New "Bigfoot Hunters" Film Project Raises Over $6,200 In Just 5 Days [WTF]

If you haven't contributed to this Kickstarter campaign, please join in on the fun and pledge some dough! The producers of this awesome film, Bigfoot Hunters, have just accomplished what most Bigfooters can never do, that is to raise some serious cash. So far, these guys have managed to raise over $6,200 of the $14,989 goal they need to kickstart their project. We would like to see this hilarious comedy made, so please pledge!

THE BIGFOOT HUNTERS is a hilarious short comedy about a self-help group of people riddled by Bigfoot encounters. They must bond together and put their differences aside when threatened by a Bigfoot attack that overtakes the government leaving the self-help group the last line of defense and America's only hope.

[via The Bigfoot Hunters Kickstarter Page]


  1. Replies
    1. When scientists who doubt sasquatch are asked why, they give the answers I'd expect ignorant laymen to give.
      My barometer of whom to trust:  the scientists whose answers show they are using their degrees.

      Show me one of your plenty skoftic scientist, and I'll show you he's wrong.  You do not want to bet on this.

      If one hasn't thought about all the totally logical reasons there isn't proof, then the evidence for sasquatch is so overwhelmingly in favor of reality.

      I'd bet dinner at an expensive restaurant, though, that Patty's authentic.  Which rules out Bob as Patty.

      Unless I'm, you know, wrong.

    2. Is his very own, very misguided words. ^^^^

      What a maroon!

  2. Well we'll well, look who it is, how are you my gay friend? Koodoos on being first, very brave indeed, for a while your weakness was starting to insult me!

  3. This reminds me of a story my Pappy told me a long time ago....stop me if you heard it... There once was a bigfoot from Nantucket.

    1. Well he must have not been there long'

    2. This creature has effectively stayed hidden from science and avoided capture for a long time

  4. Are you talking about Steven Fagfart? He was born with a tail man!

    1. One time last fall, I was outside at night and I said to the woods, "I know you are out there!" Suddenly there was all this noise of something moving in the woods and then it stopped. It was like something repositioned itself when I said that.

    2. Did it make you feel uneasy? Did it touch your taterhole?

      Most importantly, is your name Mulder?

  5. The doctors remove tails when a child is born with one, there should just be a hole were his tail was.

    1. Doctors left the tail and removed his little baby dick.

  6. Someone's physical appearance? Are you stating that this tail you were born with has changed your appearance? I thought they removed your tail at birth? Do you have a hole Whare your tail was?

  7. Do you let gays stick the penus in this hole of yours Steven?

    1. its "penis" stupid! not penus..

    2. I also saw the butt of something climbing over a big log.

  8. And to think I wasted my donation money this year on the Salvation Army, Red Cross, and Hurricane Sandy Relief.

  9. Mr. Midnightwalker talks to Mexicans in the woods and thinks that they are squatches!

  10. what happened to the guy knew bout the Tenn Al logger bigfoot pickup cops $3 deal, that story got to be true,if not In Tenn and Al where else would $3 buy anything from anyone, hello retard, where r u?

  11. So Shawn, When is the first annual "meet your fellow bloggers in person" event going to be held? So much love on here...would be great to get everyone together for a nice big group hug. Oh yeah, better hire some serious security too. Golden Corral seems to be a Squatcher's favorite or maybe Vegas.

    1. No no, outdoors, picnic all the way. Youall could come to my back yard. Here in the Smokie's, we can all cook out good food, plus go bigfooting in any direction after. I know at least some would make it back, I promise. think about it before you settle on a spot..

    2. r u some kinda country ass Jason strathem. I think your a want to be bad ass moma's boy, retard.

    3. Well mr. anon 5:16, you partially correct. I'm def a Momma's boy, but she grew up in a diff era and prefers blades. Now that Jason fella, I guess he's a pretty good actor,I'm not, and He's got that martial arts thing, I don't. He's A small man, I'm not. But I like his movies, so that's the closest your observation is to the truth.

    4. Somebody being an octagon cage because it will get used

    5. Hell yeah let's do this come at me BRO!!

    6. Ken: Glad you made it to the fiasc, Mr. Bandini, it seems you might have another newby to save. He made the mistake of asking about that Steve dood, and the shit storm started. By the way I googled everything I could think of about that story, nothing else can be found by me. I have my doubts, to many generic ingredients for me. I will post if I hear anything worthy of your thought, not holding my breath ya no. great to see your up, alive , and well this morning.

