Breaking: Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Paper Previewed in DeNovo Scientific Journal, Embargoed Til 2/13 (Updated #3: full text available again)

Here it is folks. The Holy Grail of Bigfoot research right before your eyes. We're just going to leave it up to you to decipher what could possibly turn the scientific world upside down. Skeptics, go thaw some crow right now, because this is going to blow your mind.

Apparently, there's a glitch on that's allowing us to access Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA manuscript (Update: Preview only). Don't try to access with your desktop computer, because the glitch only works on mobile phone. Ketchum's paper will be published in Denovo Scientific Journal and the press embargo is being left tomorrow, February 13, 2013.


New Research Paper Published Friday Shows Homo Sapiens/Unknown Hominin Hybrid Species Extant in North America
DALLAS, February 10th

A team of scientists will publish their five-year long study of DNA samples from a novel hominin species, commonly known as “Bigfoot” or “Sasquatch,” on Friday February 15th, 2013. The results suggest that the legendary Sasquatch is extant in North America and is a human relative that arose approximately 13,000 years ago as a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an novel primate species.

The study, “Novel North American Hominins, Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes and Associated Studies,” was conducted by a team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology. The team, led by Dr. Melba Ketchum of DNA Diagnostics in Nacogdoches, TX, included Dr. Pat Wojtkiecicz, Director of the North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory; Ms. Aliece Watts of Integrated Forensic Laboratories in Euless, TX; Mr. David Spence, Trace Evidence Supervisor at Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences; Dr. Andreas K. Holzenburg, Director of the Microscopy & Imaging Center at Texas A&M University; Dr. Douglas G. Toler of Huguley Pathology Consultants in Fort Worth, TX; Dr. Thomas M. Prychitko of Wayne State University in Michigan; Dr. Fan Zhang of the University of North Texas Health Science Center; and Sarah Bollinger, Ray Shoulders, and Ryan Smith of DNA Diagnostics.

In total, 110 specimens of purported Sasquatch hair, blood, skin, and other tissue types were analyzed for the study. Samples were submitted by individuals and groups at 34 different hominin research sites in 14 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. Ketchum’s team sequenced 20 whole and 10 partial mitochondrial genomes, as well as 3 whole nuclear genomes, from the samples.

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) comes from mitochondria, energy-producing organelles in the cellular cytoplasm, and is passed down on the maternal lineage across generations. Nuclear DNA (nuDNA) is the genetic information contained in the cell nucleus and is the equal combination of DNA from the parents of an individual.

Initially a skeptic, Ketchum implemented strict protocols to ensure the scientific integrity of the study. DNA samples from submitters and scientists working with study specimens were obtained for use as controls. DNA was extracted from samples using forensic procedures to prevent contamination. Forensics experts examined the morphology of the submitted hair samples against known human and animal samples before beginning DNA testing. “We soon discovered that certain hair samples--which we would later identify as purported Sasquatch samples--had unique morphology distinguishing them from typical human and animal samples,” says Ketchum. “Those hair samples that could not be identified as known animal or human were subsequently screened using DNA testing, beginning with sequencing of mitochondrial DNA followed by sequencing nuclear DNA to determine where these individuals fit in the ‘tree of life.'”

After extensive forensic controls to prevent contamination, mtDNA testing of the Sasquatch samples yielded fully modern human profiles. Sixteen haplotypes indicating 100% homology with modern human mtDNA sequences were observed from 20 completed whole and 10 partial mitochondrial genomes. The human mtDNA results are consistent with prior, unrelated mtDNA tests of purported Sasquatch samples from other laboratories.

Next-generation whole genome sequencing with the HiSeq 2000 platform by Illumina was performed at the University of Texas, Southwestern on one tissue sample, a saliva sample and one blood sample to produce 3 whole genomes. In contrast to the mtDNA which was unambiguously modern human, the Sasquatch nuDNA results were a mosaic of novel primate and human sequence.

“While the three Sasquatch nuclear genomes aligned well with one another and showed significant homology to human chromosome 11 which is highly conserved in primates, the Sasquatch genomes were novel and fell well outside of known ancient hominin as well as ape sequences,” explains Ketchum. “Because some of the mtDNA haplogroups found in our Sasquatch samples originated as late as 13,000 years ago, we are hypothesizing that the Sasquatch are human hybrids, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.”

Hominins are members of the taxonomic grouping Hominini, which includes all members of the genus Homo.

“Novel North American Hominins, Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes and Associated Studies.”

