A Call For Stories And Personal Experiences!

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook group at Team Squatchin USA.

(Deadline for Submissions has been extended to January 31, 2013)

To date, I have received several stories submitted by many Bigfoot friends from all walks of life and from all over North America. Thank you so very much!!!

I'm writing a book from the perspective of a Psychologist - NOT as an Anthropologist, Biologist, Geneticist, etc. I'll be sharing the story of my encounter with Bigfoot at the Oregon Caves National Monument Park (July 1, 2000) as well as my subsequent research and habituation experiences. HOWEVER, I wish to integrate the experiences of as many people into my book as possible. I want to help "NORMALIZE" the Bigfoot phenomena and help make it easier for others to talk about their encounters. In a nutshell, I need your help to confront the Social Taboo and Stigma associated with talking about Bigfoot encounters.

More specifically, here's the type of stories, experiences, and opinions that I still need from all of you (I will mention your name, website, organization, books, etc. or I will keep your name private if you so desire. Just let me know what you prefer):


What, where, and when? What were your thoughts and feelings at the time? Did you share your story right away? Why or why not? How did family, friends, coworkers, and community respond to you? Would you have handled it the same way again or differently? Did a "Bigfoot Investigator" interview you? How did they treat you? Were they respectful or rude?


Are you or have you been a "Bigfoot Investigator"? What is your favorite and/or most believable encounter/witness you ever investigated? What about the encounter and/or witness made it a Class A encounter? What have you learned about the Bigfoot phenomena and witnesses via your investigations? Why do you continue to investigate? Why did you choose to stop investigating?


Are you a Bigfoot Researcher? Are you out in the forest using all kinds of equipment trying to capture the Bigfoot species on tape or film? Have you actually seen a Bigfoot? What is your most impressive evidence that you have collected? (i.e., Tracks, hair samples, video, pics, audio recordings, etc.) How long have you been researching? Are you with an organization? What do your family and friends think about your research? What have you learned thus far?


Are you a Bigfoot Habituator? Did you begin as a "Researcher" first or did you jump right into the "Habituation" process? Are you interacting with a single Bigfoot, one family, or a clan? How long have you been involved in the "Habituation" process? What techniques have you been using over time to develop their trust? (i.e., Leaving food? What type of food? Gifting? Music? etc.) What do your family and friends think about your Habituation experiences?


Are you familiar with any Bigfoot hoaxes or hoaxers? Have you investigated any alleged Bigfoot encounters only to find out that they're a hoax? What made you realize that it was a hoax? Who are the biggest hoaxers in Bigfootdom and what evidence do you have to prove that they're hoaxers? How does "Hoaxing" impact the Bigfoot phenomena?


How long have you been in the Bigfoot community? How familiar are you with Bigfoot politics? Why do you take such a public stand or why do you hide and lurk? What have you observed about "Bigfoot Politics" over the years? Who are the most diplomatic Bigfooters out there? Who are the most controlling and power grubbing Bigfooters out there? Who are the "Moles and Trolls"? How do "Bigfoot Politics" impact the Bigfoot phenomena, witness reporting, public perception, etc. Why do the same speakers present at all the conferences and other good presenters appear to be ignored? What would help to improve the situation of Bigfoot Politics?


Are you active in the Bigfoot Facebook community? How many groups do you belong to? Do you own a Bigfoot Facebook Group? What do you get out of your participation? Is Facebook helping to "normalize" the Bigfoot phenomena? Is Facebook hurting the "normalization" process? Why or why not? Does Facebook help to bring the experienced Bigfooters together? Does Facebook help to educate the newbies?


Have you attended any Bigfoot conferences? How many? What are the best Bigfoot conferences? What makes them a good conference? Do Bigfoot Conferences help or harm the "normalization" process? What are the "pros and cons" of Bigfoot conferences? Who are the best speakers and why? Who are the worst speakers and why? Why do the same speakers present at all the conferences and other good speakers appear to be ignored? Should Bigfoot Conferences be continued? How could they improve their format as well as their marketing to increase attendance?


Have you experienced any paranormal Bigfoot activities? (i.e., Mind speak, cloaking, zapped, "The coconut express", etc.). How did it make you feel? What did you think? Did you tell others? Have you kept the experience(s) to yourself? If you did tell others, how have they responded to you? If you have NEVER experienced any paranormal Bigfoot activities, what do you think and feel about those who claim that they have? Are they crazy or liars? Did it really happen?


