Team Quantra's Technical Capabilities Revealed

*Photo above is not the captured Bigfoot.

Thanks to Rob Gaudet for publishing this post by current MABRC member, Randy Harrington, on his blog, Sasquatch Unlimited. Harrington made the following post on Facebook earlier today regarding Team Qauntra's Bigfoot tracking capabilities and how it's possible that they may actually have a Bigfoot in their possession:

I have refrained from saying too much, Because I did not want to muddy the waters. The fact that I am an MABRC member means you will give me little to no credit for saying this, But I will say it anyway.

Ed Smith is a real person. I have visited with Ed Smith, Had dinner with him. Got an in depth look into their operations down in Oklahoma. I did see some evidence that secured for me the fact that Ed was into something big. The limiting factor for most researchers to not be successful, is funding. Even the big money researchers like BFRO are woefully underfunded. Ed Smith and his group does not have that problem.

The scale of their operation would boggle your mind. It involves leasing lands and long term 'hands off approach' with their set-ups. Engineered triangulated sound towers to locate precise locations of tree knocks and vocals. 24 to 36 ft angle iron towers topped with the type of thermal camera's you see on the bottom of helicopters, with the ability to zoom in for a mile or more. Ground sensors placed in area's of observations of travel, along fences etc. all fed into computers to give real time feed back as to whether or not something walking is bipedal or quadruped. fed back at the same time a thermal video is taken. Then after a video was taken, while the image was still on screen, not moving the thermal camera's they can overlay a man standing in the same spot for size comparisons. Some of the video shots also resulted in hair, tissue and even blood from briars found from the travel path of the bigfoot.

Ed was the first to show us how to collect samples and document. First, you video the whole process, use packaged tweezers, packaged q-tips, and rubber gloves to take samples and bag them and seal the bag. All video taped.

In the beginning, some of the labs would not have taken on the job of DNA study without the video showing how the samples were retrieved and not contaminated.

The details go on and on...It all started years ago when these 6 guy's who were all friends, were in college together. All working on higher degree's. One night they were discussing things as young men do, and the topic of bigfoot came up. To make a long story short, 3 of the 6 men had encounters with a creature we know as bigfoot. Ed's encounter is quite amazing, as he was hiking alone along the Illinois river in North Oklahoma, I believe he encountered 3, and got hit in the back by a rock from a squatch standing knee deep in the river while he faced the other two....he vacated quickly back to where his vehicle was parked and was escorted as some people are when they have a wooded encounter. Because of the sighting by 3 of them, they started playing around with the idea of why there has been no evidence....much like we all have pondered. After college at some point they put their plan in motion, Lots of money ( i believe a trust fund was some of the money used)

They initially had a 10 year plan, Ed Smith got ansy, and wanted to replicate their findings from their research with other researchers in different locations...they needed this as part of the scientific process. Ed started posting to the MABRC and revealed to us what they needed. So we tried to help. This was 4 years ago.

So people ask WHY? is the MABRC who Ed chose to contact. Well, because it was located somewhat close to where Ed lived, had 200 researchers they could have help to replicate their experiments. You can't really belong to a group and not develop friendships, so that is where we have progressed to now. Ed was always the one pushing to share their info to get to where they wanted to get to, after 10 years he was getting tired of the 2 week stretches in the command trailers on location ,manning the thermals and computer equipment. The other 5 guy's were not as eager to share as Ed was. So they clashed sometimes about releasing content. So then this past year there was a change of business plans, Ed was tired....and then all of a sudden, here we are with what has transpired.

I am sure some will not be happy with me sharing this. I hope it gives you a better understanding. believe me when I tell you, this is only a speck of the depth of all they have done and documented, I just can't put it all down in an appropriate timeline. You will just have to be satisfied...surely some here have read some of the Ed Smith threads of research over at the MABRC.

[via Sasquatch Unlimited]


  1. It’s more likely that a large bipedal primate roams North America undetected then that any footer has money.

    1. They would make a lot more money if they released any real evidence of an indigenous N American you can know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that this story and any others peddling Bigfoot "evidence" are total, absolute bullshit. If it existed, someone would have brought one forward.