Authors: Ketchum MS, Wojtkiewicz PW, Watts AB, Spence DW, Holzenburg AK, Toler DG, Prychitko TM, Zhang F, Bollinger S, Shoulders R, Smith R

Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Exploration in Zoology. 11 January 2013.

Specimens yielding DNA were obtained, purportedly from elusive hominins in North America


  1. I always knew this day would come.

    The magical beast has been proven to exist!

  2. will people please comment on this? I see only 4 comments, let's get the ball rolling here people!

  3. Replies
    1. Ken: wow that is something to scratch your head about now isn't it.

  4. Rick Dyer is apparently FB/FB researcher of 2012.

  5. Interesting. Are we certain Denovo is a credible source of scientific research?

    1. I did a quick google. It seems they are.


    2. Open your eyes people, it's true and now proven, way to go Melba your a bigfoot hero. Now protection of these wonderful creatures.

    3. There is a link with this thing too. Dyer has a link for his movie. I am smelling something.

  6. This supposed scientific journal doesn't appear to have published or existed before this Ketchum issue.

    Shawn, I hope for your sake you're being facetious when talking about skeptics eating crow. Within the next 24 hours, the latest hoax in the Ketchum hoax will be thoroughly explored and exposed.

    1. the website for this "journal" was apparently created a week ago! WTF??

    2. And these are nothing?:

      Authors: Ketchum MS, Wojtkiewicz PW, Watts AB, Spence DW, Holzenburg AK, Toler DG, Prychitko TM, Zhang F, Bollinger S, Shoulders R, Smith R

    3. I wouldnt say they are nothing, but to put their credentials into prospective, my wifes Anthro professor obtained her degrees from MIT and Ucla and her Phd from Ucla. If one of these contributers to this study had this background instead of North Texas University and Wayne University, I would be excited.

    4. This is a brand new website with no history of actual publications. I can find no record of this being a real "Journal" or any past issues or papers they have published. She has just created this as a way to fool the naive into thinking she has been accepted by a real peer reviewed journal.

      Registered through:, LLC ( Domain Name: DENOVOJOURNAL.COM Created on: 04-Feb-13 Expires on: 04-Feb-14 Last Updated on: 04-Feb-13

    5. At 8:45, That is where they are teaching, not where there degrees are from.

    6. I understand that. My point is why are Doctors from low tier universities performing pier reviews on a study that could shape the way we look at the evolution of apes and humans? This could be the missing link! If this study had an ounce of truth you would have studies at major anthropology and medical universities like, Ucla, Harvard, Northwestern, and Stanford.

    7. Wonder if they turned her down so they could save face. We know very few people in the science world want bigfoot associated with them.

    8. Unless its true and can be verified with scientific evidence. If you had absolute proof of a great ape in North America that is in between a chimp and humans you would be the discoverer of the missing link of evolurion. Any scientist would want a part in that.

      My opinion is she was shot down by a few more respected scientist and then lowered her standards.

    9. I think her stuff was not even read. Just rejected outright.

    10. Exactly. Because she's Melba Ketchum. Enter Dr. Sykes. Everyone will read him. They'll have to, because HE IS LEGIT.

  7. They self-published. Have at 'er JREFers and Cutino.

    1. Skeptics can't have at it because they haven't self published anything as of yet. Matter of fact, what I'm seeing looks highly suspicious. stay tuned

    2. BUCKLE UP Those seatbelts people!

      For this?

  8. Shawn, you're supposed to be a techie, right?

    Get a load of this. "Denovo Scientific Journal" was created 8 days ago.

    Sure, this is a legitimate journal.

    Registered through:, LLC (
    Created on: 04-Feb-13
    Expires on: 04-Feb-14
    Last Updated on: 04-Feb-13

    Domains By Proxy, LLC
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    Technical Contact:
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    Domain servers in listed order:

    1. good work, she would of got away with it if it weren't for those pesky kids...


    2. I knew it was too good to be true!


    3. Self-publishing can be a viable and respectable route, since of course there is mainstream resistance to this study and the results.

      Calm down skeptards.

    4. You believe in bigfoot monsters, yet you're calling rational minded people "retards."

      That's rich.

    5. LMFAO, she's ousted. A fraud, a hoax, a crazy cat lady with crystals around her neck.

    6. The registry company is the same one that was used to create the fake bigfoottrakerllc website, Domains by Proxy. They are a anonymous registry company used to hide the source.

  9. Replies
    1. I'm spanking it with a thumb up my ass as we speak. I luvs me some Melba

  10. Can a person get sick from shit under their finger nail? Hard to wipe with all that bung hair, ya know?

  11. Could understand Jref'ers but why would Cutino have at it? If this is legit (I'm not holding my breath) he'll probably be happier then anyone getting footage near that Sierras site. Him and Tyler H are to be commended for getting that Sierras tissue tested and be willing to share results publicly. They didn't do the testing, their labs did.

