Athletic Sasquatch Clears The Gap [Breakdown]

Here's a look at FB/FB's analysis of an adult Bigfoot scampering around in the slender branches of a nearby tree. This was filmed by TimberGiantBigfoot 2 years ago but still a great video. How many confirmation points can you spot?


  1. Replies
    1. Big, hairy people that can zap you with infrasound and also control your mind.

    2. They also live in a parallel universe that we don't know about.

    3. And love blueberry bagels and braiding horse manes.

    4. "They are a type of people" superb Ketchum reference. Is that you stank ape? If so great work and keep trolling those footers.

    5. No, his brain is puny compared to mine.

    6. They are a type of people that like to hitch rides on trains, yet they are not hobos.

      They also use trains to migrate, so be on the lookout in the next few months. Set up your bigfoot watching station, near northbound train tracks, about mid-April.

    7. They are a type of people that don't always eat Bagels, but when they do, they're blueberry.

      They also like booberry cereal.

    8. They are a type of people and you can't shoot them, because hey, you don't shoot people.

    9. They are a type of people that don't use tools or make fire.

    10. They are a type of people that always get wet, when it rains.

    11. They know when cameras are around and turn themselves super blurry or put on wranglers!

    12. They are a type of people with light emitting eyes.

    13. They are a type of people that are racially biased against hairless people.

    14. They hang in the plains of South Dakota and Oklahoma but are usually super shy and hang in their stick structures.

    15. They are a type of people with subterranean castles.

    16. They bury their dead, cover their tracks, and collect their poo.

    17. They are a type of people that can change their physical shape, at will.

    18. They are a type of people whose DNA sometimes indicates they are horses or bears.

    19. They are the type of people that appreciate lovely gift baskets.

    20. They are the type of people that obsessively avoid people except when they decide to raise their family on the property of people without cameras or reasonable intelligence.

    21. They are the type of people that will rip your face off, if provoked.

    22. They are the type of people that can run faster than cheetahs but never do so when other humans are watching.

    23. They are people who can't type...

    24. They are the type of people that can't resist the squeals of little girls or the reflection of the flat screen tv in single wide trailers.

    25. You are tearing the competition to bits Shawn. Awesome job!!


  2. Seriously?! It's a leaf on a twig ffs.

    What's the story on FB/FB involvement in the latest Dyer hoax? Have they been named and shamed yet?

    1. ^Correct, but if I really use my imagination, it's definitely a Bigfoot.

    2. If you consider bleevers in 10 foot/600 pound apes and their association with a pregnant wife beating, car stealing, eBay scamming, Bf hoaxing, husky sized narcissist to not be shameful enough... Then no.

    3. I'd estimate the 10 footers to be more like 800 pounds.

    4. My apologies sir, you are correct.

    5. Is it possible these 800 lb bigfoots have 50 lb children ..Just sayin

    6. I can't prove it false.... So I bleeve! Argue with THAT skeptards!

    7. How to connect FB-FB to the hoax......the only way I could think of to do this would be to get facebook concerned about a possible future mainstream media headline:

      "bigfoot hoaxers use facebook to con thousands of fans..."

      then a facebook techie could maybe determine if the back and forth between fb-fb and musky allen was done from the same computer, then out fb-fb as being part of it.

      kind of grasping at straws, all I could think of though, and reporting someone to facebook is a bit of a lame move, like ratting someone out to the cops.


    8. ^You need to get out of the trailer more.^

    9. Just cause its a double wide, doesn't mean it has double wide doors to fit through.

    10. 50 lb jug heads on the younguns'

  3. Replies
    1. Squirrelfoot hunts the somber wood, the metallic copper tin smell of blood wafts upon the air. The leaves of man disintegrate underfoot, bush tailed vengeance like a field harvested.

    2. The bleevers are so damn frustrating. Now I hate bigfoot. I applaud all hoaxers and those that would use bigfoot's head for the Olympic torch.

  4. My worry is that all Skeptics view those of us who see Bigfoot as at least a possibilty as being cut from the same cloth as these FB/FB clowns :(

    We musn't lose our sense of humor though.

    Confirms on: Bigfoot is a Monkeys Fan.

    "Then I saw it's face, Now I'm a BLEEEEEEEEEEVER"

    1. No we realize the difference between evolutionarily-improbable, incredibly intelligent, trail cam avoiding magic ape bleevers and the FB/FB crowd. Lots of respect.

