Listen to radio host Sterling in Ohio talk about the capture of Bigfoot

It's the "War of the Worlds" announcement approach. This morning, Sterling, the host of the Ohio radio station 700WLW Cincinnati - The Big One started his program with the words, "This is crazy...". Sterling announced: "I don't know if you've heard, but there's a Bigfoot that has been captured..." The host then took a call from a listener: "A friend of mine that works in the county you're speaking of, it was actually captured yesterday afternoon. It loves ground hogs-- live grounds." The host went on to take other calls from listeners who corroborated the story, and one man named David claimed they had to send a guy inside a cave to capture the Bigfoot. He said dogs were sent in to corner the Bigfoot and wounded the "animal". What type of dog did they send? A chihuahua.

The fiction was maintained for three hours until a sports show host took his place. Only then does the radio station explain that the story is probably fake. Allegedly. Loren Coleman chimed in with a post on Cryptomundo:

"Could this be “Daisy in a Box” hitting the mainstream media?"

Here's the show in its entirety (Note: The show goes silent during breaks):


  1. I want to play catfish with Rictor.

    1. That's the most ravenous chihuahua I've ever seen he really has a Napoleon complex

    2. Rictor is a complete douchebag.

    3. Two years ago was the year of Bigfoot hit mainstream TV, last year was the year of "Bigfoot shot/specimen," this year it is live capture, next year is "bigfoot rape and/or pregnant with bigfoot's baby or we are raising baby bigfoot"

      The video killed the radio star.

    4. Shawn:

      You better cash out dude. Moneymaker was ahead of the curve, as smart folks are (he's a dick, but smart) cashing in on TV/opps.

      Don't ride this horse out; cash out while you can. Don't say you weren't warned if you choose otherwise.

      As above poster intimated, Bigfoot has jumped the shark.

  2. And once again the Bigfoot world becomes the laughing stock of the world because of one of our own. Never have I seen a community that draws hoaxers and con-men like this one. We need to start policing ourselves better and quit giving ANY attention to those who make extraordinary claims without providing any evidence.

  3. Hahaha u footers r a laughing stock......this report really puckered up ur bung holes.. Yet another hoax. Hahaha

  4. Replies
    1. *shoots Anon 3:21 a dirty look*

      -Suzie Spelling the spelling Nazi

    2. We prefer the term orthography fascist.


    3. Relax not all of us aspired to be on the school newspaper and least of all the editor

  5. Gayest thing that's ever been gay.

  6. No, don't listen. That's what they want you to do.

  7. Sterling's a fag. Bigfoot's a hoax. And Darryl Parks would beat his mother on air if he thought he could get ratings.

    A new low for the Big One.

    HAs anyone ever seen a picture of Pete Rose and Tim Fasano together?

    1. and that just tells us one thing there is still a price for the AMERICAN soul satan better get some more filing cabinets

    2. Just stills pulled from the sex tape.

    3. I could photo shop a Pete Rose and Tim Fasono photo for you. Then you could join Anonymous Mon. Jan.21st @ 12:05 AM PST. In fullfilling you life long dream of having that kind of sexual gratification and never mind Bigfoot. Your too much of a pussy to get your own evidence!

  8. And the band played on while Dyer biscardi Coleman and ketchum had a orgy with a family of bigfoots! Squatches and crotches! Filming done by mabrac. Directed by michael merchant and featuring the fluffers, ed Smith fasano and special guest Daisy the Bigfoot as the make up artist! What a movie! Applause applause!!!!

    1. Sequel already in the can

    2. Hmmmm, someone got the chicken syndrome or the pussy syndrome for not getting out into the wilds to do their own investigating? When I say anonymous, who am I refering to? Why, most of you skeptics and retarded commentors of course! LMFAO, you idiots should seen one or get some experience. Well, if you did you would call yourself a fucking nut and be admitted to a psych hospital because you experienced something you thought didn't exist. LOL, then you could come back here and say what you saw and have the other skeptics bust your balls as well as post comments that are both ignorant, anonymous, retarded, and unrelated to Bigfoot altogether!

  9. American Bigfoot enthusiast will believe this bullshit day after day, week after week, month after month and after all the years of Bigfoot propaganda news. I finally have seen a pattern here and that is Americans are the biggest sensationalist pricks on the fucking planet! Except for Dr Jeff Meldrum! The only American with his head on straight. The rest of you dick head arm chair researchers can go take a flying fucking leap!

  10. Replies
    1. Dr.Meldrum is a class act and you are mentally challenged to post just that! Most skeptics troll this site, because they are usually dumb as shit and the people like myself who know they exist, laugh at you skeptic and non-bliver comments, hiding behinf anonymous names because, youare too chicken shit to say who you really are and also too chicken shit to do any investigating in the woods yourselves!

  11. john melland the problem with you and you're lunatic fringe friends is that you spend ALL your time in the woods and have no concept of reality. The only so called proof that even remotely shows promise is the Patterson film and that is how old? all these hoaxes only and people like you who cannot take negative comments are the problem with the mainstream accepting you.

    1. That's right--how could you possibly prove Bigfoot is real if you spend ALL your time in the woods--Oh wait that's like the only way--Dumbass anon 8:58

  12. I live in Ohio near Preble County and haven't heard anything about this

  13. Radio station should be charged with fraud. It is the only way these hoaxers will stop.

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