Ketchum's Ex-Publicist Visited a Dying Bigfoot Near Janice Carter's Property?

Did anyone catch Robert Linday's mention of Ketchum's ex-publicist, Sally Ramey, visiting a dying Bigfoot named "Fox"? This Bigfoot supposedly was dying of old age while living near Janice Carter's property and the woman invited some of her friends to see the Bigfoot. According to Lindsay, Ramey got to see the Bigfoot a week before it died.

Below is the post by Lindsay:

Sally Ramey, Ketchum’s former spokesperson, reportedly paid a visit to a dying Bigfoot friend to say goodbye to him. If you have read the incredible book, 50 Years with Bigfoot, by Janice Carter Coy and Mary Green, you know the unbelievable story that is told in that book. I won’t reiterate it, but the author discusses how she has been habituating with Bigfoots for most of her life. A male Bigfoot named “Fox” plays a large role in the story.

Janice’s father rescued Fox when he was a baby. A tree fell on him and pinned him under it. The father rescued the baby Bigfoot and nursed it back to health in his shed. The father and the Bigfoot formed a lifetime bond. The father is said to have taught the Fox some words of English and in return, Fox taught the father some words of the Bigfoot language, whatever the heck that is. The family then fed Fox and the various members of his family for many years. At one point, when Janice was a 15 year old girl, Fox charged her when she was riding her horse. He knocked her off her horse and she broke her leg.

There is much more to the Fox story, but I will let you read the book to figure that out.

At some point a while back, Fox was getting very old and nearing the end of his life. Apparently he sent for Janice and some of her friends to come visit him at the place where he was dying in the forest. Janice Coy, Sally Ramey and possibly other persons went out to the place in the woods where Fox was dying. They visited him there and paid their last requests to him. Fox apparently died about one week later.

Well, that’s a pretty incredible story, no? And this is Ketchum’s main spokesperson we are talking about now.


  1. I can't even imagine. My research tells me that if you go near a dying squatch, when he mindspeaks you, it could drive you insane. Squatches live for centuries and death does not come easy to them. Their final thoughts will scar you forever unless your head is adequately protected with aluminum foil.

    1. R.L. once kept a young girl in his shed. Her name was Foxy. She was released after her 14th birthday when she became an old woman...

    2. I wish you people would get it correct! I thought that you would have learned by now that tin-foil doesn't do the trick! It has to be a stainless steel strainer!

      My gosh I can't believe people haven't learned by now that tin foil isn't sufficient!

      Moreover, my research tells me that the secret to the sasquatch invisibility cloak is in the hair. YEAH!!!

      The hair is why every bigfoot photo comes in blurry!

    3. Hopefully Melba took a phlebotomy kit and drew his human-hybrid blood.

    4. Vlcan Mind Meld? Wow!!!!!! Do they transfer some of their essence to you so you like have two consciosness' inside your head and so you do really strange stuff? Like screaming and yelling instead of talking like with an outside voice instead of an inside voice? And grow hair on your knuckles and have maybe hair on the tops of your feet and have urges to crap in the woods?

    5. haha ha hz hahzhzh l.b[lng[pl.. pltlr\

    6. I generally don't like the smarty-farty comments but I must admit that the above comments are well written and well thought out but extremely hilarious!

      If you are gonna be negative,at least be negative like the above posts. Feces in a jar, four letter words etc, are not funny.

      I believe in the existence of a bigfoot but there is nothing wrong with some real humor to lighten up the debate.


    7. NO,NO,NO, Bigfeet are just born Blurry

    8. Same moron who says Jesus, Looney Toons, and poop in a jar answering himself ^


    9. I get the feeling Lindsay lost touch with reality a long time ago and lives in a magical mystical world inside his own head.

