Michael Merchant: Steller's sea cow extinct or still alive?

Steller's sea cow is commonly referred to as the sunken flagship of the Bering Sea. The creatures went extinct in 1768 due to overhunting by Europeans- just 27 years after it was first discovered. It grew to around 30ft in length, making it considerably larger than its extant counterparts. In the following video, Michael Merchant discusses the possibility that these creatures may still be alive:


  1. Okay this is officially the best post ever...STELLERS SEA COW LIVES :D

    1. FormelyBigfootNow MarineMammalEvidenceTuesday, January 1, 2013 at 6:58:00 PM PST

      Shawn, first manatees, now sea cows. When do we get a decent narwhal story?

  2. Replies
    1. Wanna start a Stellers Sea Cow fan club :D?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!!?!

    2. Just imagine if you one day got to milk a sea cow!!!

    3. No Mike they are extinct. That thing you think is a stellar sea cow is that Stuffie you got for Christmas. You know, the one with all the pockets that you hide your drugs in. But if there is a fan club I'm in

  3. They have piles of bones, you can buy knifes with Sea Cow bone handles. How about extracting some DNA and cloning one of these things?

  4. Why no coverage of Melbers for this juicy story - http://www.thecryptocrew.com/2012/12/bullying-from-dr-ketchum_31.html
    The old hag is going to have her own Samsquanch clothing line, no shit.

    1. Ruht roh Shaggy.
      Yeah, I know Scoob, looks like this caper's over.

    2. I want some fur covered Bigfoot underwears.

  5. Does this man have anything better to do other than speculate about strange creatures

    1. Do you have anything better to do, other then whine?

  6. There is no such thing as a Stellers sea cow, never was, not now, never. No fossils, bodies, or tracks. No evidence of any sort of any kind- just isn't any even though I have never reasearched these things I just know they are not real, because I call myself a critical thinker.

    The mariners that reported these were just hallucinations.

    Anyone seeing on of these cows is smoking pot, crack, bath salts or sea cow pies.

    Isn't that Steller fellow the same one that was mind-raped by a mermaid back in 1739?

    I know a guy that had his pet walrus' whiskers braided by a Steller sea cow. True story.


    1. Not Chuck^^the real Chuck does not talk like an ass.

    2. False analogy harder ass brains.

    3. Maybe it is Chuck from Iowa (Bizarro Chuck).

    4. Hi Chuck,

      There's actually plenty of skeletal remains (complete skeletons), DNA, first-hand drawings of living animals, and contemporary dissections of the Sea Cow. I understand your post was tongue-in-cheek, but there really isn't an analogy to be drawn to Bigfoot here.

  7. Chuck dude, is that really u talking like that..??
    Wow! What the hell happened..??

    1. He was mind raped by a Bigfoot!! See! Do you all see now?!?! This out what happens.

    2. Just a little sarcasm. Inherited it from my grandfather, God rest his soul. If these creatures are still around it might explain some weird sighting around the Alaskan shore.


  8. For what it's worth, Mr. Merchant's key argument for its possible survival is the surprising discovery of other large animals in the oceans. However, the whale discovery he cites was really misleading. The whale that washed up was well known to scientists. What they discovered was not the animal but rather the animal's relationship to ancient whale species. In other words, the animal was always known; the fact that it is really an ancient species was just discovered.

    One more thing: the Sea Cow could not submerge or dive. So while it's possible that there are huge creatures still living undiscovered in the ocean, it's unlikely that the Sea Cow is out there because it is so easy to spot (the same reason it went extinct!).

  9. A video of a BIOLOGIST who pronouncess manatees as "mantatees."


  10. And dugongs was badly mispronounced as well.
    No claims to be a biologist im sure haha


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