    Where do these idiots come from

  12. This journals server is so slow, I things its running windows95. And Safari keeps crashing on this site only om my Iphone.????????

  13. I didn't think that the Ketchum affair could get any more pathetic and sad.

  14. That was it? Melba had her chance, and it's now ruined. There was not a shred of evidence in that "groundbreaking peer reviewed study".

  15. ^ Yeah well, so she was taking forever and who knows what was going on behind the scenes. The paper is out there so lets read it and pass it around. Sometimes you have to break down the door yourself if no one is going to let you in. So roll up the sleeves and tear it to shreds.

    1. Uh. According to Ketchum's story, "yhey" let her in. And the assorted ascientific debris was rejected after review.

      According to those in the genetic research community, she never actually submitted anything to any body of note. Nobody in the word of genetic research ever saw one word of any Ketchum paper.

      Put down the pipe and stop believing in fairy tales.

    2. Let go of your (&%^ and stop bleeving in invisible bicycles, will you?

  16. They have two other DNA tests out there one was a Yeti hair from Destination mark off being human.....and MonsterQuest Snell lake screw board.....Sasquatch DNA one mark off of human and identical to the Yeti whats the big deal here....We have to catch one...the US Military already have....

  17. Does it count as peer reviewed if you self-publish?

    Like, if you have multiple personalities and they all review it? Or you have a few of your dozens of cats review it? Or the voices in your head?

    1. Yes, I believe that does indeed count. (In the bigfoot world)

    2. Look supermoron 8:29:

      Authors: Ketchum MS, Wojtkiewicz PW, Watts AB, Spence DW, Holzenburg AK, Toler DG, Prychitko TM, Zhang F, Bollinger S, Shoulders R, Smith R

      Alright? Peers.

    3. It appears to me that she self-published. It's not her co-authors' fault, but IMO she muffed it.

  18. Interesting FACT, I googled the Dr's listed on the paper and they are all REAL people at the places listed in the posted document. They a published and experts in their fields of interest, so all you dumb ass trolls and skeptics can KISS MY ASS...and oh yea, Shawn is still a Jack ASS and Phil is a fat ass idiot living in his moms basement!

    1. whoa! You drink more cool aid than I do!

    2. Well according to JREFers they are all sharing Melba's brain.

    3. Authors: Ketchum MS, Wojtkiewicz PW, Watts AB, Spence DW, Holzenburg AK, Toler DG, Prychitko TM, Zhang F, Bollinger S, Shoulders R, Smith R

    4. If I was one of her coauthors I would be PISSED that she published in a new (ie. suspect) "journal." That will taint the work!

  19. Can anyone actually access the paper on their phone? Preferably not anyone anonymous?

  20. If it is reported by the Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Exploration in Zoology does that mean the paper has been verified in some way or is that just an announcement for the consideration of the correct nomenclature?

    1. Only that they have verified it's existence, but if mentioned as a true journal, or just as science reporting mag. Big difference in respectability.

    2. This journal also appears new and with no record of previous publications.

  21. My name is Victor and I live here in Arizona.
    I'll be serving Crow all this weekend to those who scoffed at us researchers.

    1. Victor, how will you serve crow if you can't evaluate her work? Wait until a few actual scientists review it, if they do, and then weigh in. Just sayin'

    2. I think your being a little premature with that crow Victor. As the post above me stated, her findings will have to be verified by the scientific community as a whole and I don't think it will result in the conclusion that you and others are hoping for. Of course should it be discredited then the cover-up stories will commence and the believers in her findings will continue to tout her paper forever.

      It's never over until the fat sasquatch sings (for real).

  22. Buckle up and eat crow skeptics .Oh and one other thing GET A LiFE.




  24. By citing Texas A&M and Wayne State University researchers, these are credible organizations who can be fact checked, scientists interviewed, etc. With these researchers on the team, it isn't just about Melba anymore.

    1. That is a very important overlooked fact. great post.

    2. Yeah the skeptards kept talking like it was Melba all by herself! Well they were wrong!

    3. I hope the skeptics are on the phone/email to all of these researchers as we speak. I sincerely mean that.

    4. Correction: A&M & Wayne State, along with other labs, conducted some of the tests and sequencing upon which Melba builds her hypothesis.

      I predict that by COB 2/13, a bunch of PhDs are going to be pissed that they're cited as "authors" in this kook fairytale.

