Is this the Palmetto Monster?

What the **** is this?! I rubbed my eyes and I'm still not seeing a face as stated by Florida Skunk ape hunter Tim Fasano. This was captured using his new Samsung HD video camcorder with 20x Optical Zoom capable of recording in full 1920x1080 HD Video. It has the magical ability to turn blobsquatches into something less "blobsquatchy". I just learned the word "blobsquatchy" last night while watching Finding Bigfoot. I'm hungry. I wonder what type of cologne M.K. Davis wears when he does his breakdown videos. The McRib ROCKS! I haven't watched American Idol in like 2 years. I love the new Gold Rush shows. I might start a blog on Gold Rush shows, I bet I can make a ton of money writing about mining. I like the saying "Gloryhole" and "Paydirt". I'm going to register those domains. Why are The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills so mean to each other? I have to check my DVR tonight and see if the Monster Squid documentary recorded last night. Camels actually have three eyelids! Two of them have lashes, and the third is thin. The thin one is to protect from blowing sand in the desert.

Tim Fasano writes:

With low rez many things lookl like "blobsquatches." Hoaxers do not want HD becasue that will 'blow the gig.' This video would look real if not for the new Samsung HD I am using. However, the thing does seem to move a liitle and have a face. Could it be the Palmetto Monster behind the tree? You deci


  1. Replies
    1. I've been practicing lucid dreaming on and off for over 30 years.

    2. That's what I was doing, when I saw Bigfoot.

    3. Nice stump... Come on, really?

    4. Why not walk closer and see if it moves fatso

  2. That's him, I'd know him anywhere. It's the papsmear monster.

    1. And your the pimpley faced 14 year old STFU monster.

    2. Wow did Todd Standing have a garage sale??that suit looks like the fur Kramers friend Tom Sakanomo used to sell in the subway

  3. Replies
    1. Has anyone ever seen a really clean looking tree break where it looked like it was just snapped off?

    2. If you mean the 'First' to deep throat a HUGE 14 inch cock, yes, you are first.

  4. Replies
    1. Actually if that is a rock protruding near the tail area, it resembles a webbed footed waterfowl to me.

    2. why do people stop filming?????? why not walk forward and see what could have been anything....always dissappointed

    3. I think this yokel meant to say that he filmed a palmetto bug and not a monster.

    4. What if it's something odd like a bear
      giving birth ?

    5. I doubt their vacationing down there I don't think there's any sort of bear population in fl a bunch of other non indigenous species but I don't think bears are one of them

    6. There are black bears in Florida. Just look it up if you believe me.

    7. agreed. it looks like a black bear from behind in the photo.... this guy is a fucken idiot.

  5. NO.

    Need to try a little harder

    1. Is that the taxi motor running in the background?

    2. Dear friend Shawn,

      The domain name for gloryhole was registered long ago. Don't ask me how I know, the answer would involve disclosing details about my private life that I would prefer remain secret on this blog. Please visit that Tar Pits at the BFF and I will be happy to share everything with you. Smooches.


    3. Rule Number One about the TarPit is you don't talk about the TarPit.

      You don't post about the TarPit outside the TarPit.

      Message from the TarPit. Don't fuck up, son.

    4. Now I know your not suppose to talk about the TarPit and I know your not to post about the TarPit outside of the TarPit but . . . .

      is it true that the words science and proof are forbidden over there?

  6. Should have walked over there, tree stumps are pretty slow.

    1. I think a badly injured Bigfoot would be even more dangerous than a healthy one.

    2. Yes! And a self absorbed, selfish, narcissistic bigfoot is intolerable.

  7. Can I somehow take my view back that I gave to that video?

  8. Looks like a couple stumps or mounds covered in moss, leaves, vegetation etc. It does not move and it is two distinct objects. There is no face either. So unless bigfoot has taken up wearing leaves like brooches it is nothing.