    10. I grew hair on my palms once but I think that was something else

    11. I seen an episode of amer dad apparently when aliens probe you they know your inner most thoughts can someone with more experience in the woods tell me if the same is true with bigfoot

    12. This is most certainly true. Are you familiar with the concept of "mind-rape"? This is where the foot uses his mental powers to enter your mind. It will have access to all your thoughts and experiences. Everything in your head will become known to the squatch. As Dr. Ketchum proves in her paper, being mind raped by a squatch also forms a psychic link between the squatch and his victim. You will be able to telepathically communicate with the Sasquatch whenever you desire. And, in time, his thoughts will become your own. The only defense is a sturdy tinfoil helmet, which prevents the squatch from getting inside your head.

    13. The Gospel According to Anon 1:36

      "I believe in the existence of a bigfoot but there is nothing wrong with some real humor to lighten up the debate."

  2. Who knows what to believe? It seems hard to believe but ones perspective is their reality, crazy sounding or not.

    1. ^^^^
      Typical footer, equates self delusion with reality.

    2. If I believe that 2+2=5, that is not reality. It is ignorance. If I believe Bigfoot is reading my mind and talking to me in my head, that is not reality. It is delusional.

    3. We're all footers here. Footers know that "reality" is a very subjective thing.

    4. The actually teach this in Iranian schools.

      Why does 1+1 = 2

    5. They can add, so must be...

  3. Anon 11:19, then you'll be just fine, you are our candidate to approach dying Sasquatches because of the convenient fact that you wear tin foil headgear every day of your life as a natural complement to your otherwise decidedly drab wardrobe.

    I'm sure the others will join me in congratulating you and wishing you well in your future foil-headed endeavors and exploits.

  4. Congratulations anon 11:19!


  5. Seems like the perfect time to take video and pictures.


  6. Y'alls just jellish. Fox luvd me reel gewd. He always made sure to lick my garlic clean. i's told him once, fox, use a gewd forest person. Then I went and pewped in the barn.

  7. All references to aluminum or tin foil lead back to Timmy.

  8. Robert= seeing that your not telling people about my inside info I gonna start posting on here.A lady by the name of Amy was with the group & fell pregnent after the final visit to Fox. Yall may not have to wait for a body. Yall may have a baby soon.

    1. Robert, here's a tip: in the early stages of review, one of the reviewers of Ketchum paper was from Oxford, an associate of Sykes. Amazed by the clearly valid results, he couldn't help telling him, in all the confidentiality, about the reality of the study. Sykes contacted Melba, offered aid. They agreed he should have his own study, a quicker one, have it announced immediately and eventually released right after Ketchum's, if not at the same time. The point: with his study made public, reviewers and editors will have more guts for approving and publishing hers. With his study repeating her results, it will be over.
      Now, whether Sykes went to the farm, saw the video etc, and why nobody told Team Tazer about the cooperation so they started acting like his cervile pitbulls, shitting all over Melba to please Sykes...try and flush out of your sources. Ask about the logging industry and how their pressures prompted this agenda. Now go for it. Go go go. Do something useful.

    2. ^ the loon that says skeptics are paid $9/post here.

    3. No one has to pay me to tell you people what nutjobs you are for believing in Ketchum or her bullshit study.

    4. cia has a term "voluntary fool", google it

    5. I have a term "voluntary retard", figure it out.

  9. Did anyone fulfill the dying bigfoot's last request and bring him a blueberry bagel to feed him on his journey into the afterlife?

    All squatches go to heaven. RIP.

    1. The humans either paid their last respects or the bigfoot made a last request. You don't pay a last request. Bad proof reading.

      Then again, science fiction is not usually well known for solid proof reading.

    2. Tell that to Kilgore Trout. Not only is he a master of metaphor, he writes pretty good to.

    3. Nice try grammar nazi, but there is nothing wrong with that sentence. Anon 11:44 never said anything about "pay[ing] a last request." Good try though. Did the blueberry bagel joke get under your skin? Methinks I smell an annoyed Ketchum supporter. Why don't you go braid sons horse hair and take some stick structure pictures?

    4. "Methinks "
      Only a twelve year old would write like that.

