One-third of Northwesterners believe in Bigfoot, two-thirds are lying

Every year, PEMCO Insurance releases a survey updating us on how many people in the Northwest still believe in Bigfoot. In this year's survey, unsurprisingly, about 1 in 3 people in Washington and Oregon said they believe in Bigfoot. In our opinion, two-thirds probably do believe in Bigfoot but are embarrassed to tell anyone and they probably hang out in the comments section of this blog.

Here's their full press release:

SEATTLE, Dec. 19, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, there's no denying that the Northwest is home to folklore that preserves the possibility of 8-foot bipedal creatures roaming our Western forests. According to the PEMCO Insurance Northwest Poll, many residents believe that Sasquatch is more than just a myth – one in three people in Washington and the Portland, Ore., area believe it's possible the hairy hominids exist.

Seattle-based PEMCO Insurance surveyed Northwest residents about one of their region's most prolific mysteries and found 33 percent believe it's possible Sasquatch exists, and about one in 10 say they've actually seen one or know someone who has.

Portland-area residents are less convinced, though, than their Washington counterparts. More than half of Portlanders – 55 percent – doubt that the creature exists and 85 percent are certain they've never seen one themselves. Still, more than a quarter of those polled in Portland – 28 percent – embrace the possibility that Sasquatch is out there.

To the north, Washington residents continue to believe. PEMCO first asked them about Sasquatch in 2009, and more than one-third maintain their view that Sasquatch is real, while less than half think otherwise.

"People might wonder, 'Why is an insurance company even bothering with something so silly?' Is PEMCO pondering Sasquatch-protection coverage? No. Does it matter to our business if they exist? No. Is it a fun and whimsical topic for a survey? Absolutely! Especially here in the quirky Northwest where Sasquatch is part of our culture," said PEMCO spokesperson Jon Osterberg =.

When it comes to Sasquatch encounters, 14 percent of Washingtonians said they or someone they know has seen one, while just 9 percent of Portlanders count themselves as eyewitnesses.

Interestingly, younger people in Washington are more inclined to say they've seen a living Sasquatch – 22 percent of Sasquatch spotters are under 35 in Washington. In Portland, 12 percent of those under 35 have seen a Sasquatch or know somebody who has.

"As a local company, we like to celebrate Northwest folklore. Customers tell us they love our 'Desperately Seeking Sasquatch' Northwest Profile, and now we know there are a few neighbors out there who relate to him," said Osterberg.

To learn more about the PEMCO Insurance Northwest Poll and to view a summary of the results, visit, where the public is invited to participate in an informal version of the poll and see how their own responses compare with those collected by FBK Research of Seattle in April 2012.

About the PEMCO Insurance Northwest Poll

PEMCO Insurance commissioned this independent survey that asked Washington and Oregon drivers several questions about driving habits and attitudes toward current Northwest issues. The sample size, 629 respondents in Washington and 400 respondents in the Portland, Ore., metro area, yields an accuracy of +/- 4.0 percent and +/- 5.0 percent respectively at the 95 percent confidence level. In other words, if this study were conducted 100 times, in 95 instances the data will not vary by more than the associated error range.

About PEMCO Insurance

PEMCO Insurance, established in 1949, is a Seattle-based provider of auto, home, boat and umbrella insurance to Northwest residents. PEMCO Insurance is sold by community agents throughout the region and through PEMCO offices. For more information, visit

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  1. Ive lived in the PNW in a bigfoot "hotspot" for over 40 years, I have spent most of that time in the woods and have seen pretty much every type of animal there is to see out here, but no bigfoot. No tracks, no bones, nothing. Dont believe what some of these delusional people tell you, theres no magic hairy man running around the woods.

    1. Word. I lived in WA state for many years and wandered/hunted many remote areas and never a single thing bigfoot.

      I mean the stories are cool! Just don't take it too serious ya know? Probably half the people that answered that poll LOL'd a little as they did. Bigfoot is fun!

    2. I was Stationed here in Washington. (And had an encounter) And I live here now... I just love how you two Anoms. say "Most of that time I spent in the woods..." I call BS.

      So you spent most of your time in these soggy and muddy forests huh?

      When i was stationed at Fort Lewis in the early 90's, the first thing I noticed was that people from the cities stay in the cities only venturing out during Ski/snowboarding season. In fact, there was a huge cultural difference between people who lived in Seattle and Tacoma as opposed to people who live in say, Eatonville. The cities were predominately Liberal, where the little towns within the cascades were so conservative you would almost swear they were neo-nazi's (Maybe they were?)

      If you don't believe in Sasquatch, that is all fine and dandy.. But don't make up BS excuses... Spent most of that time in the woods?.. My ass

    3. excuses? if you want excuses go read the bff and all their excuses why there is zero evidence of bigfoot

    4. 0 evidence? lol For starters, I work Security.. I HAVE to be up at 2:21am... And you all supposedly live here? lol So what, are you tweakers? Then that rules out hunting. If you were granola munching hippies, then you would be smoking weed (Especially now) and would not be awake right now. I don't think any of you even live in Washington.

