Robert Lindsay: Is Ketchum perpetrating a hoax?

Last month, Dr. Melba Ketchum published a statement about that her Bigfoot DNA paper she submitted to peer review. If her paper passes science will finally accept the fact that Bigfoot is real. One sample in her study is a piece of tissue (confirmed to be bear) submitted by Justin Smeja, the bear hunter who claims he shot two Bigfoots in near Mt. Haskell, California. According to reports, this piece is an important part of Dr. Ketchum's study. The problem is that Ketchum never asked Smeja for his own DNA to rule out the possibility of contamination.

In "Bigfoot News New Years Edition 2012", Lindsay wrote the following regarding the Sierra Kills and the possibility of Dr. Melba Ketchum perpetrating a hoax on the world:

First of all, the famous Bigfoot steak from the Sierra Kills of October 8, 2010, when 2 Bigfoots were reportedly killed near Mt. Haskell, California, has tested positive for Black Bear and human, the human being Justin Smeja, the shooter, himself. The conclusion apparently is that this is not a piece of Bigfoot as Dr. Melba Ketchum reported as part of her Bigfoot DNA study. Instead, it’s a piece of bear contaminated by the DNA of the man who found it. There are all sorts of accusations flying, mostly centering on hoaxing. Many are accusing Ketchum of perpetrating a gigantic hoax on the community by taking a piece of bear and calling it a piece of Bigfoot.

Others are accusing Smeja of perpetrating a hoax. He never shot two Bigfoots, it is claimed. Instead, he shot two bears and claimed he shot two Bigfoots as part of a huge hoax.

I know Justin, and in addition, everything I have learned about him points in the direction of this being a true story. He’s simply not a hoaxer. Hoaxing is not in him. He’s really too good for this slime-pit called Bigfootery to be honest.

There are other theories being tossed about – that Justin sent in piece of bear instead of a piece of Bigfoot to keep from being prosecuted. He sent the actual piece of Bigfoot in to the study. That doesn’t seem to make much sense either.

One thing that is very confusing is that Ketchum never asked Justin for his own DNA in order to rule it out. If this is true, it is a damning statement against Ketchum.

There are also other accusations against Ketchum stemming from Smeja and Bart Cutino which I am not allowed to report on at this time, though I have known about this for months. Justin is supposed to release a statement about this in a day or two, but it may be delayed. Suffice to say that if true, it shows Ketchum in a shady light, in fact, in a more shady light than she is often portrayed – it makes her look absolutely terrible. This story did not surprise me when I heard it has I have my own theory about why she made this sleazy and odd request, and it lines up with what we know about her ruthless and morally developmentally delayed personality.

Is Ketchum perpetrating a hoax? I asked the late Richard Stubstad this question. Stubstad was a statistician and an interesting fellow in that light. You could ask him just about question that was not outrageous offensive and he would just give you some kind of a statistical-type answer. These would be the sort of questions that would elicit moral outrage in most folks due to the implications of the question.

For instance, I asked him once if it was possible that Dennis Pfohl and Dr. Leila Hadj-Chikh were perpetrating a gigantic hoax on Adrian Erickson by claiming that they were interacting with Bigfoots regularly. His voice grew grave, and he said carefully, “I do not believe that this is possible. That’s not a possibility.” You see, a statistical answer. You could ask him all sorts of questions like that, and he would give you these funny statistical answers like that.

Once I asked him if it was possible that Ketchum was perpetrating a gigantic hoax on all of us. Once again I got that dead serious tone, and he said, “I do not believe that that is possible. That’s not even a possibility.” Stubstad disliked her as much as anyone, and he would be the first to call her out as a hoaxer if that’s what he thought. But he didn’t think so.

I do not believe that this woman is pulling off a gigantic hoax. Her career in science and possibly medicine could well be shot for good if she was caught doing such a thing. Further, it’s illegal to hoax for money. It’s called fraud. Not only could she be sued by everyone in sight for stealing their money, but it’s also a criminal offense. An enterprising DA could well send her to a female prison for a bit where she could study animalistic hominins up close and personal for a while.

Hence, we have a dilemma.

Ketchum says Justin has a piece of Bigfoot. Others say it’s a piece of bear.