    5. Not really, they did the testing. The Mel did the erroneous interpretation.

    6. At 9:01, they are listed as "authors" that carries weight in the scientific world, they will be fully conversant with the work.

  25. Pictures or it didn't happen. (like bigfoot riding a bike or something)

    1. Skeptards bleeve they ride invisible bikes.

      Don't you ever forget that.

      May we have pictures from the skeptards or it didn't happen?

      Fair is fair. Skeptards, let's see your invisible bicycles now!

  26. Replies
    1. A new mutation that was not inherited from either parent is called a de novo mutation.

    2. It's a car line that was cancelled by Buick.

  27. When this study is approved by peer-review and gets *mainstream* academic press coverage, not just in shady unknown journals, then I'll believe it. Not everything in life is a conspiracy!!! :P

    1. Wake up. Mainstream is biased against this subject, and invested in the non-existence of Sasquatch. They are totally invested in that belief. So sit around and wait for mainstream approval, or read the God damned thing for Christ's sake!!!

    2. There's always an "out" with you people isn't there? I'm guessing this is how it's going to go down. This paper will not gain acceptance because of the samples used and the interpretation of the data. Then of course the mantra will be COVER-UP and you believers will forever refuse to accept the EXPERT'S opinions. I have to wonder just how involved these other people listed with this study really were and if they had full knowledge of their part in it. I wouldn't know what the hell I was reading anyway if I did read it so I will wait for those who are trained and knowledgeable in this area to judge it.

      I will believe IF it's reviewed and approved by the scientific community as a whole and not before but you and other fanatics will never accept it if they don't.


    3. I am unequivocal of your admission, you are guessing.

  28. Melba just made the skeptics her bitches .Way to go Melba .

  29. I would just like to say that my five year old daughter saw the pictures of that penis salimander yesterday while I was reading BFE. She woke up crying and screaming last night. "The big purple dinky snake is gonna kill me she said." And then, today I caught my twelve year old son looking at the tall and short ladies in bikinis and he was beating off! Honestly Shawn, the boy actually brought himself to climax on my ipad!

  30. Pffft, I had all this in my livejournal years ago. Where the hell were you guys ???

  31. Hey skeptics ....Bigfoot is real ...Just sayin

    1. Melba's a whack job and you have no monkey.

  32. And look at this:

    Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Exploration in Zoology. 11 January 2013.

    OK, Journal of Advanced Multidisiplinary Exploration in Zoology.

    That is a separate journal from the DeNovo. We have two journals here?

    DeNovo seems to be a one-off, special publication.

    Sykes will have some interesting bedtime reading come Friday, what lads?


    1. The other Journal is also thin, nothing about it anywhere.

    2. "Thin" is being generous.

      This has giant, red flags all over it and yet the followers of this sasquatch nonsense still eat it up.

      Just like that fake film taken by that two-bit criminal Patterson and that tall-tale huckster Gimlin.

    3. 9:04

      I'm not being generous in saying you are the dumbest skeptard who has posted today. Congratulations. PGF has evidence of real non-human creature. The sooner you get over it, the better for you, and for us.

      Go get a date with Bob Hilarious. Maybe he can wear his suit for you.

    4. Met Bob Gimlin once,bet you wouldn't say that to his old cowboy face, well not without a sack to carry home your teeth anyway. And I'M A SKEPTIC, IF A HOAX, HE WAS HOAXED AS WELL.BELIEVE THAT IDIOT.

    5. I would love to meet Gimlin in person. I could persuade a confession out of him within thirty minutes.

  33. Registered through:, LLC (
    Created on: 04-Feb-13
    Expires on: 04-Feb-14
    Last Updated on: 04-Feb-13

    H O A X

    Minus a few more points to the hoaxer for doing business with godaddy.

    1. Bigfoot is real ...Get over it and get some sleep your gonna need it the next couple of days ...Just sayin

    2. H O A X = AGREED.

      I gave up on this broad a couple months ago.

      I'm following the Dyer hoax lately, it's more interesting.

  34. Bigfoot is real .. just sayin

  35. How's traffic Shawn? BFF is down for 'scheduled maintenance" LOL

    1. all those gifs sweaty spammed them with finally ate up the last of their bandwith

  36. Give it up for Dyer, He's the man of 2012, and soon to be the superman for 2013 and forever, ha!!!!!!!!

    1. He deserves that award. I thought he was gonna cry! That was amazing, what an American icon!

  37. Agreed Nadia. let's see something validating her work before people start spitting out how others are going to eat crow. as a researcher myself I'd like to see something other then self publishing at this point before getting excited.

