It has begun: The swelling Musky Allen / Dyer hoax backlash

Dr. Jeff Meldrum just outed a hoax perpetuated by Musky Allen and Rick Dyer. Meldrum caught Musky in a bald-faced lie and essentially knocked down the pillars holding up the "camper" video that Facebook Find Bigfoot proclaims to be one of the top 10 best footage of all time. Check out this article for the full run-down: Dr. Jeff Meldrum Shoots Down Musky Allen Hoax, FBFB Still Gleeful About Dyer's Story of Dead Bigfoot.

Now that Meldrum has called into question the entire story of Musky seeing the body of the Bigfoot Dyer allegedly shot in San Antonio, the community backlash has begun against those involved in perpetuating the hoax. Here are some of the comments from Facebook and The Bigfoot Forums website:

From Facebook:
Matthew Johnson
A leopard cannot change it's spots. Rick "the liar" Dyer and Musky Allen are both cut from the same cloth of deceit. God have mercy on their souls.
Matt K. OklahomaSquatch
Yet even after all he has attempted, Rick Dyer still has some supporters in this community. Including certain individuals that are supposedly upper crust. Which is part of the collection of problems that riddle this community, you don't have to know what you're talking about to be considered an "expert" in this field. You just have to make claims that others believe or want to believe are true.

From The Bigfoot Forums:
One thing we can surely all agree on is that this story is entertaining and even fun.

First, I thought "whoa, Rick Dyer? hoax for sure".
Then, the convincing Musky Allen interview. "This just might be real."
Then, melodramatic, almost-crying Rick Dyer interviews. "This guy is so obviously a twisted liar."
Then, kbhunter says he has inside sources that suggest a BF body has been viewed. Dang, there probably IS something to it...
Then, Meldrum outs Allen as a liar. Obviously game over.
But then tomorrow...
lil foot
Here's hoping dyer forked out loads of cash for a professional to construct a life like Bigfoot.
You can bet that their will be panic in the dyer camp regarding saving face and how they can recoup their money now that this has all gone sour.

I'm just hoping no one ( including you gullible ones, yes you know who you are ) gives him the time of day.
Let this be the end of his crap.

Any loss to dyer is a great one in the eyes of the bf community.
Ronn - They always think they're smarter than the people they try to hoax. Remember he changed the story 10 times in 2008 and people still bought in. People WANT to believe, so that little bit of hope makes them more susceptible to things like that. The devil's in the details. The bad info on decomposition, the impossible back of head, out of neck and still break teeth bullet trajectory, plastic bags, using Meldrum's name assuming he wouldn't hear about it or care enough to reply.... it's why these things don't come out that often. It's way too much work to do for long, and only Biscardi and Dyer have figured out how to turn a profit from the attention alone, even if the only profit is attention.

They always know the endgame is just a matter of time. The game is just to keep it going for as long as you can. I fully expect Dyer to say that Musky conned him and isn't who he says he is, to try to keep this going for himself lol.
All over, but the crying Musky and RD!!! And people wonder why Meldrum charges for his expertise? Perfect example of it with RD! I guess this means the end of FB/FB as well?
Dr. Meldrum has a good point! If Musky is making something like that up, then I wonder what else he's making up. It looks like this Musky Allen person is busted. The pics of him chilling with Rick Dyer say it all!
Oh Mah
Exactly, and that's the reason why I'm here...

LOL..well this latest revelation from Meldrum really looks like the STAKE IN THE HEART for Dyer. His boy Musky really made a FATAL error in putting out this purported email exchange with Meldrum. I just don't understand how Musky could think he could get away with this? I wonder if someone could contact him on his FB page and ask him to produce an email exchange?
One thing we can surely all agree on is that this story is entertaining and even fun.