There is none.None of it makes the tiniest bit of sense to me, and all of the possible theories make no sense either. Humans don’t like to do this makes it makes them feel lost like children, but many times in life you simply have to throw up your hands and admit that none of this or that makes any kind of sense at all, and you don’t have the foggiest idea what in the Hell is going on.

Which is where we will leave this depressing matter for now.


  1. First

    And on top of the world baby. !!!

    1. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealSunday, December 30, 2012 at 6:17:00 AM PST

      I'm shocked...its all a hoax. ; )

    2. @6:17...please go to the websites for bears. You'll be happier. On the darker side, maybe you are happier ridiculing people like a school bus bully.

    3. That's exactly what she is but hey we laugh at her idiocy even more. LOL

  2. What's so confusing about it? There is no Bigfoot.

    1. What part of "We Hate You" don't you get troll? If you so convinced it doesn't exist then there isn't anything left for you on this site! I know you love to argue so eat shit Moron!

    2. Because it's fun to see you naive, gullible believers squirm everytime your promise of a real Bigfoot turns out to simply be another hoax. This is the modern version of the Coming of Christ. Believers will wait for eternity but they'll never show up because, bottom line, they don't exist.

    3. And why do you think we believe all the crap that is presented on here? You must be very stupid. This blog is mostly you commenting on what you think footers are believing. Most if the junk on this blog is put out by known hoaxers and we are smart enough to know it and a majority of us keep our mouth shut, call a spade a spade, or dont comment at all. Your pathetic little cross section of footers is confined to the few followers who fake they like stuff just to piss you off or a few regulars . Since you obviously have a very limited view of this field because you sit on your fat ass all day surfing this site Rather than going out of your basement your opinions are narrow and child like. Keep up your pathetic life LARD ASS!

    4. Anon 7:13 you have no idea how many footers don't even comment on here so how dare you assume what we believe or not believe.

    5. It looks like I hit a nerve. Wow!

    6. No you were hit on the head you moron, when they dropped you at birth which is why you were bullied so in school when they yelled elephant man and later became the bully yourself when the internet saved your sorry ass from total boredom.
      In actuality it annoys you that others have a passion you're utterly incapable of neither fully comprehending nor having any of yourself, classic loser existence basically but at least it momentarily keeps you from an otherwise destiny of serial killing.
      And so the jester discovered what his limited IQ perceived as an easy target, the hottest topic of today, it could've been anything popular and the loner would pick it.

  3. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing and ya gotta have something if you want me to beleive

    1. Why does anyone owe it to you to present you evidence? Get off your ass and go find it yourself you lazy MF'r! You must be on welfare. Entitlement attitude!

  4. "conclusion?

    there is none"

    Glad I read everything prior to this in order to find out it was a worthless read. I want back my last 3 mins!!!!!!

    1. 3 minutes? Well, you do take your time reading, and remember, reading is fundamental.

    2. Why do people get upset over any of this. Best point you made there..WWF it is in a nut shell. If you want a no-nonsense approach a severe no-nonsense look at bigfoot try doing research on your, take a college course in anthropology, read first nation legends and such. Do not depend on the internet to give you the information you seek. scientia potentia est ("knowledge is power".)


    3. Ahh, wonderful RL posts a another load as if the whole story hasn't been gone over a hundred times already and just for clicks it,s posted here as well, this crap is........well crap.

  5. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

  6. Please say hi to your dead friend for me!

  7. This author seems to have seen the whole DNA report or he is speculating...I suspect this is written on complete speculation.

  8. So Lindsay is convinced that Smeja is much more credible than Ketchum? A garden variety hunter who happily admitted to killing a baby bigfoot just for the Hell of it? The same guy whose story is now in severe doubt simply because he neglected to take home his prize or snap a few pics.

    Whilst I far from being 'pro-Ketchum' I'm still amazed at the levels some will go to discredit.


    1. It's funny how all these self-described researchers and enthusiasts flock to the guy who says he shot at something running away that acted pretty human and then followed up by shooting something that he thought was a toddler that talked like a deaf kid. Compare his actions with those of the "driver" who was with him - the guy who kept telling Smeja to stop and finally took the gun away. When you think of the "driver" as Smeja's conscience, you realize that Smeja is someone who ignores his conscience.

      Is this the kind of person you put your faith in?

