Is Dr. Bryan Sykes Close To Proving Bigfoot?

Dr. Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford, is one of the world's leading geneticists. He has taken on the difficult task of analyzing several purported samples of Bigfoot sent in from different parts of the world. Unlike Dr. Melba Ketchum, Sykes is extremely tight-lipped about his study and hasn't revealed much in terms of progress. It looks like there may be a reason for this.

According Robert Lindsay's latest Bigfoot News, Dr. Sykes has apparently isolated Bigfoot DNA and this has been confirmed through different sources:

I reported earlier that Sykes Bigfoot DNA study out of Oxford University would confirm that there is a new hominid in North America. That was from an online comment by a former fashion model who is in deep with the Ketchum Study. Now Christopher Noel in his new book has stated that Sykes study will prove that Bigfoots are real. I emailed Chris to ask him how he knew that, and all he would says is, “That’s just my prediction.” I found that odd. Sykes responded to my bolded words above with a harsh statement saying that there had been no leaks and that I was dead wrong.

Well, the problem is that I have another source who is very close to the Ketchum Study. This person has been told by 3-4 separate people who are close to the Sykes Study that Sykes has indeed isolated Bigfoot DNA from some of his samples. The source stated that some of Sykes samples were just common animals, but some of his samples had indeed come back as Bigfoot. So now I have it from 4-5 separate sources that Sykes has apparently isolated Bigfoot DNA, or 5-6 sources if Noel is onto something.

I suppose Sykes may try to rebut this evidence too, but the weight of evidence is starting to build that he is indeed going to prove that Bigfoots exist.


  1. This doesnt even feel cool. So much for all the "first" hype.

    1. Total crap....Lindsay hyped his Ketchum leaks to the moon and guess what? NO PAPER!!!

      Sykes will only find bear, beaver, raccoon and people's DNA FACT!

      And there is no way in HELL Lindsay or Ketchum has "leak" in Dr Sykes camp, no f--ing way...its Oxford for f--ks sake!!! What a joke!!!

    2. Lindsay's fishing tactics are ridiculous. He's just another slime ball subscribing to the morality of means justifying ends, at any cost.

    3. Robert Lindsay Shawn? Really dude?

    4. Holly fuck!!! Really, Robert Linsay... Are you completely fucked in the brain? This douche bag has been the main source saying Melba Toast Ketchum was coming out with DNA. This basement dweller need to be ignored and completely put on the back burner as a hoax promoter.

      What has ever been true about anything this wacko has said?

    5. Welcome back Bigfoot is BS!

    6. Bigfoot will not exist because I don't want him to.

    7. The assholes are right this time. There aren't even any LEGITIMATE scientists who have an inside line on the Sykes project. The idea that Mellba Ketchum has privileged information on a real scientific study, Sykes' or anybodythe else's, is beyond laughable.

  2. First Squatches

    Type O rules


    1. loving you is like lovin the dead Sasquatch

    2. In the dark bathed in cathode ray blue, miss red hook of nineteen twenty-two

  3. Why is a Red Deer Cave hominid skull shown? Do you know something we don't Shawn ;)? I really hope he finds something...I have hope!

    1. We know Neanderthal had big feet. What if he had lots of hair too?

    2. Just wait...I have an article about that coming soon. There may be some still alive in America, or at least they're reported!

  4. This is just another "Lindsay speculates wildly and makes things up" article.

    There’s no reason to actually read it people.

  5. Robert Lindsay is a damn liar!!!!!!Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 5:56:00 PM PST

    Lindsay has proven himself a fucking joke. Over and over a joke! He is full of shit!!!!!

  6. This is starting to get interesting, I was wondering about this - I heard Henry May sent him some samples and if this is correct you can count on a MAN like Henry May not to contaminate the samples.

  7. Lindsay's writing and reasoning skills are on par with a second grader. It's kinda sad.

    1. I'm in the 6th grade and I agree! They ermine me of clowns but with out the make up and costume! By the way are you that guy who claimed he captured one of Henry Mays farts in a jar and tryed to sell it on eBay?

    2. I'm like a small ferret!

      -an ermine

    3. Yes, that's me alright. Henry May's Fart in a Jar is on bid in EBay as we speak. After it's sold I plan to sell Ketchum's Poop in a Jar through EBay.