    1. You actually watched a Fasano video!? I thought you said never again!

    2. I know, but he actually said it is not a bigfoot. He said "this video would look real without the HD" etc. I had to make sure he wasn't trying to sneak a real good clear clip of an actual skunk ape past me. Never know what that sneaky bastard might try.

      And I was curious on how good the video was with that camera. Looks like it still pixelates on zoom and at distance.

    3. Hey Jim, how did you get so fat? Did you just give up and eat whatever you wanted?
      Are you like, some kind of doughnut fiend or do just eat everything?

    4. Probably from the same two things that made you so stupid. Genetics and a fork. My genetics came down from a long, very diverse line of large unrelated Irish families that use forks to shove good food in our mouths.

      While your genetics came from a long line of disturbed, inbred, related families who never learned to stop sticking forks in light sockets and each others body parts and orifices.

    5. Ouch that must have hurt.

  9. Pretty sure I can make out a bear face. Possibly cubs? 2 OF EM!

    1. Two of my friends have mentioned that they will hear what sounds like their kids yelling "Mom" from outside. However, the kids are at school.

  10. Shawn you are such a fucking tard.

  11. ha ha ha is this site getin worse with fake videos and pics !! get a life dude !! its a model no its me ..damm i had ya all !!

    1. Hallucinations can easily account for all Sasquatch sightings

  12. Thanks for the warning, Shawn. Fasano spends 90% of any video with the camera in his ugly face. Imagine Fasano in HD.

    1. I met an elk hunter in 1994 that saw a BF walk by him as he was doing his business.

    2. Did he offer the bigfoot a cigar?

  13. Replies
    1. I believe most wild animals are more clever than people give them credit for.

  14. It looks like a root ball from one of those fallen trees. Maybe it's a group of rocks. We'll never know because Tim didn't walk over there to show us what it was.
    Is Tim saying people with standard definition cameras are hoaxers?
    HD isn't much good if he can't work around the shaky hands and auto focus issues. I added that last bit because Tim is coming off as a snob now.

    Shawn, step away from the coffee ;)Oh, and don't register Just sayin'.

    1. I refuse to watch it and risk seeing Fasano's ugly face in HD. If he didn't walk toward the object, that means Kevin wasn't with him to break a trail. I don't know who's worse -- Fasano using Kevin but claiming all the glory, or Kevin being so stupid that he accepts that.

    2. It might seem a little better than the average hoax, but once you zoom in it's an obvious fake.

    3. I think explaining fear or other emotional responses when one is knowingly being stalked by something unknown is natural

    4. Shawn, PLEASE register!!!

      You must.


  15. Shawn, the squid documentry was great! Enjoy watching tonite!

    1. I'm planning my first bigfooting trip this spring. I'll be taking along my wife and 7 year old daughter.

    2. I miss read it at the top and thought it said Monster Squad documentary, I got all excited for a second

  16. Replies
    1. For several nights before my sighting it was like stuff was ramping up and there was a huge amount of tension and electricity in the air not to mention eyeglow.

  17. Trust me, he did. Which is why we only get this part of the video.

    He knows exactly what that is, and it ain't a sasquatch.


    A full length documentary covering the fascinating life of the Amazing James Randi is currently under production. Such a detailed treatment of this historically important man is long overdue and I am certain that each of you will eagerly await the release of the film. In fact, devoted followers of Randi can participate in the project by donating money to a "kick starter campaign" which has been established for the purpose of funding the expensive production costs. Please visit the JREF website for further exciting details!

    1. I could literally feel when they were around.

    2. I'm heavily into 70's nostalgia. A documentary on Uri Geller and his nemesis Randi could be an interesting look into one of the many weird phenomena or fads of that decade.
      I never thought, even though I was a kid, that Geller could bend spoons with his mind-I thought he was simply a very good magician.

    3. As the Beard of Bob Titmus I can tell you:

      You should pull your golden buttplug out and use it as a pacifier.

      Respect the beard of James Randi.

