As the Squatch Turns S01E01 [Grab Some Popcorn]

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Jeffrey Kelley, an administrator for the Facebook group, The Squatchers Lounge! (Click on link to join).

"Daisy is in the box."

A cryptic message posted on an obscure forum in the wee hours of the morning.

Today, I received a text from the "Flash List" routing server. The text is as follows:

December 27, 2012 10:09 AM
From: CINC - 6
As of 0906 27 DEC 2012, "Daisy" is in the box.

I believe this message is factually correct because when we referred BF while under observation we used the term "target".the designation was to change to "daisy" once captured.

This was never published or posted.

"CINC" is capture control and "6" is the chief or lead. No one else would have known this.

Plus the routing and IP information matches.

I believe that Quantra has a live specimen.

If this is correct then I congratulate them on a job well done.
Ed Smith

I started following this story when a member of the Squatchers Lounge, Dw Darkwing Lee, Posted the question "Could this have happened?" with a link to the post on the MABRC forum by Ed Smith. Immediately my mind began to turn attempting to contemplate what I had just read. Is this true? Could it be done? Oh boy here we go again. Yes that was the final thought. This same group a number of weeks back in 2012 had made the same claim that Ed Smith himself may have a bigfoot body. After some side talking and back talking and a trip to the Hospital for Dw Lee, which by the way I was sorry to see, the story turned out to just be a possibility and not a statement of fact. They had posted  a statement of, "I cannot confirm or deny” for a number of days that drug the event out and left many with a bad taste in their mouth of further "announcements" from this particular group. Time passed and people forgive and forget as in most cases it should be, unlike proven hoaxers like Rick Dyer, Tom Biscardi among quite a few others, and the community moved on. So now what is this? Just another possibility or a real event that has happened?

The next message is received:

It appears that an unprecedented event is in motion, having been on the inside of this operation and now observing from the outside is a defiant change.

So here is what I know: "Daisy" has been moved to a examination area about 12 miles from the capture site at 3:17 this morning after being properly sedated. The capture site and examination area are on private property leased and or owned in order to conduct research and operations of this type. This was confirmed by a source in the Quantra Group.

Here is what I don't know: The weight height hair color gender or location of capture. Or the health of the specimen.

Nor the actions leading up to the capture of the specimen.

Here is what I'm speculating: the examination team is continuing to assemble, examination should take 72 hours.

If they go by the plan then a decision about release or storage in a repository will be made with in 48 hours after the examination is completed.

If release is chosen then a press release should be forth coming after the examination is competed, if the specimen is sent to the repository then a press and information release would happen with in 30 to 90 days thats by the operations plan.

Reasons for moving the specimen to a repository include health issues, prolonged examination and on the darker side private investment group interests.

For clarity, the Original six was never part of the MABRC and the Original six ceased operations completely. Quantra was formed with elements of the O-6, new members, ownership and management. I'm posting this due to inaccurate reporting by some Internet news shows.

I would like to thank DW for posting information as I have been able to obtain it. I was out of town and unable to post my self.

There is an old Army saying "once the first round is fired all plans go out the window" I commend the Quantra Group for maintaining operational focus, I guess my advise on hiring ex-military operators was heeded.

In my opinion, there should be a press release within 48 hours if we get it I would be surprised, it seems they are playing this to the ink as it were.

I will be in touch.
Ed Smith

My brain begins to speculate. My goodness this seems to be the real deal. I want to believe this is really happening. The community strikes back. Where are the pictures; where is the video. Show us something or this is a hoax and you are all liars. Personally I have set aside my personal feelings to really take an in-depth look at what was really going on. First "Quantra" has no obligation other than to their own backers to produce anything to anyone. I will be the first person that admits I am the biggest nobody in bigfooting, and realize they don't owe me squat. If they really do have an animal in a box there will be plenty of picture and video evidence once they feel it deems ready to release. If I discovered the formula to turn lead into gold do you think I would share it? Taking a real look at the media world, clear documented HD video footage will be worth tens of millions to the team; so, why just fling it out there. There are other concerns for the group as they still have this animal contained and now it seems under study.

