Rev Jeff: Ketchum vs Smeja - Who's Lying?

With the recent release of the Justin Smeja Statement Rev. Jeff needs to step away from the fun for a few mins and make a public statement regarding the slanderous statements made by Dr. Melba Ketchum on the Coast to Coast AM of Feb 17th 2013. Join him as he explains the samples with verified pictures of the flesh sample in question.

Listen to the Justin Smeja's statement here:


  1. Replies
    1. This is almost as intense as when Roger Patterson blasted the baby Bigfoot off Patty's back in 1967!

    2. I wonder if there was pools of blood when he shot the Sasquatches like the red pools of blood you can clearly see in the Patterson film?

    3. These poor boys crying over Melba Ketchum! Oh, poor, poor boys!! Sorry, Team Tazer, but she has proven definitively that bigfoot exists. DNA does not lie, though Smeja might be. I trust an impartial genome sequencing machine MUCH more than Justin (or Ketchum, for that matter!). The sample that he gave her HAD to be from an unknown, unclassified hominin because the sequences that were sent out to multiple labs, blind, COULD NOT be faked.

    4. Cyndi you are so right! Well Said.

    5. Cyndi=looneytoons=batshit crazy like melba

    6. Cyndi- the only thing she's proven is Jim Jones didn't die in vain. are you ready for your kool aid love?

    7. She owes the Bigfoot community regardless of what people out there want to say about all this DNA!

      Show us your boobs Melba!

      At least show us Matilda's Boobs!

    8. Cyndi, you want Bart and Ro sexually and you know it, but they arent into fat chicks I heard. Sorry

  2. I love when hoaxers go after hoaxers.

    1. I agree! It's far more entertaining than the skeptic vs believers battles!

    2. Anon 12:22 you have no proof of any hoax. Pure Slander!

  3. Ok, who's lying? This Rev. guy claims that Smeja did not break any laws.

    If this is true then why did he claim he was shooting at two bear. In California (and probably every other state that has a bear season), you can only kill one adult bear per season and you need a tag for it. Why would he say he shot an adult and then state that he shot what he thought was a bear cub after that?

    And this guy is supposed to be some type of respected hunter? Sounds like an asshole poacher to me.

    1. He shot the second one in self defense if I remember right. Shot adult then the two small ones acted threatening.

      Not sure on harvest limits. A lot of states are allowing two bears now. WA does when you buy second tag. CA might also now.

    2. You cannot shoot cubs ever. Self-defense my ass. If you believe his story, he was next to his truck and could have gotten into it if he felt he was threatened. But why would he be threatened by small bear cubs. This guy's a lying asswipe, and he's found a few fools that think they can ride his coat-tails for awhile and make some money.

    3. He shot one couldnt find it and he didnt know and would never know if he killed it so then shot a another. Under ca law thats totally legal. Bear or squatch

    4. Justin smeja works for department of fish and game. Just ask him. Obviously he knows whats legal and what's not

    5. Big Jim jr what the hell do you know. Your fat ass hasn't been out of trailer in years.

    6. Again, it is illegal to shoot bear cubs! It's also very unethical. I believe Smeja works for the Dept of Fish & Game like I believe Melba invented the space shuttle.

  4. It's 3500 bucks for a squatch tag in Oregon this year. Bull s**t. The state should pay per squatch scalp considering how rampant they are. Did you know that not one single student project filmed last year didnt accidentally film a bigfoot galloping on all fours on a hill?

  5. See that "I Killed Bigfoot" promo ad ro the rigt of this post? That plastic monkey is about as believable as Smeja's story.

  6. As much as I don't like Melba and her scamming ways, I don't believe for a second she came right out and told Smeja to destroy the other samples so she would have the only one. This is just another example of the intelligence level of this guy.

    1. Whats it like to be wrong?

    2. Here is what we know to be a fact: Bart and others believe Justin, about Melba's deceit anyway. That would certainly explain the surprisingly strong negative remarks about her from people who want bigfoots recognized(Prof. Meldrum, Matt Moneymaker, Bart Cutino, The Tazer Crew etc...)


      I think Bart's anger at her(you'd be blind not to have seen it) wasn't some BS plot to destroy her but that he loves Wally Hersom for what he's done for him. Bart's words.. as he has said repeatedly that he doesn't know where he'd be, maybe on the fence? without Hersom supplying him that thermal all these years to see one and now apparently film them. That's footage I'm dying to see and Smeja said at end here would be out soon

      Bart is straight up and all his actions thus far in this Ketchum debacle are admirable imo.

      -the guy warned us in articles here with shawn
      -he got and held boots and sounds like he kept them from her and is testing soon
      -he tested the sample with Tyler
      -they shared results like they said (must've sucked having to)
      -now he gets NV footage at Sierras site

      I can go on....
      but it looks like he was right about Ketcthum all along.

