Ed Smith Uncovered [ParaBreakdown]

Is this what happened to Ed Smith? Is "Daisy" real or just a figment of Ed's imagination? Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. Dear Footers,
      Thank you for completing my final piece of the experiment. You have helped me prove that the weak link in rational Bigfoot/Sasquatch scientific study is you. We will never be able to look at the data with unbiased opinion as long as you believers/skeptics only see what you WANT to see. Regardless is you want see relic man or some idiot in a bad costume. The fault lies with you, if you doubt my theory, just look in the mirror.

      Thank you for participating,
      Edward R. Smith
      Liberty-Mounds, Oklahoma

    2. ^Bigfoot is Bullshit is still here! Experiment is on you Dipshit ! Your poor upbringing by your prostitute mom and your alcoholic dad is showing with your delusional bipolar rants brought on by your fetal alcoholism. Now you think your Ed Smith! Nice try Dick for brains.

    3. Only person on here for the most part is pissy pants who now just posted as a fake Ed! He must be conducting an experiment on himself because all he does is post on here all day talking about Footer posts that don't Exist. What footers are left anymore on this site That he is referring too? He must have severe mental issues . Voices in your head? Should have that looked at.

    4. The experiment was pissing off faggy footers. it worked. douche bags.

    5. I know you are what am I! ^

    6. Trolling is actually a computer term that stems from the sport of dragging a fishing line through the water while "trolling" your boat at slow speeds in order to catch the intended target.

      Best Wishes,
      The Knower

    7. I dont think that "ed" above is either of the two "Bigfoot is Bullshit" posters; one was obsessed with bashing believers, the current one is a the same as JREFER and Parnassus, ie, links to tinfoil hats.

      I'm thinking that might be the real Ed Smith from Oklahoma??

    8. Its Skippy the Dickless doing all if it. Its hus life.
      Don't give him credit for fooling you!
      It makes his nub swell...

  2. ffffffffuuuuurrrrrsssssstttttttttt........ dere I said it!

  3. It was good entertainment. Bigfoot isnt real. The Mabrc is guilty of complicity in the more than just Dasiy.

    Nice clip!

    1. Dear "Ed Smith",
      I don't know who you really are, but why claim to be this darkhorse? Clearly you are a fraud. I have put four long years into exposing the MABRC for the liars they are. True knowledge begins with enlightenment, enlightenment from revealing the one chink in the armor. The Bigfoot/Sasquatch world will never attain enlightenment because they are biased beyond reason. Believers and Skeptics alike only see what they want to see. If that is a 'wood ape' or a Hoaxer in a bad costume... It doesn't matter what it truly is, as they/you have your mind made up. So "Ed Smith" I concur with your statement, but disagree wholeheartedly with your self appointed alias. I know who you really are.

      Thank you for participating,
      Edward R. Smith
      Liberty-Mounds, Oklahoma

    2. You thought that you knew where I was and when
      But it looks like they've been foolin' you again,
      You thought that you'd got me all steaked out
      But baby looks like I've been breaking out

      I'm a dark horse
      Running on a dark race course
      I'm a blue moon
      Since I stepped from out of the womb
      I've been a cool jerk
      Looking for the source
      I'm a dark horse.

      You thought you had got me in your grip
      Baby looks like you was not so smart
      And I became too slippery for you
      But let me say that was nothing new.

      I'm a dark horse
      Running on a dark race course
      I'm a blue moon
      Since I picked up my first spoon
      I've been a cool jerk
      Looking for the source
      I'm a dark horse

      I thought that you knew it all along
      Until you started getting me not right
      Seems as if you heared a little late
      But I warned you when
      We both were at the starting gate

      I'm a dark horse
      Running on a dark race course
      I'm a blue moon
      Since I stepped from out of the womb
      I've been a cool jerk
      Cooking at the source
      I'm a dark horse.

    3. Edward R Smith is THE Ed Smith. 50 years old. What a pathetic loser.

    4. Cool George Harrison song-classic rock stations should play it more. Its always "My Sweet Lord" or "What is Life"

    5. Actually this is the real Ed Smith posting while I'm not sure who is posting as me I do agree with them.

  4. Why can't someone just out this guy. All the absurd secrecy. Post his damn name and address.

    1. When the story broke, Matt Moneymaker more or less said that Ed Smith was some rootless individual who sometimes tries to hoax the bigfoot community. Maybe he is some nut living in an RV who stops to troll whenever he passes a Starbucks.....

  5. How was it Mr. Ed was able to get over on all you super intelligent footers? I say intelligent cause knowing how much you footers know of bigfoot without actually having a live creature to study is amazing.

    I'm just in awe about certain know bigfoot facts that you footers state.
    Advance voice box to mimic owls and coyotes.
    Heat signature cloaking ability.
    Able to detect game cams from far distance.
    Communicate via mind speak.
    Paralyze footers with advance mind thoughts to where time is lost.
    Bigfoot is truly an amazing creature. ;)

    Why not set up a mobile "cat house" filled with ripped ladies of the night during bigfoot rutting. Surly this would attract them...

    1. Footers were calling bullshit from the very begining

    2. @11:34
      The same way liars like Kitakaze, Parnassus, Longtabber and Drew got over on you pretend skeptic numbnuts.

    3. Back in the day bigfoot was much more believable, since the dawn of the Internet and bigfoot forums you nutz destroyed it.

      We now have such advance technologies and still no hard evidence / live creature of this hairy ape.

      Burden of proof is kicking footers asses in a big way. So the next step for footers is to come up with extrodanary explanations of why...
      Why can't trail cams photo one... Just one
      Why films and photos are always blurry.
      Why flir doesn't work.
      And so on....