I decided to take the time to read the protocols posted on the MABRC forum as to just how they intend to go about catching a bigfoot and learned the intent appeared to be to release the animal once it was studied. Once you can catch one you can catch another. There seems to be a lot of cloak and dagger surrounding the "Quantra" group but from persons inside that I have spoken with they are a well funded, well planned group with an actual plan of capture, study and release. Much more than any other public available group I have seen. The protocols have been posted since early 2011 and a claim that they go back to 2008.

A capture changes everything. Now I must take a step back and look at the new situation. Why has it been so quiet? Many hours went by before there was another update. The community gets upset and starts making claims that Ed Smith is not a real person and youtubers attack that Ed Smith doesn't exist. Then the updates fall silent. A few interviews with Dw Lee pop up confirming Ed Smith is indeed a real person and some personal comments on facebook immerge stating the same thing. Steve Kulls even goes on record saying he had spoken to him personally. My nerves begin to ease. Ok there is still hope that this event is really going on.

Finally another post by Ed Smith Dec 28th 2012:

We, Mr Alexander and myself have been negotiating all day and up until about an hour ago.

I'm proposing a conference call or meeting be between the principles of Quantra, MABRC, Meldrum (if Available), Hovey (if Available), myself and some others. I hope we can come to agreement on this.
There will be a press release in the future on Quantra's timetable it's their call and all of us are going to have to suck it up and accept it.

There is an issue with the specimen and health concerns are paramount. I do not know specifics or details of the condition of the specimen but I think everyone would be respectful of the attention to this matter.

I will keep you posted.

And remember: The MABRC ownership, management, organizational members, forum members and affiliates are NOT responsible for the content of my posts or the data that has been presented here over the years.

Ed Smith

What was all that about? Oh my how exciting. Then I notice the distancing of Ed Smiths’ statement that Dw Lee and the MABRC are not responsible for the info and posts that Ed himself is claiming all responsibility. Secrecy, Ok I can get on board with that. Give the community enough information to know that the project is still moving forward. Obviously if they have time for meetings then the captured subject is under control. Oh no! Did I just read that right? The health of the animal is now paramount. That is a shame but it does happen even to healthy animals. Is it worth losing one in this manner?  In my mind yes. It is a sad event but it wasn't like the claims that someone baited the animal and then shot it in the head at close range like a coward would do. They made an attempt at a capture and release that may have ended poorly. At least the intent was honorable. I am still hopeful this event is going on at this point and I have not been upset with the lack of video or pictures as there hasn't been 2 plus years of being pulled along by a DNA study that may be flawed from the start.

The next announcement is released:

Wednesday January 2, 2013

A meeting will be held by Ed Smith and the principles of Quantra in Houston to work out the details of the meeting between Quantra and MABRC and those individuals that have been decided upon.
Further details will be posted as available.

4 days have passed and the story has cooled until the big announcement that a meeting is set in Tx. Wow blistering news my mind once again picks up the story where it left off. An update on the health of the animal and the progress of the study would be nice but I still have hopes that those details may be released after the meeting of Ed Smith and the principals of "Quantra". Indeed this is a bomb shell. We may be close to more information being released.

Then another post by Ed Smith that day.

From Ed Smith, 1-2-2013 wrote:

Its time to clear up some of the background on the Orig-6.

When we began in the early nineties there were six group members, as we worked into certain projects we had helpers those numbered three to five.

As we moved in to the early two thousands it became larger in scope I can say the nineties for us (6) was a lot of fun our projects were small and enjoyable to conduct.

When we started the long range survey projects in the mid to late two thousands, thats when the group went on steroids so to speak. Our contractor numbers went to 22 plus us and we began associations with others in multiple states.

Then when we operated our own DNA project with the results of incorrect primers vs corrected primers it was decided that a body preferably living would be the best course to take.

The capture idea began in the mid nineties mostly with me not so much with the others, but I began with the sketching of trap possibilities and over time the design grew the unit must be strong, stealthy, mobile, and autonomous. The trap units were fabricated in Tulsa at a business associates shop.

In accordance with the protocol and the operations plan, we began slowly to assemble the needed assets, manpower and resources. In the oil and gas business you have to be mobile, durable and reliable in your work, planing and operation. This also provided the perfect cover for operating such a project.

The capture project while under the control of the ORIG-6 had as many as 42 plus us working on it.

