Listen to: Ketchum's Coast To Coast AM Interivew, December 23, 2012

In this latest interview with Coast To Coast AM's with George Knapp last night, Bigfoot DNA expert Dr. Melba Ketchum discusses the state of the Bigfoot community regarding her Bigfoot study and 99 percent of other important things she's unable to divulge in as her paper is in peer review (at least that's the impression we've been getting).

Date: 12-23-12
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Dr. Melba S. Ketchum, Trevor Paglen

Joining George Knapp, Dr. Melba S. Ketchum discussed her DNA analysis of possible Bigfoot hair samples, which was leaked to the public before the publication of her peer-reviewed paper. She reviewed her background as a veterinarian, years of research in genetics, including forensics, and her founding of the company DNA Diagnostics in 1985. She also addressed controversies that have been stirred up in the Bigfoot research community about her findings. Part of the problem, she explained, was that some non-ethical people became involved in her project, though none of their research was ever incorporated into her final paper.

While she was not at liberty to discuss all aspects of her Bigfoot DNA testing before her manuscript is published, she confirmed that analysis was done on over 100 hair and skin samples, sent in by eyewitness of the creature, or from researchers in the field. To maintain objectivity, some of the samples were sent "blind" to other labs-- that is they were not identified as possibly being from a Sasquatch. Ketchum outlined how her lab was able to prevent contamination problems, by checking against the DNA of her lab employees and the people who submitted the samples.

Results revealed that the mitochondrial DNA was human, but the nuclear DNA was "unique," -- that is there were unknown sequences interspersed with human sequences, she said. This suggests that something non-human mated with humans to create the Bigfoot species. "We don't know what the other side of Bigfoot is-- we know it's not any ancients that are on file, we known it's not any apes that are on file, we know it's in the primate range, but there's no type file for the progenitor," she commented. For more on this topic, check out George Knapp's column, "I'm Dreaming of a Bigfoot Christmas."
The Last Pictures

First hour guest, multimedia artist Trevor Paglen talked about his latest project "The Last Pictures," in which he placed a photographic record of life on Earth onto a satellite in geosynchronous orbit as a message from humanity that might be discovered by alien civilizations or robots millions or even billions of years in the future (the orbit of a geosynchronous satellite does not decay). Out of thousands of images, Paglen whittled down the selection to 100 photos, which included subjects such as cave paintings, as well as 20th and 21st century images that demonstrate how humans have transformed the surface of the Earth. To extend the lifespan of the images, they were nano-etched into a thin silicon wafer.


  1. dang shwan, its about time you reported this! i wish i had a "heads up" on it i would have tuned in to it..

    1. You are a butt plunging nimrod

    2. Melba “mind rape” Ketchum, the notorious cat vet, and inept brisket cook has somehow managed to convince a goodly number of footers that she has sequenced Bigfoot DNA merely by saying so. If that’s the level of proof you footers require then you most certainly aren’t critical thinkers.

    3. @2:56....back again perpetuating silly "non critical thinking" rumors, such as the "mind rape" garbage? Go to another Montana Freemen meeting, where you can be with your own kind... of "critical thinkers".

    4. I don't care if it's true or not dumbass. If Ketchum's going to lie, I'm free to lie about her. I also have no idea how her brisket is you stupid shit.

      But why don't you explain why you believe her when she's presented no evidence you stupid retard?

    5. Yes anymouse@3:23 Melba is going to throw her whole career under her bus, along with many years of her life, and face future public ridicule for even mentioning "Bigfoot" and science together. This is a paper undergoing peer review by other scientists - not a homo tale you and your friends tell around the campfire after throwing a can of gas on it and breaking out the Jack Daniels.

      We have ZERO reason to believe an anonymous coward who lives in Mom's basement and goes 'footing to take pictures of the shadowy forest to brag to all his pals that he's seen the legendary Bigfoot.

      And please, discuss your level of graduate school in sciences, and what DNA projects you or your company are attributed to. It must be awesome, if compared to you others here are "stupid retards." Waiting...

    6. Let me get this straight retard. Your answer to my question is that you believe her because you think she wouldn’t jeopardize her career if she didn’t have Bigfoot DNA? Well you really are an idiot douchebag aren’t you? Firstly, it didn’t hurt Meldurm much if at all. Secondly, she already had a bad reputation to begin with. And finally, MATTHEW WHITTON need I say more. Now stop clogging up the blog with your inane drivel you stupid retarded ass clown.