    1. Did Henry May break up with you? I have seen this pic of you online with Henry's cock draped over your face and you were giving his dick little tiny kisses! Then I hear that it was photo shopped etc. Well not gay but I think the pic was cute & lucky for you gays its ok to be gay with other gays at the same time! : )

    2. Why don't you find something better to do than make fun of people who you've never even met on a bigfoot blog? Like seriously, is this what you find fun?

    3. Shut up Jay. ALL CAPS told people not to mock Streufert. In doing so he increased the mockery of Streufert and vastly increased the mockery of himself. ALL CAPS need to learn his place.

    4. Congratulations on your gay 'outing' ALL CAPS. It takes a lot of guts to admit your gayness to the public like you did. You have my utmost respect.

    5. Jay you are a small piece of cat shit! This is the first thing that comes in mind when I look st your shit!

      If you prics had a tight community and payed close attention to what is current in the Bigfoot community you would realize that...

      1. Henry May is the smartest man in the Bigfoot community!
      2. Henry May is an armchair sailor, a real one!
      3. Henry May has read more than 7-8 books on this subject of Bigfoot (that's more than most in the community, more than you pric face).
      4. Henry May has recently travled more than 100 yards plus from his mother's house to research Bigfoot
      5. He has practiced filming wild animals like raccoons etc. he is ready to do this thing!
      6. When has an armchair sailor left his mother's house like this ever in the Bigfoot community? NEVER!!!!! It's fucken common sense man, Bigfoot is fucked for sure now! He's fucked!

      What have you done Jay? Nothing! Just another little whining Bigfoot slut is all you are!

    6. Cat shit Jay is lazy compaired to the rest of us.

    7. Oh come on! Cat shit jay is do fucken gay he makes Richard Simmons look as if he hardly even try's to be gay!

    8. You're actually false. I have read several Sasquatch books AND books about other zoological subjects. Henry May is great though, and I'm not trying to rival him. Why don't you get up off your couch and go educate yourself. I am not lazy either, I spend my whole day at highschool and when I come home I read and educate myself, not play mindless video games like I'm sure you all do. So shut up, I'm trying to live a good life and I could do without the name calling from idiotic morons like you.

    9. You're all uneducated fools, if you got to know me then you would think different. I'm not praising myself, but I am not lazy and I have spent years researching animals. How do you feel now that you know you've been insulting a teenager?! Go get a life.

    10. Smile Jay! You've been trolled! :)

      HENRY MAY FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!!!!!

  9. Pfft, same ole old people suffering with dementia and leading us incorrect. How many proofs of bf pics and DNA need to be shown that never surfaced yet.

  10. Why do Lindsay's comments continue to get any attention at all? It is amazing.

  11. DNA deadends! People trying to get a piece of the money pie. Does it exist or does it not exist! We demand the truth and nothing but the truth!

  12. Lindsay has turned out to be so unreliable that it's time to file him away in the same drawer as Dyer, Fasano and Robin Forest People (lol).

    I was attracted to the subject by the Melba Media Blitz a few months ago but all the believers have done since is convince me more with each passing day that it's a crock.

    Even this site's owner has begun posting serious headlines linked to joke videos; a top ten no-no in terms of maintaining credibility.

    I think I'll just wait until October and sit outside until the the Great Pumpkin shows up. At least shlock-jock Shawn Evidence won't be there.

    1. Agreed, this site is becoming the pits....just read the intelligent comments from this article

  13. How do these same old broken down scammers still get attention and still direct everyone down the well known nowhere road. Nothing ever comes from their pie in the sky claims. wake the hell up and demand more from someone. stop even listening to the same old horse shit until you see proof. who buys a house without ever seeing it, or before the property is even bought. give me a break. I want to see not hear...

  14. Sykes is close to proving that THE BEST DNA SAMPLES AVAILABLE FOR PURPORTED BIGFOOT, are not bigfoot, but other naturally occuring animals, and humans. Squash the dream.

    No true evidence of bigfoot will ever surface, because myths do not leave DNA.

    Sykes will show that what bigfooters claim is their best is really just crap. Period.

    1. I'm starting to believe it. nothing coming from these old dried up sources why does anybody even listen to this crap. I would have to see a body on cnn to even stop to watch. I don't even wan't to hear the words WE CAUGHT SASQUATCH ever again. The body, and not a smejma report either. THE BODY..

  15. I caught some perch today. That means bigfoot exists.

  16. We're these yellow fanged perch?

  17. Have "Cat shit Jay" nibble it off for you! At least he can do something for the community....the gay community that is!