When the ORIG-6 ceased operations late last year the movement towards such a conclusion started in late May and early June of 2012. A friend of mine suggested that we (ORIG-6) meet with a group of like minded. but not engaged in BF research, business associates of his, so in May/June of 2012 we had an initial meeting in Virginia. Where they were attending a conference and from this meeting the Quantra Group was conceived.

When the ORIG-6 ceased operations all our projects were terminated except the capture project was passed through to the Quantra Group. All project data past and present was transferred to the Quantra Group. I retain ownership of my written work plans and protocols and such.

I am restricted in discussing any of our past project work for a period of ten years. I am further restricted from participating in research even for my own private enjoyment (trust me there was a price for that one) for seven years.

Four of the ORIG-6 members began with the Quantra Group only two remain. My understanding is that the Quantra Groups operating environment is uncomfortable and that is all I will say about it.

As for the documentaries, the first two volumes are complete and the third is in revision. The ORIG-6 no longer owns the rights to them Quantra is now the owner.

I have posted this previously.

In some of the reporting on blogs and forums that the capture was leaked to me that is inaccurate. The text message was mistakenly sent to me I posted the information. Did I contact a source in the Quantra Group? Yes did and the information was posted.

Could that get me sued possibly but if it wasn't for the Quantra Groups mistake I would have never known.

The meeting with the principles of the Quantra Group is this evening.

I hope this post has cleared up some things for those interested in the work. Have a good day.

Now we have it, the time line of existence of “Quantra” and where Ed Smith fits in. How the group operates is now up to the commanders of the new group, yet seems to be keeping Ed in the loop with enough information, yet not enough, to do any damage to an ongoing operation. It also seems that many of the plans and protocols that had been in place are still being used. Why not? Good plans are good plans.

So now here we sit, awaiting yet another tidbit from the saga of "Daisy". Did the meeting go down? Did "Daisy" perish as a result of the capture, something else it was ailing from, or is she still alive? Will Ed Smith post further updates, or will it all just fade away? With claims of contacting principals in the field for advice and possible access to the animal big claims are being thrown around. From the reports that have been made in this saga it seems there is no return. Either you have one in a box, or there is creditability on the line. I don't have the answers, but I will be keeping my eye on this story. True or false this story is amazing. I can see the TV movie now. Bigfoot in a box Staring Jack Black as Bigfoot...

Watch out for the next installment of “As the Squatch Turns”.


  1. First tater of the day! Lick it bitches

    1. QUANTRA ALERT: Mothman is in the cookie jar. Sedate the subject. A Veterinarian (crazy cat lady) will be sent in today, to perform a full physical evaluation of the subject. Watch her closely and make certain that she doesn't steal any tissue samples.

    2. This and all the other bullshit stories like this are only meant to prolferate the myth of Bigfoot. They needed something to keep the mindless masses of curious onlookers interested. Its perfect timing... the Seirra Kills DNA were found to be "bear"... so poof here's another BS drama to contain the interest of simple minded morons. FB/FB didn't get into the loop on this one so they went on to promote the next best thing.... Rick Dyer. That's right, people that in some respects are almost serious about the whole BF myth have gone down the road of a known hoaxter. So its become quite clear that all this capture or killing is nothing more than a promotional stunt!!!

    3. what happened to america saidFriday, January 4, 2013 at 5:20:00 AM PST

      yea right! you people keep posting straight junk/bull-shit! i'm a bleever not a beaver, but this is just the crap these skeptics feed on! just the posting the big foot community dosen't need.

    4. Anon. 5:12 - Are you part of the "mindless masses of curious onlookers"? Why else are you on this site?? You're curious about this subject, no?

    5. Fascinated by crazy delusional people, but wish to observe them from a distance.

    6. Although I will not leave my name at this time, I have heard through a reliable source the this "Daisy" has been studied and videoed. Apparently Daisy has been transported via tractor trailer to a remote area of Greenbrier County, WV and released. This location is said to be extremely vast with large wooded areas, lakes and an abundance of wildlife with numerous sasquatch sightings. No other information given.

    7. @ frank mahoney... for years I beleived BF was out there, just slipping under the researchers grasp of real proof. I had never come to this site nor FB/FB and periodically pop into the BFRO site just to read the latest sightings. It wasn't till after I started looking thru this site and FB/FB did I realize all this crap is really about putting food on the tables of myth promoters. NO high resolution pics, NO clear video and no bodies dead or alive. Its pretty simple to form the skepical summary.