    7. ^ Denial won't help ya son, she never had a bad reputation nor did she ever lie - you just did - she's even encouraging the government to get involved with her. The thing will be solved in good time and not a damn thing you can do about it but post dumb shit on the net.

    8. I will say this as nicely as I can: She has presented no evidence whatsoever. None at all. Neither has Smeja.

      But somehow, everyone believes she figured it all out. I'd like to know some real reasons why everyone accepts her verbal reports when there is NO evidence...none. Why? Is there a reason to keep trusting these people based on only their word and NOTHING else?

    9. Bigfoot does not exist. Ketchum claims to have sequenced Bigfoot DNA. Therefore Ketchum is a liar. That's basic logic there footer. Read it and be in awe.

      Ketchum did have a bad reputation. She had an F from the better business bureau.

      The magic monkey does not exist. There’s nothing you can do about it. And Ketchum’s hoax will fail. When Sykes confirms that all the samples are bears, people, and synthetic your failure will be even more complete and you will have nothing left but to kill yourself or whine about “government cover-ups”.

    10. Skeptic1, when addressing a footer you should make sure to include more vulgarity. You should also make sure to remind the footer that they are an inferior, mentally retarded, inbred individual, with diminutive genitals.
      I’ve been at this for months now. And I can tell you that your sweet talk will get you nowhere.

    11. @5:53..."the raging lunatic"....many people that have far more credibility than you, have verified that there is a Ketchum bigfoot dna study under review. Apparently you don't believe or understand that non-disclosure agreements prevents the author from revealing the details. Why can't you accept that? Why don't you say that you'll wait and judge the data when it becomes available? Ketchum also stated that her "F" from the bbb was not over any dna results, but over contractual mistakes made by the parties that submitted the samples. It had nothing to do with science. Just like on ebay you can give somebody a bad review, and there's nothing you can do about it, even if it was their own fault. Whatever it is in life that you actually are interested in, why don't you spend you "webtime" on sites for that interest? Why come here and rage like lunatic? your life is driftless.

    12. OK thx for the advice.

      I seriously want to understand how people can believe these people who supposedly shot bigfoot, sequenced their genome, have definiive video evidence, see and habituate them regularly....all of which would be an absolute miracle...yet they arent expected to provide a single shred of evidence??

      Why would anyone, believer or not, just buy these fantastic stories? Remember all murders are innocent, all abductions are done by aliens, etc. Is it the same kinda psychology or??

    13. @Skeptic1 pull your head out. These footers are batshit crazy bastards who masturbate to thoughts of a giant apeman that does not exist. No psychology or conspiracy can explain these dumbshits. Let them live in their pathetic worlds there is mo explanation or excuse for idiocy.

    14. ^^Same moron who posts and responds like he is another poster! His life is pathetic because he fills this blog with lies and his low IQ statements. Your a Moron!

    15. Hello comrades and fellow bigfeet researcher

      Ivan Rublemaker her with special holiday treat for all
      early this morning I was out with team and we came across the sasquatch in video that was hopping and jumping around like kindergarden little boy.
      He seemed to be looking for something but we were not sure what he was look for
      so we approach him and ask if he would do interview of course he said as he knew I was the GREAT Ivan Rublemaker and that he had seen show many many times and was big fan.
      I was to say least astounded to hear this so we start to talk and I ask him question so he answer
      interview kind of short but it say lots.
      So what your name his reply was "Ughnnmast"
      so first I ask why he not show himself more often
      his reply was that when he was small hairy boy that people come and take his momma and poppa away so he follow and find them in lavoratory getting experiment on.
      Of couse i was shock to hear this so I ask what kind experiment they do
      he say they were using momma and poppa to make better athlete for olympics to beat up on AMERICA!
      I say to him in this way that it must have been hard on him to see that
      he say yes it was but that he was over it now cause it was long time ago an he met beautiful sasquatch /yeti woman and that he not worry any more cause momma and poppa not suvive experiments.
      I say that tragic and that i sorry for this
      he say no worry i am ok but I must get going soon i am looking for christmas present for 6 kids and wife .
      I say oh you have family
      he say yes and that wife very upset with him because he always out hopping around wood an make her do all housewoik at squatch hut and she have to raise child all by self.
      he say that that is how you say BULLSHITT but he say he love her so he try to make happy time at christmas.
      I ask why he hop around like so he say he do that because he not want evil science people to find him by seeing tracks so he jump all time .
      i say that interesting to know and will remember
      then he say he have to go
      but he say he want to shout out to his brother from nother mother the american bigfoot and tell them to keep head up and not hide so much but he say he also understand because he not really like people either.
      then he ask if we have peanut butter??? I ask why
      he say he just want to know cause momma squatch like it alot and would give him GOOD WOOKIE NOOKIE if he brought some home for her.
      i had to say no so he jump up and leave and jump over log and little puddles until he was out of site.
      I look at team and had to scream at them because they too busy with vodka toast that they did not get any of this on film.