    5. You must have been mind-raped by one of the foots. I'm sure it hurted, but it was worth it. You need to learn how to counter their mental energy blasts. That's okay, it's why we're on this site. We are here to learn.

    6. " I'm sure it hurted,"

      Wow!Does your Mommy know you're on her computer?

    7. @1:05 Nice try, word nazi, but Anon 12:40 was making fun of the OP. "They visited him there and paid their last requests." Also, it's "braid some horse" not "braid sons horse hair."

    8. Robert Linsday is not a journalist. He's an idiot. He can't even proofread. It's "last respects", not requests, you fucking moron.

    9. Lindsay is a blogger. He doesn't claim to be a legitimate journalist. Ketchum on the other hand claims to be a scientist.
      At least Lindsay doesn't proceed from a false premise...

    10. I thought I read it all next time any of you go to the woods how about bringing ky jelly since you know you are about to get skull fucked

  10. Is someone off their meds again?

  11. I'm glad that Melba fired her former hysterical, crackerbrained publicist and replaced her with a clear minded, rational person (who is also a wonderfully lucid writer).

    1. Hell Melba is just as nutty as Sally. Melba has stated that she talks to Bigfoot via mindspeak and has even been raped by the spirit of one.

    2. Ketchum is nuttier than a fruitcake. Mindspeak? Honestly does she have any desire to be taken seriously by the mainstream scientific community? Why would anyone listen to anything she says when she talk about communing with bigfoots telepathically? It's insane and makes all footers look bad. And don't forget the absurd crap she posted when she uploaded stick structures that the squatches supposedly built. Or the horse braiding. Or the angel DNA. This sideshow has gone on long enough.

    3. It was Sally who quit Melba, and the reason was that Melba was.... You fill in the blank.

    4. Ketchum's new publicist is the blueberry bagel habituator.

    5. Is this new publicist the "Forestpeople" woman? You seriously can't make this shit up

    6. Exactly. This whole Ketchum business is ridiculous. Why are people going to the mat for her. Maybe the question we should ask is, who are these people and what is their relationship to Ketchum?

  12. Well, if it's true, then her credibility is in great question as well!

    1. [...]he sent for Janice and some of her friends to come visit him at the place where he was dying in the forest.[...]

      I..I...I....digress. They must have mobile phones now.

  13. It was Janice's Grandfather not her Father who befriended Fox.

    1. Are you sure it wasn't her great great great great great grandfather and Fox wasn't 400 years old? That sounds more plausible.

  14. What a bunch of bullshit no credibility what so ever. this story Epic Fail!!!!

  15. Does anyone still believe the Carter family's claims at this point? They've been pretty widely discredited as hoaxers or inbred idiots.

    Robert is scraping the bottom of the barrel if he's down to this crap. Soon, he'll be back at stormfront where he belongs.

    1. Janice is a lying bitch whore, but Dr. Henner Farenbach said the freshest bigfoot hair samples that he ever got came from the carter farm!
      Jeffrey Teagle

  16. Was this the filming of "Harry and the Hendersons"? Sounds silly.

  17. Here at Tinfoil Haberdashery we have a new product designed especially for Timmy and his boyfriends.

    We call it The Gigantic God Damned Tinfoil Cowboy Hat.

    The enormous foil bill of this magnificent piece of headgear will protect the tiny quivering brains of naysayers from harmful radiating imaginative thoughts of skeptical believers who are taller than the naysaying wearer.

    (Sizing note: On most wearers, the brim will exceed the width of the shoulders.)

    Along with the usual aluminum foil hoodie which is your characteristic and daily attire, The Gigantic God Damned Tinfoil Cowboy Hat will assure you of immunity from dangerous thought-rays which emanate from the minds of skeptical believers who are taller than you are.

    This new garment is ideal not only for Timmy and his boyfriends, but for any unreasonable naysayer who fears the hazardous mental-rays of skeptical believers.

    This product also makes a great gift for any timid mental midget in your life.

    Get yours today! Instructions included!

    Congratulations are in order for Timmy, who so selflessly inspired this new imposing headpiece.