First, I thought "whoa, Rick Dyer? hoax for sure".
Then, the convincing Musky Allen interview. "This just might be real."
Then, melodramatic, almost-crying Rick Dyer interviews. "This guy is so obviously a twisted liar."
Then, kbhunter says he has inside sources that suggest a BF body has been viewed. Dang, there probably IS something to it...
Then, Meldrum outs Allen as a liar. Obviously game over.
But then tomorrow...

Facebook Find Bigfoot Fan page:
Mark B.
FBFB was in on this from the start. They propped up Dyers Camper video saying it was second only to the PG film. At that time, I continuously questioned the video and the character of this FBFB for thier decision. Now we are on the second day and we haven't heard anything at all from the parties that started this whole thing. I figure they actually know this is a bust and have nothing more to say. It was a complete hoax set up quite some time ago. Soooo... how much of all the crappy, blurry, pix-elated video and photos are hoaxed by FBFB? Just to drag you in, so they could sell you a terrible thesis about humans being direct descendants of BF. If you look at this in the terms of greed, it all plays out very nicely... Its really sad to say but "Good bye FBFB" your credibility is about to be all washed up.
Carl C.
Busted.....Again......I just hope BF/FB is not in on it.......
Thy L.
Without proof, Musky Allen's confirmation means less than zero. His participation only points towards a hoax. The last part of the longer interview also points towards FB/FB being participants. All three start the resurrection of Dyer's image. Allen, who initially said he barely spoke to Dyer, praises Dyer's character. All three marvel at what a brave act it was to actually shoot a bigfoot. This is beginning to stink like a 5 month old bigfoot corpse.
Phillip S.
To all my friends out there one big statement and then I will shut up. This is a HOAX, HOAX, HOAX FB/FB HOAX, MUSKY ALLEN HOAX, RICK DYER HOAX and maybe Biscardi in involved not sure. This will all but destroy's the bigfoot investigators creditablity. This will do more damage then Mr. Brescrdi did to bigfooting the last time. It's too bad we have real stupid fools out there trying to make money and a possible movie about it. Now if there was a chance for a university study on Sasquatch, well forget it now!!! There is not a chance in hell for any university possible study on this subject now.
Michael S.
All three of those tools are in on this (Anderson, Dyer and Musky). Anderson masqueraded this facebook page as a legit source of bigfoot video analysis and research, while allowing that slug troll Musky to lurk in the shadows in order to establish himself as the consumate skeptic so that when the hoaxer Dyer came into the picture, he could use Musky to validate his hoax. What better way to validate your dead bigfoot than the world's biggest skeptic?!! three clowns. You almost got away with it. (Just look at the facts. Isn't it odd that the hoaxer and Musky were found to be Facebook buddies? And that Find Bigfoot page constantly lets Musky spew his trash on their site without so much as a peep?)
Jimmy C.
What's really sad about this whole thing is not the fact that RD pulled a hoax (it's what he does, credit to him), it's the fact that FBFB played an active role in it, either knowingly or not, thereby duping thousands of loyal fans. Fans that supported them, that stuck up for them - hell, even supported them financially by buying that book of theirs, which features this hoax heavily. This page is one big con. Will they apologize? I can "confirm on all points" that they won't. BOOM!
Thy L.
FB/FB doesn't need to be busted. They've stated they'll shut this site down if this is proven a hoax. Tick, Tock.....
Barry M.
I find it funny that Allen only does voice interviews, none showing his face.. He sounds very The stills of him and Dyer together can be of anyone.. Was the interview by FB/FB in person? Can FB/FB state unconditionally that it is not Biscardi? Has anyone ever met this guy face to face? Just wondering.
Jodi W.
Can anyone find a recording of Biscardi's voice and compare it to Musky's?
Chad S.
I say we form and angry mob and find Rick Dyer. He needs to be taught a lesson for playing with peoples minds and emotions. That douchebag needs to be taught a harsh lesson.
Ken A.
Not only does this smell a little fishy, it smells a little musky too...just sayin...
Jodi W.
FB/FB will be sure to claim they were not in on this hoax... yea riiiiggghhhtttt
Ben S.
FB/FB are suspiciously quiet. Thought they'd be all over this; their insistence after the initial grainy footage that this was one of the best pieces of evidence ever was dubious at the time but in the context of recent events, it's beginning to make sense.
I'm interested to hear what's happening next.
Presley H.
nothing its over they can't defend themselves meldrum called musky out its over probably wont hear from fbfb
Tommy M.
I am a believer in Bigfoot. Musky has consistently mocked and scoffed at other people's eye witness accounts. Now he does a complete about face. I am not buying that. Musky is gonna have to come up with a lot more than just his own testimony before I believe him.
Jim D.
So now Dyer says he shot the BF in the back of the head and the bullet exited out of it's neck...what neck? Musky Allen said the animal HAD NO NECK-how does it then knock out two teeth? How did Dyer shoot DOWN on the Sasquatch? Was he in a tree? if he shot it in the back of the head and it came out the neck he was obviously ABOVE an 8.5' BF....BULLSHIT
Lino C.
This is done. Musky Allen is a fabricated character made to give legitimacy to the story. FBFB's gullibility was easy prey. When Dr. Meldrum comes out and says it's a lie that he's never been contacted you know that it is.
Jim D.
Not one word from FB FB guys-very suspicious-one would think they would be talking with us about it non-stop, or at the very least answering some of the questions about THEM being a part of "The Long Con". What is the hidden thing that only they and Musky and Rick know that they talked about and said that they couldn't talk about? Where are you guys? WHO are you guys?
Jim D.
all I know is I will not waste one penny on Of Gods and Monsters...that's the bottom line. These two guys got me for a few bucks with You Are Sasquatch but that's the extent of the money coming from these pockets ever again to these guys...besides the "Bigfoot" in the tent video looks like a biker with a vest and sunglasses on to me-looks NOTHING like Patty...just like that motor bike video the BF in that one is wearing a hat and down vest,clearly seen near the end-and these guys were 'sure' 100%...
Rune G.
FBFB is just like dyer and allen.
Greg K.
The whole point of this is to drum up hype for there movie lmfao it's very clear by all the comments that its a epic fail . Yes they got people talking but that means nothing because people will not watch it so that means no $$$$$$$
Tyler E.
I feel sorry for all the good people that bought into this, and trusted FB/FB. How far into this HOAX were you guys, from the beginning?