Did your Bigfoot encounter create any emotional/psychological issues for you to deal with? (i.e., Nightmares, fear of the woods, fear of the dark, etc.). Do you know of anyone else who was emotionally impacted by their Bigfoot encounter? How did they deal with it? Did they see a therapist? Did they talk with family and friends?


Did you begin your journey not believing in the Bigfoot phenomena? What ultimately led to your conversion? Did you start off investigating the Bigfoot phenomena to disprove it but ended up being convinced by the evidence that they really do exists? What evidence convinced you that they exist? Witnesses? Tracks? A visual? Sounds?


Have you authored a book about the Bigfoot phenomena? What were the responses and reactions that you received? Do Bigfoot books help to "normalize" the Bigfoot phenomena? Why or why not? What are the best Bigfoot books out there today? What makes them a good book? What books need to be written about the Bigfoot phenomena?


On July 1, 2000, Dr Matthew A Johnson and his family encountered a Bigfoot up on the mountain about one mile above the Oregon Caves. He talked with his wife and they decided to make a report to the Park Rangers due to public safety concerns. Within a matter of days, the report shot around the world. Dr Johnson was continuously inundated by the media and members of the Bigfoot community. What were your responses when you heard about Dr Johnson's encounter? Did you think it was true? Did you withhold judgment? Did you think he was lying? Why or why not? Were you involved in the investigation process? What did you think? Have you been involved in any of Dr Johnson's subsequent research or habituation outings? What are your thoughts and feelings about Dr Johnson, his encounter, and/or his subsequent experiences? Did Dr Johnson's choice to make a public report help to "normalize" the Bigfoot phenomena? Why or why not?


Do you live outside of North America? Have you experienced any Bigfoot/Yeti/Yowie encounters? Have you participated in any expeditions overseas? What is the public perception of the Bigfoot phenomena in your country? Are the Americans and Canadians crazy? Does the general population in your country talk openly about the Bigfoot phenomena? Why or why not? What do you think is the difference between your country and the USA regarding the acceptance or rejection of the Bigfoot phenomena? What other thoughts and feelings would you like to share in my book about the International community's acceptance or rejection of the Bigfoot phenomena?


Do you have some information that you would like to share with others in my book but it doesn't fit into the above categories? Please feel free to submit that to me as well.

Please submit all of your stories, experiences, and/or opinions to me along with a sentence or two giving me permission to use your information in my book via:


God Bless!
Dr Matthew A Johnson
(Owner of the "Team Squatchin USA" Facebook Group)


  1. Matthew Johnson is one of the most un-credible peoplw and is a complete fraud, ask his ex-wife. He is a psycho.

    1. Doc Johnson is the name on the side of some of our adult toys. I'm not fibbing. It's a manafacturer of these adult toys. One thing is for sure. I'm not a Dr. but what makes it more credible of a BF encounter if you are a Dr.? It's like the commercial, I'm not a Dr. but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night! My favorite is, I'm not a Dr. but I play one on t.v. LOL, gotta have a sense of humor!!!!

    2. Hey John, do you have/use the Lee Press-On Penis Extension?

    3. Talk to my ex-wife? Really? LOL!!! My ex-wife was a serially unfaithful during our marriage, emotionally impaired, she verbally and physically abused me repeatedly for 22 years, and she physically assaulted my elderly mother twice. My father, a retired Oregon State Trooper, and I had to pull her off of my mother twice. By the way, she's out there telling others that I'm a fraud? Really? She's the one who's lying. Listen to her video taped testimony beginning at the Time Mark of "4:25". I've NEVER deviated from the truth. She's the one who's changing her story just to try and make me look bad because I left her. She's angry because she lost her control over my life. She is the Olympic Gold Medalist of Liars. Click on the link below and listen to her testimony at the 4:25 mark. I'm telling the truth and she's the one who's lying.


    4. Ohhhh... There he goes...

    5. Are there people in the Bigfoot world who don't have baggage?

    6. When you lie with dogs... Why explain yourself here?

    7. LOL LOL LOL

      PhD psychologist or the informed Anons here - this is funny and you know way too much about personality disorders.

