Snow Squatch in November [Breakdown]

Phil manages to find this video of a Bigfoot in the snow. He is less than enthusiastic about it.


  1. Replies
    1. When I see Tazer approved I can't help but doubt this video.

      Even though team twats had nothing to do with the video except for stamping there logo on it to try to take some credit for nothing the did

      What a bunch of losers

  2. If Bigfoot exists, then where is the proof?

    1. Read "The Hoopa Project" by David Paulides-he has A signed affidavits by 1st nation tribe members that have seen bigfoot... is a sworn declaration you make in writing describing facts that you wish to state as true. You typically make an affidavit under oath and sign it before a notary of other officer designated to administer legal oaths.

    2. In a paper in a freezer in a box cut up into steaks and named Daisy to be revealed soon

    3. There is actually a lot of proof for its existence, i would suggest going to your local library, or the book depository.

  3. seems that PHIL dislikes every video and gets his rocks off trying to show all of them as fake. Who made him GOD.... I think he is a big DUMMY

    1. That's because there are so many fake videos out there.
      Don't blame Phil, blame the shitty fake videos people put on youtube.

    2. Try to find a video that shows a real Bigfoot if you can. Then send it to Phil. Good luck in your search!

  4. I dont know folks....hard to say but in looking at the baggy suit on the leg,I will have to say hoax. Its Rick Dyer dressed in the bear skin Justin Smegma killed.I dont believe theres a squatch in those woods!

    1. I would go along with you on that Matt.

    2. Dick Ryder is a car theif

    3. No he's just a plain old theif trying to sell cars that don't exist. Maybe next he will try selling Bigfoot

  5. What exactly are his credentials ? Fucking arm chair expert : /

    1. Yes, he graduated from arm chair academy where he specialized in recliners.

  6. At least Phil didn't speak this time. That's a plus.

  7. Why does it look like there's the hem of a long coat on the Squatch?

    1. Do you see all that white stuff on the ground? It's called snow! It's cold! DUH!!!

  8. ok ok its me in a suit !! just wanna fool you guys

  9. Hell i saw this video back in june, what a load of crap. And yes i killed 4 bigfoot in West Virginia near an old coal mines that they were using as shelter! I shot them all dead two adults and two little ones and yes they are dead, dead, dead, and dead!!!!!! And i did not bother with any pictures the coyotes need to eat to!!

  10. Could you please clearly label all team taser approved videos before we waste time watching them. Thank you


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