  38. Yeah yeah Nadia we figured that out ages ago...there are other signatories onto the paper who appear to be real people. So they self published and there it is. Let someone take the challenge and scrutinize the data.

  39. Hey skeptics .. Texas A&M Just sayin

    1. Did you see any PHD from that university sited in the study?You can rent the facilities at such institutes.

    2. Yeah impressive. A school that specializes in Agriculture and Machinery! Unless Jonny Football did the review it means nada.

    3. Thousands of eye witnesses ..Just sayin

    4. what r u just saying, their all crazy, is that it?maybe,just sayin.

  40. From Andreas K. Holzenburg's LinkedIn account bio,

    "Microscopy and imaging in life and material sciences and at their interface. Electron microscopy/crystallography/image analysis (3-D reconstructions etc.) of complex macromolecular assemblies in the fields of bioenergetics, genome structure, medicine, and bionanotechnology."

    1. Now that's impressive by any standards.

    2. Yes, and it appears she WASTED his outstanding credentials by publishing in a fake journal!

    3. If his name has been included as an Author without his permission, he could force a public retraction and might have grounds for a civil suit. So could any of the listed Authors. Is she desperate enough to risk that many times over?

  41. Since there IS mainstream resistance to this subject, I think you are being too hasty, madam.

    Self-publication may be the only avenue, given the subject.

    You may be asking too much.

    I suggest you read the paper before dismissal.

    And I suggest you refrain from kneejerk dismissal once you read it.

    You have to face that there is mainstream resistance to this subject which could interefere with mainstream publication. You have to face and deal with that, and deal with independent publication.

    The beauty of this is that if the peers said No, we still get to see the paper. There is absolutely no sense in siding with the mainstream academic journals if they are already biased against this subject. That is a waster, a waste of time.

    Why would you use, as your measuring stick, the journals which are dead set against this idea from the get go? Why why why? You will never get the basic truth that way.

    Let's let this happen.

    Authors: Ketchum MS, Wojtkiewicz PW, Watts AB, Spence DW, Holzenburg AK, Toler DG, Prychitko TM, Zhang F, Bollinger S, Shoulders R, Smith R

  42. We'll see if any of the Docs listed endorse her interpretations. I'm pretty confident saying no. Additionally the Mel probably wont release her testing results so it can be examined or verified.

  43. There is another journal referenced at the bottom of the press release: The Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Exploration in Zoology.

    That could be the one who publishes it.

    1. Could you provide a link to the highly prestigious journal :)

    2. There are to many names of scientific based universities as well as serious Individuals mentioned to be scoffed at literally. This should be looked on seriously prior to total dismissal.

    3. That's not a journal per se. It appears where you enter a submission for the name of your discovery. I presume that that action is forcing science's hand by forcing that the paper be reviewed.

    4. Yes, Mr Nally, I posted on the same topic above.


  44. Shawn, you are so easily fooled it's amazing you made it this far in life.

  45. Open minds people, another piece of the puzzle maybe in place. Replication by Sykes may seal the deal.

    1. Yes, that would be great, unless Sykes receives a "shut up" visit.

    2. Replication by Sykes is the ONLY thing that will save this study.

    3. Sykes will have the same problems Ketchum did. This is all interesting, but too scientific for the average person to understand and be convinced by. Sasquatch body still needed for proof.

  46. Hey skeptics.... Thousands of eye witnesses .Just sayin

    1. The word is "skeptards".

      That's S-K-E-P-T-A-R-D-S

      This word has been coined to describe the emotionally unstable lunatics who strut their pathetic asses around bragging about being rational, logical, scientific, and the like.

      People who profess such qualities are the most emotionally violent and virulent of all personalities.

      Therefore, they are skeptards.

      These are the people who say you live in your mom's basement, that you receive violent homosexual sex, and they are those who claim they "made love" with your mother.

      Nice people?

      That's why we call them skeptards.

      Everyone, please, these are the skeptards.

      Idiots with severe PGF-itis who refuse to look at the evidence in the PGF.

      Drooling, jaw-dragging, incoherent, developmentally challenged, emotionally stunted, fools.

      These are the skeptards.

    2. I have seen the pgf suit. DeAtley and I have a mutual colleague through the wine industry.

      It is definitely the suit that was used in the film by Roger Patterson. No doubt about it.

      Case closed.

    3. I can always tell when posters from the BFF are over here because they repeat the same crazy shit that they say over there.

    4. Sort of like Teabagging Republicans.

    5. I've seen the suit too but it's a different one than the other guy saw. He's mistaken, but I am certain the one I saw was the real PGF suit. Case closed.

