The Fake Bigfoot Video Quiz [Phil Breakdown]

Phil gives us a lesson in what not to do when making fake Bigfoot videos using a real submission as an example. Take the quiz and see if your answers match those of the filmmaker.


  1. Hang a shining tater on the highest bough...

  2. Replies
    1. Why do atheists celebrate Christmas? Hipocrits ? Like the guy above who keeps using Jesus name like it's a Saturday morning cartoon. Really! Have a Merry Cristmas and a Happy New Year !

    2. He's probably mocking Christianity’s belief in a magic carpenter. Duh.

    3. Yeah answer me this mr. Scientist if energy is neither created nor destroyed where does the electricity that fires your heart and muscles go when you die you better have a good answer pro logic

    4. You better get queen randi on it I want an answer

    5. Something that's not destroyed doesn't fizzle out your gonna lose your golden butt plug buddy

    6. Better yet get merchant I'm sure he has a pro logic answer and before you try to say it changes for which energy does do you better explain what it does

    7. Form sorry I heard that bullshit enough

    8. Who said it fizzles out? He asked me let, me answer the damn question.

      Mr. Retarded footer person,

      The human heart is not powered by electricity.

      -a zoologist

    9. Sorry zoologist yes it is the muscles of the heart are fired by electrical impulses take another anatomy class

      - a cardiologist

    10. Like a typical sophist you have changed the question after you asked it.

      The original question was “where does the electricity that fires your heart and muscles go when you die”

      An action potential is not electricity. Electricity is a flow of electrons, whereas an action potential is a propagating depolarization which travels along a cell membrane. An action potential is an electrical phenomenon not electricity you stupid retarded fuck.

      And don’t impersonate a cardiologist asshole.

    11. Okay I'll impersonate your mom next I didn't change the question where does the energy go if it is not created or destroyed ie the examination of weighing the human soul dipshit

      - your mama

    12. You did change the question because you asked where the electricity goes when there is no electricity you retarded douchebag.

      I'll say it again.

      electricity = flow of electrons

      action potential = depolarization along a cell membrane

    13. That was an example of energy douche

    14. Hey, I waiting douche! You got a rebuttal or are you over on Wikipedia trying to understand what a voltage gated ion channel is? Or are you too busy choking down a crow? In your original question you asked about “electricity” then you said “electrical impulses” when trying to refute me in typical retarded sophist fashion. There’s no energy unaccounted for because what you were falsely referring to as energy was really charged particles, which are still present upon death so matter and energy are conserved. Which means that I am right and you are a retarded lying douchebag.

    15. There is energy not only do I refute your wiki knowledge but your body turns calories into energy where does the energy go you have still not answered the question should I sign your mama so you know it's me

    16. The impulses are no longer there hence a chicken stopping movement after three headless minutes because the brain can no longer send neurotransmision

    17. Energy by any other name is still energy

    18. So you originally asked about electricity, then when I call you out on it you say electrical impulses. Now you have changed the question once again. Now you’re asking about calories instead of electricity or “electrical impulses”. The original sophists would have cried if they saw how much you suck at this.
      A calorie is a measure of energy.
      The question you just asked “your body turns calories into energy where does the energy go” is not a valid question because you just stated that the human body turns a unit of energy into energy.
      Try again fuckwad. I swear you’re getting progressively stupider as this conversation goes on.

    19. Once again as an example of energy no change in the question where does the energy go

    20. Hey, you other skeptics (and footers) stay out of my conversation. I've got this one

    21. You have not asked a valid question footer. How can I answer if you won't ask a question?

    22. I gave you three examples of the same question the question has never changed if energy is neither created nor destroyed where does the energy of the human body go when you cease to exist is that easy enough for you

    23. Read carefully I wouldn't want you to lose your golden butt plug

    24. You defined “energy of the human body” in three different ways. First you said electricity, then you said electrical impulses, now you’re talking about calories but you don’t seem to understand that they are a unit of energy.
      What EXACTLY do you mean by “energy of the human body”?

    25. Oh, and I'm not from the JREF you douchebag.

    26. i mean enegy the human body changes units of energy into different units understood but the human body also generates it's own energy thus the reason for the human soul experiment to say it weighed in the arena of ten ounces

    27. because there is a transfer of energy when you cease to exist

    28. so once more where does the energy go when you cease to exist

    29. so tell me how you when no science has ever been able to ansewer the question

    30. Once more, WHAT ENERGY?
      The human body can derive energy from carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fatty acids, amino acids, and maybe some other chemicals that I’m not thinking of right now. You need to tell me exactly what you mean by energy. The energy which can be derived from the substances which I listed above is referred to as chemical energy. Is that what you’re talking about?

    31. By energy, we mean a specific measurable physical quantity, which shows no particular dramatic difference when something dies. For warm-blooded creatures, some thermal energy gradually leaks into the environment, if the environment happens to be a bit cooler than living body temperature. We don't mean all sorts of interesting features of how something behaves, which of course do change dramatically when something dies. So conservation of energy doesn't even lead to any interesting questions in connection with death, much less any imaginative answers.

    32. Harry stay the fuck out of our conversation.

    33. Any of our basic laws might ultimately turn out to be wrong in some circumstances. In testing the laws, however, we try to look for circumstances where there's some theoretical reason to suspect we're near the edge of their range of validity. Just randomly picking events and guessing, for no particular reason, 'maybe the laws don't work here' is a pretty inefficient way to proceed.

    34. sorry that's right from university of il. urbana i know the question well and there is no answer

    35. You're not even on the same topic now harry.

    36. No harry, you don't know the question. That douche I'm arguing with hasn't even succeeded in asking one yet.

    37. Hey bible toting retard footer, if you won’t ask a question then I’m leaving. I’ve been on the internet half the day and I’ve only gotten off five times. Alexis Texas’s ass is awaiting my perusal. I’ve got better things to do than explain cardiology to someone who never graduated from high school. Next time try formulating a question using correct terminology so people can understand what you’re talking about.

  3. That is the best piece of footage ever gotten by Adam Davies and Damian Bravo.

  4. Phil must be bored or he ran out of his stash of twinkies!

  5. bigfoot doesnt exist therefore all videos are fake, thank you and good night, you're welcome

    1. Yeah, that's the conclusion that many have come to. They're all fake.

  6. OMG! NORAD is tracking Santa! He IS real...

  7. This was hilarious . Thanks for the christmas laugh.

  8. I fucking love it when Phil breaks shit down.

    1. I love it when I break shit down too

      -Phillip the demolitionist

    2. Too bad his metabolism can't efficiently break down the calories he consumes.

  9. One in the pink. One in the stink!

  10. Anon 1:17 - if there is no Bigfoot, prove it? And why are you posting on a Bigfoot blog, You think you can change the minds of people,that have seen Bigfoots. Not logical.

    1. He doesn't need to prove it. He's right by default.

    2. ^shut up dick breath you werent being asked :)

    3. The burden of proof lies with those who claim that there are thousands of 8-10 feet tall 800 pound primates roaming around North America that are entirely unknown to science.


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