The Philosophy of Bigfoot Evidence - Show me a Bigfoot man!

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo. You can join his Facebook group, Sasquatch Lives? or follow him on Twitter @Sasquatchlives1.

“The situation in which I would properly be said to have evidence for the statement that some animal is a Bigfoot is that, for example, in which the beast itself is not actually on view, but I can see plenty of Bigfoot-like marks on the ground outside its retreat. If I find a few hair and skin samples, that's a bit more evidence, and the noises and the smell may provide better evidence still. But if the Bigfoot then emerges and stands there plainly in view, there is no longer any question of collecting evidence; its coming into view doesn't provide me with more evidence that it's a Bigfoot, I can now just see that it is.”

The quote above is from a paper written about the philosophical views of evidence for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy cited from part 3 “Evidence a Guide to Truth: Evidence as Sign, Symptom, or Mark Quoting J.L. Austin, Sense and Sensibilia”. In the original quote, the author Austin used a pig as the animal. I made a few adjustments to apply his quote to the subject of Bigfoot. Now basically Austin was making the philosophical point that evidence, using a biological example, is not enough to say that you have seen, heard and smelled the creature in other words the real evidence is the physical body-- in this case, the body of a Bigfoot. So we can tell stories that we see, heard and smelled a Bigfoot but the reality is if we do not show tangible evidence which everyone can see, touch, and smell for themselves its value is just one dimensional and incomplete as evidence.

So the ending of 2012 brought to us the Ed Smith story and code words “We have Daisy in Box”. Then the players started to deploy their words full of truth because people just do not make things up! As the story started to develop more interesting and intricate post of their science and tech to apprehend the beast has been brought to light about the inner most secret team in the Bigfoot world, Team Quantra, who was part of the original 0-6, whatever that means. Ok… where the hell is the proof! The evidence should be HD video, photos of the Bigfoot Daisy being examined and prodded on a examination table so we can all shut our traps and say… Damn! Team Quantra really has something!

Now some say if they had a specimen of a live Bigfoot they would do the same thing as this supposed Team Quantra, which for me does not exist. Unfortunately, I do not take peoples words as facts. Why you may ask? Because the Bigfoot world is full of stories of captures, bodies, and kills of Bigfoot. Others may say... should anyone have to ask someone else to prove anything? My answer to this is, people want to know and have a right to know damn it! So many shams, so much misinformation and lies are part of the Bigfoot world that it’s time for real truth and real evidence! When will this madness stop and the rational transparent flow of evidence rise to the top of every ones professional and ethical views.

Another year has gone by in this quest for the truth on the existence of Bigfoot. It was filled with many disappointments and at times crazy claims of half human/hominid procreation and FB/FB confirming another video that they say its right under the Patterson/Gimlin film of top Bigfoot videos of all time (sigh) which is related to a known hoaxer from the 2008 Bigfoot in a freezer box claim. Will 2013 end the cloak and daggers game and skullduggery the Bigfoot world is infested with? Or will science finally prevail with the Dr. Sykes DNA study possibly proving the existence of an unknown species of hominid? Only time will tell some can say, but we are now at 44 years and counting, for whatever reason the existence of Bigfoot seems to become more complicated as science advances in this Bigfoot unconventional world.

Part of this article sited from, Kelly, Thomas, "Evidence", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)


  1. Replies
    1. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    2. Golly-Garsh neighbor! Nyuck! Nyuck!
      Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    3. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    4. There's something strange going on here.

    5. I'm so bright I know that bears exist.

      I am so educated I am capable of telling all of you halfwits that bears exist.

    6. Argh matey! There's something going on in them there woods, it may be a BARE!

    7. I bleeve in science.

      I bleeve I bleeve I bleeve.

      I do I do I do.

      Science science science.

      Nothing but science.

      I bleeve totally in all science, and all scientists.

      I bleeve all they tell me.

      A scientist never lied.

      A scientist never hoaxed.