    2. Nope, I do not think that either Justin or Melba is hoaxing.

    3. Not sure about that poaching swine's samples but Melba's findings are 100% good and solid DNA, now it's high time for this hominin species to be classified proven real and in formality safety protected by law from harm.

  9. OK.... Smegma went back to the 'kill site' to collect the sample correct?..He must have collected the sample from a dead bear and not the bigfoot he shot.Maybe the bigfeets had killed the bear before Smegma had got there and shot the feets...OR...The MIBs switched it.

  10. lindsay, ketchum, smeja. dont trust them. this is all a big poo

    1. More than merely wacky, I suspect. Pathological. Psychotic...

      Afflicted, ailing, airsick, barfing, bedfast, bedrid, bilious, brainsick, consumptive, crazy, delirious, demented, distracted, disturbed, dizzy, dyspeptic, faint, feverish, feverous, "funny," giddy, gouty, hallucinating, ill, indisposed, infirm, insane, laid low, laid up, light, light-headed, liverish, mad... ...perhaps menstruating, nauseating, displeased, peaked, puked, queasy, regurgitated, retching, scrofulous, seasick, sickish, sickly, intellectually spastic, spewing, stricken, swooning, tubercular, unbalanced, unhealed, unhinged, unwell, upset, vertiginous, vomitous, woozy... but I sugar-coat it.

    2. I keep my sperm in a champagne glass, thus, I drink my sperm. Hey poop in the jar fella, me thinks that I have a crush on you.

  11. Wow, Same guy was 80 percent of all the posts on this story today! Get a life! How many people do you have to pretend to be? If I was that crazy I would forget what voice to listen to after awhile!

    1. And which one of your personas posted this? ^^^^^

  12. God you're an idiot RL. You always have to have other people to connect the dots for you. It makes perfect sense and I said it a long time ago. The economy and her business started failing and you do whatever you can to stay afloat. In this case it was taking advantage of gullible people who signed NDAs' and paid thousands of dollars to get testing done. This is not a hoax it has been fraud all along.

  13. Robert Lindsay, you magnificent bastard.

  14. Has anyone thought maybe this Quantra capture is a ruse to get the Ketchum journal to publish quickly? Make them fear their exclusive is about to vanish?
    Then more money, enthusieasm, and legitimacy for their organization?

  15. My squatch needs a shavin'. She's got the stubbles.

  16. How can you say she is perpetrating a hoax?

    Source? Link? Proof? Reason?

    She is legit - I just know it and I'm always right. If her work is not accepted it's because of the lamestream science community blocking it to save face. Take that you evil scoftics.


    1. 100% mulder! If someone says it's bigfoot, I believe 100% this "critical thinking" nonsense is bullshit. I'd much rather be a stupid as fuck follower of nonsense. 100%!

    2. Mulder is the biggest fool there is. He is just so gullable. He looks more stupid by the day.

    3. Correction, he's more right.


  17. First a few facts, Ketchum has not stated much of anything, and she especially has not stated what the results of smeja's sample was. All we know is there was 109 samples in her study, we do not know if all 109 tested positive as bigfoot or what the deal is, Ketchum may well have got the same results as the Canadian lab.

    #2. The canadian lab sounds like they are idiots, their results to me sound amateurish, If somehow Smeja got his DNA on a piece of flesh that was pictured then it had to only be something on the surface of the object, like some saliva or a piece of his own hair, the dna lab should have been able to easily re run the test and making sure to draw dna from the actual cell structure of the flesh under the hair, there is not way that would have been effected by contamination.

    #3. DNA is impossible to be faked, does anyone here really think you can confuse bear and smeja dna with reflict hominid dna? any of the "double blind" dna labs alleged to have been used in Ketchums study would have recognized this and caught this. Do we think that Canada is the only place that knows how to test dna properly?

    Either there is no study, there is no 109 samples and all this is lies or it is real. you can not fake DNA and I doubt Ketchum would risk her freedom and lively hood for this. most Hoaxers are rednecks who have nothing to lose, Ketchum is a DR who has been running a successful business.

    1. Here's some other facts for you: There has been no publication of Ketchum's study or even clues as to who is reviewing it after days, weeks and months of promises. In total we really know nothing other than what she has been spoon-feeding us all this time.

