The greatest Bigfoot documentary in history is streaming free online in February

We said it once, and we'll say it again: "The Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching", a Bigfoot documentary by Greg Newkirk, is one of the most interesting Bigfoot documentaries to date. Tim Holmes, the star of the film, is real, and his guns and the Bigfoots he hunts are just as real. Holmes recently released a diatribe about getting canned by the new $10,000,000 Bigfoot bounty show slated for Spike TV. If you haven't see it, click here.

Greg has all the information on his website, Don't forget to check it out after you watch the clip below:


  1. Replies
    1. Amen to that, footers sure are dumb. Borderline mentally disabled infact. 8 foot monkey men running around north america.... LOL

    2. When one's mental inadequacy causes them to waste their life in frivolous pursuit of mythical critters then they are in fact mentally disabled. There's nothing "borderline" about it.

    3. If believing in what you and others have seen, is mentally disabled, what do tell does that say about those who ignore all the evidence and then go onto bigfoot websites and troll the comments section?

    4. But you haven't seen a bigfoot and neither has anyone that claims it and deep down you know it.

    5. Thank you Anon 4:45. I'm glad someone has been listening to what I've been saying for months. All delusion is self-delusion and delusion is never complete. Though they repress it, the footers do in fact know their wrongness. That is the purpose of this blog; it is where footers come to reassure themselves.

    6. Anon 4:35: First of all, people who think Sasquatch exist do not think they are monkey men. Most think they are either apes or humans, so not ape men either. Monkeys are small primates that are neither apes nor humans, so please try to know what you are talking about before you say it. Secondly, I know many people who think Sasquatch exist and are great people. Your comment was rude and not true. It was also extremely rude as you were insulting those who actually have mental disabilities, who are still great people! That was not an attack on you, I was simply correcting you and I do hope that you have a nice day.

  2. Yall are all wrong, more like TATERHOLE!!!

  3. Why did mulder cross the road? Because he was told Ketchums report was at the other side.

  4. Why did Ketchum cross the road? To take a blurry picture of a couple of sticks.

  5. You footers want scientists to look into the topic so bad well guess what they fucking did and you know what they thought about the topic? They thought it was retarded. To start with the idea is absurd. No sustainable food source for an 8 foot primate especially when taking into account no hibernation. To top it off there is zero yes ZERO evidence. Deal with it suckers.

    1. *mechanical voice*
      Yes, it is true. I have done considerable computations and have determined the belief in Bigfoot to be retarded.

      -Stephen Hawking

  6. PSST: The Movie is in the Box, The Movie is in the Box

  7. Replies
    1. It appears to be mocking footers.

      -Carmine Tanfoglio

  8. Yeah - you boys go ahead and make fun of me and Melba. you know - we have feelings too. It's hard coming here and seeing such disrespect after she has worked so hard and I have hoped for so long. You'll see (sniff) it won't be long (sob) it will becoming out soon - very soon - boo hoo hoo.


  9. Well Bobo and co are not as stupid as they look, scrub that Bobo is even more stupid than he looks, but at least he is making money by keeping this myth alive, what would they be doing if they were not on this show... Matt would still be scamming tourists with his bigfoot expeditions, ranae would be testing water in streams and setting fire to old people in wheelchairs or whatever it is that biologists do. Matt would be in a home for the mentally disturbed and Bobo would be collecting his welfare check and his dead mothers social security and spending the money on trucker hats and peanut butter

    1. Sounds kinda Squatchy to me man....

    2. Okay, as the only skeptic here (that I know of) with an actual biology degree I think I should point out that most biologists do not light old people on fire.

      Oh, and it's impossible to be as dumb as Bobo looks.

      -The Arch-Arsonist of Inferno Land

    3. I stand by my original statement, i am not a biologist, but i read about one that set old people on fire and assumed that is what they did.
      Do all biologist wear glasses and have little fashion sense?or are those the ones that set old people on fire and get excited by looking at naked flames in the lab.
      There was an old man who lived in our street we called bigfoot because he wore a built up shoe... Very funny... not the old man but his shoe..
      Find me on youtube debunking bigfoot... brianbrowers

  10. Maybe these footers will get lucky on day and catch a retarded bigfoot that won't put up much of a challlange.

  11. Footers are crazy? What about you people who seem to know that they don't exist....oh, and I'm sure you all know the answers to all the other mysteries in the world....who spend all your time on here trying to set all the "crazies" straight! If you're all so smart why the crap are you out doing something productive instead of sitting in front of your computers every minute talking about your tater holes and your penises? Stay the hell off bigfoot sites if you dont' believe....they don't need to be "policed" by you mental giants!


  13. The Patterson gimlin video is the best evidence, and for me proves the existance of something very interesting that should be further explored. At worst its a person in a suit ,meant only to deceive. At best it reveals a creature that is greater than ourselves. The video is remarkable none the less. It is a conundrum.this mystery provides dialogue that I believe is essential for civilization to grow further. The most hardened sceptics deep down want this mystery to be true.

  14. The video depicts something that is 7"4---7"8. The way it walks is similar but completely unlike human locomotion. There is a bulge on its right thigh that is visible with every step. Couldnt see that through a suit. All and all it appears to be a large bipedal hominid that is clearly walking away from something that has spooked her. I challenge anyone to disprove that video


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