      AGHHHHHH I scream you all fire for being too drunk then i apologize for being mean and tell them that we will see him again i think.
      So there it is to all of my fellow researcher and comrades alike hope you enjoy
      Christmas present from me
      Ivan Rublemaker new head of R.A.B.R.G.

  2. Dang, three minutes too late to be first.

    1. it was me but if you want FIRST, u got it pal...

    2. It's too bad the " mind rape" idiot was even referenced on Coast to Coast, but they brushed it off as a whack job as we do on here as well. It's too bad idiots like that would have someone who took on this study have to wish she didn't because of nut jobs on this site and over ego researchers. Sad. Melba just has to ignore these people as all professionals in any industry, sports, or gov't. Like this dude on here Spewing his mind rape stuff we don't even know his mental state. Insane would be what I think or slightly retarded.

  3. heads up folks this is looney toons

    1. We know.

      -anyone who isn't completely retarded


  4. Wow, just Wow, no one here in the peanut gallery has a clue.

    1. Dyer here,
      Another hoax i didn't get to be a part of. Why won't Melba love me? I'm sad :(

    2. Have you seen that queer dog lately? (Dick Ryder)
      Looks like Or he's losing a lot of sleep lately.
      Or he's still strung out on Loratab and Soma.
      Probably still doing Oxycontin too.
      He ain't nothing but a pill head..............
      Explains the way he acts.

    3. This just in: Merchant's DNA tests presumptive for horses ass; verifies video evidence.

  5. Replies
    1. That means you're about to get taterholed!

  6. Just punch the tip and twist!

  7. Ya know what? I don't give a rat's ass about Melba toast Ketchup's DNA results because in the end it doesn't prove a god dam thing! Put that on your toast and eat it!

    1. Remember though, she has HD video to go along with it...

    2. no, she has Erickson's video, which was provided by know hoaxers

    3. wouldn't deny the science of genetics would you? It might save your life one day might want to give it a second chance. They'll soon be in human trials curing many different types of cancers with one simple drug that can turn back on one gene that, when active,enables cells to respond to the apoptosis (programmed cell death)command. This gene is turned off in virtually all cancers, by the cancer cells themselves, allowing their horribly damaged nuclear DNA to stay alive and reproduce. Genetics is real, Fake or contaminated DNA cannot replicate results of an unknown hominid by several different labs, some in blind studies. A single lab yes, multiple labs no. Ketchum's study is real, well done, incontrovertible evidence and proof of an unknown hominid. You must accept this if you want to continue to believe in science. If you don't make any changes in your thinking, you yourself won't "evolve". You can't get any smarter unless you realize new connections.

    4. Yep and I loved that George took swings at the real kooks out there, you know the ones like the Snowpuker and that sort of blabbermouthing crow crowd.

  8. First, second, third, last.... Merry Christmas everyone!

  9. It was interesting to hear how mundane the interview was, since it wasn't run through the usual filter of her grimacing and guffawing rivals.

    Ketchum sounded almost sane. Sorry to disappoint all of you homos.

    1. ?????????

      "Ketchum sounded almost sane"?

      Whose side are you on here anyway?
      I'm starting to think you're just a rabble rouser.

    2. @ Anon 2:47 "Ketchum sounded almost sane"?

      So did Loyd Braun.

    3. I'm 250 I meant I'm a rabble rouser

    4. I wanted bat shit crazy. I wanted Todd Standing in drag.

      You all let me down. Got me hopes up and smashed them to Cliff-Barackman's-testicles-sized pieces.

      Thank God you're all still fucking nuts.

  10. I listened to the first couple minutes when she described everything she cannot do. Funny thing is she has done everyone of them.

    1. @3:10 ....your statement is not even close to being true. She hasn't gone into any in depth analysis of the nuclear or mitochondrial dna, in genetics speak. She has not revealed any of her co-authors. You think what she has said so far is all the information there is?

      Oh, that's right, you can't...sorry, I forgot.