      Tuesday, January 1, 2013 4:25:00 PM PST

      Talk to my ex-wife? Really? LOL!!! My ex-wife was a serially unfaithful during our marriage, emotionally impaired, she verbally and physically abused me repeatedly for 22 years, and she physically assaulted my elderly mother twice. My father, a retired Oregon State Trooper, and I had to pull her off of my mother twice. By the way, she's out there telling others that I'm a fraud? Really? She's the one who's lying. Listen to her video taped testimony beginning at the Time Mark of "4:25". I've NEVER deviated from the truth. She's the one who's changing her story just to try and make me look bad because I left her. She's angry because she lost her control over my life. She is the Olympic Gold Medalist of Liars. Click on the link below and listen to her testimony at the 4:25 mark. I'm telling the truth and she's the one who's lying.


    8. Easy doctor,

      You appear to not frequent this asylum much. They let these teenage drooling, knuckle draggers out of their cages and gave them all a computer with an internet connection. They come here just to get under the skin of serious people and attempt to discredit the subject matter. It is their way of dealing with their denial of the existance of something that their parents did not prepare them for. We can blame their parents, since they failed to prepare their children for life's foreseeable challenges, like Bigfoot. Which is a form of child abuse. And now their kids are barely clinging to reality by their fingernails here. Don't take it personally because they will have forgotten everything that they typed here, by the time that they return from the head.

      There are also the paid skeptics that come here. They anonymously focus their attention on harassing people who step out to tell people of their experiences. They especially start frothing at the mouth when either the P-G film or the Freeman footage comes up. Those two pieces of evidence appear to be their primary target as described in their mission statement. Witnesses like you would be their secondary target.

      You need a program to know who the players are, but once you understand that, it is a lot easier to just let it roll off your shoulder.

      Just look at these attacks are similar to a Bigfoot growling at you. It doesn't mean nothing.

    9. Thanks, I'll use this experience in my book. I think they're frustrated juveniles who are compensating for a tiny d.....

  2. One time I ate a bigfoot's meat, it tasted liek DEER!!!

    -John Boy

    1. No matter how many times I read that, it makes me laugh. What ever blows your hair back I suppose.

    2. Or whatever you blow with back hair. As long as it floats your boat.

    3. Glad i could make you chuckle..all these hateful commenters will hopefully be influenced by my joy to believe in bigfoot and sPread pove rather then terrible anomalies!!!!?!¡
      -John Boy

  3. I herd won out side my bed room. It was hewge. My winder is 9 feet above the ground out side. That darned old thing kept looking in at me while I was have private time with my lady.

    They out there! I seen em. Thays hewgE! I seen em. 100% real. stank like a wet dog and anal sex.

  4. I have a very true story for you Matthew. Bigfoot isn't real and the ending of the story is: grow up.

  5. Matthew A Johnson: You sir are a liar and a fool. The truth will set you free. Your fantasy world is closing in on you. You should do the community a service "dr" and tell them the truth.

    To keep lying, shows you're not only dishonest, but willing to lead others in a lie. I find that to be extremely foul, and disgusting.

    You're supposed to be a "Dr" that helps people. Why don't you start doing that, and stop lying.

    1. I've known Dr Johnson since he first moved to Grants Pass OR. He's a very honest, straight forward type of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. I also knew his wife and she was and is one very messed up woman. She's angry, yells at the refs during sporting events, and unless you agreed with her, you were on her poop list. I personally saw her systematically isolate Dr Johnson from his family and friends.

      What most people don't know about is the fact that Ranger John Roth investigated the are of his encounter within 48 hours and found evidence of something large moving through the area. Ranger Roth also found a large human like foot print that he identified as a Bigfoot track. He's on video saying so. Also, I believe that John Freitas and Derek Randles investigated his report, interviewed his family (including his ex wife who confirmed the story) and found him to be a very credible witness. The BFRO has it listed as a Class A encounter.

      Finally, if I'm not mistaken, Dr Johnson and Dr York (wildlife biologist) went on an expedition up in the mountains just after the encounter and found a multitude of evidence, including tracks, bedding areas, and sunning areas. Also, I believe Dr Johnson's father stood guard every night while everyone else slept. I believe his father is a retired police officer. Anyway, his father said that he saw three of them approach camp during the first night of their expedition after everyone fell asleep and some of the guys began to snore.

