This Story About "Daisy" Can't Be Real, Right?

Hey people! Please stop sending in fake stories of captured/dead Bigfoots. We have to admit, though, some of you are quite clever at making up fantastic stories, and this latest one takes the cake. We have one advice: If you're going to make something up, at least make it sound believable! The following account is an email from a guy who claims he was there during the examination of "Daisy"-- the Bigfoot captured by Team Quantra. This person wants to remain anonymous and hasn't responded to any of our emails yet. While reading this, please try not to laugh:

With so much being printed I felt that long timer believers deserved to hear the real story of the captured specimen, code named “Daisy”.

I was present and saw the creature upon it being brought to the research facility. I will attempt to describe “Daisy” and the methods employed with as much detail as possible.

The specimen was female, and appeared to be of an advanced age, as she appeared to have greying hair. “Daisy” was 7 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 614 pounds. She had a number of broken teeth but her incisors were intact and very long. Daisy had brown eyes and as stated before had patches of grey hair interwoven with black hair. Certain researchers estimated that she was at a minimum, 60 years old. The bottoms of her feet were white as were the inside of her hands. Daisy had extremely long fingernails and her hands were the combination of a human hand and a claw. “Daisy” was missing a part of her left index finger. “Daisy” also had a large scar on her forehead. Had the team captured a male specimen the code name “Duke” would have been used.

I thankfully did not have any contact with “Daisy” aside from witnessing her being brought into the facility from the field. I say thankfully because those who did interact with Daisy were badly injured.

Here are some details as to how “Daisy” was captured. “Daisy” was partially captured using a modified cage device. The device was baited with a combination of garlic, beef and pork. This combination brought “Daisy” to the spot where the device could be triggered. Upon the cage closing “Daisy “immediately began to struggle and attempt to break free. This led to the team shooting her with number tranquilizer darts. The problems started when the tranquilizers began wearing off much sooner than expected. Upon being brought back to the research center “Daisy” was strapped to a large gurney. Soon after the examination began the sedatives wore off and “Daisy” quickly broke out of the restraints. “Daisy” then attacked anyone in the proximity. One man nearly had his face ripped off and will require extensive plastic surgery. Another had his knee crushed, and will require extensive physical therapy in order to walk normally again. Two others were thrown across the room with one breaking his arm, and a female her collarbone. Soon after “Daisy” had inflicted this damage she began began looking for any way to escape. She began to throw the equipment around the room and eventually found her way to the door and the hallway beneath the observation deck. This hallway had a large window and “Daisy” then disappeared into the woods.

Now all involved are attempting to cover this up because they are concerned the insurance company will not cover the medical bills, which are likely to be extremely expensive. The proof they managed to obtain was minimal based on the fact they only had a short period of time and the risk of the insurance company refusing to pay the medical bills was enough motivation to attempt to cover up this incident. I disagree with this position, as these risks were known to all who endeavored to take part in this mission. I feel the truth must be told and I encourage all believers to never stop asking questions about this incident.


  1. Replies
    1. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealFriday, December 28, 2012 at 4:55:00 PM PST

      Absolute, total preposterous Bullshit, nothing more.

      Lay off the LSD morons

    2. How about quit printing all the stupid anonymous emails your receive?

    3. No - there's no filter here. Posting this is just an attempt to say "we aren't really stupid" - but it really says "we are whores and can't help ourselves"

    4. Looney Toons / poop in a jar Yada Yada Yada wrote this and emailed you.

    5. I am a lonely campaigner I came too late to causea stir though I campaigned all my life towards that goal

  2. im thrid, just more bullshit!

  3. Crapola of the highest order. What I do find interesting is the psychopathology of the author. Bizarre fantasist. I do hope its a 12 year old, as if this comes from an adult he / she has real issues.

  4. Shawn do you really have to post all the crap you get sent on here? Some quality control wouldn't go amiss surely?


    1. The story was very cool, Shawn. Fiction, but cool. Some of us, most of us I'd wager, wish you would moderate the harassment posts and the hate speech.

    2. PLEASE do some moderation, Shawn! I can't even let my kids near this site because of all the hate speech.

  5. Right out of the movie the Hulk

    What a load of crap.

  6. Do they have a doctor/vet on the team? How did they get the tranquilizer? It's not like anyone can go to Walgreens and get bigfoot tranquilizer. What kind did they use? How could they know how much? It can be a fine line between sedation and death.

    1. You can get Bigfoot tranquilzers at CVS Walgreens still carries the garlic beef and pork Bigfoot Bait though.

  7. That story has quite a few holes in it. Perhaps the person should have read the protocols first, then maybe it MIGHT have been believable.
    The first give away was using the word "believer".

