokies, or Rockies, should answer the Sasquath Question. Remember what Rick Dyer said,"It's *Big Foot* Big Foot don't exist."

  28. It is now May. We were told the information/proof would be released by April. Just another scam.

  29. I have just watched on BBC 4 a docu-film...Shooting America`s bigfoot Hunters-Storyville...well worth a watch but you need to watch to the VERY END...who knows just what happened exactly but the film maker was severely shaken and lucky not to be seriously injured by a supposed bigfoot attack...yes there is am image...but I think Rick Dyer has proven once and for all with this film exactly just wat sort of utter CUNT he really is...this will do him the world of BAD and he deserves every bit of what he has coming from this documentary/film.


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