    2. @8:44...only the journal that the paper was submitted to knows who the reviewers are. The submitter (Ketchum) is not allowed to know. There's no publication YET of course, if it's still under review. Your argument is true, but weak. If you actually do think it's all a ruse and Ketchum would risk her professional livelihood and future by doing this, then you're just not very smart in all actuality, plain and simple. Your being technically correct on these two minor points does not logically extrapolate to a professional throwing away her career in her chosen field. But that is what you imply.

    3. Definitely agree with you Hassan. And this RL post is just completely ignorant and biased. It just shows how the so called bigfoot community is more of a bunch of good ole boys stroking each others cocks. He states Smeja isn't hoaxing but Ketchum is??? Logically that doesn't make any sense based on his own unsubstantiated fact that Smeja's steak is the center piece of Ketchum's study. If one is hoaxing, logically both are....not one or the other, just because you know the person.

    4. When taking people's money is involved it's fraud not a hoax. Get it straight you fucking morons. Why can't you understand when people are about to loose everything their professional standing is the last thing on their mind. It's about basic survival at that point. Some people choose to dig in and work harder, others like "the Mel" choose to rip people off.

    5. On the contrary, I state that neither Smeja nor Ketchum are hoaxing IMHO.

    6. @10:12...what we understand is that you know nothing about Ketchum's money, who has funded what, or anything about her business, or the dna project. Don't pretend that you do, and state it as fact. You are the moron, as low class as is possible to be.

    7. All the scientific talk Ketchum's been giving about her findings makes perfect sense, we'll see it in her study eventually and future studies will merely confirm this inevitable outcome so the game is pretty much up for all the sore apers and bigfoot cynics alike out there. The whole earth is at a very crucial time right now, how much longer do you think your government can keep fucking you over with lies and silence on all these socalled mythical subjects. I suspect not indefinitely.

  18. "This story did not surprise me when I heard it has I have my own theory about why she made this sleazy and odd request, and it lines up with what we know about her ruthless and morally developmentally delayed personality."

    Wow. That's the pot calling the kettle black.

    1. Exactly. Ketchum is morally developmentally delayed, but not the guy that said he shot 2 living sentient beings...and one of them a baby at that.

    2. I called RL's post about kooks the same, pot calling kettle black. It cracks me up when he says others are crazy.

  19. Ok, 10% bear, 15% human and 75% what? That was the test results of the sample from the Sierra site. How does a piece of bear flesh only test 10% and have MORE human dna than bear dna? I am not trying to support the possibility two bigfoot were killed. I just want to know how in the hell a piece of bear flesh tests more positive for human than bear. And what the remaining 75% is.

    1. 75% contained no DNA at all, was my understanding. It's explained somewhere on BFF. This is a silly example but if you took a pound of beef and a pound of plastic, put it in a blender and sent the resulting concoction in for testing it would show 50% for cow. It's oversimplified but that is how I understood it.

    2. In this case I would say the remaining 75% of the bear DNA was degraded because it was exposed to the elements.

    3. I can understand that, but the sample was collected from under snow. That means a lot of the time it was pretty cold at night then literally put in Mother Natures freezer, snow. That would greatly reduce rotting.

      The pictures of the sample looked pretty good too. So I am having a real hard time accepting that only 25% was testable. And still end up with more human dna than bear. The only way I could see more human dna on a piece of something is if it was chewed on by a human. Would Mr Smeja have gnawed on it first? Not likely.

      With even just 25% percent of the sample viable shouldn't it be more like 85% bear and 15% human? That's where my problem comes up. If they were able to get that much info, they should have the rest somewhere.

    4. ^^^^^What you are saying makes sense to me. I am by no means a DNA expert but your concerns make perfect sense.

  20. What was your first clue you fucking idiot? I heard she is now working on zombie DNA.

  21. Psychokinesis, mindrape, blueberry bagels, how can this not be true? Playful family of five, mental energy blasts, electro magnetic energy pulses, stick structures, braiding horse hair, this stuff is legit and the good Dr. Ketchum has the proof.

    Does anyone have any evidence in any databases about Sasquatch moving objects just by thinking about them, communicating via mindspeak, or using a mental attack? I saw a 'foot back in '78 but he used infrasound to blast me with a mind wave and scrambled my brain wave frequencies. Although I strongly believe Ketchum is just trying to get attention, there must be some truth to her interdimensional and psyonic claims regarding Sasquatch.