      I know Dr Johnson. He's not a liar. If he was lying, then why did Ranger Roth find a Bigfoot track and evidence of something large moving through the area? If he was lying, why did John Freitas and Derek Randles say it was a Class A encounter and a "10"? If he was lying, why did the expedition crew find a multitude of Bigfoot tracks in the area, bedding spots, and sunning spots?

      I'm concerned that Shawn Evidence allows such blatant dishonest statements be made about a man such as Dr Johnson with the attempt to tarnish his very credible reputation. I strongly suggest that these untruthful and inflammatory statements be deleted and that a "Zero Tolerance" policy be enacted to deal with such inappropriate behaviors.

  6. Matthew Johnson has the same arms as Lori Simmons.

    1. He's got Moobs! Someone get him a bra.

    2. 2:40, you beat me to it! He needs a bro or a manzeer.

  7. Dr matthew johnson was raped at a young age by bigfoot.. This is why he cant let it go.. He still has regular contact with him and they participate in 3 ways.. Fact

    1. Somebody should swab Matthew's penis for squatch feces.

  8. I felt uneasy in the woods once. I haven't been the same since.

  9. Once, I was in the woods and I heard a kind of squeaking and I followed the noise and it got louder and then I heard thumping and so I followed it and then I heard honking and so I followed it and it got louder and then I realised I was lost. So then I carried on following the noises of squeaks and honks and thumps and then I woke up!!

  10. Doctor Douchebag at your service.

  11. Never gonna give you up,
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry,
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    1. You spin me round round baby round round
      like a record spinning round round round round

    2. I got to be your friend now, baby
      And I would like to move in just a little bit closer

    3. From the top of the pole I watch her go down, she's got me throwin my money around...

    4. who the fuck said you could play?

    5. do you really want to hurt me
      do you really want to make me cry
      do you really want to hurt me
      do you really want to make me cry...

    6. Ain't no doubt about it
      We were doubly blessed
      'Cause we were barely seventeen
      And we were barely dressed
      Ain't no doubt about it
      Baby got to go and shout it
      Ain't no doubt about it
      We were doubly blessed

    7. 'Cause I got a brand new combine harvester and I'll give you the key
      Come on now, let's get together
      In perfect harmony
      I got 20 acres and you got 43
      Now I got a brand new combine harvester and I'll give you the key.

    8. You take the good, you take bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life. There's a time you gotta go and show you're growin now you know about the facts of life, the facts of life. When the world never seems to be livin up to your dreams, finally you're finding out the facts of life are all about you ohhhh...

    9. You put a wur after w and a wur after o, a wur after r and away we go...you put an e after z, an l after e, and you're left.. with me!

    10. Don't go changing, to try and please me
      You never let me down before
      Don't imagine you're too familiar
      And I don't see you anymore
      I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
      We never could have come this far
      I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
      I'll take you just the way you are

    11. I made it through the wilderness
      Somehow I made it through
      Didn't know how lost I was
      Until I found you

    12. Gold
      Always believe in your soul
      You've got the power to know
      You're indestructible
      Always believe in, because you are

    13. I was beat incomplete
      I'd been had, I was sad and blue
      But you made me feel
      Yeah, you made me feel
      Shiny and new

    14. I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel. I'm cold and I'm ashamed, lying naked on the floor. Illusion never changes into something real, I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn.

    15. It was a theme she had
      On a scheme he had
      Told in a foreign land
      To take life on earth
      To the second birth
      And the man was in
      It was a flight on the wings
      Of a young girls dreams
      That flew too far away
      And we could make the monster live again
      Oh hands move and heart beat on
      Now life will return in this electric storm
      A prophecy for a fantasy
      The curse of a vivid

    16. Like a virgin
      Touched for the very first time
      Like a virgin
      When your heart beats [after first time, "With your heartbeat"]
      Next to mine

    17. If this is the last kiss
      If this is the last touch

      If this is the last time I can ever be holding you.
      If this is the last race
      I can never forget your face

      If this is the last kiss I'll get used to it

    18. O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
      Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
      Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
      And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

    19. And it seems to me you lived your life
      Like a candle in the wind
      Never knowing who to cling to
      When the rain set in
      And I would have liked to have known you
      But I was just a kid
      Your candle burned out long before
      Your legend ever did

    20. "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
      Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
      Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
      And I'll no longer be a Capulet."

      Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?

  12. I don't understand why it is so important to belong to a group.I research by myself and sometimes one other person.I will never write a book or try to be famous I do it because I enjoy it.Belonging to a group doesn't make you any more credible than anyone else until you are the one that can put an end to any doubt that people have that Sasquatch does exist.