    3. @6:27...nobody's interested in showing your monkey brains wouldn't do any good.

  11. "checking against dna of her submitters"

    absolue BS!!! Bart Cutino told me recently that they are pretty certain she never even got justin Smeja's dna to test for contamination

    1. All members of her staff have DNA on file. I did not hear here say all submitters have DNA on file.

      The paper will discuss the methods. Then minds 2 standard deviations to the right of yours will critique the methodology.

    2. It's not really necessary to have the submitter's dna. Like Ketchum explained, it's easy to tell when a sample has more than one contributor. This is how they put people in jail. She was part of an investigation where they did exactly this. She did not say all submitters gave their dna samples, but some did.

    3. It must be typo then or Knapp fucked up his summary above as 3:11 is correct it says:

      Ketchum outlined how her lab was able to prevent contamination problems, by checking against the DNA of her lab employees and the people who submitted the samples.

      If 3:11 is right and she doesn't have Smeja's or other submitters dna then she's really going to have problems.

      Wrong 5:18, they put people in jail when they have and match their genomic dna to evidence dna.

    4. must not have listened very well to the interview, which had a lot more info than George Knapps's summary. It's easy to tell when there is more than one contributing profile to the sample. If they can match the second contributing dna to a suspect's dna then they can get a conviction. In the case Ketchum talked about, they did this with mitochondrial dna. . The college kid snuck home and killed his mother, father, brother, and lastly, the family dog, all stabbed to death, the dog 17 times. The knife transferred some of the perp's skin cells into the dogs'hairs around the wounds. The perp also got some of the father's blood on his tennis shoe, and it also showed an animal profile, in one little drop of blood. But it wasn't quite enough, though they were pretty sure the college kid did it. Then they dug up the buried dog and tested the wounds, got the kids mt DNA. There was multiple dna sources there. They then got a confession, kid's in jail for life. The mt DNA would have matched the brothers' and the mothers', normally, but the perp was adopted, so his was different.

      Point is that it's easy to tell if the bigfoot sample has contamination from multiple sources. If it does, they throw it out. They don't need to match it to another human, for these purposes. If one of the lab workers dna keeps showing up in the samples, they then need to correct that or throw them out.

  12. Squatchoo talkin bout, Willis?

  13. I'm missing the reason why the results have to go through peer review. It seems they could publish the results in a book, magazine, internet... From there it would get plenty of peer reviews.

    1. Scholastic publications require peer review before print

      -an asshole

    2. If you want your work to be accepted within the academic world, get grants, promotions etc., peer review and publication is the time honored path. It is not necessary. It does not always take a short or even reasonable amount of time.

      Consider Einstein's proposed gravitational redshift of light in 1907 (equivalence principle)...verified in 1959.

      That the first study to confirm the existence of Bigfoot thru nuclear dna testing is taking 5 years of more should not be considered a "long" time. This confirmation will make very big waves within academia, right on par with any other "first". It should take a while, for with a quick analysis and rubber stamp, less credibility will be assumed.

    3. Peer review is a crock of shit.

      Look what that asshole Phil Jones did with Climategate.

      There can be no greater peer review than Bigfoot Evidence.

    4. Meldrum has not one per-review article on Bigfoot tracks. A conference paper and that's it. He made a choice to go the TV and publicity route a long time ago and he id getting outdone by those he featured in his book, Moneymaker and Randles.

    5. It's fascinating to watch these atention whores stomping on each other's cocks.

      Coleman seems to stay above the fray. About all I've seen on him is he's making money hand over fist selling BF crap.

      Isn't that what it's all about?

    6. Bigfoot are real, anything people are interested in will present marketing opportunities...for better or worse. I would say at least it's not as bad as the vampire mania.

  14. The Knower here,
    First off, Merry Christmas!

    Second of all, you dumbasses got hoaxed;) i told you this was over months ago. The DNA was all 100% modern human;) however, an angle has been found to present native americans as "squatch".

    So she went on Coast to Coast radio.... Coast.... To ...Coast..... Really? That is real Science?

    Sorry footers, the game is up. Wait for the publication... On Cryptomundo. I have it on good authority (inside source) the paper has been flat out rejected. Even in russia, so i hear.

    Regarding Bipto and "area x" lets just say they need to be more careful with their guns.... There are no wood apes out there but there was a near fatal accudent regarding humans. One of Biptos closest friends was also caught wearing a ghille suit, but the group is keeping mum. They know by now theres no squatch out there. However, the 2 main hoaxers in the group have pretty much left, as of a couple minths already. Chasing shadows.

