Bigfoot Walking Up Hill [ParaBreakdown]


All over auburn color, coned head, rise-pause-fall, observing from a strategic position, nose to nape of the neck, cupped hands, brow ridge, backwards sloping forehead Ostman's pads, grey on face and palms of the hands, uh uh uh compliant gait.

What you are looking at is a real living breathing sasquatch. It's powerful.

To find out more read "You Are Sasquatch".

[Thanks to Anonymous for the generic breakdown above. We'll be using it on fakes from now on.]


  1. Replies
    1. No way. You must be joking. Why you are the most normal man I think I have ever seen

      Sweetheart. Lmfao

    2. McCheese is an imposter. Fake ass muggerfuffer.

      Long live the real MAYOR McCheese!


    3. Obvious that you could put a can of beer on the motherfuckers head while he blew you. Bigfoot has slanted hed! Hed like you momma gives. Cuntlickerbuttfucker!

  2. Those FUCKING DICKHEADS at facebook find brain don't know their ass from their elbow

    1. Herp! Derp! We not need know brain from elbow. We just call dem both elbrain or brainbow. You didn't think of dat did ya Mr. Smarty pants? Derp! Derp! Derp!


    2. LOLF I'll give you that Jack. Or or is Jeff. Fuck it - JECK.


    3. Belch, oops, oopsie. Hey guys, come on over to my village, Skeptic-by-Sea. Here, everyone rides invisible bicycles while masses of huxter-hoaxers spend months carving expert dermal ridges in the bottoms of fake gigantic feet.

      Urp. Burp.

      Oh, oopsie.

  3. That was the best breakdown ever!

  4. Fbfb are hacks stay off there gay page

    1. Just whose damn gay page is it?
      Big Gay that the TBRC go cruisin' with?

  5. fb/fb are in it for the $. They be makin money off all those bullshit video analysis.

    1. Of coures they are in it for the money, that's what this myth is all about now. Just think if the prooved the magic monkey really existed, what would they do to get people to come to their site? Maybe change the name to "facebook/ finding found bigfoot".... FB/FB say they only make pennies off their site but they don't mention its only pennies per click or like. Start adding those pennies up and now you make a living promoting people like R. Dyer and the rest of the faked blob squatches.

    2. There will be a book out soon from Parafatman creaming off everyones hoaxes.

  6. Replies
    1. Raaaaaaaaaaarh!

      -that douche who thinks he’s the humor police

  7. Great! Now we will need to test the captured squatches for PED's.

    Right after we capture one...

  8. Didn't know Bigfoot had ears on the top of his head like that. Looks FAKE to me and I am an expert.

  9. It could be that the forest person was gifted a sweat shirt.

  10. probably a mexican dude taking a dump and going back to his pot growing patch.

  11. I wish his camera could of been a bit more fuzzy. What the fuck is the deal with every fucking camera,

  12. Bigfoot has a helmet on and a shirt that says gone Sasquatchin

  13. What is it when you get over 40 years old, stand over 6 feet tall and have a husky voice, that you think that you are a skilled liar and can fool just about anyone? Do they become delusional with practice? Or maybe turn themselves into a closet sociopath? Or are they finally going for their 15 minutes of fame that had somehow eluded them thus far in life? Well, you got it buddy. You are now an official card carrying hoaxer! That card and $10 bucks will buy you a cup of coffee at 7-11, that everybody else pays $1.29 for. Bottoms up!

  14. Has FB/FB given their blessing to this video yet?

  15. Maybe MKD can chime in with his usual theatrics and try and legitimize this fraud.

    Simulated MKD: Well the subject walked around in circles with incredible speed, and he even took long steps that in my mind says only one thing. Thanks for watching folks.

  16. Enough. With the blob squatches.... Where is Ketchum's paper!!!!!

    1. *toking a doobie*

      The papers! The papers! Everyone wants to know about the papers. I gots me plenty a papers. He he he he he he he SNORT!

      -Melba “mind rape” Ketchum the notorious pot head

  17. Another fat ass crock o shite from parafatman

  18. "read 'You Are Sasquatch.'"

    OK, but where is it?

    1. Read "50 shades of Grey" and imagine you are the woman in the story, then shave your head and body and put on makeup and buy a gun and shoot the tires on your neighbors car and then go to Walmart and break a kid's toy as he is leaving the store. Then call a stranger on the phone and say it's God calling and they're oing to hell!

    2. McClarin does all that before noon. He's one busy mofo.

      Anyway the video was great. I liked Bigfoots hat. They get them especially made to fit their coned heads. A guy on BFF confirmed this this morning. Apparently we can expect to see more BF's in hats over the next few months. The BF's are 'hat crazy' this spring.


  19. Your welcome Shawn. By the way have you read "You Are Sasquatch" yet? Skeptics STILL have NO answer for it.



    1. No answer for it? What was the question?
      How much more retarded can FB/FB be? Well I know the answer to that one. The answer is none. None more retarded.

  20. Sloped forehead, it is a mushroom head and I think it is purple.
    I think he is sighting a bonafied Big Dick!
    Squatch Nuts

  21. Stupid, waste of time breakdown


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