Hot Colorado TV Celebrity Charged With Hoaxing Bigfoot Video [ParaBreakdown]

What began as the average Breakdown video investigation, turned into something Phil Poling didn't bargain for.


  1. Replies
    1. That was a pretty good little video there guys.. good work. You seem to be improving and making your analysis more entertaining which is cool.

  2. Replies
    1. Bigfoot lives in your heart.

    2. And by heart I mean butt

    3. ^^^^
      Believes he has developed the ability to smell through the internet. Fails to realize that he has shart himself.

  3. What... Omg... I can't believe someone would hoax a Bigfoot sighting. I'm just shocked.

  4. The fat bastard can't even find new hoaxes. He has to dig up this years old garbage that was proven hoaxed years ago.

  5. I'd like to put my 6inch big foot in her box - ya feel me fools ? Oh look Bigfoot just spit all over her - bad Bigfoot !

  6. BFF post of the day.

    I'm near 100% positive I have a Sasquatch habituation on our property and quite regularly hear bipedal footsteps, walking and sometimes running around our home at least 3-4 nights a week. One of the most common areas we hear this is just inside the tree line down the hill in front of our cabin (aprox 30yds away). Just about every night I leave apples at the base of the hill down from our porch and usually by morning they are gone. Occasionally while sitting on our porch (usually around 11pm-1am we will hear footsteps making their way up the hill and pass by right in front of the porch always just within the darkness of the tree line. Usually they'll pass us and go about 30-40 yds past the cabin and make their way back. Sometimes they pace back and forth, sometimes stopping for a few minutes then take off running a little ways then stop. Before you know it they're walking back up toward us again. The whole time it sounds bipedal while hearing limbs snapping and popping underfoot. Sounds just like a person walking, but in complete darkness. I've tried to follow the same trail during the day and just about kill myself stepping over limbs and dodging holes/logs. These guys just seem to float through there with ease in darkness. We do have a security light up the hill that lights up the clearing between the tree line and our porch, but they never come close enough to be seen. Now, last night for the first time I did see what looked like eyeshine twinkle at me from around a tree in the direction I was hearing footsteps for a couple seconds. It was almost like they sent one of them to see if the apple was out there or not and then ran back after seeing it was there. They knew we were out on the porch due to me whistling at them but never seems to scare them off. Has anyone else experienced this behavior? Would love to hear about it and what to possibly expect next. Any ideas?

    1. here we go.... pull us in.. I will fall for it.. Do tell more.. another BF story.

      we are always suckers here for BF stories.. We cant get enough of them..

      How about an 'expert' (hahaha) answer and give directions on how to capture this BF this person is baitng us with today.

    2. Have they tried nailing ribs to the trees?

    3. Just keep doing what you are doing. Don't challenge their approach angle by adding anything like a camera. I would try a thermal imager with a nice zoom. Other animals would also learn that there are apples at the location. You could try leaving a reactive agent visible with uv light to find prints.

    4. How about go buy a high powered rifle and outfit it with a night vision scope and sit on your rooftop and when they lean over to pick up the apples.. viola, we have a specimen.
      Alternatively, You could also go over to the NAMBC website and catch up on some reading by Darkwing,,, oops, I mean Mr. Smith and see how the commandos do it.. For about 25 million dollars you can outfit your property with the best BF catching stuff and personnel on the planet. Then you could sit on your front porch pop up some popcorn and watch another few episodes of as the Sasquatch turns while they get us all a specimen.

    5. It's just the Quantra Squad in night manuevers-Hoaxers love Apples.

    6. Put a kiddy pool out there with apples floating in it as well as a hidden trail camera. That should do it.

    7. I find your post fascinating Anon 11:56. It all sounds so sincere and believable. Please tell me more.

      -Lord Loopers of Loony Land

    8. For Christmas, we bought one of those Hickory farms sausage and cheese platters for our Bigfoots. We left it for them on the stump, down by the creek.

      Came back the next day and there was a note on the stump. It said: How about some fuckin' crackers.

    9. Whatever you do, get a high powered rifle. Seriously, you are looking at millions of dollars. Don't try to milk it- just show it to the world.

    10. Great story! Unfortunately though, what you have is a deer habituation.
      And that's not a bad thing.
      But I know exactly what you mean. They take one careful step at a time, or bound off front and back legs together, crashing through thick growth, and it sounds just like someone walking or running. I've heard this a lot. They used to be a terror on my grapes and pears.
      Keep leaving apples out and you'll keep hearing them. Leave some apples in the yard and you'll start seeing them. Very cool.

    11. Shoot that mother fucking bigfoot and head to the bank, do it tonight

    12. We don't want your bigfoot.

      -the bank

    13. Yes we do.

      -the bank's mama

    14. You see guys this is a nice and clean discussion with a lot of fun and tongue in cheek.. Only blip is the poop comment.. But we all can post without and have fun without risking censorship.. Lets keep it fun and clean like these posts have been. We all know what I am referring to.