    Timmy, we thank you.


    The gang at Tinfoil Haberdashery!

    1. Way to write an entire page insulting someone who isn't here.

  18. Now I know you're conspiring to have bigfoot mind-rape us all.

  19. These people are insane. Someone should call the padded room squad. Two straight jackets to go, please.

    1. So, we heard that there are folks who believe that an 8 foot magic monkey is roaming the woods.

      -the padded room squad

    2. And folks who follow them on this site^. Moron!

    3. ^^^^
      Is following this site. Is oubvious moron.

    4. Anon 4:25 is a chicken fucker

  20. Even if you started making blog posts up you couldn't get something more unbelivable than this.

  21. Paid fox his last requests????!!!! That makes a lot of sense, what is it that they wanted Fox to do, he was dying!!

  22. Replies
    1. Forget the mind meld bs. Forget the mind reading bs. It is all an unneaded distraction

      These are people. Period

      Very different from us, but people just the same

      Forget the shape shifting bs too. That stuff is for weak minded suckers

      Mid Michigan calling

    2. Duyuyuyuty where's the short bus

  23. You sorry, sorry people. Even if the Janice Carter story were not real (and my money is on its being totally real), would there be any excuse, any reason, any justification for the continued bad-mouthing of that person, and anyone connected with her? Can you really not know that the poison you spill into the world affects only you? You make your own lives a living h*ll by attempting to create torment for others.

    1. Yeah, you're right. We should accept the fruitloops spewing their insane bullshit, but not call them out on it. We should coddle them, and let them spew more.

      Poor Janice, and her crazy ass claims. Right....

    2. My Hell has Rush playing in the background,I like it

    3. It is always justified to point out that scam artists are scam artists. People who attempt to exploit the gullible are scum.

    4. "Accept"? Nobody said anything about "accepting". Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. You don't have to "accept" anything that doesn't make sense to you. At the same time, however, you must try really hard not to demonize someone whose opinion you don't agree with. What you put out will come back to you.

    5. Ah, 1:26, no, it's not justified to call people "scum" and "scam artists". That's just fear talk, and nobody likes a fear monger. What they like is someone who is kind and reasonable. If you are kind, and you can state your case without bad-mouthing someone else, you have a credibility that nobody blathering about "scum" and "scam artists" will ever have.

    6. @1:41 defends scam artists and doesn't think it's bad to prey on the gullible. Interesting...

    7. How do you know she isn't a scam artist or hoaxer or having somekind of psychotic break? If she's written a book and been on tv I'm assuming she's made money from wild and crazy stories so there is a argument to say she's a scam artist. People are entitled to there opinion but making up what could most likely be at best bs at worst an elaborate fantasy world is going bring people to question what you're telling them or outright say you're full of shit. If this woman really believes all these stories she most likely has a mental health problem and I'm not going to be an enabler so Mrs Carter you are nuttier than a bag of squirrels

    8. The gullible bear their fair share of the responsiblity, and deserve their share of the contempt.
      Don't feed the hoaxers! Be skeptical or be stupid!

  24. I need to read this book, and I hope Salley Ramey writes her own when all of this is over. I would read it, along with a few dozen others involved in the Ketchum study. The NDAs can't last forever.

  25. You all are not doing the tin foil hats right. There is a process and procedures that MUST be followed. First, you have to take a piece of foil, unroll it six inches. Then roll it back on the roll and unroll it to 12 inches. Repeat three times. While doing this, you must chant "thyeyeinskywillmissmyeyefromhigh".

    Second, you tear off the 12 inches of foil and cover a plastic bowl that fits your head. It must be plastic or other nonconductive material. Make sure the foil can't touch your head. Otherwise you becoma an antenna.

    Third, you dismantle the stainless steel strainer so it can be placed on top of the foil and bowl. While putting the strainer on the bowl and foil you MUST chant "youcantpeelmewhileiminsteelsee".

    Fourth, you do step one again.

