M.K. Davis Reveals Even More Frightening Details In Peeper Video With New Software

This "peeper" Bigfoot gives me the creeps (not quite as creepy as the creepers in Minecraft though). With M.K. Davis' new video enhancement software, we can now clearly see the humanoid figure peeking from behind the tree. Another video that shows an close-up shot of the creature's eye is now even more detailed than ever before.

Although things are much clearer with this new software, it still does not rule out the possibility that the "creature eye" belongs to a pony.


  1. Replies
    1. M K Davis, do you do alot of video investigation for FB/FB? Damn, duded thats not a BF in either video... The first one is a bear sitting on its ass peaking around a tree. You can see the ears and the snout. The second one is just the person that person that set the cam up. For fuck sakes dude, you need to open your mind to real things and not everything is a fucking magical monkey.

      When you do this kind of crap, you loose all credibility...

    2. The only remaining question I have is whether M K Davis has schizophrenia or an acquired brain inury. That boy ain't right.

    3. that's ric dyer or someone else all dressed up! that part of the eye and face look to human. what dose everybody say all the time "it looked like a gorilla or monkey" and that one didn't i think it's a FAKE!

    4. The only real suspicious aspect of these MK analysis clips is that he rarely lets it play through he pauses here again as the figure peeks, just like he did with the fence climber. MK, don't pause all the time you gotta have it play at least once.

    5. it looks like a fricken bear. u c the ears and the snout

  2. if its not a hoax, then where is the rest of the video, he had to walk over to that tree, and then walk away at some point

  3. the video still isn't clear enough to make out much. The eye video is more intriguing but still vague.

    1. It's a dude with long hair that's all mystery solved

    2. and your a dude with two cocks in one hole.

  4. I think he's right on that. It's the same creature. It's definitely not anything I've heard of before. Looks like a cross between a homeless feral person and a dogman. MK, keep bringing us cleaned up versions of these videos. Good job!

  5. There is something on two legs running in the distance just before it looks at the camera at the 3:34 mark?

    1. It's a horse, just like the one with the bushy mane that's stares into the camera.

    2. Two ponies just horsing around with a trail cam. Next!


    3. that it a horse. u can tell by the eyes and u can c the mane

  6. Looks like the Creature From the Black Lagoon stole Squatch's "tree peek" move...the Bastard.

  7. Its a dude with a wig. See the eyebrow.

    1. So squatches have no eyebrows? Of course they do.

    2. I lean towards fake too. MK is just evaluating a box of vids from many sources. Some of this was faked for sure, and other stuff is unexplainable and possibly real. This is explainable.

      The face appears to have ZERO hair, just long hair flowing over it. The area around the eye, except eyebrow is hair-less, only these long flowing hairs from top of head are visible. The nose also lacks hair on bridge.

      It's either a fake, or BFs exists with more human charactoristics than we give credit for. But where's the big shoulders one would expect to see with almost no neck? I think it's fake.

    3. Tree peeper looks more like a muppet/puppet than a human, bigfoot, or animal.

  8. If M.K. would release the complete 10 minutes before and after this happened, you'll see the horse running around that stared into the camera. There is one in the background too.

  9. The creature is definitely riding an invisible bicycle.

    1. If by "invisible bicycle" you mean your mom.

    2. Kickstand you got loose and I threw up
      Kickstand you got the juice to fill my cup
      My mother says its alright
      My mother says that that's only life

      So fill me up. Fill me up

  10. It's all bullshit ! And you know it M.K. Davis

  11. Thank you MK DAVIS keep up the good work


  12. same video's over and over and over.. it is painfully clear M.K.Davis has to be part the creation of these hoax video's...he is that snake oil salesman's secret partner that hides in the crowd claiming that the snake oil is a miracle.