    4. Boots? Are you kidding me? How many years old are they? Do you think that Smeja first popped them out of the original box, to wear them on his murder spree, and then put them away in a steriled plastic bag? Think of all the contamination that occured to those boots both before and after the murder spree. And you guys think that you are going to bust this wide open with those boots. What do you hope to prove? That some blood spots are bear, or that they are a Bigfoot? Then what? If they are bear, then you have no idea how many bears Smeja has shot. If they are Bigfoot, then you are only confirming what Ketchum has. So there is no upside, especially after you lay down a wad of cash to have every blood spot on the boots tested. It's a shame that there isn't a minimum IQ level required in order to post on Bigfoot blogs.

    5. 2:14 agree completely


      Bart is one of the people i respect most in the field and one hell of an field researcher as Ive been out with him twice in CA

  7. Smeja says he won't smear Ketchum-but no one can say he isn't lying about the sore thing or the sample tampering. It's easy to say you won't say bad things about someone then say you heard someone say some crazy things to discredit them.
    I'm not going to smear smeja-but I heard him say the baby bigfoot mindspoke to him and it's last word was "Rosebud"

    1. Nobody here knows what rosebud is you dumbfuck

    2. I know what rosebud is. It's from citizen cane. I guess that makes you the dumbfuck. Don't assume to know what people know or what they don't know.

    3. 1:38 I think 90% of the adult population knows what "rosebud" is. Its a reference to "Citizen Cane", an all time great. If you are in the 10% allow me to ruin it: "Rosebud" was a sled! Ha!...

    4. Even the 10% probably know "Rosebud was a sled", and may not even realize it comes from the film.

    5. Anon 1:38 is the stupid 10 percent . I knew what Rosebud was so don't speak for anyone but your own dumbass. We have to listen to your idiotic views on this blog and try to debate you with your limited intelligence.

    6. In porn terms a rosebud is a prolapsed anus usually attributted to a large penis or fist penetrating the rectum thus the inner rectal cavity turning inside out! That's a rosebud. Come on do u actually think they.were talking about citizen Kane?

    7. Actually, it was supposed to be the nickname William Randolf Hearst (who was the inspiration for Citizen Kane) gave to either his wife's or girlfriend's (I can't remember which!) clitoris, now knowing that will you ever look at a rosebud the same way again?

  8. Gather all the Tazer people and circle the wagons. Seriously Shawn, did you know Justin Smeja before you started this blog?

  9. I had such high hopes, seems the whole thing has descended into farce.

    1. No Mike it's just this site that stirs crap up just so you click. It's a lot like a Tabloid or Maury Povich. Its Apparent that Shawn doesnt like Melba and slants ever story against her. If you want better facts check out a number of Research sites that let you make up your own mind . Don't believe this sites Village Idiot anon 4:45. Every other post is by him so it looks like a lot of people, but It's basically this sites stupid Moron. Every site and Town has one.

    2. The science behind Ketchum's study is for real and, like it or not, she has proven that there is an unknown hominin that exists in North America. Check out the genome sequencing that independent labs have done before saying it's hoaxed. Whether her paper is sloppy or not, the sequencing is sound; and ultimately THAT is what matters - not if she was ethical, not if she claims that bigfoot braided her horse's mane, not if she scammed Hersom for money, not if she claimed that she "mind spoke" with them. The ONLY thing that matters: IS THE SCIENCE SOUND? And yes, it is (and will only be proven more so with time). So again, suck it up Team Tazer boys, your nemisis, Dr. Melba Ketchum, has accomplished what not a single one of you have: proven that Sasquatch exists.

  10. If your ever pinning your hopes on the existence of Bigfoot you will always be disappointed. They don't exist.

  11. pity fb/fb and smeja couldnt be shot1 well maybe not fataky but enough for them to shut up.its all playground tuu=ff. surely finf=dingthe truth should be evryones aim. personel stardom of being the perso who proves Bf is real seems to have overtaken their actions. youd expect this from a ick like smeja and the great self promoters at fb/find fuckall but from a PHD graduate with worl ethic/morals,no! she is the one wo should rise above this and be proffessional in this whole situaton. the fcat she is a vet may be the answer, it seems to me she isnt a real doctor but over titled animal checker

  12. Typical Team Tazer B.S.
    They will bash on people who disagree with them
    They are slapping Matt on the Back now but in past they were not.
    Bart, Tyler, Ro all the rest want to trash Melba because it would ruin the Documentary Ro has been working on. Same thing with the RD shooting.

  13. NEWS FLASH!!

    Bigfoot have hair all over their bodies. Hair density is much, much thinner than animal fur density. The picture above shows a very dense fur. Bigfoot don't have fur. Therefore, the picture above is not of Bigfoot hair. It is a picture of animal fur. That Animal is most likely a coyote because that fur color exactly matches that of a coyote, and does not match any black bear that has ever been photographed, that I am aware. If you have a coyote colored black bear photo, please step forward. THE PROOF AS TO WHO IS LIEING, IS ALREADY DISPLAYED BEFORE YOUR EYES. SMEJA IS LIEING.

