Michael Breaks Down Neches River Bigfoot Photographs

A recent report from the Big Thicket area of Texas, details a man getting photos of 2 Bigfoot type critters that both howled/screamed at him. The man also observed the creatures throwing rocks into the water. The witness estimated the beasts were up to 8 feet in height and said he could see the face of one of creature “clear as day.” There was hair from the mouth down like a man and when the creature turned he could see hair hanging down its arm.

Watch this breakdown by Michael Merchant.


  1. Replies
    1. When there's scofftics
      You know it always brings me down
      'Cause it's fact , you just cant hack
      That bigfoot will be found

      I howl out my magic
      I see eyeshine in the light
      I couldnt see, felt uneasy
      To the shadows of the night

      No sign on the thermal camera
      You've been left in the dust
      By a woodape in the dark
      A woodape in the dark

      Do those skeptics
      Do they ever let it go?
      When you've tried, do they just deny?
      Is it only Mulder that knows?

      Like the hovey picture
      A squatch caught in time
      Its no lie, you can try to deny
      but theres nowhere you can hide

      No sign on the thermal camera
      You've been left in the dust
      By a woodape in the dark
      Just a woodape in the dark

      *Kerchaks guitar solo*

      When there's scofftics
      You know it always brings me down
      'Cause it's fact , you just cant hack
      That bigfoot will be found

      Hear the woodknock
      I feel it vibrating the air
      Have no fear and you'll hear
      It calling you beware
      Look out

      Theres no sign on the thermal camera
      Theres no sign of any tracks
      You've been left in the dust
      By a woodape
      By a woodape in the dark
      Yeah, yeah

      Its a woodape in the dark
      Just a woodape in the dark
      No sign on the thermal camera
      Its a woodape in the dark

    2. You s(c)ully Dio's memory....

    3. Hello folks,

      May I present a new garment from Sceptic Outfitters?

      This is our new T-shirt, available in sizes XS to XXXL in an array of colours.

      Imprinted on the front and back of this new garment, in glittering tinfoil-like lettering, is this eye-catching phrase:


      Get one now for yourself or a loved sceptic! Why not save and get two, one for you and one for you favourite sceptic?

      Ta ta, and happy shopping!

      The Gang at Sceptic Outfitters!

    4. I've got some T Shirts for sale as well.

      They're available in two designs:

      1) Bigfoot Is Bullshit
      2) Mulder's A Fag

      No shipping/handling for the first bleever to show actual monkey at time of purchase.

  2. I just can't listen to this guy. Is he excited or is he being sarcastic? I can never tell.

    1. Michael is obviously an unaccomplished and frustrated "actor" who can only get on this virtual stage to perform. He gets an E for effort.

    2. Won't you be......my neighbor?

  3. The last name is French - it's pronounced AR-SIN-OH.

    PS No bigfoots in that area - or any others for that matter.

  4. breaking news.merchant is the biggest h=geky,hippy drop out 70;s twilite zined out prick i footery

    this self appointed judge of all things Bf is at it agian. dissing everything that others do when he has jack shit himslef. this guy is a loose canoon and has no right with his sarcastic attacks of peoes work when he has go zip homslef

    he needs to fuck off. usless dulard man chid

    1. For what it's worth, I don't think he was being sarcastic in this one although based on his history it could be hard to tell.

    2. I thought Michael Merchant was a Bigfoot Researcher where is his footage or evidence? Oh he aint got shit becouse he aint shit

    3. He's more of a Bigfoot Commenter. Which is fine.

  5. ye its impossible to tell nmerchant. ehat do u want study the p/g film endless.y. being sarcstic about another guys work/photo is gettingboring. its time you moved on or put up some pics/film yourself so we can judge it. its easy to judge and be sarcastic about others work when you have nothing yourself yo show

  6. I love the way Michael Merchant talks. Whenever I listen to him I can't help but imagine his scrotem being hooked up to electrodes. He'll be speaking normal and then all of a sudden somebody turns up the voltage ever so slightly... And then turns it down again. And so on... Does anybody else imagine this too or am I not quite right psychologically?


    2. Whenever I hear this self-indulgent Moron talk--I see him trying to be entertaining to 3 and 4 yr olds at the Public Library- Story time, and failing.

    3. Mayor, that would be known as the Tijuana Police Special. Basically it's a trumped up charge with a trip to the police station. Then it's the threat of those electrodes if you don't pay whatever you can get off your atm card. Ay caramba!

    4. That message brought to you by the Department of Mexico Travel and Hospitality.

  7. No more first posting from now on any one first posting will be removed from the internet.

  8. Ghilley suits, if Bigfoot
    Swamp Gas, if UFO
    Life of a Skeptic--I don't have to prove nothin'

    1. except possibly a sense of superiority

    2. I can start drooling and clapping like a seal and be superior to you--Bwhaha

  9. Does anybody like Micheal Merchant?

    1. Yea.

      It seems like believers dont like him because he destroys their dreams.

    2. Just what kind of alternative lifestyle is this guy living anyway?

      He sounds like the love child of Mr Rogers and Captain Kangaroo.

    3. He's a patronizing idiot! He reminds me of one of those Christian TV pastors...the reflection in his voice.
      This jerk he's interviewing is insulting to me! I bet the animals just love that he "practices" his bow and arrows on them. If you've ever seen an animal who gets hit with an arrow in the wrong spot...it's extremely painful and cruel!I couldnt even finish listening to this Douche-bag!

  10. I'm sorry, but I can't listen to this guy for more than 20 seconds before I turn it off and don't look back... He sounds borderline retarded. I know he's trying to be funny, but he's not. He just sounds like an asshole.

  11. I never listen to this WB, I just come to post. What happened to Phil? Has Merchant taken over the breakdowns?

  12. As well as being caught banging Horses, attention seeker Merchant appeared on some reality show on the Discovery Channel.

    You won't be to surprised to learn that everyone hated him there too.

    Merchant is a self-proclaimed expert on Mushrooms. Guess it figures huh?

  13. Michael Merchant is a jerk off hate every story blog he does

  14. Area!! Area!!!!! It's not areer or arear or areaer
    Or however you spell whatever that word you were saying is spelled Michael merchAnt! You're ridiculous!!

  15. This one's easy.....it's the boys from ZZ Top goin' fishin.

    No shoes
    brow ridge
    stink in'
    When he steps out he's gonna do you in
    Every girls crazy 'bout un dressed ape man

  16. My name is Mulder and I'm a big fag.

    Also, bigfoot is real.

  17. lmao@Ar-Chee-nax

    This should tell you a lot.

  18. There's no 'r' at the end of 'area', Michael. Also, his name is pronounced 'arse-eh-no'. You're an arse as well you redneck gay hick.


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