    Fifth, you place the foil over the strainer and make little circles with your finger over the whole thing.

    Sixth, you tear strips of foil one inch wide, exactly. You need 18 of them. Then crumble nine up into a ball with your left hand and nine with your right hand. Then uncrumble them with the opposite hand.

    Seventh, take the strips and carefully place them so they can funnel the microwaves upwards and away from you. You may twist them to add confusion to the "readers".

    Lastly, place your stocking cap over the entire assembly making sure no metal can touch you. Once it is perfect, you MUST chant one final thing, "imfreetheycantseemefromabovecauseihiddenlikeadove".

    That is how you make a protection hat. Geesh, don't you know anything? If you just wear foil, it acts like a lightening rod or antenna and attracts them.

    1. Big Jim, that's not worthy of you..... You have a deep awareness of how things work, and I always enjoy reading your thoughts about things. But this post of yours seems 1) mean-spirited and 2) doesn't add anything to our knowledge of anything.

    2. It is not really, but this entire blog post was not worthy either. So I decided to add what I know of foil hats. I had a patient explain this very procedure to me several times. He didn't want me getting zapped by microwaves. The chants are off a bit as I can't recall them totally. But he was very serious about how to make them. He lived in a ferrocage even. Basically a lean to lined with metal and padded with cardboard and newspaper to insulate.

      I was not directing my post at anyone, just clarifying how people with real mental disorders do things. If you are aware of how long they spend on making these things and how their OCD feeds into it too, it will help you understand why you should never take one away from a person. It also gives you a look into their mind a bit.

      How they think in circles and patterns. The lengths they go through to feel safe while at the same time giving in to their fears and compulsions.

      The mental health field is very scary and you have to be able to see the humor in such misery. If you cannot, you are doomed to burn out and one of two things will happen. You either turn into an enabler and give in to every whim and demand or you turn into a hard ass and demand that they give into your whims and demands.

      So the post was my attempt at morbid humor while actually showing the lengths people go through during psychosis. If you were offended, I am sorry. But now you do have some more knowledge on the horror of mental illness.

    3. It was funny, Big Jim. Don't be put down by the Ketchumanites trying to silence you with guilt.

    4. We learn more about it from Melba and beelievrs each day...mental illness is very entertaining.

    5. I don't think they were a "Ketchumanites". I think they just were surprised I let my nasty streak out some times. They may have missed my older posts from a few months back. But it really was not directed at anyone or even the blod topic. I have no idea if the story is true or not, but it is something I would expect to hear at work.
      I have gotten rather discouraged waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting to see some results of any study. Now Sykes is saying the timeline is still valid but things take time? Huh? Guess I need to just wait or find one myself.

    6. You don't understand this was a deliberate attempt at making them all lightning rods so I could walk through unaffected thank you for ruining my ingenious plan jim

    7. Big Jim, this is 1:48. Thanks for that clarification. With your additional post, I DID learn something, and also understand better where you're coming from. Thanks.

    8. Thank you too. I am like most people. Have my good days and bad. Today I am feeling a bit froggy. Must be the new moon this week. The dark side. I am glad you tolerate my rambles. Many just skip past them. Have a good night, as I am due to battle Seattle traffic tomorrow and need to stabilize my nerves, disable my trigger finger and free my middle finger for rush hours. Damn I hate king county.

    9. Jim, 1:48 again. Hope you had an okay trip through that traffic! I hate rush hour, too. And about being discouraged by the long wait for results from those studies and wanting to find one yourself: I think BF are good judges of character, and they'd be happy to make your acquaintance. If you get a chance to go out there and hang out in one spot for a while, I bet you'd get good results (if you haven't gotten them already). Best to you!

    10. Traffic wasn't too bad. I hate Seattle though and had to go to the top of Capital Hill today. It is like a festering sore on the butthole of WA to me. Nothing but pus coated crap ever seems to come out of Seattle. I made it to Federal Way before watching a car hydroplane out of control and spin clear to the retaining embankment. No one hurt and don't think the car hit anyone else, but I bet the driver needed a change of pants.