    1. You guys do understand that the picture is of the whole piece minus sample sent to Ketchum I believe. the piece is one and the same and according to cutino on bff, he tested the salted piece that smeja hasn't even had access to as supposed to be the other half of ketchum's piece.

      it looks like same tissue to me just different background in pic.

    2. Cutino is BFRO. MM who runs the BFRO with a iron fist, has a vested interest in discrediting Ketchum. Therefore, Cutino is an impeachable witness. Furthermore, Cutino was not standing next to Smeja, when Smeja cut the piece to send to Ketchum. Nor was Cutino standing next to Smeja, when Smeja cut the piece to send to Cutino. Therefore, Cutino is not in any position to make any statements about where his sample came from. Any person with color vision can see that the samples are not the same color. Therefore, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE KETCHUM SAMPLE AND THE CUTINO SAMPLE TO HAVE COME FROM THE SAME STEAK OR ANIMAL.

    3. Excellent points, Anon. 12:20! Obviously they were not given the same sample. The people that say Ketchum faked her sample know NOTHING about genome sequencing. It is impossible to fake it because it would have shown up as contaminated. If there was contamination present in the sample sequenced, the divergent sequences would compete against one another prior to sequencing, causing a contaminated sample to show up very clearly. This was not the case, and in fact the Smeja sample was rated very high for purity, which was why they were able to map the nuclear DNA on that particular submission.

    4. Ah ha but that's where Cutino had the last laugh and you two nimrods don't pay much attention.
      If you go to the BFF thread on ketchum, Cutino tells us that one sample that was the other half of Ketchums was out of Smeja's custody for almost two yrs and it came back bear with Smeja's contamination. smart little devil as I think he knew she was going to desperately try and say they weren't from the same sample. explain that one.

      as far as the BFRO crap, some people need to grow up and look at the person (Bart) and history before making assumptions, I believe bart when he's aaid clearly MM is not even aware of most of what's going on because they don't talk much with MM being on the road these days. personally i don't think MM cares about Melba as he stated long ago he thought she was bunk.

      you guys are also making assumptions about Melba that she hasn't provided anything from a third party and where are her supporters other then forest people???

    5. First of all, Anon. 1:40, why are you resorting to name calling? You do not know me and I do not know you, so why would you call me a "nimrod"? If you want to have a true dialog, please be civil.
      Secondly, just because Bart says they are from the same sample does not prove it. Hearsay does not a fact make. What proves that they were NOT from the same sample is concrete DNA sequencing, of which you cannot fake, and of which was validated by a third party, namely the University of Texas.
      Thirdly, it does not concern me at all if she has "forest people" as her supporters. The only thing that concerns me is valid, reproducible data. And that she has in large quantities. As her paper is vetted by more and more qualified, unbiased scientists I have little doubt that it will slowly become accepted. Unless a body is brought in this will take time. Large changes in any scientific field takes a long time, usually happening when the older generation dies out and is supplanted with younger minds.

    6. maam, Ketchum hasn't provided any sequencing or lab reports so it is all hearsay at this point that her supporters suck down hook, line and sinker. all Ketchum has to do is sounb sciency and they buy it.UT may've tested some things for her but we cna't be clear what because no data other then small sections of sequences which are already being hammered at by guys over at the Bigfoot Forums.

      sounds like the poster directed his thoughts more at the other person attacking Cutino but you're right. he shouldn't have called you a nimrod.I do agree with him though as Bart is one of the best guys in the game and he's earned alot of respect over the years by doing things the right way. I think he went above and beyond with Tyler in this case as well.

  14. Don't quit your day job Reverend. You blew it big time. You let your super ego guide your prejudices. You have never skinned an animal, have you? A hunter does not leave meat clinging to the hide, because the hide is intended to be tanned. Smeja's photograph is of a skinned animal where ALL of the meat was removed. Ketchum's photograph has hair which is OBVIOUSLY a different color than the Smeja fur piece, and there is significant meat still attached to the hair/skin sample. BIG DIFFERENCE REVEREND. Better go back to giving sermons because you struck out big time at undermining Ketchum, when viewers can see for themselves, the differences between the two photographs.

  15. The simple truth is, anyone associated with either side of this rolling cluster fuck, is a pathological liar.

    Anyone helping to perpetuate this steaming pile, is either delusional, or trolling for clicks.

    Mystery solved.

  16. Melba needs to take what is left of her Smeja sample and send it to Sykes. Let him settle it.

  17. Brothers and sisters of snatchsquatch

  18. Smeja, you are a liar! I just saw this bonehead on the National Geography Bigfoot evidence episode. What kind of a jackass shoots a defenseless animal! You need to be arrested an put away! Turns out your "so called" sample was a bear anyway. To think that an intelligent animal more so than yourself would just stand there and let you shoot it is about as stupid as you are! There are laws in some states protecting these creatures, so I do hope there is a law in the state you were hunting in and they come by and arrest your ass! The next time you are in the woods hunting, I DO HOPE you disappear so we never have to see the likes of you around again! Go do something postive with your life instead of butchering animals. Hopefully someone will mistake you for a monster in the woods and shoot you one day!


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