  18. Well the lazy fucken bastard sure wont do anything for the Bigfoot community except Bitch Bitch Bitch !

    We all need to pull together and send Henry May money to get a thermal: )

    1. Cat shit jay, that's so funny! I'm actually laughing at this stuff!

    2. Mwah haha you are you have anything better to do? This comment that you replied to had nothing to so with he rude name calling, so shut up.

  19. Replies
    1. Aren't you hilarious you idiot. You sound like a damn two year old. I hope you know that you've been insulting a teenager, which totally makes you look like a great guy. So shut the heck up, you freaking jerk. Go get a life other than insulting people on a Bigfoot site, of all places.

    2. Just remember you will probably know half of these dipshit trolls. They are the same ones you see in school every day. They are the ones getting picked on by the guys getting picked on by bullies. Since they are at the bottom of the bully food chain, they have to come on a bigfoot site to talk shit as an anon. That way they don't have to worry about the next wedgie chaffing their ears when they pick their skid marked superman underwear out of their ass.

    3. Haha, nah that kind of stuff doesn't go on at our school lol..

  20. Oh eat my squatch crotch! And if u are really hungry my furry turrty dirty hole has chocolate ooze wanting to be eaten! Yum yum! Eat it up! Squatches need licked clean every once in awhile. So here's a hunch, munch on squatch lunch! Mmmmmmmmm.........

  21. I'm trying to figure out why Sykes would feel the need to communicate anything with the Ketchum camp about anything, let alone a scientific investigation in progress. I call BS.

  22. An absence of facts has never stopped Robert Lindsay from posting hearsay based on hearsay.

  23. Another bullseye for Robert "Sniper" Lindsay!

  24. I am someone who works with people close to Sykes.

    This is poppycock!

    Nobody in Ms Ketchum's little basket weaving group know anything about what Skyes is doing.

    This Lindsay bloke appears to be using Sykes to support his own belief in Ms Ketchums work.

  25. Jay - look, you were warned about these numbnut trolls on here. Don't engage with them. That's what they want! But it's too late'll be stuck in the trap and it will NEVER stop now. You have a new Bigfoot Evidence comment moniker. Congrats. NOT.

    1. But Im like a Sasquatch, and therefore I can break the trap (reference to the "bigfoot breaks a conifer trap" article lol). I don't really care, I'm much smarter than they are and it's not too late.

  26. All of you idiots are getting played and you don't even know it. The biggest rumor mongering asshole in the room is the guy who owns the blog. He cares about nothing more than stirring up the shit pot.For example, here is a quote from his article concerning Sykes' review of Ketchum's study:
    "What we know about Dr. Ketchum is that she's extremely secretive. She refuses to state who is independently analyzing her data. On Monday, blogger Robert Lindsay, in his rumor mongering style of 'reporting', wrote this"

    But now in THIS article he states the following:
    "Unlike Dr. Melba Ketchum, Sykes is extremely tight-lipped about his study and hasn't revealed much in terms of progress. It looks like there may be a reason for this."

    So, if Lindsay is a "rumor monger", then why list him as a source and give him and credence by repeating what he has to say?

    And which is it? Is Ketchum tight lipped or not? If you are going to make a claim at least wait a few months before you state something that is directly the opposite of what you said the day before. What a fucking hypocrite. LOL

    You, sir are an asshole.

    And the rest of you sphincter pilots jump on the bandwagon with your petty character assassinations, poop jokes and gay insults. It really is pathetic.

    That being said, I hope I get first on the next article. I heard from numerous sources that you get a t-shirt.

  27. Myths are not real. myths dont have no dna. but myths will scare the shit out of you when they twist off a five inch oak tree and throw it at you. the trees are real and they do have dna. and if a big ole sapling hit you going about fifty miles an hour itd hurt. So avoid nine foot tall myths that snap trees and throw em in your direction, as the trees are real and would really hurt. my psychologists says I am better now, and I know things are just myths...figments of psychological bullshit big ass words. leave me alone, i dont want no myth, its just a illusion, but the trees hurt, a lot cost a lot to go to a pyschologist dr. insurance dont cover it, big deductionalble and all

  28. I go with eons of recorded history, Bigfoot wasn't invented in 1950.

    It does exist, and proof is on it's way. Level headed people like myself are patient. Nay Sayers only attack facts.

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