  8. Week after week this website proves to be full of hoaxes. I hold the owner of this site personally responsible for not doing any research or investigation of the stories posted here.

    1. Lol glad you hold the owner of this site responsible. Now go to Shawns house and give him a verbal tobgue lashing. Lol what a joke. Until Bigfoot has been proven its all a hoax....

    2. How about a good slanteyed gook ass kicking?

    3. Because I can!Shawn, as he calls himself, is an antagonizer and needs to stop this horseshit. I know, I know....if you dont like it, dont read it. I have a real problem with liars and those that instogate and perpetuate lies. The little bastard needs a beat down. The same goes for Fatsano, Dyer, Ketchum, Smeja, Discardi, Erickson, Gimlin, Hovey and many more. I am interested in the POSSIBILITY of the thing existing and that is why I keep up with the subject. The fact that so many people have no lives and try to fill the void with lies only discredits what might be actual accounts. This little gook bastard just needs to be beaten within an inch of his life or WORSE

    4. Anon 4:41, keep the racial stuff out of it, you DOUCHE BAG. Shawn is an AMERICAN, YOU MORON. who cares what hiss ethnic background is.

    5. There is no possibilty of bigfoot existing, and you need to calm down.

    6. Shawn's an American? I didn't read his Whole life story post but I didn't recall him saying anything about citizenship.

    7. BF indeed DOES exist, and you need to STFU. And yes, Shawn IS an American.

    8. Prove it blobsquatch. And how do you know Shawn is an American?

    9. Shut your lying face blobsquatch. Proof or STFU.

    10. Ladies,lets hear some Rush,chutack,ladies

    11. Rush Sucks! You must be one of those guys who just can't let go of your high school years. Lets go smoke a bowl and listen to so Rush - Yeah man Getty is so cool.

    12. Rush is cool,what is you're beef all the time?At first I was flattered you'd respond,now your just creeping me out.Keep your bad vibes to yourself

    13. Shut and go smoke another bowl.

    14. Shawn is a human like all of us. Though some here are bad humans with no proper ethics and morals.

      People with no empathy are people that are the problem.

      I like most here want whatever information Shawn decides to give us. Its only entertainment until "bigfoot" is proven or disproven. No big thang! So just try to have fun.


    15. The rumors are fun, if you don't take them too seriously. Its the hate speech that sucks. Its un-American, and I wish my countryman Shawn would MODERATE THE COMMENTS.

    16. Calling liars liars isn't hate speech, it's justice. If you don't like it, then fuck off.

    17. Actually fuck you, punk. You're a pussy.

    18. What's wrong with smoking a bowl?! I would also like to state Rush is very cool...



      (and Mucklegrunt)

    20. Guess what people you shouldn't be letting your kids on an unmoderated blog anyway I don't let my kids read this blog dipshits

  9. Shawn, get rid of the Anonymous postings make people on here accountable for what they say.

    And just to add to the above this is whats called OmniBullSh*t

    1. Anonymous postings aren't the problem. Hate speech and unsulting language are what depress broader participation. Set up some filters, or just delete the offensive posts.

    2. Lol what about the people who make up fake accounts and post? How are they accountable?

    3. The whole world isn't facebook,theres lots of unseen variables out there,in this day and age its not too wise to put ones whole life on display

  10. WOW !!!!!! Just WOW !!!!!!!
    so much detail, her description, the way people were
    hurt, NO IF'S, And's OR BUTS about it !!!! this story has to be ....


  11. If this were true, there would still be photographs and video.

    Also, the thing about the medical insurance companies doesn't ring true. Life insurance has clauses about engaging in risky behavior, but I can't imagine a scenario where a medical insurance company would deny coverage because the injuries were caused by a Bigfoot.

    The email's fake.

    1. Also, the "Daisy" and "Duke" think contradicts what Ed Lee has said. He said the "Daisy" meant a Bigfoot had been captured. But he also said he didn't know the gender. If there were a "Duke" code, he'd have known the gender.

    2. Meant Ed Smith, not Ed Lee.

    3. You are correct about the insurance companies. If health insurance companies could deny a claim due to risky behavior nothing would be covered. Exercise is a risk but if you don't exercise you are at risk for diabetes.

    4. I work for Blue Cross Blue Sheild and we will absolutely NOT cover this!!!! A fair warning to you folks Humana health is a suplimental insurance that does cover Bigfoot attacks!!! Medicare part D however will NOT cover prescription drugs that are associated with this type of injury

    5. What are you talking about Medicare covers drugs for schizophrenia? But if you need inpatient care you're fucked.

    6. I am specifically talking about pain killers, antiseptics things directly associated with getting your face ripped off by a bigfoot. We will not cover bacterial infections from myths and legends. Or aliens or ghosts or vampire bites for that matter. Medicaid does cover those things however. All I am saying is read your policy carefully before getting into a fight with any of the creatures listed above.