      How much longer can footers keep up with these nonsense answers? As technologies advance footers stories grow bigger each day.

      Mind speak ???? Really?

    4. Mind speak was made up by a Fag sceptic not by a footer or Melba you misinformed Idiot! Nothing is kicking anyones ass! Don't you get sick of typing 50 times a day Dick tip? If your so dissatisfied with life and this site why don't you just take a new hobby? What no friends because your a Nerd? Keep circle jerking freak^.

    5. ^
      You're a footer douche. Answer your own question dumbass.

    6. So just as I thought.... No intelligent answers to my questions.

    7. I don't need to answer anything Freak ! Your such a mentally ill person it wouldn't do any good to discuss it with you. Since you're still screwing your facts up about mind speak ( which was made up by a sceptic and you're so certain it's gospel truth) Then there is nothing to talk to you about Troll!

    8. Yeah we all know 12:49 when we see his dopey ass you don't even need to guess to know this dickface has no friends

    9. Wow! Very intelagent bunch we have here today. Sad none of u can answer. Burden of truth really cuts deep for footers.

    10. You don't even know how to spell^ You're the idiot. Like I said freak It would be a waste of my time for me to answer a question when you have mental issues. How many times a day do you post Moron?

    11. "Footers" bear no burden of proof, but the rest of 12:49's questions are fair. If it really the jerk who trolls this board under several aliases and anons and says so many gross, paranoid and insulting things, he seems to have had a brief moment of clarity.
      I think maybe not? So, at the risk of being flamed, here goes:
      The answer is, the internet seems to have bred a culture of credulity about Bigfoot in which the creature is accepted not only as a given fact, but as actually human. In this culture, which yes does include a lot of new-agey misticism, no further proof is necessary. As such, we should skip directly to conservation of the species.
      This takes the most conspicuously invested players in the game completely out of the business of proving the existence of Bigfoot. Legitimate science isn't going to run around in the woods at night looking for monsters, and those that do have decided before they even sling on their packs that they are NOT coming back with a body -- the only thing that could prove existence of Bigfoot once and for all.
      The internet age has changed footing. There are no more rugged Bigfoot hunters out there like Patterson, Slick, Dahinden, Byrne... determined to "bring back the monkey" for the world to see. Footing is a pastime now, like birding. Its lost its intrepidity, and the "no kill" dogma perpetuates the condition of "no body -- no proof" that has gone on forever.
      That's my theory anyway. Others might be devised.

  6. Where is the post by Robert Lindsay today about the breaking fascinating news about the Melba Ketchum camp?? I want my daily bullshit news. We know this blog will post it, every single time, without question. In fact, I don't know why they don't post old Melba Ketchum breaking news, and just change the date!

  7. Ed on the Head turned out to be as big of a liar as JREF's favorite son Kitakaze.

    1. Since Kitakaze is a secret agent, we will probably never learn the truth about him-but he does exist. BFF and JREF administrators would know otherwise. As for Ed, is there a possibility he is a fictitious character created by MABRC members?

  8. RRRRRRRRgghhhuff, RRRRRRRRggghhhuuuuffffff

    1. Sounds like a wheat farmer with a bayonet in his throat!

      Team Qauntrill

  9. Ed Smith's a registered user here who's posted many times before. This site knows who he is but just wants to perpetuate the mystery. And the truth might expose a lot of people that pretended to go along with the absurdity.

  10. Replies
    1. If loving Ed Smith is wrong I don't want to be right.

    2. How can Ed and I be lovers If we can't be friends?

    3. How can we miss you if you won't go away?

  11. No wish list is complete without the complete series of queer as folk!

  12. Anon 11:57 you bastard, you stole my thunder... Damn it! At least we know Eddy boy loves the cock.

  13. Nice Post! Somebody has too much time on their hands but very funny!

  14. Major news coming on the Dr. Melba Ketchum Bigfoot DNA study, possible study publication soon, maybe next week. There will be a press release soon.

    John Titor Time Traverler from 2036

  15. darkwing = ed smith.

    the end.

  16. All of this is disappointing. I know Ed, know be met with the group in West Tn (not Tx as mentioned). I can assure you all that the people that Ed works for will not be disgraced if this is a loose attempt at a hoax! Take from that what you wish, but Ed will answer to someone if he is being less than honest. It should also be said though tbat Moneymeker has sold out to the ones he works for with all their implied teaser comercials they have lowered themselves to. Just wait tl you see FBF creative editing of an upcoming TX and Vietnam shows. Tx show and tbe use of K9's along with flir will shlw how desperate Moneymaker has become. Animal Planets offer of $25 million US for definative proof by the end of this year wl do that. So I hope for Ed he wasnt stupid and for anyone other than Moneymaker to get first definative proof... He doesnt deserve that kind of funding.
    I can almost assure you all that the US gov will not let that happen for fear of what wl happen to US industry because of animal groups and activist. I hope one day BF is like the giant squid but i doubt it.

    For the love of the game


  17. I bet you 1,000 dllrs Ed Smth si fro Kemtucky and is re-lated to Daniel Boon whom killed a yahoo in 1774. God bless americas 2nd amendment rites.

  18. This just all goes to show it is very easy to get a group of people to believe something that they already desperately want to believe.

    1. That's funny Dickhead! When I had my encounter I didn't talk to anyone about Bigfoot and didn't give a shit about it! I believed on my own aftwrwards so you and Musky Allan can throw your stupid group theory out the window !

  19. Group thinkin dont account for no sitings in Kentucky, whre Daneil Boon shot a Yahoo with a long rifle in 1774. His frend Mingo documented it with writing on the baurk of a tree. Unfortunatly, no one had a kamera and no picturs were taken. Bigfoots are reel, at least in Kentucky.


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