    1. Man, either you are a sci-fi writer or you have not taken your meds lately. I often read your posts and although you do not leave your name (your right) your writing style tells on you. For some reason you repeatedly speak of mind rape, psychokinesis, etc. Where did you get these silly dillusions from? I have kept up with the info. since 2010 and the only people claiming mind reading (rape) etc. are the simpletons on this site. No info. has actually been released claiming otherwise.

      You're comments make you appear as if you have been mind raped by John Holmes ghost.

  22. Robert Lindsay writes, "First of all, the famous Bigfoot steak from the Sierra Kills of October 8, 2010, when 2 Bigfoots were reportedly killed near Mt. Haskell, California, has tested positive for Black Bear and human, the human being Justin Smeja, the shooter, himself."

    Comment: If readers had any illusion of Lindsay having any investigative background, this initial statement by Lindsay proved that he has none. Lindsay is pulling this conclusion out of the same bodily orifice as Bart Cutino did. Cutino was not at the site when a specimen was gathered. Cutino was handed a piece of a carefully skinned hunters kill, a couple of weeks later. In law, this is referred to as "a broken chain of evidence", making the evidence inadmissable. A bloody piece of flesh in not going to be carefully skinned by any hunter because there is no trophy value in a tiny hide. Besides, skinning it would most certainly going to contaminate it with human DNA. Cutino apparently does not have enough experience to recognize this. Cutino assumed that Smeja was telling the truth when Smeja claimed that the bear skin piece was part of what he had found at the site. Cutino apparently did not verify with others that the bear skin is what Smeja found at the sight. It actually looks more like a coyote skin. Either way, Smeja lied to Cutino. Cutino now thinks that he is double checking Ketchum's work, when he appears to be doing no such thing. Cutino does not have a sample from even 1 of 109 of Ketchum's test samples. Cutino is pissing away his money in testing yet another one of Smeja's animal kills. Remember, Smeja is a trigger happy child killer, and kills for the pure enjoyment of it. Smeja probably has quite a few animal hides laying around his single wide trailer. And there is nobody on the planet that could keep Smeja from slicing off a piece if animal hide and passing it to Bart Cutino. Smeja was never asked under a lie detector, as to whether he gave Cutino an actual piece of the same sample that Ketchum has. So Robert Lindsay got fooled. Bart Cutino got fooled. And now the lunatics are piling on, in yet another attempt to discredit a legitimate DNA study. This whole thing is pathetic beyond words.

    1. Can't wait till the paper is released and Smeja's DNA is the sequenced genome, should be a hoot. This will be easily to prove and won't require a lot of testing. We'll talk to you then Mulder.

    2. If Stubstad's information is reliable, Justin's mtDNA sequence will not match the mtDNA sequence they obtained. According to RS they were looking at ancient mtDNAs from Southwest Europe and South Africa.

    3. You're wrong. "The Melba" said eastern european on a recent interview, which matches Justin's ancestry.

    4. I was under the impression that they had matching mitochondrial DNA from 3 separate samples, that came from 3 separate areas of the North America. Kinda tough for Smeja to be in all three of them, don't cha think? Since he isn't in all three of them, then he is not in even one of them, since they all match. Simple logic, gentlemen. Keep em coming though.

    5. Correct he's not in all three, he is in one of them. JS's sample was matched with two other contaminated samples from people who's genes originate from eastern Europe. Pretty simple.

    6. Actually anonymous 11:59, you're sick and lying about Cutino on almost every point you make. You're talking about a good man who's my friend and kept me in the loop this last year about everything including motives to get to the truth and share it.

      Bart has said publicly and privately that he had little confidence in "any" of the flesh sample hence wasn't surprised by the bear results. He absolutely asked Smeja on the polygraph about the pieces with Melba's people now planning an escape route.
      Bart said he expected Smeja's contamination but it doesn't appear there's anything but contamination and bear. To say that pieces tested by Bart and Tyler Huggings is from a broken custody chain what does that make your hero Ketchum? Was she there?

      You forest people are very sick.

      Bart and Tyler H have done it right and you people are in damage control and know it!