    2. Go to BFF and tell them "Bigfoot as at least a possibilty". They don't tolerate fence sitters, unless your name is cervalo, their favorite lap dog, make believe skeptic. You'll be chopped up and spit out, before you know what hit you.

    3. If you give them facts such as Bigfoot don't exist they rage ban you.

    4. Tell them you're a fence sitter and they'll gang-rape you.

    5. At least they know the best way to deal with your brand of mental deficiency.

    6. ^^There's one of them, now.

    7. I have found BFF to be very open minded. I have made several statements regarding the possibility of a collection of false data that leads to a false conclusion. I have been treated with upmost civility and respect. But if I do need a quick laugh, BE is the place to be! I will say I have seen some new folks join and think they can treat BFF like a barroom and the wonderful moderators do not allow disrespect, filth and ge deal stupidity. Skeptics are welcome! Just be civil.

    8. Bunch of clowns at the bff don't even realize the habituation thread is just the bff getting trolled.

    9. Put that in your gifting basket and smoke it.

    10. The steering committee is not amused.

    11. Sasfooty: Why couldn't they speak English? Some of us speak more than one language.

    12. The Habituation thread is quite interesting. There are lots of bold claims. IF it is being trolled then I suspect the Mods are quite aware. I would even go so far to say that even while being trolled, if the 'suspect' is following the rules, then all is well.

      Those who are truly interacting, whether through the giving of gifts, or subtle communication (house knocks/taps) or even the far-out mind melds are still researching, if nothing else than researching raccoons stealing bagels. Even the purported 'trolls' are doing the same thing. No harm, no foul. Life will go on. We will read the posts, you will snort, I will guffaw. Please join us over at BFF and join the conversation.

    13. Because people are leaving up outta there, in flocks. Their only replacements are fringe wackos.

  5. Pwned like Mulder in the dark

    1. I understand Mulder's condition is the result of a traumatic hoaxing. Anyone know the details?

    2. Boyscout camp, 1966. Scout master with hairy legs and arms tiptoes into a young boys tent and....I can't go on...

  6. What ever happened to that on-line radio show that had a caller say he gots film of mammy bigfoot with a youngin'? I what update jethro!!

    1. Just like everything else bigfoot-related, it's all about the tease and what's to come.

    2. Aaaah...a little of the old slap and tickle, eh? Lay it on me ya hairy bastard!

    3. You'll get nothing and like it!

  7. C'mon Phil, it's the smarter squirrel theory. You are squirrel, didn't you know?

  8. Phil says all Bigfoot are 800 lbs ..Like all bigfoot start out being born at 800 Lbs. Phil do ya thank bigfoots might have 100 lb children .Or are you realy this dumb ... Phil says every bigfoot is 800 lbs LOL ..just sayin

    1. ^Well, they are born stealthy and immune to the dangers faced by small critters in the woods.

      See the problem?

  9. I bet you bleevers are the same delusional people that believe in god.

    1. Phil says bigfoots are all 800 lbs how much does god weigh ..just sayin

    2. Yosef Greenstein: "I do not believe in God. I KNOW there is God."

    3. Me too i know there is a God ...Just sayin

    4. ^^and bigfoot is his namo

    5. In my opinion, the FB/FB analyst, and MK Davis, were separated at birth and now fate has brought them back together again to render their similarly astute analysis, that are the end result of two slightly different approaches. FB/FB appears to utilize an inspection through rose colored glasses that applies a North African head in the sand technique, whereas MK Davis utilizes photo contrast manipulation that is accented with overexaggerated adjectives.

    6. I know there's an FSM, and your god is fake. Mine is true. He cured my eczema.

    7. To the OP, yes most of these footers believe in Yahweh and are trained to be credulous dolts.

    8. I believe in transcendent something outside of space and time and the universe is an unknowable causality of its unfathomable essence. We can only know Him via the negative-"God is not this cup of coffee, God is not this bag of weed...."

    9. Well what a coincidence! I bleeve in Bigfoot because he's unknowable, unfathomable, and can only be known in the negative.

  10. Can't wait until Fall to see all the LeafSquatches change their pretty colors.

  11. So we've had bagsquatch, owlsquatch, bearsquatch, stumpsquatch and now leafsquatch. Any others?

    1. Samsquatch, Marthasquatch and Franksquatch.

    2. Rugsquatch, wookiemasksquatch, possumintestinessquatch, bulkycoatsquatch, and birdsquatch.

    3. the rarest of all imaginary critters.