    2. As long as money can be made, bigfoot will live on.

    3. there are billions of large bipedal primate roaming North America .just we call them humaans now

    4. Ed Smith has appeared on radio shows, and he's more knowledgable than pretty much anyone I've come across. Those recordings are online. I'm sure they will appear here soon

    5. Bigfoot is Bullshit says that he runs 6-8 miles a day in the NW making more money than everyone else on this blog while living in a trailer house with his old lady waiting to travel the world. Bullshit! He is a liar except his trailer!

    6. More BS to try to gice cred to this gut. PROVE YOUR CLAIMS ALREADY, ED BS SMITH if u r eal.

    7. Now THAT’S an infraction!

      -the spelling, grammar, and syntax police

    8. Anon 7:46 : Bigfoot is Bullshit is a girl, she admitted herself recently. So I guess that made up story about the trailer you just pulled it out of your ass.

    9. I beleive that is bigfoot is bullshit but bears are real you are thinking of. This dipshit just calls himself bigfoot is bullshit.

    10. I guess it was the wrong Bigfoot is Bullshit.

    11. People, you’re missing the point. It doesn’t matter if Bigfoot is bullshit/Bigfoot is bullshit but bears are real lives in a trailer/shanty with his/her wife/husband/mom and runs/sits on his/her ass for 6/8 miles/kilometers per day. What’s important is that no one who believes in Bigfoot is smart enough to make any money so the claims that Quantra is comprised of wealthy doctors, lawyers, and businessmen are highly suspect. The average footer is a bum/hobo who visits this blog at a public library while they try to stay out of the cold so as to not aggravate their tuberculosis.

      -Lieutenant/Rear Admiral Logic/Reason of Reality/Common Sense Land/Lane

    12. Sooo. which douch bags are going to be first to win the prize of best hoax? Rick Dyer and Minnow films or Team Qauntra and MABRC (MARBC for the promotion of it all).

    13. I nominate Melba "mind rape" Ketchum the notorious cat vet and questionable brisket cook because she actually got people outside of the bigfoot community to pay attention to her, if only for a little while. She was, after all, on the news.

  2. So why are they not sharing information and advancing this field by divulging some info of this supposedly capture? I grow suspicious when the info is only released on this site and by 2nd hand sources.

    1. Because you wait till you have a shitload of info, then post it all at once. That's how you get recognized. It's also easier to make money from a larger compiled piece of work. These people posting vids and stuff get nothing. It's all about recognition.

    2. BS anon 6:08. if this was real they would not be dealing with Ed Smith. he is a Hoaxer.

  3. Sit an wait. Nothing else to do. Making accusations is tempting, but what proof does anyone have one way or the other? Sit and wait. Truth will out.

  4. Replies
    1. Bigfoot will eat your brains

    2. And then shit them out, smartly.

    3. Are you kidding? It will be absolutely hilarious if some group comes out of left field and steals the thunder from this cast of clowns.
      Especially a paramilitary profit-driven organization. They would hate that.

    4. We're working on it.

      -The Sinister Six

    5. Not if weve got anything to do with it

      - W. Wonka and the OmegaOoomplaLumpa7

  5. Where does he get the idea that the BIG money is in the BFRO?... and that the BFRO does research? the BFRO had lots of toys for awhile, while Wally Hersom was funding them, but when he stopped in disgust, almost all the toys... thermal imagers, night vision, etc, began to "Get Lost', "Stolen from the back of my car","Never arrived in the mail", "Dropped it in the woods" as Investigators helped themselves. Not much is left... and it certainly is not used for research, it is used to draw suckers to the BFRO "Expeditions" which put $300 per person in Moneymkers pocket.

  6. Eddie Smith and the tard team need to cut this shit out. Their hoax fell flat on its face on day one; their continued bullshitting is just making them look douchier.

  7. Harrington? Didn't he play Snyder on One Day At a Time?

  8. This is all fake. Even Bigfoot is fake. I actually was quite intersted in this Bigfoot topic, one of the reason why I started visiting this blog, but after seeing the type of people that roamed this place I think is time to go away.