      Question everything and double check yer taterhole before you claim evidence.

      As the Beard of Bob Titmus I can tell you Roger would have wanted it that way.

      That BobG guy, though, I don't know. He always struck me as a bit of a cunt.

    4. Beard, there was a post here a few nights ago featuring vintage footage of John Green investigating hoaxed tracks. The prints were found in the Bluff Creek area a month or so before the PGF was made. I hope you get to see it, it should bring back some fond memories.
      Prints like those would be demolished in 24 hours these days. Back then there were only a handful of participants- all of whom were believers looking for vindication.

  19. The guy clearly states: "With low rez many things look like "blobsquatches." Hoaxers do not want HD becasue that will 'blow the gig.' This video would look real if not for the new Samsung HD". It WOULD look real if it was low res. Doesn't anybody read descriptions? Geez!

    1. I liked flying under the radar and everyone just thinking I was a monster chasing dreamer you know?

    2. I find myself always looking around for a sign.

    3. The sign said "Long hair creepy people need not apply"
      So I stuffed my hair up under my hat and went in to ask him why
      He said "You look like a fine young man, in fact I think you'll do."
      So I took off my hat and said "Imagine that! Me, working for you!"
      Signs, signs everywhere is signs- muckin up the scenery, make me lose my mind
      "Do this, don't do that" can't you read the signs?

    4. He also adds "However, the thing does seem to move a liitle and have a face. Could it be the Palmetto Monster behind the tree? You deci [sic]" so it seems that even though he now has a HD super-zoom new camera he's still serving up blobsquatches.

  20. creepy looking face, how did he get this footage? !

    1. Just one or two encounters didn't do much changing for me. But seeing them, & hearing them, time after time day after day and getting to know them, made me realize that nothing is as we have been taught.

    2. Lol..Are you posting comments from one of the forums or are you insane?

    3. Just insane in the membrane.

  21. Yes thanks to the HD i can clearly see that its just nature, when zoomed in. No animal at all.
    No im not a skeptic i know Yowies are real, but HD is a good thing as this video shows.

    1. When I had my Sasquatch encounters I was alone and vulnerable

    2. ^ I was with a large group of people and they will attest to the genuineness of the shame on my face when I emerged from the woods and murmered " It touched my pee-pee...."

  22. how long do you think it takes Travis Bickle to lug this siht into the woods.Get his serial killer partner to put it on.then they take the most laughable videos,and pawn them off as bigfoots..Oh and get back to base to drive the general to the airport??

    1. Is that so the General can fly off to that important meeting to see if Team Quantra broke the Geneva Convention when they captured Daisy?

  23. First off ya got a high tech camera there.. good for that, second keep filming and stepping closer, you could have been the first man/woman on video to record befriending squach, or just a hunter who's in cammo waiting for his deliverance buddies to make ya squelle like a pig

  24. It's your wife trying to take a shit behind a tree has she always had that creepy face? Assano is a Creeper

    1. the fear of Sasquatches really discourages me from going camping or going out into the woods

  25. I'm looking at this footage on my samsung galaxy s3 in hd with the brightest screen setting on and I can see the eyes blink on that thing, no bullshit. it has huge eyes and they blink, not sure what it is, but it's a living creature.

    1. The subject is a natural sculpture made of organic materials. The only mild point of interest is that pareidolia inducing images can be created with HD cameras as well as the usual grainy shot of bushes and trees.

    2. Negative results seem to be inadmissible in this field. So instead of just saying outright" This is not a bigfoot, but with a shitty camera it would fool some people" he says as much in a roundabout way.
      It would be awesome if you are right, and Fasano actually filmed a bigfoot and did realize it!

    3. ^....s/b "...and did not realize it!" sorry..