    1. It is if it has enough coke or morphine

    2. It's also a miracle more people didn't O.D.

  13. Mike Sells + M.K.Davis. Here i thought Rick Dyer was the worst hoaxer out there.

    1. Dyer is the worst. MK has clearly explained that these aren't the Sells tapes. STFU about it already.

    2. No, they are not Sells tapes. Sells is dead. Now they are M.K.'s tapes.

    3. ok, who the hell was Mike Sells and who killed him? Rick Dyer maybe? Idk what's going on anymore, you guys are so confusing, I'm going back to the Yahoo news site, everything they ever say is true and stuff...RIGGGHT

  14. I banged a chick that looked like that once

    1. Did you ask for a refund at least

    2. I believe he meant to say "I wanted to bang a chick that looked like that once".

  15. Now, let me tell you about the white BF which looks into the camera on Mr. sell's back porch. The person performing this farce wore a white Halloween witches wig, had their right eye covered over by the wig and had masscara on. We had the image run back several times second video if we could make a copy. We were refused a copy.


    1. It's all here from a post from 2006, folks. Read it for yourself.

  16. Hey, M.K.Davis, drink any good herbal tea laced with sprunes lately?

  17. Add another name to the hoax list. Can any of these idiots afford a digital camcorder. I mean come on! Patterson shot his on film and its still clearer than these dodo birds hat shoot blurred crap! Even if Patterson hoaxeds his, he did one helluva job. These other bozos need to step up to the plate and shoot something specifically clear whether its a hoax or not a hoax. Patterson is a Bigfoot God even if it was a hoax!

    1. Digital camcorders were not available at the time this was shot.

    2. Shut up about pgf it's never been recreated not even hollywood can.

  18. It's a squirrel hanging on the tree and looking around it. Even the head is squirrel shaped.

    1. Mk's original "peeper" video shows that it is not a squirrel. Guy in a suit maybe. Definetly not a squirrel. Or an owl. Or a turkey.

  19. video with the eye there is something walking in the background, left center.

  20. M.K.Davis should just go back to his amature star gazing. He is only perpetuating hoaxed videos from the
    white bigfoot, to the Fence Climber, to the man in a halloween witches mask, to the bottle thrower, and now, a carefully editted video of a pony peeking part of its head out from the other side of a tree.

    M.K. go back too looking up at the sky in the middle of the night, thanks mate.

  21. Looped the last 5 seconds over and over. Got a real good sense of what the nose looks like. Kind of human

    Try it

    Mid Michigan calling

    1. Go to anon 3:35's link 8 threads up and it will all be clear that this is a guy with a halloween wig.

  22. As a lifelong horse owner I can confirm that is NOT a horse or pony. Face and eye geometry are all wrong for an equine as is the amount of liquid in the eye as shown by the eye shine. The hair in the face is all wrong too, a wild pony with hair that long would have formed dreads long before then. I did not see any sign of dreads. Not saying that proves it is a BF, but not a pony.

    1. Pardon me! But have had horses all my life and i am confirming it is MOST likely a horse/pony. Dreads ???? How many dreads do you see on the herds of Mustangs !!! Your comment does not hold (the proverbial) "water" !!!!

    2. Actually i have spent many hours restoring manes on wild and rescued horses. Many of them curl back on themselves or wind around a twig or clump of burrs. A dread is the closest word I have to describe it.

  23. HORSE

    In the video of Suspect #1, the original there is in fact a horse walking behind suspect #1.

    I don't think a horse would hang out if BF was peeking into a trail Cam, not 50 yards away.

  24. Also, MK Davis showed a Gorilla like creature walking at night from Left to Right across a brushy pasture ... With... With a whole, entire, herd of cattle not 20 yards away.

    A herd of Cattle? and BF don't likely mix well.

    A horse in the back ground of Video #1 don't likely mix well.

    It's a horse.

    1. There you go again, throwing logic into the mix.

    2. There you go again using words like "likely" and "I don't think".

    3. Possibly there's a chance.

  25. Horses do not "tree peek." Watch them your whole life, you will never duplicate the head movements shown in this video. Never.

    1. But you do know for a fact that bigfoot does, right?

    2. I did not claim it was a BF. I made no claim as to what it is. Personally I think it is a hoax. I am convinced it is not an equine. If it is it is the ugliest nag I ever saw.

  26. the part thats up close just looks like a face with hair over the face maybe Kurt Corbain . lol!

    1. Kurt Corbain drinking sprune laced herbal tea at the Sells ranch?

    2. Elvis trippin' on Sprune Tea?

    3. Well bigfoots are a human type species afterall so why not.

  27. I wonder if they've ever filmed Bobo uncoiling a steamer with the FLIR?

  28. Mulder's world is collapsing around him. Even the once goddess Melba is now being trashed by her own flock on the bff. Hilarious.

