Shawn Please Do A Story About Megan Fox and Her Belief In Bigfoot

OK. Here goes. Megan Fox believes in Bigfoot and...

...Believes that Leprechauns and the Loch Ness Monster are all real. Fox told Esquire magazine that there's "something" to these mysterious beings and they are "celebrities" in her mind. She says that Bigfoot distracts her from reality.

What's our opinion on this? She's kooky (because she believes in the Lock Ness Monster), but she's freaking hot. And also, this is a free country and she can say what ever she wants.

[via Fox News]


  1. Replies
    1. first to get a thumb up your ass!

    2. Actually it was your moms tongue and it was outstanding. the way, she told me she kissed you after the tongue taterholing.

    3. my mother doesnt have a tongue, but your daughter does. when I bang your daughter in the k9 position I always put my thumb in her taterhole then fish hook her with it. hook line and stinker. I call your daughter stinky tuna.

    4. And she calls you the lil' pecker that sucks the semen from her taterhole .
      Funny thing about it is you want crackers to go with the semen.Why is that?

    5. ETA-GOTTA go your mom wants to suck the shit out of my ass.

    6. pecker you white devils are a joke

  2. Shes got some ugly thumbs though.

    1. Yeah, I hear she's got nasty meat curtains too.

    2. Yeah, ugly thumbs are a deal breaker. (fucking faggot)

    3. ^^^Dude,don't be so tough on yourself.It's ok to be gay.

    4. Asking a girl if you can blow your nose between her boobs is not a good pick up line.

      Or so I've been told.

    5. I hate chicks with manthumbs....

    6. Homophobia is so last century.

    7. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


  3. I will break into Anderson Cooper's house and put onions in his pillow case!

  4. Note to self-
    Dump the big lesbian.

  5. Theres somthing on the hill !!!!!!!

  6. That isn't Megan Fox, it's Smellba Ketchum's new glamour shot. I hear she's trying to rebrand her DNA Diagnostics business and overcome that F from the Better Business Bureau.

    You skeptics just wait and see. The Forrestpeople have had enough and Smellba will be leading them into a New Age of Enlightenment. You're all about to get mindraped!

  7. Replies
    1. Yep. I was jackin off to that picture of you in the tiara with the green banana up your ass.

    2. Hey that shit aint funny! Non ripe bananas are hard! Besides I think you have me confused with Toons . He likes a small hard one up his butt and you fit the bill Hashy ! You two can play hide the tiny banana !

  8. She is hot, so much so the taterholes here seem to have lost their verve. Nothing like a pretty girl to cause brain deprivation of boys, she needs to go BFing with BoBo.

    1. Bobo, no, I could show her a real BAM-BAM in the brush!

    2. It's nerve not "verve" you retard. It appears that you've lost your ability to spell, or you never had it.

    3. BFing?
      Is that butt fucking?

    4. Actually Anons I did mean verve, and since it seems English your second language I give you this link:

      This word has been in use since the 15th century boys.
      And Yes, I do think BFing, in this context and conversation, probably should be interpreted your way, although not intended originally.

    5. Wow! Grasp for straws harder you retard. Next time you misspell while insulting people you should have the decency to slink away with your tail between your legs rather than trying to pull a shitty "I meant to do that". You’re a pathetic loser.

    6. You really don't know what verve means do you?

    7. And with the exception of newer technological words, or slang, that have arisen this century (or even the last) all our words date back more than a few centuries. That Merriam Webster link also pronounces the words for you. Use it, it belongs to all of us. Taterhole I don't think is in it though, as it is still just regional slang.

  9. Via Fox News?!! Well it must be true lol

  10. Why Shawn? Why? You’ve got no defense against allegations of “click baiting” now.

  11. Best piece of SnatchSquatch footage I've seen on here thus far. There is definitely 2 of um.

  12. Forget about hairy stinky bigfoot- I wanna find a Fox- of the Megan variety !

  13. I'd put it in her poop chute... again.

  14. Damn, that skank needs a sandwich, please someone give her a sandwich.

    I remember years ago, I ended up with a girl with a body like that, after a long night of drinking at a bar.

    We got back to her parents house and wound up in the finished basement, with the door locked.

    All I can remember about the experience is our bones bumping together, while I was bangin' it and this really creepy feeling that made me feel like I was givin' it to a twelve year old girl...really creeped me out, even though I wasn't that old at the time myself.

    Ever since then, when I see someone hot for a girl like this, only one thing comes to mind...pedophile.

    1. Shut up bitch. You're just mad that no man would fuck your fat ass. Quit trying to fuck with people. And go get your ass on a diet you whale.

    2. Ah, here's one of those pedophiles now.

      That or he likes to bang bags of bones.

    3. Hey, you can try to "talk yourself hot" all you want you dumb porker. It won't do any good. You're still going to be a whopping lard ass. The only guys who bang cows like you are frat boys who've gone hogging. And even then they'd have to be pretty drunk.

  15. She's been stalking me for years.

  16. I think BiB is better looking. :.)

    1. Bigfoot is Bullshit! Dick weed who still trolls this site. He pushes fudge pies with Hashy and Toons. They all circle jerk nightly to this site even though they hate Bigfoot . Every Saturday its BYOI ( Bring Your Own Inflatable) night. Hashy has a double ender and BiB just watches and jerks toons!

    2. You need to calm down dude.

  17. Melba will tweet her just like Rob Lowe.

  18. Looks like a refugee from a WW2 concentration camp.

  19. Been gone for about three weeks now. Nice to see all the same fuck stains are still hanging on to there simple little lives... good on ya mates!

  20. Oh gosh, I'd love to suck on her..................toe thumbs!

    How in the hell does someone manage to grow toe-thumbs?

  21. i just dribbled down my shirt

  22. She is unclean.

    Ali Abdolmaleki

    1. I Pray to Allah . I pray to Allah in the Heavens above, I pray to Allah asking Him for His love.

    2. We normally try to stay in the midwest but I think a roadtrip might be in order. Got an address do ya? We wanna get you hooked up with yer virgins!

      Team Qauntrill

  23. Shawn, could you post this in the featured creature section please? Don't get me wrong, the big woman/little woman is nice and all but sometimes you need a liitle change of pace.

  24. I believe Megan Fox knows a thing or two about the mysterious and highly elusive creature known as the bald beaver. The bald beaver is said to be easily coaxed out of its hiding place at night-- usually with alcohol and for some reason it is attracted to large sums of money, shiny jewelry and flashy cars. The bald beaver can be venomous though and extra care should be taken when trying to obtain pictures or video of this very beautiful creature. You will recognize the bald beavers presence first by smell. It emits an earthy, almost musky odor. That is followed by its flesh becoming wet--almost slimy or greasy. Make no mistake, the bald beaver has turned many a man into a blithering idiot with its wile charms. Treat with extreme caution!


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