    1. thats funny shit right there.. nothing else to say bout all this.

  13. This has got to be more of a bullshit story than the capture itself! First of all if they did get the bigfoot restrained they would have had it straped down so well that a damn elephant could not break free!! And then the room that they had it in would not be able to get out of without somekind of buzz out system like you have in prision and there would be guards outside ready to trank the bigfoot again if it broke free. What a load of crap this site is posting. I would just prefer that nothing else be said until there is proof that the story is real, which i am extremely doughtful!!! I want to believe but the people that have good proof want be smart about it and bring it to the front, seems like all they are worried about is how much they can make off of the proof, it's just a racket! Does the mob have anything to do with this shit, someone needs to check into that. What a great story that would be, the gotti family has a bigfoot at a construction site with concrete shoes on so it can't get away!!! HaHaHa! If it's ok to post such bullshit then hell i want to get in on the circle jurk! What a cluster fuck of a website! Shawn did something get knocked loose when you shot the guns with Justin! You should have ran out into the field waving your hands and see if your ass would get shot!!

    1. You really believe they would have a buzz out system for security?? LOL, that is about as funny as the guys with the story. this ain't Jurassic Park or Dr. Chivago....LOL LOL

    2. nice post. couldn't have said it better myself haha this is such bull. and ya dude the mob is in on it!

    3. oh come on. if they did get a bigfoot they would have some sort of security system or some shit to keep it locked up. but the story is bs and the escape story just adds to the bs. have to admit it would be cool if they really did catch a fuckin bigfoot lol

    4. Hell yes they would have a security system! They posted on the squatch unlimited site that they were a group of doctors, lawyers and business men with all kind of funding, hell the way they talked i though they were the unbrella corp.

    5. "doctors, lawyers, and buisness men"?
      Who believe in bigfoot?

      No, I don't think so. They're proabably all truck drivers.

    6. At least they have jobs, Skippy. Probably girlfriends too.

    7. It would be noted that the ones who are making eronious claims about their great prestige and means are the ones who are subject to scrutiny, not the folks who have never said a damn thing about themselves.

  14. This is the most laughable article I've read here yet!

  15. That's how we can get proof, put a hit out on bigfoot with the mob, they dont give a shit what or who they kill as long as there is money in it for them! Now that would be a great story, notorious mob hit man Shorty Lopez was arrested today after he admits that he was paid by an anonymous group of bigfooters to kill any so called bigfoots roaming around in the wood! Lopez shot a 7 foot 6 inch, 615 pound female bigfoot and left it at the headquarters of the mid-american bigfoot research center because that is where he traced the anonymous call to due to the fact that, that is what came up on his caller id. We are now trying to get up with the 6 original founders of the group for questioning!!!

  16. "daisy" or "duke". How about Bo and Luke or Boss Hogg? NONSENSE

    1. I wonder if they put some Short Daisy Dukes on Daisy. They could and do a calender for 2013.

  17. FAGSQUATCH.... I care. That's who? I care! He's a fuckng liar and you are a pussy faggot so kiss my ass.

    1. I would beat the FAGSQUATCH out of your dumb ass!!!!! You stupid fuck nuts!!

    2. If you didn't look like Robert Lindsay in drag, I might be afraid. GROW UP and move out of your moms basement!

    3. Stay there,the rent is high

  18. I've read this story before people. This is the opening scene of a screenplay sent to me about four months ago. It wasn't a terrible script, it lacked originality and the characters were boring and their dialogue atrocious, but it had some redeaming qualities as well. After escaping its' captors, the bigfoot is pursued by a team consisting of ex military, biologists, etc.the bigfoot is extremely intelligent and sets up various traps and creative ways of systematically killing the team members. Sort of Predator meets Rambo type of fare. Anyways, here's the kicker, the writer of the screenplay... wait for it... D.W. Lee!

  19. oh get a grip of yourselfs, that was the funniest shit for a while obvious it was nonsense so climb down from your high horses and find a sense of humour. I expect 2013 to be the same so keep them funnies coming shawn a lot of peeps on here are so far stuck up their own arse they can see out their belly button.

    1. Have I got news for you...

      -a anatomist

    2. The rumors ARE fun. I just wish the footers didn't take them so seriously. Its sad to see their hopes get crushed time after time. I thought the Bigfoot in the ice chest hoax of 2008 would have been enough to make the most devoted true believer jaded. Hell, I was even disappointed!
      Apparently not.

    3. Actually if you payed any attention and I can tell you haven't been then you'd know there's no hope build up only crap rumors from blogs like this and its troll army. We're used to the hoaxes from the likes of you, we'll get excited when it's time for the real stuff.