    Robert Lindsay is not an insider. He is actually part of the hoax;) all will be revealed.

    I fully admit, i heard from a "very" close spurce kitakaze would be revealing the pgf suit. Well.. Bill Munns now has irrefutable proof that THE suit used in the pgf exists, however, kitakaze has pulled a runner to japan. Unfortunately my sources were unable to divulge why, and the trail has gone cold.. At least for now.

    I will not post for several weeks after this, so anyone saying they are me, is lying.

    Best Wishes in your coming "no bigfoot for you" days!

    The Knower

    1. Good riddence, knower of nothing. Go try and make a buck, if you can figure out how.

    2. Knower you had me going, but you went on too long with too many errors. I will never read another post by you, you are way off on several items.

    3. All you have to do is read BFF,Cryptomundo and the rest of the Bigfoot sites and you will know what the Knower knows.He hasn't provided any info that isn't already out there.

      The Knower is a blower.

    4. Knower you're indeed a real blower so fuck off with your stupid rumors, there was and is no patty suit you dumbass the species exists and you clowns still wanna make us believe they can't be filmed ?
      You're an idiot living in denial pure and simple she apparently have HD video and the pgf is the same sort of thing footage of one and the same species just 40+ years earlier.
      Go to bed dumbass the dream you lived is over.

    5. oh excuse me where the fuck is even a shred of evidence this 10 foot monkey man exists in the thousands in north america? oh thats right there is none.

    6. ^^^^it's all over, pay attention. There is no excuse for you. You just can't connect the dots.

    7. The knower does know how to give a mean blow job

    8. Knower is the "Melba Ketchum" of disproving Bigfoot.

  15. She sounds sain to me. She says she has the science and I believe her. To all you team tazer trolls... get of it.

  16. Parents of America, I’d like to take some time to talk to you today about a growing problem amongst today’s youth. They call it footery. Footery is an acquired mental defect in which the afflicted begins to believe that there are magic monkeys roaming North America which only select individuals are capable of seeing. If your child is becoming a footer they may exhibit any or all of the following symptoms:

    1. Inability to utilize any logic whatsoever.
    2. Extreme jealousy of intellectuals.
    3. Back stabbing tendencies.
    4. Intense stupidity.
    5. Homosexual behavior.

    If your child is exhibiting these symptoms make sure to stuff them in a sack, and throw them off a bridge. Thank you for your time.

    -the department of societal disease prevention

    1. This is one of the dumbest comments I've seen on here lately ^. Is this post from a very low IQ individual or a mentally challenged person? Who spends their Christmas typing such garbage over and over on here? Sad existence .

    2. ^^^^
      Exhibits all five symptoms of footery. Should jump off a bridge.

    3. Your list above describes LIBTARDS, NOT FOOTERS.

      Who's the Idiot now!

  17. You must believe in Melba, as you believe in Bigfoot. She is an oracle for the great one.

  18. Knower= Looney Toons, poop in a jar, Melba, Sally, guy who argues with everyone that Bigfoot doesn't exist, calls people retarded, calls others homosexuals, Sceptic 1, writes long rambling things telling people not to breed, using footer in comments , ect... All the same poster! What a MORON!

    1. Hurrdurr!!! Dere iz only one skeptic!! All iz same guy! Parnassuz iz skeptic so must be parnassuz!

      Dumb footface!!!! Grow up and realize people are allowed to ask questions.

    2. I rest my case. Same Moron^

  19. rumferlife,and scotch at the momentMonday, December 24, 2012 at 10:51:00 PM PST

    Jeez,the scotch again,no one gave rum yet,oh that dewars,don't help drinki ng it straight,damn yummy scotch

  20. I truely believe that 99% of the people writing on this blog are just plain fucking stupid! If you want to talk shit about someone go to facebook, im sure that there are more than enough dumb asses on drama book that will argue with your stupid ass people! If she says she has proof then when the time is right then she will show whatever she has, yes i would love to know what she has right this minute but this stuff takes time, so learn to be patient!!!!

  21. Why do people come here if all they want to do is hassle those of us who are seriously entertaining the thought that Sasquatch does exist?

    I think Dr. Ketchum and team has ensured that their methods for handling and working with the the samples were lock tight. Do you really think she is seeking to be humiliated by the scientific community?

    If you don't believe just piss off.


  23. Anywhere i can find audio? The yt account above has been shut down

    Trying to catchup after holidays :)


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