  47. the skeptards will be eating crow shit by the shovels tonight. ENNNJJHOOOYY!!!!!!!

    1. Only if Dyer produces a body. This paper won't prove anything.

    2. Yep. No matter how convincing this paper is to people who understand all the DNA stuff, most people will just shrug. A body needs to come forward... or some VERY clear and unmistakably real video. Personally, I don't think researchers are up to the task of producing it. They just aren't thinking with the right combination of cleverness and extreme paranoia to allow such proof to come into the public eye. Either the sasquatches will evade them, or the government will intervene. The chances of proof coming forward are almost nil, even though these creatures do exist...

  48. LMFAO! She is launching the website that her manuscript will be on. That means a real scientific journal didn't accept it. LMFAO, morons!

    1. 9:35, congratulations, though you have been vying for position in the ranks of the supertards, to escape the humdrum of basic skeptard existence, you have surpassed those qualifications to attain the level of:

      Monarch of the Morons

      Don't worry, your accession to this respected position has been thoroughly peer reviewed by your peers.

  49. Yes, 9:20......thousands of
    CREDIBLE eye witness accounts.

    1. Which taterhole are you? DWA or Mulder?

      Your mantra has a certain stench of familiarity.

    2. The scary thing is that DWA and Mulder's comments are taken seriously (by some anyway) over at the BFF. If Melba's findings are not accepted by the scientific community that they hate so much it will make absolutely no difference to them - they have already accepted it years ago. Everyone who doesn't accept it unconditionally are fools to them.

  50. She launched the website for her manuscript. LMFAO! This means NOT a damn thing in the grand scheme of things you miserable morons. A real scientific journal DID NOT accept her work.

    You idiots thought she had something? I told you years ago this shit would happen like this and it did. Peanut brained degenerates.

    1. Please stop drinking while commenting, 9:38.

      It will do wonders for your grammatical accuracy and vocabulary.

      I promise.

    2. Counter it 10:06......You got monkey? Melba has self promotion because she failed to get her paper published in a reputable scientific journal. She has to launch a website of her own. Like in said years ago, this would all end up as a big self promotion at best. Of course that's exactly what happened.

      Now, show me the magic monkey......Can't you self promote us one?

  51. Suppressing this work is all about "the economy stupid." I never imagined Bigfoot to be anything but an Anerican gorilla-esque creature, if what she is saying turns out to be true, the outcry to protect more federal lands will be huge and the resource depleters will have a total meltdown. This could cause real chaos on Wall Street. Of course, I am not saying she is correct in the humanoid aspect, but even that the animal exists scientifically, as an animal sacred to so many native peoples, the call to protect land from development and destruction could be significant.

    1. ROTFLMFAO, you idiots are as bad as the UFO nuts and MIB visits.

      Just another convenient excuse because Bigfoot STILL and never will exist. You best deal with that reality now or die a lonely old man or woman believing a fairy-tale at 80 years old,

    2. I saw the "fairy-tale" 2x as a kid before I even knew it had a name. I never told anyone back then because I wan't supposed to be so far back in the woods because of the "wild man" that was supposed to live back there. Took me years to realize that the creature I saw and heard and smelled were one and the same. It happened in a plain, ordinary rural place where no one would have bothered to ever run around in a monkey suit.

    3. At 9:46, Excuses? I made no excuses.

    4. That's funny, 9:46. There is a bigfoot plain as day for an extended period walking and walking and walking for you, giving you evidence and evidence and evidence, in the PGF.

      How interesting you say bigfoot doesn't exist.


      I think it would help you if you removed your skull from the hole in the ground, and whatever other close, dark, tight spaces you may have inserted it into.

    5. You're saying the magic monkey man will never be acknowledged by the gubbermunt as existing because it will cause economic crises.

      That is just ANOTHER excuse no matter how you slice it. Show me the monkey.

  52. I am ashamed of how this entire project has been handled. So many hard-working people depended on Dr. K ---- the people who collected the samples, the people who have supported her and the people who worked with her on the study itself. To see it end up as an apparent self-publish with so-called journals with no history is an affront to the legitimacy of the peer review process. I wanted to see her succeed. Instead, she has made this project into a laughingstock. It is up to Sykes now. If his findings support hers, then perhaps something can be salvaged from her study.

    1. Yes, only thing on the thread so far that was worth reading.
      There's nothing wrong with self publishing per se at this point, if that is the only way to have this study made public. At least it can be read by people who understand the intricacies of DNA coding, which I am pretty sure excludes all here. But the websites and names seem deliberately deceptive. Ralphie boy said this would all come to tears months ago. Did you listen to him? if you want to find out why all paranormal research like this seems doomed to continual hoaxing and confusion, read The Trickster and the Paranormal, by George Hanson. It will explain all.