    7. Yeah I made it one more day without my wife killing me in my sleep no I'm teasing she's good to me yeah I was reading about it either it's a) real b) the two cops want to pull a hoax and it's a gorilla or c) they just wanted to take the gorilla home and keep it for a pet I don't doubt anything anymore except dyers story

    8. Ken: hell yea, while cheching the blogs and looking through google, You get drowned by all the shat he's got going. One thing for sure, he's the only proven liar I've ever seen to get so many people behind another load of the same shat. I'm positive you got him figured. People are screaming for a pinch of the real thing. It's good to listen to the heart, but God gave us a brain too ya no? I'm sure you saw your name referenced to save another newby this morning, must make you feel good to be the go to guy, koodo's to you friend.

    9. Ken, couldn't find anything credible about loggers, cops and a gorilla loose in my home state, or anywhere close. If it's real, it's geting covered up REAL well. doubts doubts. good hunting friend.

    10. Yeah like I said I'm not go to on Bigfoot I live in this city the biggest Forrest I've seen is like 4 blocks long by a block wide but how can they compete with me when they call me a fag and I tell them i will rape their dad mom and their dog. It really leaves you with nothin left to say

    11. Ken: speechless, they are, leave them brain neutered with verbal surgery friend.

    12. A blogger/commenter hoedown would be a hoot and a holler.

      There will be beer, and taterskins, and cuntpunching.

  12. I prefer to go Squatchin in my dreams...I always find them there if they don't find me first.

    1. probably the best place for all to start, can't argue.

  13. This is why I come on this site for a good laugh at idiots like this...
    The irony is that Bigfoot is real, and Musky Allen isn't. Yes, everytime I too say the name Rick Dyer, some acidic vomit automatically surges into the back of my mouth. But for the weekly hoaxes by known hoaxers, and the litany of nobodies seeking to be somebody overnight, Bigfootery would be dead in the water right now. Since the Ketchum's study is not getting a fair shake, the Oxford study is not talking, and the field is flooded with naive, attention seeking newbies, with no field experience, no clue of what they are dealing with, and do not understand that there are certain limitations to science that prevent their acceptance of supernatural beings that can exist in other dimensions.

    1. oh and when I questioned his claims he posted this...
      Anonymous 12:59, You should either should lay off your meds or get back on them. From what I can glean from your verbal diarrhea, you do not have one iota of field experience. Bigfoot is not only paranormal, it can be very easily proven that they are paranormal. Although their mitochondrial DNA was human, the nuclear DNA was from some previously publicly unknown hominin. I say publicly because the FEDS know everything there is to know about them. They just aren't talking. Ketchum's is correct. It looks like Bart Cutino got hoaxed by the Canadian lab, and now he won't send Ketchum a piece of his sample so that the BFRO does not get made to look like a fool again. MM is Bart's boss. What MM wants, MM gets. And MM wants Ketchum to look like a fool so that she is not a threat to MM's position as the news media goto man. Believers do not even count in the world of Squatchery. If you are not a knower, then you are stuck in the peanut gallery, hucking empty shells. And it's 4th dimension crapola to you, thankyou very much. You had better clean up your act soon because if anybody controls whether you end up in heaven or hell, it would be a Bigfoot. I think that you ought to have yourself buried in one of those silvery suits that they wear at the steel smelter, if you get my drift.

    2. seriously you can't make this up, it's on this thread if you want to read....

    3. Uh yeah I get your drift dyer you're a fuckin douche nutbag what a surprise


      Look at the 5th item on the list.

    5. Good detective work there sir! Sounds like there's a change in title too! Think the 2011 must be when they got the Tribeca grant? A lot of the other docs sound good too! Think this is just a list of what these people are doing at the moment work wise I don't know if that means they'll be shown at the festival in April? Just because of the title change doesn't mean it's any more real could just still be bout a hoax?!

    How often do we get a B list celeb like SS in our ranks? Here is a man who not only has been on FB, but he's met the entire cast and probably has smelled many if not all of their farts. He is making cold hard cash off of this bigfoot nonsense. Are you?

    Mail me SS- got a moneyspinner for a designer line of bigfoot gifting baskets. It's right there in front of us- all we have to do is drop our pants and stick it in!

    Uberfuhrer @-TeamTorchBigfoot

  15. When the production budget is a whopping $15,000, I think it's necessary to put film in quotations when describing it.

    1. What the hell kinda language is this? 4th dimension? If it exists, It's a real living creature no dif, than all other mammals, in it's creation and earthly existence. The harder you make it to believe, the less will believe and take it seriously. If it's here, it's an animal, plain and simple, and right here sharing but staying hidden for the most part in our same dimension. We might buy that.