      I have never seen a bigfoot. But have had strange things happen to me in the woods. I had something watching me for hours after shooting the elk in my profile picture. The story is in the forum and floating on the blog too somewhere. The forum is easier to search and has my WTF moments. Thanks for the well wishes. I am planning on hunting tomorrow, if I feel ok, and near the area of my whatever watcher.

      The best to you too!

    11. I always thought Seattle was supposed to be pretty... Doesn't sound too appealing from your description, though. I'm glad you didn't get involved in that near accident! Yikes.... Will check out your story on the forum. Looking forward to reading it.... I've never seen a BF, either, but I'm working on it, and I think I'm getting closer... nothing in the world quite as much fun as this pursuit..... hope you do feel okay tomorrow, and have a successful hunt if you do! and that your watchful friend is again nearby.

  26. Simply incredible. How can anyone take this seriously?

    I take it the book doesn't come complete with photo's of the bigfoot frolicking that the chapters describe? Thought not....


    1. Sorry. Just 50 years worth of blank photos.

    2. That's how many blanks you shot into a tube at the free clinic you Master Bater! ^^

  27. I had one named Wolfy over for dinner the other night! Linguini with white clam sauce and two cokes with no ice.

    1. Hope it was diet coke, you don't want a fat Squatch!

  28. Simple question, where is the bigfoot body now?

    1. It's being stored in a freezer in Georgia.

  29. I actually went by her old place two years ago. It was being rented out. Also the folks next door that I talked to knew exactly why I was checking the area out.

  30. 50 years and 0 photos???

    What a waste of time.

    1. Exactly what you expect for a creature that doesn't exist

  31. This is a part of the Erickson Project too

  32. You can Google earth the address if you know it. Look at how close the heavily forested areas are. I did not realize how close we.were when the wife and I were out sightseeing on vacation.
    At that time, I was unprepared and did not know whose house was whose. The neighbors guided me in. The whole Appalachian chain has bigfoot in them.

  33. If you have Netflix, type in Is it Real and watch the episode on Bigfoot. This was a multi-episode show done a few years ago by National Geographic.

    Fast forward to 31 minutes in this episode and you can see the story about Janice Carter and the bigfoot named Fox.

    Trust me, once you see this, you will know that this Fox story is a bunch of hooey.

    1. Or I could use basic logic to arrive at the same conclusion.

    2. Well, seeing the story does drive the point home that it's malarkey.

      Also, in this episode Igor B. visits Janice Carter at her Tennesse home. Igor doesn't come across as being the type of researcher who you'd hang your hat on.

  34. Jesus fucking Christ what a bunch of Looney toons.

    1. Now I know that the same freak who says Jesus is the same sack of shit who says Looney Toons! ^ thanks for filling up pages of comments of wasted childish bantering on here. You answer yourself like others and I now know 25% of the crap now comes from one stupid unemployed basement dwelling , maturbating Piece of crap ! Did I say your a piece of shit? Your the toon MF'r!

    2. Lol^ good work Sherlock! You are aware the Jesus comments are from the freeman fan club? Do some research before commenting on this blog because as it stands you can't hold your own.

    3. Same Moron answering ^ ( pretending to not be the one who says Jesus ect...)

    4. I'm actually a believer ! Toons is a Moron!

  35. Have you ever seen a bigfoot up close? Their craniums are enormous. A human being only uses 10% of a brain that is probably half the size of a squatch brain. My observation of their behavior leads me to believe that squatches use about 60% of their larger brains. The increased mental capacity is what gives them the ability to mindspeak, move objects just by thinking about them, and emit pulses of electro magnetic energy.

    1. My observation of your post leads me to believe that you're retarded

    2. I haven't and neither have you and you damn well know it. Bigfoot don't exist.

    3. You've seen a bigfoot up close?

      What observations of bigfoot behavior?

  36. Type o negative rules

    I'm sure bf would like to here someone like Pete Steele sing. He would probably howl right along with it and then knock down some trees. Big boy music.