    15. Put some corn out, where you can see it. It's cheaper than apples. Then the bigfoots can eat the deer or the corn. If the deer don't show up, it's a bigfoot. Go down to the local feed store for the corn.

    16. You aren't seeing them because they choose to remain invisible.

      If you want to scare them away, put up cameras.

      If you want to waste a lot of money, and probably scare them away, get a thermal.

      If you want to go to jail and regret it forever, get a gun.

      If you want to go to the next level, try talking to them and ask them simple Yes or No questions. Ask them to break a branch to signify a yes answer. Silence will then signify a No answer. You don't ever want to piss them off because they obviously already know where you live.

      If you want to be even nicer to them, you play some easy listening music. The great symphonys, romantic female vocalist, the greatest songs from the 50's and 60's, Elvis, Whitney Houston, Patsy Cline, The Kingston Trio, and the greatest songs of all time. Stay away from anything loud, obnoxious, abrasive, rock n roll, or anything composed in the last 10 years. If they don't like it, they will demolish some local vegetation.

    17. We've had a lot of luck with White Castles, they love them damn things. The next day, we just follow the fart smell and watch of sign of slider squirt. It leads us right to their lair. They're always one step ahead of us though, dadgummed sneaky bastards.
      Tonight, I'm going to leave a trail of pork rinds and wait in my blind so I might could get to see one.

    18. Now I get it, they're afraid of the cameras. That's why we never get clear pics of them.
      Thanks for helping me to understand, I'm believing more every day.

    19. If the creature is indeed paranormal then this is the main reason that conventional research has proven so unsuccessful.

    20. Like tracks in snow that were foot prints turn into deer tracks with no explanation or why there is this telekinetic pathway with them that I have no understanding. Even that feeling of being zapped and feeling sick for a week and not knowing why after an encounter.

    21. There are more comments on a comment pulled from another forum than the story. No original thinking here. What you have on BFE is a taterhole habituation.

    22. Darn. Does that mean we're going to lose you???

    23. Don't stop telling or sharing your story because of the asstards commenting.....some of us believe and understand your situation. ...thank you for posting ;-)

  7. This video was on this blog last year on March 8. IT WAS DEBUNKED THEN BY SOMEONE IN THE COMMENTS THAT SAME DAY.

    AnonymousThursday, March 8, 2012 10:18:00 PM PST

    Correction to be precise:

    I dealt with this at the time. It was released March 31st, 2009 by Denise from in Denver. It was supposedly turned over for examination to the "Bigfoot Founders Society" and expert "Larry McCloud," neither of which I had ever heard of or could find anything about. On the website, under the video, it said "Do you think this is a bigfoot- yes or no?" I clicked no. A Happy April Fools Day window popped-up.

    1. What do expect? That's all they've got.
      Come on people, we need some new hoaxes here, BFE can't survive on this old shit.

    2. So it was debunked on a local radio station? How in the hell would anyone else know this? The youtube video doesn't say shit about that. It's still there and still claiming to be real. Just because YOU know about the show doesn't mean that everyone tuned into some back country hick station in the middle of nowhere to here it. She should have taken it down or posted that it was a joke on youtube! I think that is the main point here.

    3. It looks like they are still running the hoax to me.

  8. Phil if you actually spent time "unraveling" this at least it was good training. I guess it never hurts to actually look at this blog to see if the video in question was posted here.

  9. Congrats on another misleading sensationalized headline. (You're starting to put Nat. Enquirer to shame.)

    "Charged" implies criminal intent (and someone actually gives a shit), and the woman even voluntarily exposed the hoax herself afterwards.

  10. Replies
    1. No, she will come through and be more famous than OJ Simpson.

  11. Phil how does it feel to reinvent the wheel?

  12. Hey, one of my comments on the youtube video was in this video! I'm famous in 'Poling world'.

    1. Congratulations! That means you’re almost as famous as me, and slightly more famous than Rush.

    2. Not exactly the pinnacle of being a household name though-

    3. It's true. Even we don't know who we are.


  13. There was no hot celebrity.
    No one got charged with anything.
    A hoax video from a hoaxer about a hoaxer.

    1. She doesn't even qualify as a celebrity, hot or not.

    2. The Tazer people are giving each other reach-arounds for busting this "hoax".

  14. She sure is the prototypical perky news spokes model, you have to give her that.

  15. There's a reason why this cunt is in CO. doing entertainment reports and not in NYC or LA. She is a hack!

  16. But FB/FB sez it's real! I'm so confused. :(

  17. My kittens breath smells like cat food.

  18. Interesting bit of slooth work. Thanks for the backgound... for those of us that really know about bigfoot, this video was shot down in about 1/2 a second when it first came out. Funny thing, I live in Castle Rock and have recorded Squatch calls in the area and found prints in the snow with 8ft strides. The area has a a long history of sightings pre dating the Patterson footage, even modern recording devices film, sound etc. Just another "entertainment" tool, without the guts to find them for herself, even in her own backyard. Nothing new here, its why we dont take media people out to show them the truth. They cant handle it and wouldn't admit it if they did see them. Pathetic! But thanks for tracking it all down anyway.


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