    7. Here is my theory: Smeja is actually a werewolf. I base this theory on his hairy body and his lust for killing. His DNA will be found on every sample simply because Smeja (aka: wolfman) has been hunting the mountains and prairies of the U.S by moonlight killing off every bigfoot in hand to hand combat. After the kill he rips and gnaws at the sasquai flesh sortof marking his teritory.

      Smeja plans to eradicate the sasquai from earth so his race of werewolf can rule without bourdaries.

    8. Ketchum appears to be a fraud based on thse lab results. that should finish off this sierras fiasco once and for all

      Thank you bart and tyler!!!

  23. Wait till you hear what Smeja "claims" Ketchum said to him and told him to do...which was "supposedly" overheard by another.

    You just can't make this shit up. Oh wait. Yes, you can!!

    1. There was 6 witnesses in the room when melba called Justin and he put her on speaker phone and talked for over an hour. She was not aware she was being over heard. I have a hard time believing 6 people are lying about what melba said to Justin.

    2. Are you implying that Melba suggested the Smeja give BFRO's Bart Cutino, a coyote hide, after BFRO's Moneymaker claimed that she was hoaxing? Then who are these 6 witnesses? Are you trying to tell me that none of these 6 witnesses told Cutino that he had a hide from a completely unrelated kill? Gee, I can't believe that. That would then mean that Cutino knew that he had the hide of something else. That would also mean the Lindsay knew that Cutino had the hide of something else. Yet when the test results came back as expected, Cutino and Lindsay both represented them as being from identical samples as Ketchums. A bit of fraud going on there by Cutino, as it appears that he is attempting to smear Ketchum because Smeja sliped him a hide that was not from the kill site. This is what happens when complete amateurs are allowed to participate in scientific research. They always attempt to discredit the professionals.

    3. Nice shameful smear attempt on Bart as nothing you said makes any sense and you appear to be the same person posting for melba with a campaign against him.

      All truth will be out and my money is on Bart as he's credible and proven it for years

  24. And still Smeja remains silent. He is probably out killing some wild animals and remains indisposed.

  25. The sample that Cutino possessed, had fur that was completely intact to the hide. Yet Smeja did not return to the kill site for 5 weeks and then took another 2 weeks to get a perfectly pristine hide sample to Cutino. However according to a Monsterquest study, it only takes 4 days for all of the fur to completely detach from the hide.

    So is expert BFRO researcher Cutino going to plead stupidity when he got fooled by Smeja, when he then attempted to smear Ketchum with his bogus bear DNA outcome? Inquiring minds want to know!

    The hide sample that Smeja gave Cutino, had been promptly removed from the attaching carcass in order for the fur to still be attached to the hide. Except Smeja never promptly skinned any Bigfoot. He promptly left the area so that he wouldn't get killed. By the time that he returned some 5 weeks later, there would have been no hair attaching to any skin, if there was any remaining pieces at all.

    Cutino is not coming out of this looking like an expert, that is worthy enough to be involved in a DNA study that his boss refers to as a hoax. Cutino is more than likely planted by Moneymaker, to make Ketchum's study look like a hoax. And the Canadian lab helped things along a bit.

  26. OK, well I see cutino and tyler answering questions--lots of pages--- on bigfoot forums. You should really go there and read it before making some of the sugestions you are here as what you're saying makes no sense to me at all.I look at bart as a really solid researcher and the people I know in the field say he's a really good dude and father to two special needs kids. take a look as much of what you're saying is addressed by bart

    he clearly laid out how crazy the bfro "take melba down" agenda is and I believe him as he's barely talked to MM in the last half a yr or so but talks to bobo and cliff B often, that was according to him but seemed sincere to me

    bart mentioned testing both a salted piece examined by meldrum and property of wally hersome (hope i got that right) and a flesh piece sent to other lab he used-not canadian lab. meldrum examined that a long time ago when they went to search for remains in summer of 2010, or was it 11? so if those pieces match each other wouldn't that prove your accusations are false?