  9. This is bullshit. If you had a Bigfoot, why not alert the world right away? Why do all this hidden inspection B.S? Why? Because it's easy to cop out of this hoax....

    And yet all you footers will follow...LOOOL

    1. Actually I'm a footer and I called this story bullshit! Who the fuck are you talking about Moron. Are you that stupid to think most footers are following this ? Your on here more than anyone else! I'm lol at you Asswipe!

    2. Tough guy hiding behind your Anonymous name, you fucking coward.

  10. And Harrington made the exact same post on BFF on December 30th.

    Thanks Rob!

    1. Yup. Lifted directly off the Bigfoot Forum. Harrington begins by saying he doesn't want to 'muddy the waters' but that's exactly what he has done. He may have kept this thing bubbling for a few more days at least.


  11. Not saying that these people really have a sasquatch, but say they do. How much testing/research do you suppose would get done while being bombarded by all the media attention this type of story would bring?

  12. Not saying that these people really have a sasquatch, but say they do. How much testing/research do you suppose would get done while being bombarded by all the media attention this type of story would bring?

  13. Could that be a reaon for delayed release if someone really did catch a bigfoot, if they exist?

    1. The reason for the delayed release is because Bigfoot doesn't exist, it's as simple as that. Don't waste your time.

    2. If you are so positive that they don't exist, what logical explanation could you possibly have for being on a bigfoot evidence site every day of your life?

  14. I don't give a pickled rat cock what they are capable of doing.If you got a Squatch show the damn thing or shut up about it.

    1. Why dont you lay off the dope and straighten the fuck up hooligan.

    2. high getting ready to smoke some earwax.wahoo

    3. I want the Maniac in the steel cage brother! Whatcha gonna do?!!

  15. I am a Member of the MABRC,

    I am pretty sure one of the reasons it takes so long after capture to reveal, is because while the specimen is in lockdown, Lawyers immediately go to work through several agencies, like the interior department, Widlife parks, fish and game etc. and first secure LEGALLY the rights to ownership of the body/specimen.
    Even if letters and phone calls are sent immediately, it still takes time to make absolute legal documentation, and follow procedures to make sure the rights of ownership are given to those who captured it.
    All things are negotiable, even in government. Before showing where the body is to avoid some agency taking it under their own jurisdiction. Lawyers are needed to make this happen,time is needed to make this happen, THAT is why it will take a while post capture to reveal it.

    1. Bullshit. Call the media, massive coverage and then Scientists will be falling over themselves to get a look and a poke all while bidding wars start. The Gov excuse gets old.

    2. That is fucking stupid. If people keep it quiet then it would give G-Ment a more stronger hand in covering it up. Showing the world that they do exist will give them the best chance, letting the G-Ment keep them unknown and more of them will get hurt or killed by some dumb fucking rednecks.

      Show the world, and I guarantee people will be upset if they are hunted or captured, people will protest their mistreatment. But as always, greed is alot stronger and Americans are not known for their common sense or logic.

    3. The existence of Bigfoot proves that god doesn't exist.

    4. No it doesn't anon 8:49. Get a clue and lose the arrogance!

  16. He obviously saw the preiws for next weeks FB

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking--he saw the previews. I hope in Finding Bigfoot they reveal where the money for that operation comes from.

  17. I thought everyone was perfectly clear about not showing the G-ment anything until CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Wally and Meldrum get a good look at everything, signed, taped, and triplicated (is that even a word?).

  18. Rob Goulet is dead:

  19. Sasquatch's capabilities: Telekinetic HTML. They MAKE what they need.

    1. Nobody knows what you're talking about dude.

  20. Man i wish ketchum report or something would break open bf and stupid fuking posters can fuc@$( off once and for all. To "Bigfoot is not real" you are an idiot


  21. Who is this Rod Gaudet you may ask well there are several articles about this "Tea Party" advocate. Just go to "Really" "Seriously" and read up on Caps and Tr8ters. Wouldn't trust this guy if I was you he is pretty slick from what I have read so far.

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