      Hoaxes go on over and over again without proper scuitany, all the while sites all across the BF community promote and push the hoax as REAL. Its clear to see why a good hoax helps the so-called believers/researchers.... Do you really think they want a BF found? TV shows are done and over, web sites have no more 3-4 pixels to dribble over, not to mention the real researcher that backed with naive peoples money.... All it takes is just a dash of critical thinking

    8. Ed Smith Posted the following:

      " We, Mr Alexander and myself have been negotiating all day and up until about an hour ago.

      I'm proposing a conference call or meeting be between the principles of Quantra, MABRC, Meldrum (if Available), Hovey (if Available), myself and some others. I hope we can come to agreement on this.
      There will be a press release in the future on Quantra's timetable it's their call and all of us are going to have to suck it up and accept it.

      There is an issue with the specimen and health concerns are paramount. I do not know specifics or details of the condition of the specimen but I think everyone would be respectful of the attention to this matter.

      I will keep you posted.

      And remember: The MABRC ownership, management, organizational members, forum members and affiliates are NOT responsible for the content of my posts or the data that has been presented here over the years.

      I AM."


      Why would Ed smith be meeting with anyone?? He had stated that he was not part of the group anymore and that he had received a text by mistake. - I really want to believe that a live capture has indeed happened, but there are certain things not adding up. I do understand that this would be the find of the century and would be worth millions to those involved, but if it were true, wouldn't you want to prime the community for what was about to happen? I think that I would at least sacrifice a single picture. The whisper of BS in my perception seems to be getting louder. I do hope that I am wrong.

    9. Do not trust to hope on this one it's excrement of the bovine kind what I don't get though is what the the motive is.

  2. Replies
    1. You missed it, now lick it.

    2. I will do no such thing....Daisys been in there and who knows where Daisys been

    3. Oh come on, just a little lick.

    4. First at what? Being a fucking dumb ass donkey fucker? I think so!!!!!

  3. You think small...

    If I wanted to make big money off of a captured BF I would think the organizations to sell it to would be the ones who have the most to lose from it's existence being proven. i.e. Logging industry, Mining industry, etc.

    After all, it's the auto industry, and the oil industry that pays top dollar to purchase the designs ultra fuel efficient engines and such. Just for the simple fact that if those designs ever saw the light of day it would cost those industries a mint.

    I bet you could get far more $$ from lobbyist groups for handing it over with an NDA to the softwood lumber industry than you ever could from any movie company for the film rights. Check the export figures, the softwood lumber industry has profits at stake to the tune of billions of dollars.

    1. They could make a lot of money whoring Daisy's taterhole out to the populas of San Francisco, they'll just think it's a big hairy man with giant tumors on his chest.

    2. The Goose is in the caboose.

  4. Stupid story and nothing but a lie. Captured Bigfoot...

    1. I pooped my pants and now doing the Patty walk!

  5. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

  6. "Either you have one in a box, or there is creditability on the line."

    In the "normal" world this might be "bigfootery" (sadly) everything is possible...

    1. They have no credibility, never have, never will.

  7. Mabey he meant he muff-punched Daisy in her box.

  8. ..So, they have 2 out of 3 documentaries completed with the third in revision? What are these guys...STUPID???? Take a lesson from the Movie industry, create hype, release the first, then the second, and by that time, you'll have the third ready to release. And BOBO is your Uncle, and Daisy is your Aunt...LOL

    1. In the beginning, man created Bigfoot in his own image.

    2. And Bigfoot said: Let man have no other mythical creatures before me.

  9. In 2003, January 3rd, The New York Times printed a front page article reporting Ray Wallace’s “death bed” confession as the guy wearing a Bigfoot costume in the famous Patterson/Gimlin film.

    To Bigfooters, the Sasquatch in the film is referred to as Patty. Ray Wallace has been claiming he was Patty long before he died, but somehow as a “death bed” confession the story seemed to stick better. He also claimed at one point his wife was in the suit. The testimony of Michael Wallace, Ray’s son is the thrust of the article.

    “This wasn’t a well-planned plot or anything,” said Michael Wallace, one of Ray’s sons.