    2. I think it has something to do with people buying into the extra terrestrial or extra dimensional craziness that's goin around I agree we should at least just call it a beast unless your trying to convince someone why you never get a picture to show the rest of us so they are trying to pull in spiritual believers or something

    3. Exactly guys that's what would be rational, if it does exist it's bound to be an animal or some kind of primate. If Ketchum is correct (which looks very unlikely) then it has DNA and any creature that has DNA is a normal creature which was made from the same stuff that all mammals and animals are. If it does have DNA then that makes it a NORMAL creature if they were unable to find any DNA as we recognise it then I guess you could start with this mystical magical bullshit! Anyways gotta prove it exist at all first and isn't just a folk story and doubt Ketchum or Dyer will change that. This is the argument I had with a nutjob earlier who told me I was going to hell and that Curtino had been hoaxed! Lol

    4. Ken: again Bandini Sir, Like I said, it's an animal if it is at all, no more no less. People try to refer to the native American's spiritual view of the animals, but everything in existence has a spiritual value in their opinion. Right or wrong thats how the see the world. That doesn't change what something is as far as it's reality. We agree It's a beast, creature, animal,.

    5. Yep that's completely true they have Mother Earth even listed as a spiritual being in their culture so a spirit to them is any living thing that has pretty much a pulse cause the earth itself has a pulse and yeah you have to learn to talk shit when growing up in Chicago public school or your gonna be the weakest link besides I know who I am and where I'm going I could care less what anyone else believes my wife and my kids love and respect me that's all that matters in my world I work hard every day so it's all that matters to me

    6. Ken: People really don't understand, but the jungle is anywhere you find the BEAST, city, country, wherever. If you don't learn at a young age what your about and how to defend that, you'll end up running through the jungle all your life. Fam and friends are all we have period. I believe it's all we need. I'm glad to have found,A kindred spirit from the jungles of Chi town, mine looks a little diff, but the same deal my friend. Just alot more open spaces.

    7. Yeah same anywhere you go you either need to protect yourself from regular animals or human animals but animals none the less

    8. Ken: I walked up on a feeding black bear a few years back, within ten twelve feet. I felt small, but I was able to backtrack to safety. I fear unpredictable evil in humans much more than anything on this planet. If I were ever blessed to see a bigfoot, I don't think fear would be my emotion..

    9. Very true and the worst part is they carry guns so you never know how far enough is safe yeah there is plenty of that here so much so they stopped makin it news but if you live being feeble you'll never learn how high you can truly reach there was some sick people arrested last week that scared me having kids I think I'll be movin to the country sooner than later

    10. You guys want to see scary look at the captured Bigfoot 4th Dimension guy's posts a couple of comments down the page. Dyers movie is now got the title of Shooting Bigfoot there's a link to the Tribeca Institute website up towards the top of the page:) Thanks to the guy who posted it

    11. Ken: I'm sure you got it under control, but that is scary stuff for good people to deal with. Families have to be on guard all the time to protect each other in that kind of environment. good luck my friend. Plenty of room down south friend, still danger, but things move alot slower. At least you can usually see it coming..

    12. Ken: Anon10:34, your right, I'm totally freaked. So to see bigfoot, all I got to do is dimension hop? got it,WOW...WHY DOESN'T POOR HAWKING JUST JUMP INTO A NEW BODY? Now that is out there..

    13. Yeah I checked it out it said two guys hunt for Bigfoot nothing about them shooting one ill believe it when I see it before I'd believe the word of someone who has already been caught in a lie and hoax I will believe what the anon said the other day that it's a movie about hoaxing before I'd believe what he says

    14. Ken: if you got to follow that kinda crazy shat, I'm not going to ever see a bigfoot in any dimension.

    15. Ken: who are those two? are they for real, or is that a kinda out there code their using? I've never seen such shat.

    16. That's dyer and from what I gathered his buddy biscardi I may be misinformed on the second guy

    17. Ken: makes sense, That would put that batshat in perspective at least.


    19. They're the ones in the link up top to the film festival movie shooting Bigfoot

    20. kEN:Dyer will say his bigfoot body is real, it's just in another dimension now, but it'll be back in ours soon. and for $19.95 you can get an autographed photo. Pay now bigfoot later.

    21. Maybe he'll buy an old Ice Cream truck and keep it in the freezer taking it across the country so we can all look and get a cone at the same time! Softee Sasquatch cones!!

    22. Ken: and use his two amigo's as BISCARGI AND MUSKY THE BIGFOOT CLOWNS.

    23. That would be cool but what music would the truck play?

    24. I just realized why musky said he's from Chicago who is gonna trust someone from a state where they wear blocks of foam cheese on their heads

    25. Ken: Rick Dyer kinda reminds me of a lil taller version of Elmer Fudd "shuzzzz,be bewee bewee quiet, I'm hunting bigfoot".

    26. Ken: "get him musky, that wascklee saquatch"

    27. There was that huge Bigfoot creature in Looney Tunes think he was one of Marvin the Martian's experiments?! Come on Fudd's got more brains and charisma than Dyer!

    28. Lol if we're gonna scare the kids anyway they should play the music to black sabbath generals gathered in their masses

    29. Just like witches at Black Masses..... Oh yeah!

    30. ken:yep, or highway to hell would be appropriate. That big fugly fuzzy thing with no arms and a head like a big red tomatoe. I recall.