  53. Shawn Don't You Dare Take This Down !!! Freedom of Spaech and Press my man !

  54. So in reality, what we have is:

    1.) Melba self promoting her manuscript (like I said she would do when she failed)

    2.) No "real" credible scientific journal published her manuscript.

    3.) Melba is launching this website with her manuscript HERSELF.

    Well, nothing new here. I told everyone years ago this is how it would go down and IT DID.

    Now we just wait on her to release the footage she has acquired from Erickson and its full circle like I thought.

    Self promotion = FAILURE. The goal was to get Bigfoot recognized as a species in a credible scientific journal and there is NONE.

    Only self promotion.

    1. You know who else was a self promoter? Roger Patterson. Ergo ipso facto ad hom powerslam Melba's report is real by comparison.

      Trust me. I'm Mulder and delusions of bigfoot are the least of my problems. I will bleeve unconditionally because I have to and because your science is flawed.

      I cherry pick my science, so I will never be wrong.

    2. Skeptards:

      The kings and queens of cherry picking of science evidence.

      Super people, aren't they?

      They are never happy, those skeptards.

      Put a lid on everything, they love it.

  55. Well well well! I thought Big Foot was real!! Im sure it will take a month to sort aort this out, I mean this isnt the report its the synopsis of the findings right? Hey lots of interviews to follow, and into to be reviewed. Skeptards you will get your chance. Us believers will get ours too. Big Foot is a smart SOB if we find hes actually real! Good luck to us both and come out swinging!!

  56. Why can't you all haves civil discussion about this publication? Whether you believe or are a skeptic, let's all please prove hthat there are humans that visit this site.

    1. Here is all of the discussion you need in regards to this trash heap.

      In reality, what we have is:

      1.) Melba self promoting her manuscript (like I said she would do when she failed)

      2.) No "real" credible scientific journal published her manuscript.

      3.) Melba is launching this website with her manuscript HERSELF.

      Well, nothing new here. I told everyone years ago this is how it would go down and IT DID.

      Now we just wait on her to release the footage she has acquired from Erickson and its full circle like I thought.

      Self promotion = FAILURE. The goal was to get Bigfoot recognized as a species in a credible scientific journal and there is NONE.

      Only self promotion.

    2. Here is your guide book to the world of skeptards and skeptardia:

      The entire repertoire of the skeptard is thus:

      1. You are retarded.

      2. You live with your mother.

      3. I had sex with your mother.

      4. You have homosexual sex.

      5. Therefore (for some reason) there is no bigfoot.

      Isn't there anything else on the menu, skeptards?

      For all the skeptards' ostentatious ass-strutting, they produce no science, and waste endless hours trying to prove a negative. I would like them to remove their asses.

      This is playground-level stuff.

      They show time and time again this is all they have, which is nothing.

      If your only argument involves the arguee's mother, domestic arrangement, the arguee's sexual preferences, and your sexual preferences, why don't you take it elsewhere? Remove your asses.

      Skeptards preen and prance, bragging about their logic and science. Yet their argument is that because the arguee is gay/lives with mom/arguer has sex with arguee's mom/arguee is retarded, therefore there is no bigfoot, is illogical. It doesn't follow a rational progression. It's irrational.

      You'll notice in life that the people who always pontificate about what is rational and irrational, are the most irrational and emotionally unstable of all. They are driven by what they hate about themselves: being irrational, emotional, illogical. The self-loathing of these qualities powers their constant speech-making about what is rational, logical, scientific. It's a drive.

      It's simple hypocrisy. It's the irrational, the illogical, naming others irrational, illogical.

      It's a bit weird too that some of these male gay sex cracks come from a female skeptard. Why the preoccupation or obsession?

    3. Here's your bottom line on the big news in the world of the foot:

      In reality, what we have is:

      1.) Melba self promoting her manuscript (like I said she would do when she failed).

      2.) No "real" credible scientific journal published her manuscript.

      3.) Melba is launching this website with her manuscript HERSELF.

      Well, nothing new here. I told everyone years ago this is how it would go down and IT DID.

      Now we just wait on her to release the footage she has acquired from Erickson and its full circle like I thought.

      Self promotion = FAILURE. The goal was to get Bigfoot recognized as a species in a credible scientific journal and there is NONE.

      Only self promotion.

      DEAL WITH IT.....