    I don't know what happened as I would agree with you bart dislikes ketchum, however I have no problem with them testing sample to screen, I also heard ketchum talked about defrauding hersome and that bart loves this man for what he's done for him and this also caused them to test fearing the sample wasn't a unknown hominid like ketchum stated to smeja.

    don't know bart personally but everything I've seen or heard is this guy make good arguments as a proponent, he also claimed to get footage near site he hasn't released yet so why in the heck would he want melba ketcum to fail her study, even if he doesn't like her? it doesn't make sense and i don't buy it as you sound like you're biased for melba K or something

    tyler huggins is also doing a great job answering lots of questions on there as he's apparently bfro to but didn't sound like his history with moneymaker was one where he cared about impressing him;don't buy the bfro crap in this

    My take is you're slandering a good researcher with accusations and no facts. it's pretty clear to me

    1. You are doing a lot of guessing here. You also don't know how Matt operates. It would be impossible for Bart to not have spoken to Matt in 6 months, since he is BFRO. Nobody in the BFRO can do anything without asking Matt first. Therefore, Matt and Bart both agreed to release this DNA bear/coyote hide study to embarass Ketchum. That is how the BFRO works. This whole discussion is about Smeja's samples. Not samples from Meldrum, or 2010 or 2011. But samples that were supposedly found in September. No hide specimen is going to have hair intact, after it set out in the wilderness for 5 weeks. Cutino apparently does not have sufficient field experience to realize that something does not add up. August to September are warm months so decay was rapid. And then he represented that hide as being the same sample that Ketchum's samples were sliced off of. Now that is slander my friend.

    2. Anon 938. No disrespect but you are wrong on nearly every account. This happened at 7200 ft in October where it freezes every night AND there was snow on the ground the entire time.

    3. Anon 9:38 is fucking clueless! Are you saying sneja cut piece off body?? My god thats how desperate you ketchum people are.

      The sample was supposedly collected in Oct not Sep and the poster is right as bart had the presence of mind to test both the salted sample and piece from flesh steak found.

      To say bart is Not field experienced is crazy as the guy goes hard and is a smart son of a bitch as Ive been out with him 3-4 times in Norcal. Who to believe my lying eyes and douch like you or my own experience.

      You're the man Bart!!!

    4. A visit to Bigfoot forums shows that red flags are being raised by everyone except Cutino and Higgins, in regard to Bart Cutino's and Tyler Higgins DNA debacle. Ketchum has already pointed out that Cutino must have received a different sample than hers. Ketchum has more of her sample left so her samples can be retested. Cutino pointed out that Smeja only "thought" that he gave Cutino pieces of the same sample as Ketchum. Incredibly Cutino failed to test the more incredibly attached hair of the 5 week rotted sample that he has. Either Cutino or Tyler confessed to being in contact with Moneymaker, 3 or 4 times a week. And it was pointed out that Cutino did not blame Smeja for passing him phony samples, but instead Cutino was going after Ketchum in an attempt to discredit her work by claiming that Smeja gave Cutino the same samples as Ketchum has. Cutino also admitted that he believes that Ketchum is hoaxing everything, just like his puppeteer, Matt Moneymaker. Consequently, Cutino was never the person to seek independant DNA results. Because he was biased from the get go. And still Smeja has not spoken up. If Smeja had not been lying to someone, then he already would have spoken up to remove the mystery.

    5. Wow, I just went to bigfoot forums and you are lying about almost everything you've said.

      Tyler said he has spotty history with moneymaker and Bart said he's talked to Moneymaker once in the last 6 months.
      Bart also never mentioned Ketchum is hoaxing everything though he did insinuate it by some exchange with Smeja. I just read it.

      How would Bart have influence on these labs.

      You have no credibility as you're lying about stuff on BFF I just looked it up myself, including what you're saying about the sample.

      I'd encourage anybody to actually go to BFF and see Tyler and Bart answering questions there and it'll prove there's some smear campaign against these guys coming from ketchum and her people.

  27. another thing is how can you accuse the canada lab of being in on this as I looked trent up. I think anyone suggesting this is paranoid or trying to create misinfo them up:

    1. If you aren't paranoid yet, then you aren't paying attention. No California bear has hide like a coyote. The proof is readily apparent. There is so much corruption in the country to coverup Bigfoot, that you could walk from coast to coast by only stepping on the backs of the conspirators, and never touch the ground.

  28. And still no explanation from Smeja. Looks like he tucked his tail between his legs and just kinda cut off all communication with everybody who wants to hear exactly how he screwed with the BFRO.

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