  26. All that fat fucker does is zoom in.....zoom out......zoom in again.......zoom out again.......

    1. One time a stranger asked my what I was doing (taking pics of stuff) and I said taking pictures of bigfoot, I think.

  27. Well i thought it was pretty good.

    1. Tells you how smart they are but we're still thinking that we're the intelligent ones.

  28. And this is supposedly taken by a Bigfoot Researcher????...really??....Didn't do a lot of research on this one. Move closer to see its reaction, stop zooming in and out, hold camera steady (my cheap JVC will keep vid focus on a person automatically). and record more than 10 seconds of footage. I hope this guy doesn't isn't one that interviews others on sightings.

    1. Is there anything we know about Sasquatches that would make us think they do better or like higher humidity levels?

  29. I think he was trying to prove a point. I don't know how well though.

  30. Fasano, get a tripod or some other stabilizer and zoom in and stay there

    1. Bigfoot to me is a true breathing flesh and blood creature that roams our forest.

    2. Leave some finger paints out. See if they use them to mark nearby trees or rocks.

  31. wish i could make money this way, click, click, click

    1. there are things on this earth that we simply dont know about.

  32. No, it isnt the palmetto monster. It is a slanteyed gook tunnel rat

  33. So basically the idiot bought an expensive HD camcorder and all he has to show for it is HD footage of a blobsquatch/dirt mound/stump. What a retard. At some point, I'd be happy if he at least tried to phone it in because at this point, he's not even trying that anymore. You need to just stop encouraging this ass-clown.

  34. Bobo and Cliff are dear friends

  35. Get a free tour of Dave Shealy's Skunk Ape Research Headquarters. See the 4-toed casting ("the most significant find down here in two years"). Just happened to have a film crew there that day!

    youtube . com/watch?v=v83zCzGIbQs

    1. "This here track, you'll probably be seeing this track a lot in the next 20 years; this is gonna set the bar."

  36. Eat my squatch crotch!!! Turtle bung on Tuesday. by the way, Squatch crotch is free with 2 purchases of turtle bung. Come one come all!!!

  37. he's not claiming it's anything, just that he could have claimed it was a squatch had he not had the hd - the title is misleading (as they so often seem to be on here). i hope all the "experts" with the sharp toungues and critical opinions are passers-by and not part of the community.

    1. It's just that we all wish Tim Fasano wasn't part of the community.

  38. I saw a face and mouth move BiB

  39. Nice rootball covered in dirt, leaves, sticks etc etc.

    Useless shit, useless site.

    1. Useless site? Then why the fuck are you here. Fucking idiot nerd.

  40. Did you guys know Patty's mouth moves and she has an ASH ration hitherto and unknown to any forest dwelling creature known to mankind?

    When I waste bandwith and declare 'Like Nothing In Nature' I really mean it. Like. Nothing. In. Nature.

    Some of you see through what I'm doing, others hang on my every post.

  41. dude- can you hold the camera still a little- sheesh. And why does the video always end abruptly before the person can get a closer look ?

  42. What happened is after that clip the Squatch bolted becuase he heard Fasono's Twinkie rapper making to much noise.

  43. Who do we despise most?
    1.Team Ball Gazer
    2.Taxi Cab Confession Fat Ass
    3.Melba Toast
    4. Dick nose Dyer
    5.Matt Fuck a Maker
    6.Renae Lick a Lotta PUSS

    1. Team Ball Gazer! They make Dyer look like a ok guy by comparison.

  44. As a bit of a skeptic can a believer answer this question for me, if Bigfoot has been proven by Ketchum to have a new strain of human DNA how can he (as some people believe) be paranormal or supernatural too? Surely, if Ketchum is right and he has DNA then he has to be a real flesh and blood primate like we are so that would make him a real documented creature like us, chimps etc. So if he is closely related to humans then obviously it shares at least what, 99% or 98.8% of our DNA (a chimp has 98%) making it a real deal relic human species even closer to us than Chimps, Gorillas and Orangutans so a normal animal.
    If it is a normal animal as proved by Saint Ketchum of Cat Vet with DNA then it can't be of alien, paranormal or supernatural origin either. If it was some other world or other realm creature it wouldn't have DNA, or it wouldn't have human DNA as that would make it of the normal realm of cats, dogs and all other animals right? If it is a very close relation to us then it can't have supernatural powers as we don't possess any and to be considered a human not a primate it must have close too 99% or more human DNA. These stories of portals and stuff must be baloney then or is it that Ketchum is full of BS or is it that there's no Bigfoot?