    1. Yeah its really sad to watch. Mulder is trying so hard to hold on to that last shred of hope but deep down he knows the game is over.

      Her paper seems to have been rejected and it is painfully obvious at this point.

      There is nothing left at this point but hope itself and there is very little hope remaining.

    2. Actually if this Mulder whoever he is is sticking with Ketchum he's right in doing so as she's right about the species, this is just beginning now and far from game over except for the haters that is.

  29. steven streufert here: mk davis would you please STOP with these hoax videos please.. you're making an ass out of yourself!!!

  30. I am thinking horse or someone holding up a dog behind the tree.


    1. I'm thinking you're a dumbass for even thinking about it.

  31. the second video is definetly a horse. ive been around horses all my life..its a horse.

  32. Please moderate the comments.
    What good are a bunch of 13 year olds who think they are funny? What good is this board when people leave comments such as these?

    1. Yes, I agree please moderate the board here. We would like to get rid of whinie snivlers that can't handle a board where anyone can say anything they want. Fucking loser mother fucking butt licker with your moma's tit in your mouth.


    3. I agree with 6:43 but half the nonsense written here comes from the hands of BE/TT themselves.

  33. Looked to be a raccoon that climbed the tree on the far side of the trunk. Since it cannot be ruled out, this analyis is once again, completely worthless. Once MK applied his anomoly creator software though, the ears disappeared and dark colors became overemphacized. Did anyone else catch the tree suddenly grow a pair of eyes immediately to the left of the raccoon? Obviously a shape shifting tree right out of the movies. Who would of thought that the tree was checking out the game cam. This new software is really cool. Now we can make really weird things out of common ordinary forest animals. I imagine that with MK's anomoly creator software, we could double the number of listed species on this planet. I thank you for your time. Time that you will never get back.

  34. Its a Horse in the video, if u look at frame 3:34 there another horse walking in the background

  35. Thats a pony in the second vid. Thats a horsey snout and eye if i ever saw one. Bowshizzle!

  36. In conclusion, MK now thinks that a obvious horse is in fact, an obvious raccoon. Mmmmmmm. Now isn't that special!

  37. MK Davis posted this video while wearing his husbands 5 inch high heels

  38. MK, this video is shit. THINK man, fucking think.

    If the peeper isn't a hoax, where the fuck is the rest of the video? The guy had to walk over to the tree to start peeping and he would've had to leave the cover of the tree at some point. Where in the fuck is the rest of that video? I know you don't have it, that's because Mike Sells edited that part out.

    Its a fucking hoax. The motherfucking end.

    1. Good point. What are the odds that this thing walked directly behind the camera - and evading other possible cameras that were set up - peaked around the tree for a few seconds and looked directly into the camera, then snuck out of view again without being caught on camera anymore? Virtually impossible. It's almost as improbable as there being large undiscovered ape-men inhabiting North America.

    2. And adding to this, it would have had to have been somewhere in front of the tree with the camera at some point to even know it was there in the first place.

  39. Havent laughed this hard in awhile, keep the comments coming....

    1. I think all bigfooters either have already or should leave this shithole blog, it's only trolls here now which is likely the whole purpose of its creation I think to make fun of the subject. Somebody please create a new 24/7 bf news blog that's moderated with some sense for the field, not the bad Soviet excuse for flaming favored by the misbehaving - and deliberately encouraged - ridiculing trolls here. I guess it's not exactly cheap to set up and run so I have doubts others will easily, which is another indication of this one likely being orchestrated government policy.

  40. Anon 7:31 Awesome point!!

    Don't hear Mr. Davis coming up with some kind of witty answer for the tree peeper. Come on Davis you have questions to answer and we all know you love to hear yourself talk....

    I can hear it now... They know when they are being filmed. lmao

  41. The close proximity of stock animals so peacefully grazing in the videos is odd.

    Even in the other bicycle video when whitie ripped off a 100yd dash the cattle didnt even flinch, much less startle. Also odd.

  42. Should be called the Creature from the black lagoon. Does anyone else see what appears to be gills flaring around the neck area?

    That or a Sleestack.

