Strange Things In The Woods

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Chicks, Melissa Adair. As researchers, the Bigfoot Chicks are committed to seeking the truth regarding the Bigfoot mystery. You can visit their blog at

Occasionally while you're out and about looking for evidence of Bigfoot's existence, you come across some unusual things in the woods that just don't make sense. While out researching in North Louisiana, we came across a deer that was totally unafraid of us. Even after attempts to startle and spook the deer, it just carried on as if we were a part of forest and not a threat. Very weird. Ever seen this before?

See video below.


  1. Yes, It's called a petting zoo.

  2. why would it be scared when you are in the car, this is wery normal for your information..

  3. According to Shawn's blog they're not the bigfootchicks anymore.

    And that's the worst upskirt I've ever seen.

  4. Many deer are not afraid of vehicles as Anon at 7:21 said. If you got out of the vehicle, it would likely have beat hoof.

    Attempt the following at own risk and only after studing animal behavior.

    Useless knowledge post now.

    Next time one does that, try walking up to it. Move slowly, one step at a time. Do not stare at the deer. Watch it, look around, slide step to side a bit and approach carefully. You can't let excitement get your heart rate up, control your breathing and emotions. You will be surprised how close you can get.

    If you get close enough to touch, I wouldn't. It is a good way to get attacked. Just stand there and see if the deer will nose you. Some will. If it touches you first you can very lightly touch it. Most likely you will get ignored and the deer will wander off eating. Or bolt long before getting close.

    If the deer is a buck, be very wary of doing this, especially in the fall. Even young spikes can kill you with a well placed head shake and drive an antler in an artery.

    You can try this with other animals too. Birds, chipmunks and squirrels are fun but all animals can carry diseases. An animal acting unafraid of humans may very well be sick so learn the signs of illness and animal behavior first.

  5. My family lived on a farm 25 years ago, and a buck led his does in our gate to explore our garden. Being young and dumb, we petted all of them and let our children pet them. They came back several times a week that season,then moved on. They never showed fear, walked right up to us, and were quite healthy. I think someone must have fed and habituated them, but never could find out any more about them.

    1. I live in a game reserve in Michigan. Coming home at almost midnight after work I would literally have to bump the deer with my bumper to get them to move. I never fed them or encouraged this behavior. When it's slippery I would slam the brakes and the anti-lock noise that sounds like a growl was send them running but after a while that did not work either

  6. There is no xmas or 'squatch or god give it up losers.

  7. Your truck was the protection it needed the Bigfoot that was following it.

  8. i can't take these chicks seriously. chicks and bigfoot?, please

  9. melissa adair needs to take care of her family and worry less about bigfoot. She is a complete attention whore!


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