  1. Replies
    1. Rex Dutton accidentally released a YT video in December, claiming Dyer's BF body was stolen by the MIB. Whoops! It was "disappeared" within five minutes.

    2. Rex, that upstanding minister, complicit in a hoax with Rick Dyer.

    3. everybody sing with me : Na na, na na na na, hey-yey-yey good-bye.

  2. Replies
    1. Good riddance to those smug crackpots. And hopefully it'll make way for honest, disciplined research on the subject.

  3. If we're going to continue on the hoax path, someone PLEASE post the video that is made to look like it was filmed in the 70's where the guy in the ghillie suit charges the camera on all fours at the end. As far as hoaxes go, this is one of the better ones out there. Today's hoax attempts simply suck.

  4. Once again the complete assholes of this site & the douchebags at Team Tazer continue to provide a place for the Rick Dyers of the world a platform for bullshit like this.
    I'm glad there are still some real researchers out there. People who don't waste time playing with their computers and actually are gathering information, IN THE WOODS !! This crap does not contribute a damn thing.
    This site and the people who run it are the real assholes and the real problem with this community.

    1. In the woods,like Rick Dyer

    2. rick dyer would piss his pants in the woods.

    3. Anon @ 4:13 had to be one of three, A: Rick Dyer, B: Musky, C: Anderson of FB/FB. LOL

    4. Now that you mention it, 4:13. Where the hell are these Tazer guys when you really need them. StinkyWalker usually craps out a new video a day on Ketchum now he's all silent, wtf, it doesn't get more fake than Freezer Dick ;-p!