      A scientist never faked.

      Scientists are all super-awesome.

      I totally bleeve 'em.

      I love 'bleevin'.

    8. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five.

      Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have THICH, THICH, THICH, THICH high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    9. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    10. Yeah Timmy, the problem is that science becomes a religion for some. Then it really requires "belief" and not proof.

    11. To all Footers:

      That is the last refuge of the most delusional. I saw it so it's real. If it were real thousands of people would have seen one or shot one or captured one by now. 15,000 years (according to Ketchum) and not one shred of physical evidence. In 15,000 years? Come on get real!

      Please break it down, I'm listening.

  2. Replies
    1. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    2. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    3. Cleared to land Big Foot, have tin foil waiting for you. You can purchase it by the yard or we offer custom tin foil hats, of any size or shape. Even a stetson!

  3. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    1. It's all about you!

      Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    2. Bigfoot is Bullshit is 'Pinkfoot Cindy Schall Shafer'.

  4. Yes that is very true. As science advances Bigfoot becomes more complicated. You can't keep in fooling people like you use to. Not in the face if science and all it's technology. Did you think it would turn out any other way? At least the ghost people make up new fangled contraptions to fool people with. Aren't there any Bigfoot evp devices out there?

  5. There's no point getting so stressed out about there being no evidence. We know they don't exist so just sit back, enjoy the ride, it never gets dull with some of the stuff the bleevers come up with.

    1. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    2. Just bleeve, ur tin foil hat is waiting

    3. WARNING:



  6. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    1. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

  7. Frankly, nothing exists but me.

    The rest of you are 'toons.

    1. Big Foot doesn't believe you exist, no matter what we tell em. I've offered him a tin foil hat, but he's delusional

    2. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    3. ROTFL! You guys crack me up!

    4. Don't crack. Want a tin foil hat, my professor handed them out to us in case we met people like you! LOL!

  8. Finally!!! A common sense artical posted on this blog! This has become a total clown fest. The so-called scientist involved in this have to be (or soon to be) a mochary to the BF community as a whole. FB/FB has found its own way of becoming "just part of the hoax." To proclaim real evidence from a known hoaxer is to promote the myth and keep naive people funding their livelyhoods.

  9. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    1. Dude, it wasnt was Fasano. Didnt you see the taxi in your front yard?

  10. But but but we can't show you a Bigfoot, they don't exist.

  11. By Genius:

    That is the last refuge of the most delusional. I saw it so it's real. If it were real thousands of people would have seen one or shot one or captured one by now. 15,000 years (according to Ketchum) and not one shred of physical evidence. In 15,000 years? Come on get real!

    You may feel free to BREAKDOWN my comment.

    1. Wow you Are the original poster that's amazing

    2. No I am and it was just a comment but they say immitation is the highest form of flattery. Like someone else posted we have evidence of australopithecus, Neanderthals being that are much much older, but nothing for Bigfoot...

  12. Damian was right in the thicK of Bigfoot lies in 2012. When are you going to tell the truth, Damian? Fasano didn't hoax you, it was you being a pissy girl because he posted videos before you.

    1. Tell the truth. Start the year with a clean slate and maybe somebody will let you research with them again.

  13. Shawn, you have a deranged lunatic dominating this site. Get rid of them now.

    1. It's the same fag posting over and over.

    2. Anon 11:12,

      You would be DEAD WRONG about that BULLSHIT. The ONLY reason I read this site is to laugh at all of you insufferable buffoons known as believers. I akin your group to a cult. The similarities are striking. I can't get enough of analyzing the ineptitude displayed by you and your "brethren".

      I mean its NO WONDER at all that criminals/con-men are so successful. As long as there are resounding dipshits like you around, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

      I need not worry about my entertainment ever coming to an end because when this "Daisy in a Box", Ketchum, Smeja and Dyer facade ends soon, another, yet astronomical comedy is sure to take center stage. Subsequently I wager that degenerates like you will be lapping it up, as usual.