    1. Yeah but Iam a lonely sadass who looks for other weirdo friends......:(

    2. Epistemically, belonging to a group may make you more credible. The ability to bounce ideas and interpretations against others' way of thinking may result in a better set of facts or opinions.

      That being said, do what you like to do. Proof for others should not be a major concern; it will come out eventually. There is something to be said for an experience that is all your own, no?

  13. I only wish I had a story to contribute but kudos to Dr. Johnson for taking on this subject. Who better to interpret their own experience and those of others than a psychologist who has also had their own sighting? If there were any possibility that all of these cases were mistaken sightings of known animals, then who better to ferret that out than Dr. Johnson? The guy knows something about human perception.

    1. After reading his reply at 4:25 I have serious concerns for his welfare. Being an experienced Psychologist it's quite odd that he feels the need to respond in depth to the trolls on this board. Quite bizarre.


    2. It's quite bizarre to attempt to tarnish a man's reputation through lies and then not expect him to counter the lies with the truth. It's quite bizarre to attack a man who's honest and very credible. The mentality of most of the posters here is equivalent to that of Middle Schoolers. Your statement is quite bizarre.

  14. I've known Dr Johnson since he first moved to Grants Pass OR. He's a very honest, straight forward type of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. I also knew his wife and she was and is one very messed up woman. She's angry, yells at the refs during sporting events, and unless you agreed with her, you were on her poop list. I personally saw her systematically isolate Dr Johnson from his family and friends.

    What most people don't know about is the fact that Ranger John Roth investigated the are of his encounter within 48 hours and found evidence of something large moving through the area. Ranger Roth also found a large human like foot print that he identified as a Bigfoot track. He's on video saying so. Also, I believe that John Freitas and Derek Randles investigated his report, interviewed his family (including his ex wife who confirmed the story) and found him to be a very credible witness. The BFRO has it listed as a Class A encounter.

    Finally, if I'm not mistaken, Dr Johnson and Dr York (wildlife biologist) went on an expedition up in the mountains just after the encounter and found a multitude of evidence, including tracks, bedding areas, and sunning areas. Also, I believe Dr Johnson's father stood guard every night while everyone else slept. I believe his father is a retired police officer. Anyway, his father said that he saw three of them approach camp during the first night of their expedition after everyone fell asleep and some of the guys began to snore.

    I know Dr Johnson. He's not a liar. If he was lying, then why did Ranger Roth find a Bigfoot track and evidence of something large moving through the area? If he was lying, why did John Freitas and Derek Randles say it was a Class A encounter and a "10"? If he was lying, why did the expedition crew find a multitude of Bigfoot tracks in the area, bedding spots, and sunning spots?

    I'm concerned that Shawn Evidence allows such blatant dishonest statements be made about a man such as Dr Johnson with the attempt to tarnish his very credible reputation. I strongly suggest that these untruthful and inflammatory statements be deleted and that a "Zero Tolerance" policy be enacted to deal with such inappropriate behaviors.

    1. Dr Johnson is batshit crazy just like you anon 6:07, got my drift mutha fucka!

  15. As a proud Grants Pass Caveman alum, I approve of this message.

  16. Wonderful post, 6:07. Dr. Johnson (to me) has tons of credibility and integrity, but it's still great to have the information you've offered. Thanks to someone on bigfootforums.com, I recently stumbled on the August 2012 "Inspired By Bigfoot" interview with Dr. Johnson and really loved the interview. Many of us are very grateful for the contributions Dr. Johnson has made -- and continues to make -- to this field of study.

  17. Dr Johnson has two different versions of his alleged encounter with a bigfoot. The original version of his story and one he came up with a few years ago that was totally different. Sounds like a fucking liar or a hoaxer to me.
    He has went off the deep end and I can see why he is divorced (because he is batshit craZY)!

    1. The two stories were not "totally different". He simply added more information when he told the story more recently, and he explains very clearly why he wasn't comfortable telling the full story early on. The explanations are really clear and simple. Your rejection of his very clear explanation indicates to me you're not actually interested in the truth of anything, but have some mysterious agenda you're pursuing. That's fine. Knock yourself out. Just know that your inability to process simple facts will make people think hard and long before they sign up to help you with that agenda.

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