  12. I've known people like Phil my whole life. You know he's the type that ALWAYS has to have the final word on everything. There is a line between skepticism and pathology and this bloke has undoubtedly crossed it.

    1. I've only known that type of person briefly.

    2. Phil Is not a skeptic he has a agenda .Its almost like he cant stand bigfoot being real or he is getting paid by someone to spend his life trying to get people not to believe in bigfoot .

    3. I wasn't necessarily claiming he is skeptical about BF in general, I was talking about his obvious need to one up everyone else who does breakdown videos.

    4. Well when some "experts" confirm a squirrel as a bigfoot, a true breakdown is necessary.

    5. Phil Is not a expert ..Just sayin

    6. O.k. Napoleon dynamite .. Just sayin

    7. That must be the Squatchmasterbater commenting on how Phil is just Jelous of Timbergiantbigfake. Squatchmaster has even begun to use Timbergiants intro as his own, he must have an alter in the bedroom. Both are nothing more than a Joke and Big Hoax !

  13. I agree with Anon 8:12 " a leaf dumbass"

  14. Confirms:
    Coned head, all over auburn color, risepausefall BOOM, Ostman pads, gray on face and palms of hand, cupped hands, observing from strategic position, arms 60% of the um total body hieght

    This is the face of a real living breathing Sasquatch looking straight at you. I can't imagine how the filmer must have felt. that's very very powerful.

    To find out more read "You Are Sasquatch" By Jack Barnes and Jeffrey Anderson. Skeptics have no answer for this book.



  15. team tazer is so bad we have to be tricked into watching there crappy
    vidoes . what a bunch of neo - nazi loosers

  16. I'll bet people who link bigfoot and God in the same sentence and then proceed to bash both are simple minded a-holes who love to try and incite trouble and inflict suffering and don't have much to offer any other human being.

    1. I bet you believe in both and feel much better inside now that you have set up your straw man and knocked him down.

    2. Its good old fashioned trolling. Ignore it, or join in on the goof. For all we know, the newly retired pope could have left that comment just to break balls. Everyone needs a hobby....

  17. Now, THAT was a classic breakdown! LOL!

  18. I have said from day one the two masters of Deception were Timbergiantbigfake and his side kick Rexx Dutton !! But NO Jim is an honest guy we can trust and so is Rexx they are Super Nice Guys !! Got some Ocean front property tell sell ya in Arizona !! LoL You go Phil its about time somebody started pointing out the Hoaxer from Canada !!

  19. Why else do think Dr Buyagagel never went back after a couple of visits to see Timbergiantbigfake ? It's because he seen that the guy was NUTTS maybe that's why the Squirrels follow him around.

    1. You dam right! The guy is a bigtime hoaxer, sometimes he films near African Lion Safari AND around The Kilman Zoo in Hamilton, to get strange sounds...get this, African Lion Safari has a campground in the back, for overnight visitors.....very suspicious.

  20. in fb/fb desperation for cash theyve fallen into bed with Dyer.unbelievable,truly why woud any person believe Dyer,him of the greates BF hiax ever[pg excluded] says he has shot a BF.One witness to the ody a nobody.why didnt fb.fb bother to go hemselves.

    theyve been called out as idiots so many times they have lost all credibility o at=re looking forone last pay day before they r forced to call it a day

    12 year olds hoaxing them,then posting film to show how easy it was,whilst fb/fb post a video with confirmation was a guy in a mnkey suit with oads.its on youtube how they did it.noretraction of course from fb/fb,ust ignore that little FACT

    Now we have a squirrel on topof the other clear hoaxes they confirm on

    self appointed experts. almost as laughable as dyer claiming to have a body!

    please erickson come through with film thats reported or this gig is up

  21. Sad thing is that there are people out there that sent this Timbergiant guy money to buy a HD camcorder worth over 2000 dollars and still havnt gotten a clear shot from him. He took down his YouTube Channel "Old Driveshed" because he didn't want people to see his collection of vintage motor cycles and tractors. Now all he does is flaunt his bling bling that he bought for himself or his wife. He even stopped showing his high dollar mountain bike because a viewer noticed that it was one that cost about a grand. He has everyone fooled and is laughing all the way to the bank at us stupid Americans !

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