      Footer mentality is the epitome of impasse entertainment.

    3. You are one mentally retarded person^R

  14. So, you folks think will ever hear anything again from Ms. Melba Ketchum and her band of merry researchers? Or is everything back in court of the Crimson King?

    1. Don't you know? She is now a clothing designer. She has an entire line of Samsquanch clothing. I'm gonna get the furry Bigfoot slippers, they are so cute.

  15. Damian Bravo and most of the others calling this a hoax with no evidence that it is, clearly cannot be objective researchers and are an embarrassment. Making concise statements that this is a hoax is as irresponsible as saying that this is the real deal.

    I just hope none of you fools consider yourselves 'real' researchers.

    1. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    2. Are you aware of where the burden of proof lies in all this? There are those that claim that bigfoot is a real, living, breathing animal. To date they have provided absolutely no proof of this and hoaxing of bigfoot and bigfoot evidence is rampant. You have only to look back on the posts in this very blog to see this. In 2 months time Daisy in a box, the London Trackway, the White Bigfoot, the Provo Bigfoot, the Ketchum "report" will all be forgotten and someone will still be trying to make those who have made no claim prove that their wild belief driven nonsense must somehow be proven false. Please look up Russells Teapot and think about it.

    3. Nobody ever agrees with this lunatic unless it's himself posing as someone else!^

  16. Dudue, are we reading the same article, where does he say that somethig is a hoax? Are you talking about this part,"It was filled with many disappointments and at times crazy claims of half human/hominid procreation and FB/FB confirming another video that they say its right under the Patterson/Gimlin film of top Bigfoot videos of all time (sigh) which is related to a known hoaxer from the 2008 Bigfoot in a freezer box claim."

    He did not say its a hoax he is saying its from the same source of the person that commited the 2008.You need to put own your reading glasses man!

    1. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

  17. QUATRO ALERT: The Donkey is at the gate. Do not engage, I repeat, do NOT engage. Analyze situation in foot stealth mode, report back to main command center with report.

    1. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

  18. Cryptocrew scooped you guys. They just posted photos of Daisy on their site. Hard to tell what it is, but it's something big and hairy.

  19. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

    1. What's a crosswing? Perhaps you mean crosswind?
      Well you're just a dumbass, ain't ya?

  20. Bigfoot you are cleared to land on one-niner-five. Light crosswings at 15 mph. Be sure to keep your flaps up. Bigfoots have flaps, don't they? Or was it pouches...I once saw a bigfoot in a sombrero steal a pair of thich high panties off my neighbor's line. Swear to Golly-Garsh!

  21. lmfao Munns Report thread has been locked cause the bleevers don't know how to play nice with each other.

    They don't have Kit to vilify anymore and Tontar's kicking their asses with solid logic. They're turning on each other like rats on a sinking ship.

    1. The gig is up,I repeat,the gig is up!!!!
      No suit!!!

      Kitakaze said "To all the community of people I have come to know in the field we call Bigfootery:

      I have passed out of this field of interest. I have agreed to give what things I have found in my studies to Bill Munns, him being the person I deem most worthy to take over the investigations I have done. I have endeavoured to enter into the foreign service of my country as a diplomat using my language skills and knowledge of foreign affairs and history. Bigfoot is always for those whom pursue it, a deeply abiding interest, but not one I can any longer devote the same interest to. I wish those who pursue the mystery the best of luck. Sasquatch is a part of the Canadian identity, albeit one which is mythical. Should through the efforts of Bill Munns, or any others in the field, this become something other than a myth, I would be deeply thankful".

      HAHAHAHAHAHA....That's what I thought.....NO SUIT...HE CHECKED OUT ON ALL HIS JREFERS...LMAO!!!!!

    2. we know suits exist, what about bigfoot? got monkey?

  22. Holy fuck! Get some kinda lives.. hahaha. Fuckin long winded water heads.


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