    4. Boggs like this is our for fun! Don't take it so seriously.

    5. Excited when it's time for the real stuff? You better get yourself a dildo or something because there is no Bigfoot and you will spend the rest if your life bored.

  20. Replies
    1. Fear not. Imaginary animals are notoriously resistant to injury. Footer's egos however, are not so resistant to injury.

    2. We're still waiting for confirmation on that claim though ^. Skoffniks' peer reviewed paper proving Bigfoot is a myth should be published any day now...

  21. Straight out of the story line of about a thousand movie plots. no imagination at all. loser!

  22. This story says that Daisy broke free and escaped.

    I thought that they had to let Daisy go due to the Geneva Convention protocol.

  23. Lets just assume for a minute that they did catch a bigfoot and ask ourselves why they have not showed any pictures or videos as of yet? What is the reasoning for keeping the proof of what maybe the most impressive descovery of an animal ever? I just don't understand if i were the one to catch one hell i would head straight to the local news station and post as many pictures and videos humanly possiable!! Give me your thoughts, please. Now lets assume that they did catch a bigfoot.

    1. Not much to discuss really. You're right. Why would anyone go to the trouble and expense to catch a Bigfoot just to keep it secret?
      Its a game. A gag. Attention-seekers being coy and yanking our chain. Possibly a set-up for a Dyeresque hoax? Don't bet against it.
      Whatever. Fun to think about, but nothing will ever come of it.

  24. Ok, maybe they dont have the right to release any info. Maybe there are investors that have all the rights to the bigfoot and all of the samples that may have been taken and may have a different agenda then the people that want to release the info. There could be all kind of reasons to that question it's a loaded gun!

  25. At least we can talk about this here. On the "above top secret" forum site, this topic was brought up when the news broke that "bigfoot possible capture by Quatum" and they shut the thread down because they said it was a hoax! (how do they know?) anyway, at least we can whoo and haww about it here with-out getting shut down.

    1. 1. Bigfoot's not real
      2. It is impossible to capture something that isn't real.
      3. Therefore it is impossible to capture Bigfoot.
      4. Therefore IT'S A HOAX.

      That's how "above top secret" knows it's a hoax.

    2. he can't! ATS can't. They let you talk about death and destruction but not possible bigfoot capture. Crazy!

    3. Yes, crazy. But it probably is a hoax. Has all the traditional hallmarks of a hoax.

    4. You just gotta love these trolls, especially those like 8:10 stuck in deep denial they can only master by actively seeking it out essentially becoming bigfooters themselves without even realizing it. How can you not love such craziness played out right in front of you.

    5. The funny part is ATS closed the thread down because the photo, that clearly had this is not an image of the supposed captured BF, was proven to be a hoax, I swear that place gets dumber by the day.

  26. So I have this straight--Tim Fasano was captured, put in a box, went nuts, ripped a guy's face off and escaped in a taxi?

    1. Yes you have it correct. Everybody else keeps screwing up the story with some Bigfoot bs. They baited the trap with mike Merchant. He was naked and laying on a bear skin rug.

  27. Bottom line - If a group of people spend all their time searching for bigfoot, and are considered crazy by many people, the second they captured the "elusive creature" there is no chance in hell at least one human ego wouldn't release pictures immediately as a lifelong dreamed F'U to all the "non-believers". Reality not fantasy like this BS story. I'm open to possibilities but all there is are stories and one video that was caught by a known con-artist. I don't get the people that can be so gullible to believe everything they hear that they go nuts on people for being skeptical about something that we know as a mythical beast. I do believe there are people that have genuinely seen something but until there is physical living evidence i have to chalk it up as maybe it exists not definately, mistaken identity, and heresay. Oh, and i'm not ignorant i'm just being logical. Unless you've seen something with your own eyes you do not know it's a fact you think it's a fact because that is what you want to believe.

    1. It’s not real dude. There’s about as much chance of Bigfoot existing as there is of atmospheric gasses coalescing into a sentient organism. That shit just doesn’t happen. Real animals have the properties of real animals. Real apes have bones. They shit. They have a fossil record. They’re territorial. And they’re visible to the naked eye. Footers seem to think that their mythic ape is somehow capable of existing without actually being part of the ecosystem. Organisms’ don’t just exist in a vacuum. They have relationships with numerous other species. Do you really think a giant ape is not going to be enormously destructive to its environment (like a gorilla for example)? The Bigfoot question has been answered by science. There isn’t any kind of mystery any longer.

  28. I am a shrink. I just got an update to the diagnostic manual for mental illness. There is now a category for bigfoot believer, right next to the gun fetishist.


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