    “All it means is that Ray Wallace is dead, not Bigfoot,” said Dr. Wolf Henner Fahrenbach, a zoologist in the Portland area who is retired from the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center.

    Though some Bigfoot believers had long suspected that Mr. Wallace created the tracks, he kept his secret, and his family never confirmed it until his death.

    Michael Wallace said his father had a friend carve the feet.

    1. Yep, they printed that story and made a liar really famous. Way to go New York Times!!!! They only print the truth and everyone knows that!!!!

    2. I'm no expert, Straight up, there is absolutely no way the people that have claimed to be Patty are telling the truth. sorry, these people aren't even close. I've watched every doc and all these people try to walk the walk,especially take the stride,not close at all. The suits they have come up with and 67 style fabric and padding, not one of these men have anywhere close the bulk and the height to fill a suit like the Patty in the film. The imitation suits are hilarious. Somebody may have played Patty, but not these guys and not me, I'm as confident about both. not 100% convinced of bigfoot.

  10. Sounds like a complete load of bullshit.

    1. Sure. say you find a new species of a fish or a deer, as they do every now and then. None of the BS cr*p follows.

      I still say, Patty was genuine and no hoax but everything that has come out since then is total BS. I assume they died out by the early 70's.

    2. Lol looks like we have a PGF bleever here. It must be sweatiyeti, Mulder or munns. The only bleevers left.

  11. Examination? Examine what by whom? And why? These bozos aren't qualified to examine shit. More likely having sex with it or torturing it.

  12. Great article, enjoyed it.

    One thing that I have noticed in the comments, was the negative, skeptical reply's. I could tell that they were made by uneducated persons, who have no grasp on the vastness of all the undiscovered lifeforms left to be discovered. There are many large animals that are being tracked as we speak, with most being quadrupedal, some are aquatic and four being bipedal and possibly fitting in the primate family.

    I would suggest to those who do not believe that there can be an undiscovered large species left anywhere on earth, go back to school and educate yourselves and you will see a whole new world of discoveries.

    Now what I have to say about the Patterson/Gimlin film. I find it to be credible. I base it on the facts that are seen in the film itself. If you look at the arm length and compare it to the leg, you will find that they match in length, with the shoulders, elbows and wrists matching the hips, knees and ankles. With humans, you will find that the arm length is 20% to 25% sorter than the leg length. What does this tell us, it is not a human in a costume. Now we must look at the face of the subject, which is larger than any of the persons claiming to be the one who was the subject in the film. Measurements have been taken of all the persons and none of them came close to matching the subject in the film. We use Fifteen different points of measurement, Eye width, depth, height, nose, mouth, lips and so on. None of the persons had along enough neck, their faces were to small and not even tallest humans alive today matched the head and neck ratios of the subject in the film.

    1. Well said, Sir! My Cherokee blood boils over such foolish talk as I now hear. I have never seen Omah, but I have always known that our "elder brother" has been with us since the time when species such as the the North American lion (Panthera leo atrox) graced our own presence. Judging by what we know of the development and dispersal of primates - including Homo sapiens sapiens - worldwide, it is only logical. The accounts of this being over the last hundreds of years are too plausible. They were often reported by those who had no reason to lie. The lack of respect for this subject as well as the highly offensive and obviously ill-intended opinions offered through many of the statements in these blogs are certainly never welcome by most viewers. To be uninformed or of differing opinion is understandable, to be of a closed mind is unfortunate, but to speak in a malicious spirit is inexcusable. Whether foul or fair, we are witnessing a historic event. Let the accounts unfold, be quiet and marvel at it. One final note: These stories reflect who is the more honest primate - and it is certainly not us. God help us all.

    2. Maybe my cherokee blood is what has always told me, ask questions, investigate, never tell another what they did and didn't see. Especially if I don't have all the facts. I'm not sure about bigfoot because I spend and have spent many years in the woods without ever seeing my own evidence. But I certainly will not call everyone an idiot or fool that says they have. I now have a friend who claims to have seen one, and I'm going with him to investigate. I have an open mind thanks to my cherokee ancestors. Native Americans are good at keeping their eyes and ears open while keeping their mouths closed until they have some truth to tell.

  13. I concur with Dr. W......

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