    1. Not enough data, to say the least. Currently there is only one planet where the chemical composition of the land and atmosphere is known AND has life. Earth. It is therefore possible that life can only develop on a planet similar to ours and also that the organisms must obey the same laws of biochemistry -i.e have dna.
      In this case bigfoot can be from a planet orbiting alpha-centauri and Ketchum's result would be the same as if they came from earth.

      As far as the paranormal abilities, there is absolutely no data. No one has found and dissected an alien, goblin or ostrich that can mind-rape and teleport. We are unable to say what the make-up of something with these powers can or cannot be.

    2. The chance of another planet having life exactly the same as ours is far too remote to even contemplate, especially if Ketchum is correct as their DNA is supposed to be human. If there is life out there it's doubtful it would have DNA so close to ours, all it would take is a small environmental change and different amino acids and they would have different DNA right?
      As for paranormal abilities if it has DNA it can not be paranormal it can only be normal by definition. So if it does exist one group of believers is full of it either way it's a monkey or a magic monkey

    3. I only pointed out the inability to make definitive statements given the lack of data. I think your comment is probably correct. Thanks.

    4. Anyone else have any ideas?

    5. Anonymous 9:02, You appear to be confusing paranormal abilities with a paranormal being. If you want to see paranormal abilities, then go watch the youtube videos of David Blane. He is not likely a paranormal being, but he appears to do a lot of paranormal tricks that have no logical explanation. While your at it, check out his DNA.

    6. Man has a lot of the psi abilities that Bigfoot have, except Bigfoot has them 100 times stronger than us which makes their abilities paranormal as far a man is concerned.

    7. Well if that is true anon 10:50 then is there any evidence for this? What I was mainly referring to was these sightings of Bigfoot and portals and the idea he's able to cross into other dimensions which would make him paranormal or an ET or a paranormal creature. It's not normal to teleport or read minds this would mark it as paranormoral therefore it can not be related to humans through DNA so Ketchum can not be right. David Blaine does stage magic is has used in camera tricks before and to be honest isn't that great :)

  45. And let's face it. If he did show it was just some mulch and didn't relate it to bigfoot somehow, this blog wouldn't have content to post.

  46. I love the irony of Fatsano's post, "Hoaxers do not want HD becasue that will 'blow the gig'".

    The fact that he as a hoaxer owns an HD camera proves the exact opposite.

  47. First to say that um not first!

  48. There is something there, but not too conclusive. It looks like a Squatch and it's swaying a branch, but I wish it was a bit closer.

  49. Wtf is Fatsano thinking? He just keeps discrediting himself again and again!

  50. There appears to be something moving but it's hard to tell because of the shaky camera. Fasano stop using your other hand to pleasure yourself and get a bigger HD card and maybe the video would prove things.

  51. looks like the head of a costume, I see a face that doesnt look real and dont move.

  52. It didn't move.

    Therefore, FAKE.


  53. Anyone see a face in that? nothing moved, nothing blinked, why not throw a rock at it to see if it responds or throws it back? hell, just move closer to it and make it run off.
    How does Sasquatch have the ability to make film blur and video run out?

  54. when will these guys learn that they don't have to consistently put out new material? they are so eager to be in the spotlight, kinda like those old 70's lounge singers in the powder blue tuxes. they are ruining the field.

  55. Sunlight reflecting on face,see skinny arm to right.could be a stuffed monkey or gibbon,look full screen go frame by frame, wonder if they sell these at the metro zoo.

  56. the usual. why noyt walk towards it.throw a stone, shout,anything. its nothing


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