  43. We have had this out already. The first video looks like a shitland pony stepping out from behind a tree. Maybe if we saw ALL the footage MK, we could put an end to the BS or in this case HS. The second vid IS a shitland pony. I posted several pics to show exactly what we were seeing in black and white.

    MK, you obviously are now fully part of the biscardi/dyer camp. There is no way in hell you can't see that is a pony. By continuing to say it is not, is making you the other end of a horse.

    All that new software hasn't helped you one bit.

  44. Is MK Davis related to 70's superstar Mac Davis?

  45. First one is a guy with a burlap bag over his head and the second one is definitely some kind of inter-dimensional hippie.

  46. The face peeking out from behind the tree has stand up ears.
    This is an animal or a hippy. It aint bigfoot

  47. Bear and a surfer dude.

    Nothing compelling here.

  48. All of the M.K. Davis blursquatches are nothing but hoaxed BS after BS after BS. Stop giving this guy an audience. When it comes to bigfoot, he has zero credibility.

    1. You don't know how laughable you are and it's not working either, he's revealed the PGF to be no hoax for one thing that's his biggest most badass achievement. Rock on, MK.

    2. M.K.Davis simply picked up the Hoaxer's Ball from the cold dead fingers of Mike Sells and continues to dribble it up and down the court.

  49. Ok that's enough of this shit move along nothing to see here

  50. Someone asked why isnt there more images if a person saw a Bigfoot and didnt wait for it to move away and take more.
    Was this a still from a video? or was it a photo from a handheld camera or from a trailcam.
    Maybe Sasquatch has the ability to make your film run out on your camcorder, or make it your last photo frame on a camera somehow. We already know he has the ability to cause your camcorder to shake and stay out of focus and to purposely blur himself in pictures.
    Maybe they have so advanced vision, they can detect infrared and laser type lighting and sensors and thus avoid being able to be photocaptured if aware.

  51. Kurt Corbain..two mysteries solved..

  52. NO WAY that is a horse...the proportions do not add up, the eyes and snout and notrils would be much further away

    I like how so many people become experts on the subject when there on the computer, try doing some field research. try for at leats one night to go out there and catch a peek of the forest ppl.

    if u didnt want to be found in the forests of north america wed never see you again either. There very crafty and very elusive beings

    1. It is a pony, not a full size horse. At least the one looking in the camera is. Google image search shetland pony. Several will come up that show the cleft, nostril, eyes, dreads, everything right down to the color difference. Or search for the old post of this and check out the links I put up of the ponies that almost exactly match the video.

  53. way to go horse squatch. whats next? grashopper squatch?

  54. Regarding the close up view, y can only find that hair pattern in US fauna, on a horse's mane as it grows up to the back half of it's head, and hangs randomly over the front. Some horses have more hair on the head portion of the mane, than others. Shetland ponies have a bushy mane that hangs over the eyes, as I recall. The view is the side profile of the head, which makes the eye appear to be on the front of something, when instead it is simply normally situated on the side of the head, like a horse. There is no 2nd eye showing because the other eye is on the far side of the head. The nose does not show either because the horse has a long face which puts the nose below the bottom of the photograph.

  55. That is not a pony or a horse. I raised them all my life. This eye is pointed and faced front, not like a horse eye on the side. It's all wrong.

    The eye of a horse is all black. here you can see it's whites and iris.

    This is not a horse once again

  56. Its a joke.It looks like a bag with cut out eyes & a tooke on his head behind the tree.The next one is a friggin old MOP on someones head..Man o man.This is just getting dummer & dummer.I want to see a clear picture.Everything else is Bull.dna is a start...Are these guys making money on this?GF

  57. I've been posting this comment recently and i feel that its relevant concerning Bob H. my point is based on a couple of assumptions. 1. lets assume the film is a hoax..and indeed there is a man in a suit. 2. lets assume that M.K.Davis is correct and that the second image is indeed a real figure in the film..if Bob H. was telling the truth then he would of known of a second person in a bigfoot suit..though he has never mentioned it he certainly would of bragged about knowing this..if he would of it certainly would have proved him right. this is not an attempt to prove the film is not a hoax it does show beyond a reasonable doubt that if its proven that the second image is a real object in the film ,(which i believe it is) it will prove that Bob H. was never there...

  58. That's real!! I can't believe you keep on coming up with this great stuff MK!!Keep up the great work!!


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