    5. Agree with anon 8:49 I just so wish Karma would kick RD tail already

  5. A shit leopard can't change it's spots

    A shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree.

    1. dont tell me dyer and musky are trailer park boys. if they moved in julian and ricky must be back in jail.

    2. mr lahey, ricky's got our porno tape

  6. Dyer was going to claim he shot one the whole time. It wasn't something he came up with when he realized he could "get away with it"

    Original site/username- SHOOTING Sasquatch
    Claims 100% proof, everyone will have to admit it's real- Only a BODY will do this.
    Claims he wouldn't kill one NOW- He always claimed his goal was to kill one.
    Says he will not do a follow up investigation of the filming because it is not there anymore.

  7. Haven't read anything about Dr. Jeff Meldrum debunking anything but he would be well advise to not deal with these criminals.

  8. Don't give Dyer the name of your mail-order Lie Detector lady. He'll fly her to Vegas tomorrow.

  9. Rick Dyer is a known hoaxer. This is hardly surprising or disappointing to me because I have maintained this stance on several forums this whole time.

    If you are butthurt because you believed it this time, than you are just like Charlie Brown being hurt after Lucy pulled the ball away for the THOUSANDTH time.

    Rick Dyer is Lucy, and half you bigfooters are like Charlie Brown.

  10. Were is Henry M? Surely he is cradling the balls while waiting for the gravy of the producer at Minnow Films. Can someone check this out?
    Squatch Nuts

  11. not saying that i believe all of this, but it is rather f'ing ridiculous to post comments from facebook and BF forums and pass them off as some sort of expose article.... team tazer is nothing but a bunch of school girl rumor whores... you people are the reason hoaxes end up getting any traction... this site is enough to make a curious skeptic walk away... I mean has that retard merchant ever said anything of any real ever...? And those "extinct" vids.... i mean what the F$#^...?
    you guys are like the internets glory holes, you just stick your stinky filthy uncut dicks out there with out a face or personality and every one just sucks it.... obviously there is money out there and you people will exploit/perpetuate any one.... a click at a time....

    p.s. no im not mad bro(tard), something something taterhole(tard) hilarious, suck my mulder(tard) aaaand this site is like the opposite of a bidet....

    anon out. forever.
    peace douches.

    1. bye,can't say you'll be missed

    2. Another anon who is Rick Dyer, he just can't stop cutting down others trying to draw the negative attention away from hisself. Such a sad sad lying ass.

    3. Gee - thanks for coming! Leaving so soon? Oh, yeah that's right - nobody cares, buh-bye!

  12. FB is going to do the right thing and shut down based on thier support for the hoax that has been purpentrated .

    Question: Why hasn't the MABRC done the same? No resignations No self governance Nothing BUT, business as usual.

    Don't worry DW. And Randy we haven't forgotten about YOU boys. No credibility No Ethics No integrity thats what the MABRC is remembered for, No we haven't forgotten.


  14. You know what we all SHOULD do is start telling Rick Dyer that Obama is coming for ALL OF HIS GUNS, since he is obviously a stupid fucking redneck republican who thinks he's so much smarter than everybody else. Maybe that'll give him something useful to do with his time. Man I'm brand new to this forum and I saw right through all of this BS in record time-and I'm a gullible straight C student.

    1. Well your an A student here. Maybe you could tutor some of the dumb shits here who bought into this.

    2. no Iam quite sure Dyer is a gay Liberal

    3. no self respecting homosexual would ever bang rick dyer. lets see thats women and men that wont do dyer. whats left? maybe a skeptical muskellunge can love dyer.

  15. Republican? What the hell does republican have to do with anything? Are you still in grade school?

  16. Those two dudes look like they are in love with each other!

  17. I believe he has one,anyone want to give me 100 to 1 odds?I have a $1,000.00 to bet he has one,anyone want to take me up on it and take my $1,000.00 ?

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