    5. Soggy and muddy ? Thanks man that's good to know. Here in mid Michigan it's soggy, muddy and sandy and no mountains

    6. Anon 12:38 is lying. I bet he hasn't set foot in the woods outside of a city park. Most likely doesn't live in the PMW either. Same poster who comments every freakin day on here and every other post saying Bigfoot isn't real. Just Ignore the little Prick who also us "Looney Toons" poster . STFU

    7. Your right the Moron is Lying. He's on this site 24/7 all year posting so it's impossible for to be in the woods! Anon 11:38 is a Moron!

    8. Bigfoot has forgiven all of you for your sins.

    9. Right on Tzieth! I love your comments, except the liberal vs conservative tone (man, that crap is getting old). Otherwise, great post ... I spend a ton of time in the mountains and haven't seen anything, but I heard something that changed me forever. Cheers.

    10. wasn't meaning to get political, but in this case it matters.

  2. People here in Washington have grown up with the idea of bigfoot -- I even remember a local bank in the 70's had a Sasquatch as its logo/spokesperson. It's funny that now every state in the union and most of the countries of the world claim to have bigfoot roaming their forests. I've explored the wilderness and woods here throughout my life and have never seen any evidence of a giant ape creature. They must have all moved to Rhode Island and Oklahoma.

  3. It seems that retardation is far more prevalant then I had been lead to believe.

    1. wait till you hear how many people believe in god, looney toons.

    2. I rest my case. Largest dick head troll who doesn't work and posts 50 times a day as 10 different people and responds to himself! ^ Anon 2:16 stop masturbating to this site!

    3. Hey captain retardation; there are multiple skeptics who post on this website. If you don’t like it, then you can fuck off, and take your extra chromosomes with you ya stupid cock sucker.

    4. Looney toons posting as someone else^

    5. Timmy the Tooner has many comments on this post.

      Timmy the Tooner, intrepid leader of Team Tinfoil, Team Tater, Team Tutu, and of course, Team Tooner.

      You might wonder what the objectives are of Timmy's teams.

      They aim simply to prove bigfoot doesn't exist.

      in this effort, Timmy and his teams venture into local parks on weekends, and make sure they find no evidence. If they see anything which might be evidence, the groups follow Timmy's command:

      Ignore or destroy!

      Timmy and his teams have a hard road ahead of them:

      They must prove a negative.

      Timmy is here today in living technicolor.

    6. Skeptics don't have to prove a negative as we are right by default. And you are oubviously a homosexual.

  4. what seems to be the officer problem

  5. GEEZ!...It's almost Christmas! Where is the man love?

    1. my husband brought home a box of tampons for me today because he saw my brand was on sale ... now THAT'S love! :o)

  6. Show me the monster monkey man.

  7. And it came to pass, Bigfoot was alone in the wilderness for forty years. When he emerged, on the twenty first day, of the twelfth month, of the twenty twelfth year of our holy Bigfoot father, he rested and gathered his thoughts. Bigfoot then decided to summon the skepticians. When they met, the skepticians were in awe and could not gaze upon the holy body of Bigfoot.
    Bigfoot said, fear not, for thou art my brethren.
    Thou shall not eateth the crow that has been spoken of, in my absence. We shall break bread together and eateth lamb chops with mint sauce.

    All praise Bigfoot, for he is pure and did not smite the skepticians.


    1. "did not smite the skepicians"?

      If there really was a bigfoot (which there isn't) he would proabably be glad that people don't believe in him.

    2. Bigfoot forgives those that don't believe, for they do not know.

  8. In July 2011 I received a correspondence from a witness in New Jersey who described an amazing encounter with a 'praying mantis' humanoid while fishing on the Musconetcong River. The information was so convincing that I had including it in my recent book.

    1. In July 2011 I received a correspondence from a witness in New Jersey who described an amazing encounter with your mom.

  9. A new species of fish with a penis on its head has been discovered in Vietnam.

    1. On a totally unrelated note, Rictor Riolo asked me to tell you guys that he’s gone to Vietnam to do a little swimming and won’t be back for at least a month.

    2. That's an oxymoron.A penis that smells like fish.

    3. AN OXYMORON!! THAT’S THE WORST KIND OF MORON!! Except for morons who believe in bigfoot of course.

    4. You don't have to holler dick lips,I can hear you just fine.

  10. sorry i got a 45 second look at one ...middle of the road with a witness and another while hunting from 25'. in both instances i looked behind myself. rear view mirror and a quick turn around to follow a set of tracks. was a non believer but not now.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. PEMCO Insurance gave the Bigfoot data, which you can read in the article. I remember in my childhood in Northwest there was a case when I rode a bike far from home and did not notice a large Bigfoot near forest, because of which I fell off the bike and was severely injured, for about six months I could not walk normally. My job now involves constant physical activity, so I cannot afford to get hurt. But life insurance can fundamentally change that. Cycling can be dangerous, so you should think about life insurance, because one accident can be enough for inevitable consequences, so feel free to reach them out and read reviews at American Income Life is a major provider of supplemental insurance benefits to working families through relationships established with labor unions, credit unions, and associations.


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