  57. Well well well! I thought Big Foot was real!! Im sure it will take a month to sort aort this out, I mean this isnt the report its the synopsis of the findings right? Hey lots of interviews to follow, and into to be reviewed. Skeptards you will get your chance. Us believers will get ours too. Big Foot is a smart SOB if we find hes actually real! Good luck to us both and come out swinging!!

  58. I appreciate it. I really do know more now than I did 15 mins ago. And it's now more obvious than ever Melba "Wannabe" Ketchum was simply taking advantage of the 'it's magic' perception of DNA science to confuse and mis-characterize the unglamorous realities of such in her lame attempt at becoming 'rich and famous'. On the con-man's list of favorite cons: Baffle 'em with a subject high enough in sophistication (whether viable or not) that they eagerly allow the con-man himself to decipher it for them.

  59. If you look at MK's Facebook page, it says right there that the Genome website is a new web site being launched to disseminate info. According to Robert Lindsay, and elsewhere I've seen, the journal itself is the Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Exploration in Zoology...

    1. LMFAO, yeah, why don't you take the time to do some research on that "journal". LMFAO.

      It should be a quick investigation.

  60. A team of scientists will publish their five-year long study of DNA samples from a novel hominin species, commonly known as “Bigfoot” or “Sasquatch,” on Friday February 15th, 2013. The results


    that the legendary Sasquatch is extant in North America and is a human relative that arose approximately 13,000 years ago as a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an novel primate species.

    Suggest. Not prove just suggest? What kind of horse puck is this? Unbelievable!

  61. This is an extraordinarily bad turn of events. This journal actually doesn't exist -- it's a website created just a week ago, according to records. If this is all she could do, create her own "journal" and post her paper, then this says volumes about the quality of the work.

    I hope the true believers really appreciate this: I'm an academic but I'm not gloating about this; I think it's tragic, actually, that someone would play with people's hopes this way for several years. But please understand, it's not blind skepticism to point out the obvious. This isn't what was hoped for, not at all.

    I don't know what would drive a person to lead people on this way. I honestly didn't think it would all end this way.

    1. I could see straight through her from the: Grade "F" BBB rating.

  62. Science and scientists alike have snubbed their nose to the research of sasquatch for as long as I know. I give credit for Melba for assembling a highly qualified team, and for giving a platform for future studies to go to. Sasquatch is ground breaking and deserves its own journal! I would not give a sniff to any "white collared" journal, that think they are so above "sasquatch", any chance to make any money off of this. The science will speak for itself! If it doesn't, we will all find out soon enough. Good for her, and her team of scientists, doctors and universities that have put their name behind this!

    1. I respect what you're saying, but please understand: the journals -- the real ones -- are precisely where the science speaks for itself. Science is not conducted in a vacuum; it requires the scrutiny of your peers. That is the essence of peer review. The Sykes study clearly shows that conspiracy theories are unfounded: "science" (as if it's monolithic!) will gladly look at BF evidence ... but whether you're investigating a flower or a 7-foot hominid, you have to respect good scientific procedure. Clearly, Ketchum and her group failed in some significant way in this respect.

    2. Sykes study was tipped off by "someone" that they (Melba) had actually found something in their study. Next thing to do, would be to start your own you are the most prestigeous DNA scientist in the world.


      -someone with validity with-in the Ketchum circle tipped off Sykes.

      -Sykes starts his own study to be the hero.

      = bullshit science!!!!

  63. Mainstream science IS insular, almost to the point of xenophobia. They need to be shaken up sometimes, even rolled over.
    But that doesn't make Ketchum any less of a tattooed carnival barker. The method of this "publication" proves it again. It fits her usual slimy M.O.
    If Bigfoot DOES exist I assure you it won't be proved by Melba Ketchum. So relax! The Sykes study is on the way, and you can bet he won't be publishing in a fly-by-night journal or selling tee shirts.

  64. Gosh, I hope the government arent involved at all, cos you know what happens when they get their NWO oars in !

    1. what a ridiculously paranoid statement. shouldnt you be watching fox news or a tea party convention somewhere? or hold up in a bunker with you gun collection?

  65. so no HD picture of "matilda" or smeja steaks etc.... is it just me or is this a sham?

  66. Too bad there isn't some kind of captcha system here to keep people with IQs below about 90 from posting. There'd be far fewer posts, and it would be worth reading.

  67. When it is published in an established reputable scientific journal then I'll believe it. Anything less, including self publishing masquerading as a "journal" = fringe bullshit. And no legitimate science is not all a giant conspiracy.

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  69. the recent GoDaddy commercial during the SuperBowl was pretty darn close to an "male of unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens"

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