    Rush can't compair

    1. I'm sick and tired of Neil Peart's anti-religious lyrics on the last few Rush albums. Why doesn't he go back to writing about stupid stuff like cars.

    2. Those guys are all Rush fans from Brooklyn

    3. Yeah they where and r rush fans

      I apologize

      RIP Peter Steele

    4. loving you is like loving the dead

    5. Black black black black number 1

    6. The best version of "Highway Star". EVER

    7. Rush Limbaugh would often write anti bigfoot lyrics

  37. Hey fellas Sasquatch the quest (Erikson's website) has new info it.worth checking out.


    1. Does he have the Matilda footage on there finally available for viewing?

  38. Why do so many skeptic trolls visit this site? It's time for you trolls to get out of your parents' basement, remove that L from your forehead, and get out there and get a life.

    1. Who exactly are you referring to as "skeptic trolls"? Many of us who are interested in the bigfoot phenomenon come to this sight to learn and share our own experiences and find ourselves being angrily shot down left and right. I was hoping I'd find a more supportive community of 'footers and 'bleevers here. Have you ever been mind-fvcked by a squatch? It's a devastating psychological assault. Being dismissive of those of us looking for answers as to how to combat the mental powered menace of the sasquatch deserve basic respect.

    2. I think that anon 6:04 is talking about those people who mock and make fun of those who believe that bigfoot exists or that bigfoot might exist and those on this site who post stupid stuff not related to bigfoot.

  39. I was banging Janice Carter in the hopes that she would show me where Fox is burried. She didnt tell me the info I wanted to know so I dumped her!
    Jeffrey Teagle

  40. Years ago I actually visited the Carter Farm site. I talked to the neighbors, the renters that were then living in Janice Carter's former house, the Monroe Sheriff's department as well as several people in Madisonville who knew the family. To make a long story short, no one knew anything about a "bigfoot" and it appeared that it all originated from the mind of Janice Carter herself. When I left the area I was absolutely convinced - without any doubt - that she had made the whole thing completely up. I found NO evidence to convince me otherwise.

    1. I had this funny looking bump on my cock and I asked the nun to take a look and she........oooppps wrong blog.

    2. Well Igor thinks that Janice Carter is the real deal. He called her the Jane Goodall of bigfoot.

  41. And of course there was a ghost of a chance of anyone taking a moving picture, much less a still photograph of Fox while he was alive. I guess that will always be how it is unless someone already on a mission to prove the existence of Sasquatch achieves one little victory by focusing the camera eye on someone like Fox, momentarily putting him in the limelight while the stars look down on an alien shore.

    1. I see what you did and it is great

    2. Stick it out. Better people and better beer. I think I'm going bald.

  42. I want to go back to the days of WWW. BigFoot Encounters.

    Remember the days when the stories were few but had substance?

    I feel like lots of people waste time on this site.

    The side bar stories are great and show some of the best evidence in my opinion but the over material is garbage.

    Not because of Shawn Evidence but because of Smeja, Ketchum, Dyer, and the like.

    Someone should make a funny XtraNormal video about Bigfoot as a palate cleanser.

    Thanks, in Advance.

  43. but of course she didn't think of taking any photos. The biggest scientific find of our century was in front of her and she couldn't at least snap one photo...B.S

  44. Complete fiction and I hope they sell a lot of books. So, because the name Ketchum is in some way associated must mean it's true?

    To believe this is to say that you are likely to buy a bridge I have for sale.

  45. Anybody who saw a dying bigfoot would take a picture of it.

  46. Bigfoot is demonic, if you find yourself talking to him in your mind or behind a tree, he is lying to you. You are the fool, not the squatch. He knows he is condemed to eternity in hell. He's just trying to take you with him. Don't be a statistic.

  47. Sally Ramey is a despicable psychopath. Don't go near her with a 10-foot pole.

  48. Dr Cordain, and the characteristics of the pallio diet diet.
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