Illinois Cop Uses Gun To Free Deer [Pretty Graphic]

I'm not a religious man, but God Bless this Illinois police officer for freeing two antler-locked bucks by shooting at their antlers. The officer told The Daily Mail that the bucks were may have been struggling for a while and would have died if they were unable to free themselves.

From Daily Mail:

The officers discuss potentially having to put the animal down due to possible injuries during the scuffle though no update on its condition was provided.

“Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources law enforcement officers are periodically alerted to these types of instances. While not common, it happens,” the department said in an email to MailOnline.

“Fights among male deer are common and occasionally their antlers become entangled. Sometimes the deer are able to free themselves…sometimes not, and in those instances we have found deer which become locked together and perish before someone comes along to find and possibly free them.”

Reaction to the video posted by the department’s Facebook page is varied with some crying animal abuse and others praising the sharp shooting that potentially spared both animals’ their lives.


  1. Second is a first that is one post too late :)

  2. Deer Shawn, that was a great video. My Aunt Lers said the same thing happened to her when she was a Can Can dancer in a bar. No matter what the Buck stops with that officer. That was GREAT shooting. My oldest son said he has seen that before, my Veni Son said he had never seen it happen

  3. Shawn - maybe you should start a second blog just for stories like this!
    You could call it...let's see.. I know!
    "Not Bigfoot Evidence"

  4. That's a good confident shot with a live animal mere inches away from the aim point.

  5. Guns and the 2nd Ammendment are for Tyranny.

    History is replete with Slaughters across many countries by Tyrants. - Ben Shapiro & Founding Fathers

    Pol Pot Cambodia
    USSR Eastern Blok Soviet Union



    This was a Public Service Announcement

    Good Night

    1. Thanks God Ben Shapiro is speaking the truth.

      Intelligensia, Professor or Politicians of today can't compare to the Founding Fathers in the System that they created.

    2. I'm lost are you saying you're pro or anti guns

    3. Ken: pretty nice shootin.


  7. Did anyone read some of the comments on the UK site on this? Some dude who claims to support PETA said the officers should have "comforted" the deer before shooting. Yeah, go pat a deer on the head and say it will be all right during the rut. Make sure you put some doe scent on first. There are very few people who might be able to walk up to deer and free them.

    Others said to use tranqs etc. I wonder if tranquilizers would have killed a stressed out deer. The shots work fast. Both deer ran off. Both were shook up and that one that stumbled may have a neck injury from the fight. Can't really fault the guys for the method. I might have just bagged and tagged both for the freezer had I seen it during hunting season.

  8. They probably thought the same thing I did till I read the article I actually thought the cop shot the one deer so I think it's people ignorance to read before forming an opinion

  9. Follow-up has shown that generally both deer will die due to stress.

  10. ye a 2nd thread called usual youtube shit sounds more vivid and to the point i think,t hs to be said it was good shooting. to shoot at antlers at he same point with a hand gun andnot kll them animal is some shooting
    just aint for bigfoot site. lets face it this is bigfoots biggest EVER week.make or break. we are either away to gt melbas paper validated and erikson is going to release bigfoot 'smokin gun' film. so what does bigfoots premier site show,a cop showing him seperating two antler, very odd decision


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