  16. Hey Mulder I'm spanking your ass bitch

  17. Anon 6:11,

    Kachinggggggg! Your check is in the mail! We need good people like you to fight this upwelling of interest in Bigfoot. Bigfoot is not our way. We must form a united front to stomp out all Bigfoot knowledge, so we have have a good excuse for failing to prepare our children for one of life's foreseeable challenges. That challenge of course, is to be prepared to receive Bigfoot knowledge, without welling up in tears, w/o lower lip quivering, and w/o having to go change our underwear. We can't be caught scared fellas. We are big macho men who don't cry, or at least don't get caught crying. So keep up the good work. Every little punch and stab here, helps. Attaboy!

  18. Mr. Noel,
    Is your book's cover art based on the alleged Dyer tent video?

    Loosely, yes.

  19. 4th Dimension: The dimension assigned by the University of California at Berkeley staff in the spring of 1975, many of whom had witnessed Bigfoot in captivity at the neighboring Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories in the early 60's, for the purposes of helping explain Bigfoot's ability to become invisible, to shape shift to orbs, and to return to man's dimension. And to eventually escape from their holding cells. Since Bigfoot are not alone in the 4th dimension, this dimension would also help explain where and how the other previously believed to be mythical little people, go to hide from man's view and his weapons. Immediately after this decision, Stephen Hawking was given the task of writing a book to lump the previous 4th dimension assignee of TIME, together with SPACE. This book was not to explain the reasoning for kicking TIME out of the 4th dimension slot, but rather to just proclaim that we now have SPACE-TIME.

    Any questions?

    1. Doesn't Hawking assign a particular spot for all living creatures on or in his space time fabic?Did he ever relate his theory of a present being's ability to use the bending of the fabric of space time to it's ability to change it's reality and or shape? I've done some reading of hawking, very good and interesting stuff, but I have not seen any thing about this theory and how it relates to the actual movements
      of the present living beings of any kind. I'm interested.. good stuff good post.Anon10:14

    2. Yes do the orderlies at the hospital know you have access to the Internet ?

    3. When they untie you and your meds wear off ask them yourself.

    4. But first clean you face, I think someone used you while you were out.

    5. Anon 10:14, not to be nasty and I'm no real expert on mental health but I think if you saw a professional they would tell you that currently you are experiencing a psychotic break from reality. This rambling gibberish conspiracy theory 4th dimension stuff is not real and you should be on some kind of anti-psychotic medication. That is if you are not a troll, if you are trolling then you sir are the king of Trolldom.

    6. Yep because obviously I'm the crazy one for using silly things like logic and reason and not resorting to crazy conspiracy theories and X-Files old rejected scripts

    7. NO because you make no sense, your lost in your own dimension. Your the own who sounds like Moulder.

    8. Is that the same body recently obtained in Ga. Road kill?By a Ga highway patrol officer?

    9. I make no sense lol!! Your babbling bout Hawkins and Bigfoot experiments at Larry Livermore!

    10. You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ass either. No sense to be made from that dood. good luck. That road kill story is bull, I probably posted it. checked it out, Nothing good.. It's bull...sorry anon:11:10

  20. Another Crappy Bigfoot Movie! I rented Bigfoot County with low expectations... Well it was even worse than expected. Is it too much to ask for just one big budget good non - cheesy Bigfoot movie? Just one I can watch without fast forwarding the whole damn thing. Try Ape Canyon or an updated Boggy Creek! SOMETHING!

    1. There are none, Boggy creek was a dying breed,extict.

    2. Abominable is pretty fun, kind of a Sasquatch meets Rear Window deal, the creature was so good Hovey took her game camera photos of it lol! She only took them from the back tho as it has a very distinctive face with a big wide mouth full of sharp teeth!

    3. experts now say, no big canines. That killed the face shot.

  21. They put a $100,000 bounty on that big cop killin porch monkey in California. So yes you can legally shoot a large bipedal primate in California and make money doing it.

  22. Somebody is falsely posting under my name above, just so you all know. It is truly ridiculous what is said above, but really, do I have to say that? None of it is true in the least, and none of these people know anything at all about me in actuality. OK, I did wear socks up in Bluff Creek. So what?

    1. What do you think about the anon's claim that Bigfoot can travel through the 4th dimension and was studied in 70's and there's a link to Hawkin's work? Lol

    2. I thought your knee high socks looked really stylish and you have great legs. Pay no attention to the dumb trolls Steven Streufert!

    3. Funny, as really, those were just regular, ordinary, everyday socks. People say the strangest things sometimes.

    4. Nah dude, the socks were pretty fucking nigh up the femur. Just look at the damn film, mang!!


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