Watch this: Tim Fasano - Who is Ed Smith? [Team Quantra]

In this latest video by Florida skunk ape hunter, Tim Fasano, he gives several reasons why he thinks there is no such person as Ed Smith. Smith claims he is in contact with Team Quantra and has been relaying information about a captured Bigfoot named "Daisy". Watch below:

Ed Smith does not exist. He is a false person created to be the poster of false and misleading information on the MABRC Forums. It's been a long term hoax.

What we know about Ed Smith:
- No phone number
- Ne email
- No photo of him
- No address
- No Facebook
- No Twitter
- No blog
- No website
- No friends in Bigfoot community
- No SHOW at Bigfoot conventions
- No videos of team Quantra or photos as promised two years ago.

Are you seeing a pattern here?

Don't take my word..
Google 'Ed Smith hoax"

He did a radio Show once and DW Lee had to spoon feed him the answers. An obvious stooge was being used.


  1. Replies
    1. Whoever leaked the story is a credible as Smeja, a total liar and hoaxer who cant even write his own book of bullshit, or Melba the cat vet who cant release her fake DNA evidence, the star of which is an old man's toenail and Smeja's bearcub, or even you Fasano, with your worthless pics and vids that just prove you need youtube hits.

      You boys need a life, please check the "daisy pic" story comments to see what I mean.

    2. I love me some hairy ass titties. Show me your hairy ass titties!!!!!!

    3. I need to really cut my noenails.

  2. My farts smell like Easter eggs.

  3. why give this idiot any press... he is not worth an drip of piss when it comes to research

    1. It's "a drop of piss" not "an drip of piss".

  4. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

  5. Replies
    1. Tim Fusano is the guy in the video

    2. T-Fats© is a sad, lonely cab driver down in Florida. He makes crappy videos, associates with known hoaxers and will do anything for attention and or web hits. He recently got into ghost hunting as it is much easier to produce "evidence" of ghosts than sasquatch and it pays/plays the same.

    3. Takes a stooge to know a stooge, Timmy knows stooges.

  6. Tim does have a point. Ed Smith is probably Randy "Driveroperator" Harrington. Anyone asking why Ed Smith was told "No Comment" then all the sudden he's running at the mouth. Or why Ed Smith is no longer a part of the elusive cryptic Orig6 or now QUantra. Look back 4 years ago, Ed Smith was claiming DNA. So good job Tim for calling the bullshit out.

    1. Yep! Tim is right again!! Good job!

    2. "tim" is an idiot and nobody with any common sense would ever consider his opinion as anything more then ramblings of a attention seeking putz.

    3. I would rub my bald pussy on Driveroperator's chrome dome. That's one fine pussy rub for me and the girl's.

  7. Tim reminds me of my uncle sonny. We used to affectionately call him uncle funny

    When you were drunk. He was real funny

    Timmay !!! Timmay !!!

  8. Did you know Tim Fasano is an anagram of SquatchyTaterLickingHole not a lot of people know that.

  9. What do we care what Fatsano thinks. I guess a fraud would know a fraud.

  10. What do you expect from a fat bastard that gets his Skunk ape evidence from the disney jungle cruise.

  11. Fuck right off Tim you fucking loser!

    1. Good for you.You've learned how to spell loser,you loser.

  12. Wow, you look at the picture of the hot chick on the previous post and then at T-Fats and you feel like they can't possibly be the same species.

  13. Wait a minute, did Tim just bad mouth Chuck Norris?

    1. Chuck Norris does not exist. Think about it.

  14. Back pedal all you like mr Tim Fasano, but you are now a proven hoaxer. Please post no more from this man.

    1. AGREE - no more Fatsano posts, please Shawn

    2. That's like telly a bully not to pick on a kid when you know he will do it more.

  15. I wish Tim Fasano didn't exist like this Ed guy so Shawn would stop posting his videos

  16. Is it just me or is Tim dreamy?

    1. For a fat guy, his naked ass looks pretty tight actually, I'm not gay or nothing, I'm just saying I was surprised when I saw the hotel picture.

  17. Jesus, this blog has went to fuck.

    1. Nice real nice. Jesus and the F word . Grow up!

    2. same amount of evidence for bigfoot and jesus. go figure

    3. Fuck...the f word,or fish,friend frank,fart,fesus,an f word variation of jesus

  18. Takes a hoaxer to know a hoaxer.....

  19. This is what we know about Tim
    He is a Cabby
    He gets secret info from Central Command Generals
    who forgo their security clearance requirements and
    tell Tim all of our country's Secret info
    The Generals CALL Tim when they want a ride and
    want to divulge secrets to a cabby.
    I dont know Tims Email address
    I dont Know Tims Phone mail
    I dont know Tims address
    I dont Know Tims webpage
    The picture of Tim is ugly
    I dont know Tims Twitter Address
    I have never seen Tim at a show
    I have never seens Tims Blog
    Tim has no friends in the Bigfoot Community
    Tims has been promising evidence for two years and nothing

    Anybody see a pattern here?

  20. T-Fats has devolved over the last week. Cheek swabs from his buttocks now shows he is 50% wood-ape, the other 50% inconclusive until further, more expensive, anal-isys can be conducted.

  21. What is mayor McCheeses comments on this one?

  22. Professional HOAXERS, amateur HOAXERS, fun time HOAXERS, delusional HOAXERS, ..seems like the whole BigFoot community is infected with hoaxers.

    So called professional investigators force a BigFoot in every photo with nothing in it.." see, there's the eyes etc" and they certify EVERY photo to be a real BigFoot.

    It would seem that anyone with integrity, or with something to bring forth would stay away from all theses folks. Even the guys that have been caught are given a second chance with the words: We're really upset with you right now you scum-bag piece of dog chang, but, ..well, just don't do that anymore ok? By the way are these pics you just posted real? -answer: YES, I'd stake my reputation on it! ...REALLY?! DERRRRRP

  23. Has anyone considered that the awful smell from this Daisy could be from the ones who started it ? MABRC leader and Squatch Unlimited creator and MABRC state director for New Orleans Rob Goudet ? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out .

    1. @Anon 7:25(right above me)

      Agreed, they're credibility STINKS!

  24. Tim Fasano has a lot of credibility building to do. This is a step forward for him.

    I'd encourage him, since he has a forum (love or hate him, he does), to refute all bigfoot claims like this immediately (like he did).

    He comes out looking credible whereas other (like this blog) don't.

    1. I think Fatsono is Ed Smith.

    2. Ed Smith doesn't exist, remember

    3. After the whole Sierra Kills episode Tim has more credibility than Shawn, R Lindsay, and Tean Tazer combined.

    4. I hope he doesn't take to many steps forward!That gravy filled pump he calls a heart might implode.

  25. I am sure Timmy has called all 1000+ ed smiths in North America. Just to make sure he doesnt sound like an idiot


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